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Several sections in the musical aim elocutionary competitions acre held m ■the Town Hail concert chamber yesterday. iki'Ml'S J.J.. i'limuicr Oim ■Jsborno acted us judges to decide whicn competitors should bo recalled for tan aveuing. when the audience acted aS adjudicators lor the linai results. ‘Subjoined are the details:

l-.ualll.oUs laruul luUtieb). Mis---:-Gwen Shepherd, ” A Novel’’; Flo Gow, "Mv Dilemma"; E. Griffiths, " At the Box t/iiice"; Mrs h- Tingey, •'Keeping a Scat at the Benefit” (recalled;. -wise voy Im l(i .-L .altu ULOJI. Lu. a.ia..;, Ml's 1.-. W.„ Wata-m, Misses Freda Deale. v ora PethericK, and V.otet Johnson. Final: Mrs 8- 'tingey 1, Miss O. buephem a. Piano Solo (under 21).—Misses Crump ‘biUiOaiJ, . I,y, . u„..a._. , ■ Connolly, Chopin’s berceuse in D flat (recalled), .Miss S.twia '.Boon, • "Aiu-gm ,u. .usque,” uy lyaaiau Uiou. meiuiuu 1 . Misses A.'Thomas.,and N. Clegg. Fmai: Miss Crump I, Miss Connolly jl. iSoiig i(—Missas ■At- Campbell, •*\Vaka Up”; 13. Thompson,. “.Sleep and iho Boses"; D. MacMorran, "Two Eyes or' Gray' (recalled;. rulsucb M>n.» V. Dartnell, A, Hodgson, Mesdamcs C. E. Watson, H- W. Tcmpte, ami T. P. llalpin. Final; Miss M. Cam pile It i. Miss Dr McMorran 2, Miss R. Thompson

Humorous or Comic- hong,—Messrs .- Fuller. T. H. Heketa, A. T. Peake, and i), Jlufibuj I ,)’. tii-e rii.U-uu.uu vtt.o nut considered good enough tor any recalls.

Humorous Recital \boys). Masters las- Walsho, "The Kaiser and, St. Peter"; ioigus Ivcevcs, rue lumiiw'.a vV'ifo"; Noel Liardet. “Two’s Coaipauy jrecalledi, Walter Touks and Leith Bidiltli- j-'-nai; Nixi t.iuiuct 1, reiytis .Hooves 2, James Walsho 3. Uharact-,;.- . rmci-ai vouys ami girls).— Al'isaes Josto Bailey, “Tho Inventor's Wife"; Zita Chapman, “Prince s Gpoech”: Ngnire Lemmon, " Jlro Cauilio '; Alastei a i.. n. luduell, ’ cniuccis achool,- from "Nicholas Nickieb.y"; and Fergus Beeves, "Mrs Odlin'a F’unerai" <recalled). Misses Bertha Cross, Klia, W. Gee, Doris Symes, and Peggy Beeves. Final -. Miss .Tosio Bailey 1, Miss Zita Chapman 2, ilrater Fergus Reeves 3. Recitation (girio under - 11)- —Misses Hazel Jcit.ey, luciUem. of, u ir damp”; Alarw Wilcsi. "Fenarbey Miite”-. Thelma Crosby, "Tho Minuet"; ‘Zita Chapman. "The Hero ot tlio Cohi«um" (necuLeit); him .ucGce, j.i.-; Bailey, Phyllis Adams, Sylvia Mistook (lion, memioni; Bertha Cross, Ethel Sullivan, Edith Patten. Gladys Billows. Ivg.aie iaemiuou, Peggy Beeves, Don Synics, Hilda Stick, Alma Carter, and Aggie Atkins. Final: Miss Maria Miles! 1, Miss Hazel Jenrey 2. Musical Knowledge. —Miss Freda Becre '.’A Bunch of Boses,” 1; Alisa Gwen Shepherd, “The Coward,” 2. Extempore speech on the subject ’’Vviucii .no tho greater go.-,, n. : ... - .

■vorncnt” —Messrs X.. W. Hanlon 1 Ft. Pullyn 2. At. J. Lauren son. Tho competitions will be concluded today. ‘ .


Tho two concerts arranged by the Wellington Amateur Choral Chib, on Monday and Tuesday evenings , next, In the Concert Chamber, should draw very good audiences. As in the case of the chib’s previous efforts, all proceeds are to go to the wounded soldiers’ fund. The choral items will bf# "Hunting Chorus" (Wheeler), "The Empire Flog’’ (Mackenzie), "Softly Fail the Shades of Night” (Hatton). In addition the club has been fortunate enough to secure tho services »£ many leading artiste, and-two really

artistic programmes have been drawn up. box plan is now open at the Brisiol Piano Company. THE QUEEN CONTEST. The Carnival returning oliiccr announced last nigut that the votes cast to date tne eaudiclates tor the Qucen-,-lup in mu lemoning oraer ; L yti-rt .V-. \l. benmr ircuine and Lower 1 1 u j. t Districts;. 2—Miss Low (Combined Drapers). , J—..ii,.-, ..jemegg ...uaaawatu District), i—Suss IV- uo.igiuy 1 vl cliinguui Commercial Travel..-rs' Cent. ay C:uo, ana others, and Uiireiiuu..tmeu’» Association.). a Mjso Teresa McEnroe (West coasters . B—.urn-, Hons McCormack (Trentnam i>oy.s> 7—:vu a - Algar Williams (SI. John Ambulance Association). _ f>'-'\ur-ie jLveruc (.LtuuDincJ sports;. U—Miss A. hi. Palmer ('Palme Service Association). Pl-Dr i'lattsolills (Tramway Hoys) Jl—Jlrs A. McVioar (Fiignland Society* 12— Miss Jessie Lewis (ioung Hoys So-' 13— Miss'il. E. lioseingravo. (Trades and Labour Council). . . ... i<t —Mrs S. Hemp Con (residents or 1c 15— tivl' W. H. Smith (Forget-Me-Not Branch ■ of Overseas Ctuo). SUNDAY" CONCKKXS. To-morrow evening, in the Grand Opera House, a concert is to be given pj Li.o vieiunguni DorporaUou Tramways Fiaud in aid of the , candidature of Dr Platts-AlilD. An excellent piogTumrae has been arranged, which includes songs and instrumental solos. A feature will b' a grand descriptive fantasia by tlufull band, outitle<l "A Military Church Parade.” The concert is announced to be under the patronage of His Excellency 1-ord Liverpool. A special progiamme has been prepared 'for the cohcert to bo given tomorrow -night in Fli.s Majesty's Theatre, in aid of the fund for wounded soldiers and sailors. The concert is under the auspices of the Commercial Travelers and Warehousemen’’*. Association, and the success of their previous entertainment:is bound to ensure a large attendance. In Everybody's Theatre to-morron ’ night a. concent will be given in supper! of tho Combined Drapers’ candidal. (Alias Low).. A strong orchestra, nndei the conductorsbip of Mr Herbert Bloy, will play selections ami the followinc artists will contribute items Denhard (contralto), Atr Prank .Tchnsto-m (’cello). Airs Woodward (soprano). AtHainilton Hedges (baritone), Miss Petrie (elocutionist), Mr R, S. AHwright (bar: torn)’), Mr S. T.nslett Exton (tenor), Mr Alt Trnda (flute). CARNIVAL NOTES. 'All the functions' of - that ’enterprise ii jg carnival queen committee. -the travellers’. are a success, and the conceit in His Majesty’s Theatre yesterday afternoon was no exception to the rule. Every seat in the Largs theatre, the use of which was given for a nominal charge by the mana. cement, was occupied, and it is an - ticipa.ed that canaderubiy Over efilOlt will bo availabie to assist the candidature of Miss Doughxy (No. 8). 'That --ml JV-mvas p esent on the stage, and "received" a number of guests, who inc, sikj tue per.o.mers.. Tlio conceit was promoted by the entertainment committee of the Commercial Travellers’ and 'Va-e’-ouscmcn’s Assn elation. ’ ilp EA. Butt acted as chairman, an 1 Mr W. v ..n Us eve. eiory. Among these present were Lady Liverpool and Mrs Massey- Messrs Batt, Moult and Crane, assisted hy a largo committee, were in charge of the stage arrangements. The ushers, ticket-sellers, etc.,, were all volunteers. During the interval a number of ladies sold sweets on behalf of the candidate. All the items were encored. The - following was the programme ; Song, 3(1 r ilickmott; -recitation, Mr Culford Bell; song,' Miss V- 'Waters; song, Mr Fitzgerald; sketch. Mr Aitken; song. Miss, Mr IV. Thompson; humorous duet. Miss Lonsdale and Mr

Cuke; sketch, Mr and Miss Newton. A nopumr item was a pretty exhibition of electrically lighted clubs by Mis.Crane. Mr Peterson played the overtins and acted as accompanist. The nex: funciion by the committee of “No. 8” i.-j a concert in Has Jiajesty’s Theatre to-morrow night. A great deal nl the .-/access of yesiorday’s ent.c-i-taxn.menl was due to an energetic ladies’ _ commit eo consisting oi Alissck C. Kixcuer, Atmore. V'an SxaverOn and 11 as: on. The eaniivai bazaar was continued in tho Town nail last evening with the greatest success- 'li e reduction in the of admission .. -a the effect of. attracting an additional number of visitors., and a considerable amount of buiinesß was done at the stalls and by the raffle;*. In the course of the evening some interesting selections of music were g.veu by the Wellington M ox king Men’s Chub orcoestra- dxawiiig-r*mm enteriainmeni, with tea ill the Mayor's room., under the mamig ment of .Mrs 1.1. Mclntosh and he; ShirtchSe, was- well patronised yctifearday- , . , „ ..-C who delayed obtaining their ticae s in tne art union for t — ■ house a. Xolburn conducted' by the comb.n il drapers in aid of their candidate. Mi s Low (No. 2; have now lost their chance-, the issue of in,001) tickets sold c-tu yteitoraay. No more ticks.s will be issued. As the tickets have boon disposed of at 5s each, it will be sxen tliat u sandsome sum has born realised. 10L.0..1ag me among tne valuable contributions to the patriotic fzfnd in support of tlio Tiaunvay Buys’ candidate'; iim racehoiio Cadonia, presented by An W. H. Baliingur; section of land at Km burn (valued -£175), presented by M. u.; Engiisi) p.-ano (valued i JITS), piescutcd by Bristol Piano Con. pauy; section of land, (valued .FSO), pe. sauted by tho llaumati estate, per lion. C. H. Mills; scotiou of laud at VVoou vilie (value Asu), presented by Mr rv, lie one; valuable old china teaset (value--il-t0), preseutcu by Mrs Hoare, Fias; Uourue; tea and coffee service (value, JSjt);, presented .by Mrs B. J- White, uauutai; tea and cotxee set (valued Alt, presented by Mis J. Mcnaughim, Maim Kau; bicycle, sewing machine, piotuie. and other gifts, presented by Mrs J. riyger; vaiuauie collection of fern, (mounted), piesented by Airs Georg, dnalson, Palmerston North; Samoa.. curiosities, pi'Caontod by Lady Stout; ii: Arthur Martin, Alartinborough, A2n ; Si Robert Stout, ,Fl 5 15s; Messrs C. Hit and Sous. J5lO 10sj Air I. Sykes, A 1 10s. The Lyceum Theatre at Petone was TV'ell filled last night to witness a serie, of boxing contests in aid 1 of the patrioth fund. Tim Tracy -rave -three 2-ininul.-oxliibitioh rounds, with Billy Ollivc:Tho best 'exhibition- of the evening wo given 'by Billy. Elliott (cx-featherweigh champion of Australia) and Ike - Kaping. Several other contests were also held In.-the absence of Air “Dod” Samsoi Air” Guia; acted as referee. Messn Talbot; .and .Gala supervised tSi» co.: tests. ' , ‘ ' , In connection with the .bard-up dance, which is being held in support o Nurse Everitt’s candidature. ■ fc*>ven: concert items will be given by member of the Orphans’ Club, . ’ A visit to the Palmereton North Na tional Dairy Show has been planned ft: tho tramway boys' .Maxwell rootor-cu in search of support for their Urn - candidate. Dr Platts-Alills. Tho ‘Cu ■will leave here caviy on Monday moning and reach x-auncrstoii- at 5 n-m after calling at a number of (owns e: route. It- will remain in Paimorston till next Satiri-day. , A Cuba street chemist, Mr Johnston recently decided to set apart the taking of his weighing machine for the Queer candidate whose representatives shoal! first? visit his establishment. Tho tram , way men happened to call at the sffo. first, and were much delighted when prr seated by Mr Johnston with ,£1 to ass’s the candidature of Dr Platts-Mills. There is a club* in Wellington known as the Savage Club. It . is heard- ol occasionally, and this .time. in eu deavour to gain, o':Tittle', notoxiety it members have blossomed forth an publh entertainers. The public is warned however, to keep away from the function, which they have called a "concert,’

and which they intend to inflict upon an audience on Thursday next at the Town nail concert chamber. To quote their own advertisement, "it is-only necessary to mention a lew of the performers to -iidicatc- the utter absurdity this attempt to beguile the public. , itn charming frankness they admit t.ic. davage D. A. Kenny couldn't raise a lungu from a "kooivaourra," and tha> ocuer intending coxui'iuuvoi.s who intcim to "pciform” to the empty cnairs axi' just as bad. In the words of Mr Janie;! x.yket. tho secretary (who known nothing about i:), "the public are «jOiew»i.v waiuied to keep away. The u recce a., an only in aid of the boys who are a S" L: ---- our battles.” • Arrangements in connection with ta« Maori entertainment to be held in tatlarge Town Hall on Tuesday night next, at -8 o’clock, aro non- complete, ana a -- unique DX'Ogramme, wholly comprised of native items by Alaori artist-, nas been issued. The whole of the pioeceds of this entertainment arc to be a .Maori donation to the wounded soldiers, sailors and their dependents fund.. With this deserving object in view a packed house is anticipated. The box plan, now OT;c-n at Bogg’s, Alanners street, is fast filling, so. that early application for seats is advisable.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Times, Volume XL, Issue 9074, 19 June 1915, Page 9

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QUEEN CARNIVAL New Zealand Times, Volume XL, Issue 9074, 19 June 1915, Page 9

QUEEN CARNIVAL New Zealand Times, Volume XL, Issue 9074, 19 June 1915, Page 9


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