THIS DAY. Sun rises, 3.43 a.m.; sets. 6.19 P-m. At-con rises, 6.16 p.m.; sets, 5.17 a.m. High water, 4.2 a.m.; 4.34 p.m. ARRIVED. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11. AOREBB, 5.6. (3.3 a.m.). 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. HUIA, e.e. <3.30 a.m.), 137 tons, Burt, from Wanganui. , ' . „ DATE ENA, s,s. (3.35 a.m.), 1212 tons, Cameron, from Nelson. Passeiigers-irfea-looii: Miosca.-Betts,.. ...Pruning.,,.Moogb.. Hitching; Bore* •.SAgtey.-.JJwv. HWJ, Ourrango, York. Scott. Stephens, mesdaniee Spence and child, McLean, Moilex-, Robison, Mnohen and 3 children. Alirams and child. Boyes. Itot. Pressing. Gibbs. Barr, Good and child, Doyle, ,SigJey„,Corbett, and child, Stepneim, Rev. Hanby, Messre Alirams, Neale, Aloneon. Ronnie, Ponder, Butcher, Nicholßon, Dcfrero. Parwusou. Simpson W)» maun, Robison, jMcLean. Field, Rogers, Gibb, Burke. Crowell, West. Boyes, Beet, Kerr, Evans, Nash, Richards, Betts, Good, Amos, Margolish. Woodward, Garliok. Gibb, Brown; 23 steerage. ■AVAHINE s.s. (6.45 a.m.). 4435 tons, Aldwell. from Lyttelton. Passengers—--170-saloon.and 185 steerage. , MANUKA, e.s. (8 a.m.), 4505 tons. Me-. Leanfrom, .Sydney „ p f,f c ”;'T for .Wellington—Saloon Misses 1 .React-; ing. Mawriotl. Riohardgort. MoKeown, Newbold, Perkins, Casey Mason. Dmd-I sav, Diunrihy. Beadaiall, Kandoll, Lambert, Good, Tight, Rich, Carlton, Mesj dame® Boar, Jones, .Cameron and 2 chii ■ droll. Biff. MpNcur and child. Dewar, Adams, Vyright and child. Harm, Sew-' ell and 2 children, Kean, Showman, OTJonnell. Orboll, Brands Brown and infant. Rich Hon. AV, Pitt Rcvb Biw-HOi-s, Teniient, Don. McNeur. Mosers, Jones; McAlprae. Median. Harp, Bruoe-i Bear, Cameron. Biff, Haslett. Kerr, AVells, Adams, Fowler, Kean, Kirkland, Bifflev, Laughton, Gow, CMswell, Brands, Boyd, Barrett. Drown, Lmdup, Dudley, Griffiths. Livingston, McDonald; 63 KAXTOA.‘ b.s. (8.25 am.), 305 tone, S Km ; AWA. tens, Baldwin, from AVestport. HAWBRA, s.h. (11.40 a.m.), 300 tons. Jackson, from Paten. KAPUNI, e.s. (0.40 p.m.), 275 tons, Mclntosh, from Patea. OOBINNA, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 1271 tone, Pryde, from. southern ports via LytteltaHAWK®’S . BAT. e.s. (3.40 p ; m.), 10.841 tons Lids tone, from tVanganui. AVAKATU, e.e, (9.5 p.m.). 157 tons. Wills, from Lyttelton and Kaikoura. ABAHUKA, e-e. (9.55 P-m.). ISOO toM. Latfibfttt from Greymouth. Westport, Nelson -and - Fiction. Passengers—Saloon . Misses . Richmond. .;Wife on b T f^ ce wJ 12$,- On»^ v JSptoVle (Sh PTy a m T Magee, Enright, O’Leary, Fountain© Monteith. Btruthors. McCann, Oroenhojgh, McGee, Masefield, Mownt. Jackson. Nicol, Richmond. Moran. ■Thernthwaite, Meedames rottenham and child, Brown, Marshall, Hutson. Littleproud, .Om rod. Soott, Booden, Sproule (2). Diown, .TaiAcoAte, Mullan. Mampg, 0 Leary, Meson, Greenholgh, Foxeroft, Vavasour, RihlitWond.' Gascasgno and child. Mounter. Sir Robert feW, M»»rs Trent. Williams, Richmond, Marshall, ThompBon, Meyers. Hitching, rod. Snronle, Cadman. O'Leary. Debenham. Bowden, Hughes, Gough, Mullan. Birch. Turney, Pierson, Todd. Foxcioft. Stephens. Jaftaoeon,- ; head, Vicar®. Humphries, Mounter, Chapman. Sock Ironmonger, . Mailing, Griflen. i’DaJlisoli/ Vavasour RMd, Bolton. Stewart. Richmond (2). Leneham, Smith, Thernthwaite, Nicol. Coopex, Wakelin, .Brown, Reeves; 43 steerage,. THURSDAY. MARCH 12. OPAWA. e.e. (0.15 -a.m.), HO tone. Nicholas, from Blenheim. SAILED, AVEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, TCTANEKAI, e-s. (6 a.m.), 811 tons. Post, for Cook, Strait. ... MANA, 5.3.. (3.40 p-m.), 134 tons, Gibson, for Patea. „ , . AOIU3UE, e.s. (3.03 p.m.), (7 tons, Fisk, f °MAPOURIKA, e.s. (6 p.m.),. 1203 tons. Ritchie, for Westport and Oroymonth. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Bindley, hoy,■ Moseley; • Mesdames McCarthy, MoHeron, Foy. Messrs Paul Redstone, Munson, C'outts, Traill,. Grilliilis. Whittle, FOy/ Lane, Henderson: 9 steerage. PATEENA,. «.s. (5 p-m.), 1313 tons, Cameron for Pictou and Nelson. PasBangers: Saloon —SJissfs CoS, Young, Brinies (3), Stuart (2), Price, ’Lulling, Tooth, Flanders, .Ne-sbit, Short, Maokay, Dickens, .Jopes,, ..M-esdainee Ilopti, Thompson, fining'Stuart, Moore' Talbot',' Riley, Myers“ Dewar/ 'SmytheV Mcßae, Simpson, AVeir, Barnes, Dr Hay. Rev. AValker, Messrs Stuart, Alolndoe, Sun, Day, Connon, Stanley; Huddleston, Saxon, Carey, Bette, Ellis, Talbot, Teacbeniaker, Shutos Moodis, Hamilton, Smythc,' .Wash, Anderson Harvey, Benleyi Thonuieon, Fowler, Riley (2), Sponco, Tingsy, Hope. . Griffin, Ibboteon; 12 dtcsnisd* KAITOA, (Mi (S.S p.m.). 117 tons, Stevens. for Nelson nntf Motuoka. SURREY, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 8080 tens, Robertson, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. HAWBRA. - 5.9. . (5.35 p.m.). 174 tens,. Jackson, for Patea. > , , 3TORMBIRD, 8.8. (3.40 p.m.), 217 tons' l DowSll,-for Wanganui. , GORINJJ-A ■ s.s. (6.20 p.m.). 1271 tons. Pryde. MLPicten. .Nelson and New Plymouth. . 4 RIPPLE. e.s. (7.5 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, for Napier and Gisborne. AVAHEE3, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 4435 tons, • Aldwell, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Priest, Cox. Winnifred, Rutherford, Gibbs -McCallman, Livingstone,' Tait, Jamieson, Cocks, Douglas, McLean, Birkis, Barker, Mesdames Lofan. McLean, Shipman. Strouts, Birkis, [dpkins, Alexander, Clarkson, Turner, Priest,, O’Connell Abbott and child. Newbold, JWalslie, Gibbs. Hanby. Grey, !Blaokmore. Bates, Dent, Barker, West,. General-Godley. Captain Esteonrt. Captain Hannah, Rev. Hanby, Messrs Grey, Blaokmore. Bnrett, Bates, Dent, Bnroii, Ashley; Baron, Matheson, Barker. AVest, Smith, . Dickson, Hunter, Middleton, Miller, Eldridge, Hunter, Lind, Jones, Bell. Anderson. Turner. Coles, Clarkson, Bloke, Richardson, AVatt, McDonald, Brown, Smith, McLean, Monson, Blair, Shipman Bisley: 48 steerage. QUEEN OF THE SOOTH, s.s. (8.5 p.m.). 198 tons. Harvev, for Foxten. milA, s.s. (8.8 p.m.), 127 tens. Burt, for Havelock and bays. AVA.IRAU. s.s. (10 p.m-.), 93 tons, Doilev, for Blenheim. KUROW, s.s. (10.30 p.m.), 3581 tone. Barlow, for AVestport.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Langholm. Bluff, -to-day Nikan, Nelson, Motueka, to-day Victoria, Dunedin, Lyttelton, to-day Petono, southern ports to-day Kapiri, Wanganui, to-dny Karori, Westport, to-dny Navaa, Sura. Auckland, to-day Maori, Lyttelton, to-day Waimea, Tarakohe, to-day Arahura, Picton, Friday Ullmaroa, Melbourne via south, Friday Monbwai, Auckland via ports, Friday Kennedy, Wnnganui, Friday Awahou, Foxfon, Friday pinleema. Nelson, Friday Ngakma, Ureymouth, Friday Queen of the South, Poston, Friday Aorero, Paten, Friday Wairau, Blenheim. Friday Kaitoa. Nelson. Motueka, Friday Wehine, Lyttelton. Friday llawera. Paten, Friday Mann. Patca. Friday Mangapapa, Knramen, "Westport, Friday Oran. Tiroaru, Friday Kurow, Westport, Saturday
Ilvapuni, Patea. Saturday Patcena, Nelson, Picton, Saturday Stormbird, Wanganui, Saturday ArapaWa. Lyttelton, Saturday , Banffshire, Melbourne. Saturday SJapo-urika, Orcymouth, AVestport, Sunday Huh). HavHock and Sounds, Sunday Kahn, East Coast, Sunday
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Huia, Dunedin, to-day Polierua, Greymouth, to-day, noon Kapuni, Patea, to-day, 4 p.m. Opuwa, Blenheim, to-day, 9 p.m. IVone, isapic-r, Uislxirne. to-day, 3 pan. Victoria, Auckland, Sydney, to-day. 4 pm Manuka, Melt t nine via south, to-day, 5 pm. AA'airiiea, West Coast, to-day. 3 p.m. Kikau. Nelson, Motneka, to-day, 5 p.m. Maori/ Lyttelton, to-day, 8 p.m. AVakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, to-day, 4 , p.m, ■Ngatoro, Greymouth, to-day Kapiti, AVanganui, to-day, 3 p.m. HALS. Philomel, Lyttelton. Friday Kittawa, Greymouth, Friday |Ken.Qedy, Nelson, AVest Coast, Friday ■Ulimaroa, Sydney, Friday Moilhwai, Lyttelton ■ Dunedin, Friday Kauri, AVest Coast, Friday Komata, Westport, Friday •Navua, Auckland and Islands, Friday AVaimana, London -via ports, Friday" Mangapapa, Karamea, Friday Queen of the South, Foxton, Friday Avahine, Lyttelton, . Friday Kaitoa, Nelson. Motueka, Friday Aorere, Patea, Friday Maha, Patea, Friday Hawera, Patea, Friday Arahnra Greymouth yia ports; Saturday Cairnross, Nelson, Saturday, Karori, AVestport, Saturday Stormbird. Waujanui, Saturday Hawke’s Bay. Napier. Sunday
TELEGRAPHED MOVEMENTS. FREMANTLE, Wednesday—Mongolia, from London. MELBOURNE, AVednesday—Willoohra, for Hobart end Bluff. . • SYDNEY, Wednesday—Riverina (1 p.m.), for Newcastle; Joseph' Craig, for Auckland. : AUCKLAND, Tuesday—Caimrose (9.30 n.m.), for Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedin. Wednesday—Niagara (5.30 n.m.), for Sydney. Argenfele (1.45 p.m.), from New York via Capetown, Melbourne aiid Sydney.. - - . „ WANGANUI. AVednesday—Kapati (8.20 a.m.). from Wellington. EAST COAST. Wednesday—Navua (2.40 ■p.mA passed for Wellington. - BLENHEIM." Wednesday—Opawa (5.45 n.m.). from Wellington. Opawa. (3 p.m.) for Wellington. , . TARAKOHE: Wednesday—Waimea <8 p.m.)., for •Wellington. NELSON, AAednesdoy Nikaa (5,.4i> a.m.) and Alexander (7.20 a.m.), from AVellington. Nikha'(4.lo p.m.), for WeIIUGBBYMOUTH. Wednesday —Ngakuta (G n.m.), from AA’ellington. LYTTELTON Wednesday Wootton (4.35 a.m.), from Kaiapoi: Maori (6.40 a.m.' fi'om AVellington; Victoria (8 a.m.), from Dunedin; Westralia (7.40 a.m.), from Wellington i , Waipori (11.30 a.m.), from Timaru-,. Tavinni (0.30 p.m.), from Gisborne. Cygnet, for Kaikoura; Westralia, for Dunedin; Kadraki. ter Sounds; Wootton. for Motueka-Petone (0.30 pjn-.). for AVellington. . Victoria (8.35 n.m.), for Auckland via ports. Pas--sengera for Wellington—M«gdamee Waxd;. Foster, Allard, • Messrs AVnght. Ward, Latimer. AVebster. Maori (8.35 p.m.). tor Wellington. • Passengers—Misses . Williatns (2). Miles. Fryer Mcßae Hardy, Mesdatnee McKenzie. - . Smith, Peacock, Sharp, Pike. Shand. McKinley. London, RadCliffe. Chatters; Phillips. Baron. McLean/ Willett, ■ Mumby. Owens Bay-: cliffe. Smith,-. Archer, . ~Piper. , .Neville, Bell and family, Fitohett,; Lady Findlay, Avery, Messrs Scabs. Stave, .Caughley, Greic. Lotiisson (S)» Stiidbftlme, McKenzrfo. Smith. Shand, /MoKiivlev. Chatters, Prve Phillips. Goldsmith, Payne, Wilson, Gaynor. Graham, . Matthews, Mumhy. Wells. Bryaju Owem Eaycliffe, Smith, Neville. Bsll. pr Fitohett Sir J. Ward, Sir J. Findlay. Colonel. Robin Sir .las. Carroll.;,Revsi -Urdst,’. Avery, Blnmires, Ltttlord,- ,80 ftteerage/- - . • . ■ AKAROA, AVednesday—Amokura . (6.30 a.m.), from Wellington. " DUNEDIN,. AVednesday—Storm (6.25 n.ih.), from northern; porta; (3.5 n.m.). for Lyttelton; Storm (5.20 p.m.), for northern ports. ~Ulimaroa (2.4) p.m;), for Sydney via Wellington. Passengers for AVellington—Messrs Morrison, - Wingfield, AVorsfold, Newlands, Walcott, ChenowethV Airs 1 Ohenoweth and child, Misses Niper, Cameron; Carey, Mitchell.-kfelod. , , ' , BLUFF. Tuesday—Langholm (6 p.m.), for Wellington.
Tho Tntnnefcai left Wellington early yesterday morning-tor ,Cook Strait on cable repairing work. 7 . ■ Mr K. Garvey, third engineer of the Ngatoro, signed off ' the vessel s articles yesterday. - Mr D.-'MoAlpine, an engineer in the Union .Company's service, was a passenger from Sydney by the Manuka yesterday. . , The‘Government training steamer Anio- , klira arrived at Akaroa early yesterday .morning, bound from Wellington to tie outlying island groups. ' t ■■ ; . The Hawke’s Bay, which arrived at Wellington yesterday afternoon _ from Wanganui roadstead, will sail on Sunday for Napier and Gisborne. The vessel is due back here about the 26th instant, and will sail about, two days later for London. • ' ' '', , Captain Radford, who has been on holiday, resumed command of the steamer Storm at Lyttelton on Monday. Captain Nalder, who has been acting-master, reverted to his position as mate. Tho barquentine Wanganui,' which ttrrived at Wanganui from Lyttelton on Sunday afternoon, proceeded up the river under full sail. The Koonya. which is now trading between Sydney, Newcastle and. Strahan. is under command of Captain _ J.. A. Robilliard, late master .of tho Wainui. Tho Aranawa left Greymouth at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday for Lyttelton. She is duo back here on Saturday morning. . Mr Evans, late purser of the -Kowhai, has resigned from ■ the J service -of the Union Company. : ‘ - Captain Binney. date of the Atua, arrived from Sydney yesterday by the Manuka, on his way to Ihmcdin. . Captain C. Clift, who lias been on holiday, resumes command . of the Manuka at Wellington to-day. in place of Captain Chas. McLean,'who hue been in command during the former's absence. Tlio Kaiapoi Company's steamer Kairaki, which arrived at Lyttelton on Monday morning from the Sounds, had a recurrence of the trouble with aer thrust shaft , which, required temporary repairs at Nelson. Repairs , are being effected at Lyttelton. Johnston and Co. advise that there is little probability of tho Blenheim having her overhaul completed in time to resume running this week. Bannatyne and Co. advise that the Koitoa is to go on the Wellington patent slip on Monday for cleaning and painting. The vessel will sail at 5 p.m. on Monday as usual for Nelson and Motueka. Mr W. A. Kennedy, local manager for the Union Company, leaves Wellington by the Tahiti oa the 27th instant for Papeete on a holiday trip. Mr W. it. Price, manager for the company at Invercargill. will act as local manager during Mr Kennedy's absence. The Tyser liner Marere arrived at London on Wednesday, the 4th instant, from Australian ports. She is to leave New York for Australian and New Zealand ports on May 4th.' The little baroue Wild Wave, which arrived at Lyttelton on Monday morning from Port Bsperance. left the Tasmanian port .on February 27th . .and had favourable winds until off Camara. a few days ago. Subsequently the wind changed to the south, and a good run was made up the const. Captain Phillips is in command. The vessel brought » cargo of timber. Tho Cairnross, en route from Montreal. left Auckland late on Tuesday night for Wellington, where she is due early to-morrow morning. The vessel is to sail on Saturday, for southern ports. Captain H. Fletcher, late chief officer of the-Willochra. has been promoted to
he captain of the Talnne. Captain I. C. Ross, late of the latter vcs«el, has been appointed wharfinger at Dunedin •for the Cnion Company. The Carpentaria, which left Wellington on Tuesday evening for Liverpool, .took the following cargo from this port: 3151 quarters beef, 125 pieces beef, 40,697 carcases lamb, 8803 carcases mutton and 835 bales hemp. _ , H.M.S. Philomel, is to sail from AVel•lington to-morrow for Lyttelton .and (Dunedin. i The auxiliary scow Echo is to leave (Hokitika to-day for AVellington. ' The VVairnaua will probably sail toImorrow for London via Monte Video and Teneriffe. The Mangapapa is to leave Karamea jthis morning for AVellington via AVeetport. She is due here to-morrow, and will sail on ,fche return trip to-morrow nignt or on Saturday.
BANFFSHIRE FOR AMERICA. A wireless message received from the Federal-Shire liner Banffshire, en route from Mel bourne, reports that the vessel will not reach, -AVellington until Saturday morning. She will leave this port on Tuesday for Boston and New York. NEW AMERICAN SERVICE. The New Zealand and African Company advise that the steamer Norfolk is fixed to follow the Roscommon on the loading berth in New Zealand for Boston and New York. The Roscommon will load at Wellington about the middle or April and the Norfolk will load a month Jo ter., THE EILEEN WARD. The AVestport Harbour Board’s dredge Eileen Ward will leave AVestport on llatnrday or (Sunday for Wellington, where she is- to go on the patent slip next Tuesday for overhaul. THE SUFFOLK. The New Zealand Shipping Company advise that the steamer Suffolk, en route from London is due at Napier at daybreak to-day from Auckland. The vessel will leave Napier at 6 p.m. to-morrow for Wellington, and is due here on featurday afternoon. Th© Suffolk 'vrill « 1S “ charge and load meat at AVellington. and is to sail on Wednesday for -Nelson with remainder of cargo. HUTA AVITH EXPLOSIVES. iOn Tuesday night, at 7.45 o’clock, the auxiliary schooner, Huia arrived in the stream at AVellington, with explosives transhipped! from the Matatua at Auckland. The vessel left Auckland last Tuesday week, and. met with much adverse weather, which delayed progress. The Huia ;will discharge between 50 and 69 tons of ,explosives at AVellington. aiid will sail, /fo-day for DuPedin, Westport hnd Greymouth with remainder of her cargo of explosives. At Greymouth" the vessel willi'probably load timber for Gisborne. ■ r< - ■ • DELPHIC LEFT MONTE A’IDEO. Last Monday afternoon the Shaw, Saviii and Albion liner Delphic left Monte Video in continuation of her voyage from Lyttelton -to London. She .left the . Now Zealand pflrt on February lith. s ARGEN-FELS AT AUCKLAND. From Nett’? York the-U.S. and'A. liner Argenfels afrived at Auckland at 1.45 p.m. yesterday from Sydney. Tho vessel iS expected to reach AVellington on Monday next. . , - , THE ORARI. , The. New .Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Oran is to leave Timaru at 6 o’clock 'tills evening for. AVeUiugton to complete Homeward loading. She is to soil next Tuesday or Wednesday.' tor London via'Monte Video" and Teneriffe. MANUKA,, FROM SYDNEY. - - At 8 o’clock yesterday morning the Union Company's steamer Manuka- arrived:'ih-' the stihafn at AVellington from Sydney direct. . Pratique was granted and the vessel berthed at 9.2 Q a.m, at No. 1, north' (Outer tee). Queen’s wharf, shortly before 1 p.m. on Saturday. Tho Allacnufca iolS Sydney and experienced ideal weather thronghout the trip, -The veesel will sail at -3 p.m. to-day for southern ports,- Hobart, and Melbourne. . LANGHOLM ARRIVES TO-DAY. Under charier to the Shaw, Savill and Albion Cohipany, the cargo steamer Langholm will arrive at AVellington today from Bluff for Homeward loadingProm this "pdrt the vessel will go to Auckland to complete loading, and will sail from the northern port about the 25th instant for London. W ATM ATE DOE AT LYTTELTON. . The Union Company’s, chartered' liner AVainiate is expected to put in an appearance at Lyttelton to-day from Vancouver with a largo shipment of American merchandise. t; The AVainiate is the second vessel in the Union Company’s new cargo service from the Pacific slope. KAIKOURA FEOM LONDON. ■' At 9 o'clock on Tuesday night the New Zealand Shipping Company’s liner koura arrived ill tho stream at AA’ellington from London via Teneriffe and Hobart. The, vessel was granted pratique, and berthed at No. I. south (outer tee), at 8 a.m. yesterday. The Kaikoura left London on January 22nd. and-had moderate southerly winds till arrival at Teneriffe on January 28th. The vessel sailed- on the following day direct for Hobart. Moderate winds prevailed till passing'the Cape of Good Hope on February 13th, when moderate southwesterly and - north-westerly winds set in, .The .Kaikoura arrived at Hobart at 0,41 a.m. on Thursday last, and after landing six passengers and 900 tons of cargo commenced the final stage of her voyage at .11.24 a.m. on Friday, last. A fine weather trip across 1 the Tasman Sea was recorded. Captain A. W. McKellar has the following officers Messrs R. R. Neale (chief), F. P. Haius (second), H. M. Wood (third), C. B. Lamb (fourth). Engineers—Mr W. Brown (chief), Mr D. Grey (second), Mr AV. Pouhv (third). Mr L. McLellan (fourth) Mr Boyd Scott (fifth), Mr Z. Bell (sixth); Mr'C. Dixon (chief refrigerating engineer), 'Mr 11. Mays (second refrigerating engineer). Mr D. Evans is stewnrd-in-chafge. and Dr Davio is surgeon. The Kaikoura brought no passengers for New Zealand. After discharging 1024 packages of parcel post and 5900 tons of cargo the vessel will sail about Tuesday next for Lyttelton, with 2300 tons of original cargo. BOOKED FOR SYDNEY. Tho following saloon 'passengers have booked at the local office of the Huddart Parker Company, by the Ulimaroa, which, is to sail for Sydney to-morrow, at 5 p.m.:—Misses Smith, E. L. Edwards, Richmond, AVard. Bridges, Roberts, Outrim, Marks, . Qemmoll, Ryan, A. L. Fitohett, Q. Rhodes. Cavell. *Bicknell, Pearse, Sullivan. C’outts. Black, Knight. Sisters of Mercy (3), Mesdames Simmonds. Living, Durrad. Richmond, H Dke-Smith. Tolhurst and infant. Thornthwaite, Tickle, Cooper and child, Evans, Beale, Lyons, Hamilton, Blair, Broadhurst, Hill, AVatkias, Neville, Smith Guy, Cartye and child, Coutt®, Berry. Bland.Lethbridge.Brabazon, Olliver.Ansell and child, AVilkinson Dr Ryan, Hon. W, Pitt, Rev. Durrad, Commander Burrows. Messrs C. AV. Richard, Simmonds. Liv"ing, Bristol. Richmond. Pearce, Talbot. V. F. Toulmin. Thornthwnite. Tickle. James. R. Sinclair. J. Sinclair, O’Connell, J. Hennab, p. (Tree*. Beale, Hamilton AVilkes AV. A. Snreennt. Q. R. Barham, T. Blair. "Edwnrds. BroadbnrstHill. Watkins, C. Griffiths. Neville, -P. ,T. Smith. Guy, Wynne. D. Haultain H. Pearse. E. .Tesperson, R. S. Oartvc, A. Lintev. Buck., Henrv H-arrison, D. AV. Coutts J. Davies. Burr. J. K. Afooro, Black, Berry, H. Hill, Neilsen, Adburn,
Ansell, ■! Shadbolt (2). Olliver. tG. P._Gee, Leong Bung, Seymour. Boulton, •C, J. Brabazon, J; Roberteon, G.' Billman; D’Arcy, Hardwick. Cottrell, Alirams, McCarthy, Dalv, ■ blasters Lufing. Tickle, Lyons (2), ’ Stevenson's Dramatic Company (27).' 1 • - ■ '
D. H. M. l?irst Quarter 1 33 p.m. Full Muon 3 18 p.m. .Last Quarter ■7 8 a.mXew Moon 0 39.ii.ra.
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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8679, 12 March 1914, Page 2
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3,073SHIPS AND SHIPPING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8679, 12 March 1914, Page 2
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