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[Bi " Cbawl."] FISTOEES. February 19. 23, 25—N.Z. Champ'shipE. March 2—Tliorndoa A.S.A. ilarch 12—Welliceloa A.S.A. SWIFTS CLUB'S CAJINTVAL.

The ftteventh annual carnival of the Swifts Club held on Saturday last was in every way a huge success, the day being almost ideal, tho public attending in iargie numberfl. Great credit is due to Hon. Secretary Forue and his assiduous oonnniitteo of workers for the eplendid mannor in which the function woa managed. To the handicafpper, Ma- F. Wilton, congratulations musit also be tendered,, the iinishes in most of the handicaip events being close and interttitimsr. Especially was this the case in tho second heat of the 100yds handicap, the placed men touching almost SDjnultaneoueTy and being separate ed with difficulty. The event in which chief interest centred was, of course, the 100yds centra championship, and anticipations of a great race were fully verified. That Beg. Hoaly, the Thorndon crack, would win most people were assured, only tihose directly in the "know-"' expecting Freyberg to got home first. For some coneidwmibl* time past the Swifts man has been training under the experienced eye of I>r Napier McLean, ancf it is due in ai grealfc measuTe to this gentleman's skilf.ul tnibion that Freyberg gained tiho victory. The actual race for the championship is easily described. Freyberg got away with a splendid plunge, and on coming to the surface showed up a head in front of Roberts, who was a similar distance ahead of Heaily. Oyer the first fifty yards Freyberg gained rapidly, and reached tire and of tho bath' a good length in front of H'ealy. A lightning turn and strong push off further improved his lead, and though Healy put in some splendid work over the fast bib he was unable to catch the Swifts representative, who won by a ooraiplio of feet in. 64sec. Brioe, who was making his .first appearance in this event, swam a good, plucky race, and was oitly beaten for third place by a head.

Of the handicap events the 50yds in-ter-club race attracted by faT the largest number of entrants, fifty-nine competitore facing the starter. The racing in the heats was good, and the final bore a very open appeaTance. The winner turned up in W. G. Morpeth, whtose victory was as popuJla-r as it was well deserved. B. B. Tußtin, a comparatively new swimmer, gained second place and T. H. McLean third. The 100yds handicap was productive of some good swimming, and resulted in a victory for H. MulTins, who. sinewed considerable improvement on his previous form and won easily. That consistent place-wetter, J. Denrine; was second and W. Wilton thixd.

Many boys faced the starter fox the first time in the 50yds club junior hanr dicap, the winner being W. Sicks. This boy has a splendid stroke, and ' should make a first-class swimmer. A. Crowthex, another boy of promise, was second and S. Styles third. For the 220yds handicap a large field oaime forward, and the heats provided some good finishes. The first heat saw tha* consistent young Ttooxndon Club swimaner, J. Warehiam, first past the mark, with N. J. Gandy and H. Mullins in close attendance in that order. At the 200yds mark Wareham was leading Gandy by a yard and a half, and many hailed the Wellington Club man a® the winner. Gandy, however, proved unequal to the task of catching the leader, and had to be content with second place. Wajreham'e time was Smin 30 2-sseo—a highly creditable performance for a boy of his years. The second heat was won from the Bseo mark by R. _C. Fxeyberg, who covered the distance in the amort time of 2min 48 l-ssc. N. Watson was a good second and C. M. Ward just boa* B. HeaJy for tmird place. The final, which was decided on Tues. day, was no less interesting than the heats, and it looked very much as if Fxeyberg would be the winneT. Warohaim, however, hung out long enough to win. by a yard in 3m&a_24 3-ssete an improvement of . 6seo on his heart; time. Freyberg, who beat Ward for second plaice by the smallest possiWe maxgin, covered the course in 2min 45 2-ssee,. which, is 4 2-sseo outside his own New Zealand record. Mullins and Watson gave up after covering ITS yards. Gandy, who appeared to have a really good chance, did nefc compote. THOEMDON CLUB. The Thorndon. Crab "held a lOOydft handicap on the 9th inefc, this being the •second race ovex that distance held by the club this season. All the local talent of Thomdon entered, the result being a big field. The handicapping was distinctly good, both heats being well fought out, and considerable doubt existed as to the winner until the last few yards. Middenius, a new swimmer, won the first heat with about a yard to spare, McLean being second. The firstnamed would do well to practice turning, an art with whioh he is evidently not familiar. To J. Wareham foil 'ijhe hanonx of winning the second heat. This young swimmer desrves every credit far the manner in which he has persevered, and everybody would be very glad to see lam gain a footing in the first flight. That consistent plaoe-fjetter C. Brice, secured second place, while Bruce, Healy, and Roberts fought it out fox third, Healy being successful by a touch. Bruce, who appeared to have a rosy chance on paper, has obviously been doing a bit too much work, and just now is suffering from stateness.

The final, which was swum on the following night, was won by Middemus after an. exciting race, McLean coming in a good second, while Briee just beat Woreoam by a touch far third place. One of the . most popular and extensively patronised races of the season was held by the olub on Wednesday last, vis., tSa Firth Handicap. This race, whioh has the effect of bringing both old and young, members into contact, ia always looked forward to with keen interest by everybody, and the annual winner w remembered for years afterwards. This year's event will assuredly not be forgotten in a hurry, owing to the great finish between that sturdy vefcran of swimming, A. W. Smith, and Geo. Brace, possibly one of Thorndon's most '. popular swimmers. The first heat fell to Bruce, who won by a yard from Smith in 33sec, very creditable time considering the rough water. McLean accounted foT the second heat, Middomus boing second. The third heat saw a good race between Healy and Roberts, who both gave MacDonald 2sec. The result was a win for the latter, scarcely an inch separating the other two. In the final some of the men had a bad passage, being blocked out and kicked in all directions. Bruce, who had an outside course, gained steadily on Smith, to whom he was conceding iseo. Many of the spectators acclaimed him as the winner at the finish, but the judges, aftor a short consultation, decided in favour of Smith. This gives both men their first leg-in for that covet, ed trophy, the Ward Challenge Cup, in which, so far, Reg. Healy has a lead on points. The club'6 annual carnival, which was onginatl? set down for the 26th insfc.

but which, was postponed on account of that date clashing with the New Zealand championship meeting, will he held on the evening of March 2nd, at 8 o'clock. The programme is as foLlows:— oOyxts Boys' Handicap (16 years and raider), 50yds Inter-Club Handicap, 100yds President's Handicap (club event), 300yds Inter-Club Handicap, Diving Competition (inter-club), Musical Life-buoys, Expedition, to discover the South Pole (explorers to start blind-folded and search tor pole suspended by Topo and just touching the watar). There will be several comic events quite new to Wellington. A special feature about the gathering is that there will be no waits between races, and the club 'has .made arrangements by which, spec'tators will be. fully entertained between' the different events. Conxpetitors who are not on their marks 30sec after the bell is mug will have the pleasure of seeing the race swum without thorn. The following officials will control the gathering:—Beieree, Mr T. Shields; starter —Mr E. J. Fleming; judges— Messrs A. St. Olair, A. H. Stevflmson, and H. C. Blick; oheok starter and costume steward —Mr D. Joslui; timekeepers—Messrs L. W- Ludwing, Geo. Sadid, and A. A. Somervilile; press steward —Mr C. J. Todd; haindicapper—Mi* W. B. Smitib.; marksmen —Messrs H,. Henderson, F. Malfroy Bind F. Brace. WEST COAST CHAMPIONSHIPS. At the Feilding club's carnival on Saturday last, the championship events resulted as follow: West Coast Championship, IOOydB—A. Campbell (Wanganui), 1; J. Grant (Hawera), 3. Only two starters. Campbell entered the water before the pistol, and had to go back again. When the pistol went off, Grant was the first in enter the water, and got a slight lead at the start. Campbell gradually made it up, h >wever. Both men turned beautifully, b t Campbell itos the stronger swimmer.

WANOANTJI CRACK RELAY TEAM, WHICH WON THE BELAY ttA.CE. Back Bow: Payme (rnaanager of team), Spear, Larking . (steward). Front row: Bridges (who also worn 44/0 championship), Oamipbell (also wiimflt of both. 100 and 220yds championships), and Collins.

and won comfortably. Grant gwsm a good race. Time, imio 7fieo. West Coast Championship, 220yds—A. Campbell, 1; J. Grant and A. Bridges dead heat for second place. Grant was again first to enter the water, but Campbell soon got the lead. Bridges got slightly ahead of Grant, and the position remained the same till the last twentyfive yards, when Grant gained on Bridges, and just got level at the rope, but Campbell again had the race well in hand. Time, 2min 56 3-ssec. West Cbast Championship, 440yds—A. Bridges, 1; J. ! Grant, 2; C. D. Campbell also started, but pulled out after going one hundred yards. Bridges got slightly the lead in the first fifty yaxd6, and though Grant tenaciously clung to him. he could not lessen the " gapBridges could not afford, however, to take things easily. Time, 6min Slseo. The standard time for this, distance is 6miri 15sec. West Coast Breast Stroke Championship, 100yds—L. B. Nicholas, 1; J. L. Anderson, 2. Only two starters, Nicholas won easily in lmin 48sec. BEATXREPAIBB AND KLERAN. At this stage of Beaurepaire's swimming career the comparing of the Victorian's best times and the late B. B. Kieran'e world's record's over the recognised championship distances proves interesting. They are "given thus:—, , j Kioran. Bcauropairo. m. a. m. b. 230yds ... „ 2 28 2-5 2 28 2-5 300yds '..- - 3 31 4-5 3 37 2-5 •MOvds ... 880yds _. ■ ... 11 2 1-5 11 36 2-5 . 'Mile ..., _. 23 16 4-5 . 23. 47 Kieran won the mile New South' Wales championship in March. 1905. in 23min I6seo, whioh is l-sseo faster than the world's record as given above. Evidently the time was not _ recognised. In comparing these times it must

be taken into consideration that the majority of Kieran's world's records wero made in handicap racec;. Beaurepuire has made his times having to make his own pace all the way. The Victorian has won hit? championships by yards, and there has not yet been any svimineir to properly extend him. On this account the various times compare very favourably.

Tho Ponsonby Swimming Club deserve I tho best thanks of the community for instituting tho aeross-the-harbour race, says an Auckland paper. There can be no doubt as to the usefulness of longdistance swimming, and therefore the club, by catering for .this branch of the sport are doing a real service to all classes of the general public. The holding up in the water for a considerable time of a person who had inadvertently fallen in or been capsized out of a craft, should be an. easy matter to any one .of the cross-the-harbour competitors. The Ponsonby Club has done more to justify its existence than the across-the-harbour race, for it is vigorously propound!Jiff life-saving methods and given at suitable spots demonstrations of the best manner of handling persons who are in difficulties in the water- It, is gratifying bo note the club's ideal is something more than the mere holding of competitions. The championship polo tourney was continued on Monday la6t. when "Wellington A met Thorndon at To Aro Baths. The game was oruo of the best and closest that tho competition has yet provided, the teams being splendidly matched. Each registered a try in tho first spell, McDonald for Thorndon. and Bridge for Wellington being the responsible mediums. Eaarly in the second half Morpeth scored Wellington's second goal, and though Thorndon attacked strongly for some time, the men wero unable to eqxialiee. . Just before the game ended, however, the Wellington goalkeeper (Neal) passed tho bnll through his own goal, and thus gave Thorndon a try. For the rest of tho match play was vigorous, both teams trying hard to notch the deciding point. Neither, however, succeeded in dome- so, and one of the best games yet seen in Wellington ended in a draw. 'Mr Sadd, as usual, held the whistle.

Mr F. Wilton has declared the following handicap? for tho Swifts Club's one mile race, to be swum at. To Aro baths this afternoon :---G. P. ' Crawford 7iuin, J. Gosling 6min lOsec, K. D. Bussell Smin SOsec, S. Beaumont sniin 20sec, F.. Delaney -4min 50seo, W. G. Morpeth 4min 109ec, C. S. Forne dmin lOsec, J. Devine lnvin 50sec, N. Watson 20sec, S. Murrell lOsec, C. M. Ward sir. Competitors are reminded that the event starts at 3 o'clock sharp. The Swifts Club decided the final of a 100yds handicap (second distance for the Smith Cup) last evening, all who had qualified facing the starter. The result was:—E: Levy (13sec), 1; J. Stratford (12seo), 2; N. G. McLean (Usee), 3. Time, 75sec. J. Gosling (26sec)' got home second, but was disqualified for starting before his number was called.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7057, 19 February 1910, Page 12

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SWIMMING. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7057, 19 February 1910, Page 12

SWIMMING. New Zealand Times, Volume XXXII, Issue 7057, 19 February 1910, Page 12


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