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•. Tuesday, February 15, The Assembly sat at 10 a. m. . . I election of moderator.

Bev Mr Treadwell.reported.that.thc Com-, mittee appointed to consider the mode of election of Moderator recommended that the method hitherto in operation be adhered to, it being understood that the nomination shall not necessarily be confined to those ministers who have not officiated as moderators ; and further, that, on the nomination of the ex-moderator being put as a motion by the outgoing Moderator, that motion shall be seconded by some elder, to be selected by the Assembly Arrangements Committee... The recommendations were adopted by the Assembly.

.MINUTE. Bev Mr McLennan movfli that She following minute be entered on the records of the Assembly, viz.—The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand desires to place on record the loss sustained by the death of the late Bev James Bruce, of Onehnuga. This young minister was a faithful and devoted servant ot Christ and His Church, one who prosecuted his work with fidelity and zeal amid much physical weakness and suffering. He has left behind h'm an imperishable record of hla success in the service of the Lord, and he was cheered on his death bed by witnessing an extension and real work of grace among his people. The Assembly earnestly hopes and prays that a kindred spirit of consecrated earnestness may animate and sway all the ministers of the Church, and that his early death may serve as a call from Heaven, urging them to greater diligence in the work of the minis, try. The Assembly further desires to express its deep sympathy with the friends of its departed brother, and fervently to pray that the God of all comfort may sustain them in their bereavement; and that a copy of this minute be transmitted to them by the Moderator, Motion agreed to. committee’s reports. Bev Mr Gillies reported that the Committee appointed to prepare a minute re the closing of Mr Clark’s treaanrership, recommended that a minute to the effect that it having been reported that Mr Clark had transferred the final balance of Church funds in band to the credit of the Bev D. Sidey (the now acting treasurer), the Assembly now convey their cordial thanks to Mr Clark for his long and valuable services ; and, further, that ministers bo instructed to see that their congregational treasurers are made aware of the change, so that in future all moneys may be sent to the Bev Mr Sidey, except for Church extension purposes, which have to be sent to the Bev G. S. Ogg, of Wellington. On the motion of the Bev Mr Treadwell, seconded by the Bev Mr Ennoiman, the recommendations were agreed to. Bev Mr Fulton, on behalf of the Committee on Sabbath Softool Examination, reported that the Committee would correspond with the various presbyteries with a view to arrangements for a system of examination over the whole Church, ahd report to next Assembly. Bev Mr Fulton moved that the report be adopted. Seconded by Mr Allsworth and carried. petition.

A petition from the Presbytery of Wanganui was read asking that a grant from the Aged and Infirm Ministers’ Fund to the extent of £3O a year be made to Rev Mr Dunoon for the remainder of bis life. Rev Mr Pa tenon moved that the grant be bestowed on Mr Duncan, who, he said, was the oldest minister connected with the Church, and one who had rendered good service in the Foxton district by his teaching and influence amongst the Natives, . The motion was seconded by Bev Mr Treadwell, and unanimously agreed to. DIFFERENCES. Consideration of the matter in reference to a : difference between the Christchurch Presbytery and the Church Extension Committee was resumed. It was decided that the Assembly should go into committee to consider the matter. On resuming, the Chairman reported that the Committee recommended that the Assembly regrets the difference which has arisen betwen the Church Extension Committee and the Presbytery of Christchurch with reference to the payment of grant to the Waikari district, and for the future guidance of the Committee and Presbyteries now declares that grants are made to districts and not to particular agents ; hut at the same time the Committee, as dealing with a general fund and reponsible to the Assembly, is entitled to ask for the fullest information in regard to the agents to be employed, or who have been employed when grants are received, and therefore direct payment of the grant to be made to Waikari ;, and also direct the moderator in charge of the district , to supply the information asked for by the Committee. The recommendation was agreed to, the Revs Ogg, Elliott, Runoimaa, Erwin, Grant, McGregor, and Mr Jack, dissenting. PRESBYTERY RECORDS. Reports from the Presbyteries of Timarn, Christchurch, Wellington, Wanganui, Hawkes Bay, and Nelson, in reference to records, wore read and approved. The Assembly sat with closed doors to consider a reference from the Auckland Presbytery relative to some differences between the minister stationed at Avondale and his office-bearers. It was decided that the matter was one whichdemanded inquiry, and the further, discussion was adjourned. The Assembly then adjourned. AFTERNOON*"SITTING. The Assembly sat at 3 p.m., when farther consideration of the book of rales and forms of procedure was resumed. Clauses 200, 321, and 326 were agreed to with slight amendments. The remainder of the clauses were considered and agreed to. Rev Mr Gillies moved that the Assembly adopt the book as amended, and remit all matters of business connected with the publication thereof to the Presbytery of Timaro.' This was seconded by Mr Jack and carried. EVENING SITTING. The Assembly convened at 7 p.m. MOTIONS. Rev Mr Elliott withdrew the notice standing in his name,—That the resolution of the Assembly passed this morning with regard to Waikari be rescinded, and that in accordance with precedent the grant be not paid to Waikari until rules bo laid down for the guidance of the Church Extension Committee. . . ~ Eev Air Dunn moved that the Committee on Religion and Morals be instructed, if possible, to engage an evangelist to work in connection with this Church, and that choice of such evangelist be'left with the; said Committee.

•: After'some discussion, Rev Mr Erwin moved, as an amendment, that the Committee on Religion and Morals bo instructed to inquire whether an agent tor evangelistic work can be obtained, and on what terms, and report at next Assembly. Rev-Mr Runoiman moved that the cordial thanks of the Assembly be given to the Rev W. Gillies for the great diligence, learning, and tact which he has brought to bear upou the preparation of a Book of Order for this Church. This was seconded by ; Rov Mr Calder, and carried. la returning thanks. Rev Mr Oillies said the preparation of the work had been purely a labor of love to him, and he hoped much good would be received from it. DIFFERENCES. In reference to the difference between the minister at Avondale and his office-bearers, the Rev Mr Gillies asked that he should be allowed ex gratia to move that the Assembly deeply regret the state of matters which have arisen in the congregation of Avondale, as brought out in the documents accompanying the reference, and as the Assembly is not' iu a position to adjudicate upon the o&se iu the absence, of the parties, the Assembly refer the case .back to the Presbytery of Auckland, with instructions to deal therewith according to the laws of tho Church.Rev Mr Calder seconded the motion. ; Rev Mr Gillies farther moved that the finding of the Assembly in the morning in reference to the matter be rescinded. Bov Mr J. G. Paterson seconded the motion, whchjwas carried. , . MINISTERIAL TENURE. Rev Mr Gillies moved that as the matter

of ministerial tenure had been settled by the Book of Order, the report of the committee appointed to report on the matter be not received, and the committee be discharged. This was seconded by Bev Mr Calder, and carried, statistics. '-on verier of the (Jcnrcnitteeon Statistics - ---vble to bring in any xu» '• a reported that be Was report on the same, owing to -the lace v-~. large number of the schedules had been so late in coming in, assembly expenses.

The Committee on the above reported that the amount levied for Assembly expenses last year Was £270, of which £230 9a 6d had been paid.- As it is an absolute necessity that the assessed payments should be the Committee recommend the Assembly to enact that presbyteries be instructed not to proceed to a settlement in Any vacancy Where there sire arrears of Assembly assessments until the same are paid, and also that the treasurer o’ the Church Extension Fund be instructed that before any grant is paid he must be certified that the assessment for Assembly expenses has been paid. The arrears duo are—Auckland (St Andrew’s), L 7; Thames, L 3 16s ; Whangarei, L 3 (Wanganui, L 5 4s; New Plymouth, L2 ; Patea, LI; Christchurch (St Andrew's), Ll 6 10s; Prebbleto’n, Lid Is; Kangiora, L - Papanui; L 5 Wellington (Kent-terrace), L2 ; Waibenga, LI; Greymouth, L 3 Xsa ; Westport,’ L 3; Kumata,. L2 10s, In the Presbyteries of Hawkes Bay, Nelson, and Timaru there were no arrears. The Committee farther recommended that the same sums as last year be levied from the various funds, the Assembly expenses for this year being LSBI.

On the motion by Bev Mr Gillies, seconded by Bev Mr Moßee, the report was adopted. TEMPERANCE. The Committee on Temperance reported that, although no great stir had been made in following up the work of temperance reform during the past year, they have still reason to believe that the cause is advancing both within and without the Church. The nature of vh a work done since last Assembly had been made in tn* V? a 7 oE conserving the large accessions made to tho ranks of total abstainers during previous years rather than an actual increase to their numbers. The advent of the Blue Ribbon movement, followed op by such veteran reformers as R. T. Booth, Matthew Burnett, Sir W. Fox, Wm. Glover, Mr Noble and others, had brought in such a harvest to the temperance party that it became an absolute necessity to strike out on all sides, and arrange local societies for conserving the thousands that had been induced to don the There was no doubt about the immense impetus given to temperance work by that movement, but its work has been that of securing pledges rather than the formation of any society for their protection after they had been gained.- This phase of the movement, and indeed the whole history of temperance work from the earliest times, leaves us with this practical lesson,- that it is often a much more easy thing to win a man over to take the first step in a life of total abstinence than to secure his unswerving allegiance to the cause after the excitement which often attends that sttfp had passed The lack of some definite organisation by which those who had joined the ranks of the total abstainers may be kept from falling away has undoubtedly been the weak place in the temperance movement in former years, and, men who have observed much and thought much on the subject are now taking such steps as may guard against a like failure in the time to come. The law, as it now stands, the Com* mitttee reported, can only be made available in reducing the agencies that have been established for fostering and propagating intemperance, when wielded by an organisation compact in its nature, and having all its forces well Under command. The work done during the past year had been verj? much in the way of gaining this .end. Individual cases had been looked after and attached permanently to the cause by 1 inducing them, to become members of some local organisation, which are now being grouped under a general alliance throughout the Colony. The progress attending the labors of those engaged in the work was sufficient to inspire

them with the hope that an _ organisation complete in detail, and practicable in its operation?,' may yet make its influence felt in the remotest parts of the Colony. The information received by the Committee from the various Presbyteuans pointed to the fact that the great bulk of the ministers andaiarge portion of the members fully sympathise with themovement, bfit their sympathies andefforts have not yet found their way, at least to any great extent, into the channel indicated by the Assembly. Altogether the fide of temperance opinion is rising, giving promise oi some real advancement in the time to come. In conclusion the Committee would still express the belief that the formation of congregational societies came quite within the range of their duties as a Church, and that the hearty and practical adoption of the recommendations of the Assembly would tend largely to increase our own influence and usefulness, whilst it would undoubtedly secure the safety of those within their own communion who might be in danger of being carried away. The Committee submit the report to the Assembly in the hope that the congregation may yet give the method they suggest a fair and honest trial.’ Rev Mr Treadwell moved that the Assembly adopt the report, with thanks to the Committee ; that they urge upon the members of the Assembly and of the Church.the necessity and" the duty of co-operating in every right way with those who are seeking to obliterate the curse of drunkenness and to promote temperance and the blessings of temperance in this new land; that they renew the recommendations given by former Assemblies as to the formation of congregational temperance associations when that is thought desirable; and that they recommend that the ministers of the Church draw the attention of their people to the subject during the year. Mr McLean seconded the motion, which was carried, Rev Mr Runoimaa alone dissenting. . .

CHURCH 11AOAZIKE. The i Committee reported having made efforts to establish a church magazine daring the past year, in accordance with a resolution, passed, that a proprietary company be formed, and that the Assembly recommend that such company be generally supported in their efforts. After due consideration the Committee recommended (1) that the generous proposal of the editor of the Presbyterian (offering to put; half .of the space of the periodical at the disposal of the Northern Church, on condition that some one of the brethren of the Northern Church.should be selected in each of the leading provincial centres to gather 'up and digest the ecclesiastical intelligence of the district, and for* ward it for publication, be accepted ;.(3) that the Rev William Gillies be appointed subeditor for the Northern Chnrch; (3) that a responsible correspondent be appointed in each presbytery who shall be required to forward Church news to Mr Gillies*; (4) that the members of Assembly undertake to try and further the circulation of the “Presbyterian,” and make it in every way asuooess. On the motion of the Rev Mr Douglas, seconded by Mr Smith, the report and the recomendations therein were .adopted-

education; The Rev Mr Treadwell reported that the Committee on Education had not found themselves able to do anything of a practical nature daring the year. The Rev Mr Calder moved that the Assembly renews its testimony in favor of Bible-reading in public schools, and that the Committee be directed to co-operate with kindred committees of other churches in urging upon the Legislature the amendment of the Education Act to include Biblereading in all the public schools of the Colony. . The Rev A. Blake, who had given notice of motion in similar terms to that of the Kev Mr Calder, begged leave to withdraw his motion in favor of the former gentleman’s. He very ably supported the motion, which was seconded by the Rev J, Paterson and carried, CHURCH DEBT EXTINCTION FUND, The convener of i the Committee on'the above, reported that the Committee had not bad time to consider the scheme propounded by Mr Gillies, and that the whole subject be remitted to a: committee, consisting of the Revs Messrs Paterson, Ogg, Elliott, Gillies, and Messrs Aifcken (convener), Smith, Jack, McKerrow, McLean, Barry, and Gardner, with power to add to their number, to take what steps they may deem advisable in the matter, without in any way committing the Assembly or Church to any monetary re* sponsibility. Seconded by Mr. Dunn, and agreed to. AUDITORS. Messrs J. W, Craig, and J. E. MoVev were appointed as auditors. 'DEPUTIES. The Moderator, the Rev R. Erwiu, and Mr J. Anderson (elder of Christchurch), were appointed as deputies to the Synod of Otago. GENERAL BUSINESS. Business relating to the printing of the book of proceedings andvarious other matters was transacted. "The Assembly cordially returned thanks to the Presbyterian portion of tlie community and others who had so hospitably received them. The Assembly dissolved at 11.15 p.m till the second Tuesday in February, 188(5.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8011, 16 February 1887, Page 3

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PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8011, 16 February 1887, Page 3

PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 8011, 16 February 1887, Page 3


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