(From the Government, Gazette of Jan. 6, 1842.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, January 5, 1842. HIS Excellency thee Governor directs it to be notified, that the following Claims of Land in this Colony, have been referred to the Commissioners appointed under the Ordinance of the Governor and Council of New Zealand, 4 Victoria, No. 2 ; being in addition to the claims notified in the Government Gazette of New South Wales, as referred to the Commissioners appointed under the Act of the Governor and Council of that Colony, on the 9th November, 1840, and on the 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th March, and 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th April, and in the Government Gazette of this Colony, of the 18th August, and 13th, 20th and 27th October, 20th November, and Ist, 15th, and 22nd December, 1841. Parties are Reminded, that before such claims can be investigated, they must pay to the Commissioners a fee of Five Pounds, as prescribed by. the Ordinance. By His Excellency’s Command, WILLLOUGHBY SHORTHAND. Case Co. 362— Charles Berry Waitford, of Wahapu, Bay of Islands, claimant. A piece of land in the vicinity of the Bay of Islands, known by the name of Mangenangana, Gnahineora, Kumea ; boundaries not stated. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chief Titori, of the tribe Ngatekuta by claimant, on the 11th December, 1839. Consideration given to the natives—money and merchandise to the amount of £53 11s. 6d. Nature of conveyance—a deed dated 11th of December, 1839. Case No. 363 --Philo. B. Perry, of Kororarika, claimant. A portion of land situate at the Pah, Bay of Islands, having a frontage to the River Kauwa Kauwa, of 355 feet, bounded on one side by a house belonging to C. M. Cohen, on the other side by two allotments, purchased by Mr. Bonnefin, being part of a large tract of land claimed by B. E. Turner. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chief E Hama by Benjamin E. Turner, on the 22nd November, 1833, who sold to claimant. Consideration given to the natives—not stated. Nature of conveyance—not stated. Case No. 363 (a) — Philo B. Perry of Kororarika, claimant A portion of land, containing a quarter of an acre more or less, situate at the Pah, on the river Kauwa Kauwa, Bay of Islands. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chief Kiwi Kiwi, in the year 1833, by Thomas Maxwell, who sold to claimant. Consideration given to the natives—£10 sterling, Nature of conveyance—not sated, Case No. 364.. Henry Southey, of Kororarika, claimant. 2,000, Two thousand acres, more or less situate on the river Awanui, bounded on the front or east by the river, and on the north-west, by the Kaikiro creek. Alleged to have been purchased fram the native chiefs Nopera, Panakario, Tana Matenga Pairato, and others, by claimant, in March 1837. Consideration given to the natives—£47. Nature of conveyance. deed in favor of claimant, dated 17th December, 1830. Case No. 364(a.), Henry Southey, of Kororarika claimant, 3,000, Three thousand acres, more or less, situate on the river Awanui, adjoining preceding claim. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Nopera, Panakario, Tana Matenga, Pairato, and others, by claimant in June, 1838. Consideration given to the natives ] £87 Nature of conveyance, .deed in favor of claimant, dated 17th Deceber, 1839. Case No. 364, ( b .) — Henry Southey of Kororarika, claimant. 5,000, Five thousand acres, more or less, situate on the river Awanui, adjoining preceeding claims. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Nopera, Pana, Karim, Tuna, Matenga, Pairato, and others, by claimant in the year 1839. Consideration given to the natives, —£116, Nature of conveyance—Deed in favor of claimant, dated 17th Dec. 1839. Case No, 365, William Spikman, of Wangaroa, claimant. A piece of land situate on the River Karo or Wainui, falling into the harbour of Wangaroa, bounded on the south by the River Kako ; on the east and north by the Wykari creek, and by the "Waitangie creek on the west; contents not stated. Alleged to have been purchased from the native cheifs, Woodewa, Toro, and Etuka, by claimant, in the year 1834. Consideration given to the natives—Goods and money to the amount of £53 2s.
Nature of conveyance—not stated, Case No. 365, (a ), William Spikman, of Wangaroa claimant. A piece of land at Wangaroa, adjoining the preceeding claim to the westward, being the valley of the Tarawarua creek, having Waitangie creek on the east, and a range of hills on the west; following the hills in an easterly direction to the open fern land known as the Waiwaka pirou. This and. preceeding claim containing together, 1,000 acres more or less. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs, Charley Ongi, and Ono, by claimant, in the year 1831. Consideration given to the natives—Goods and money to the amount of £35 2s. 6d, Nature of conveyance—not stated. Case No. 365, (b), William Spikman, of Wangaroa, claimant. 400, Four hundred acres, more or less, situate on the opposite side of the River Wainui to preceeding claims, bounded on the back or south by the top of the first hills, and by the Mangaiti creek on the east, and Kohepara creek on the west. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Natetui, Charley Ongi and Epie, by claimant on the4th Jan, 1840. Consideration, given to the natives—goods and money to the amount of £86 5s. 3d. Nature of conveyance —not stated. Case No. 366, John Hayes, of Wangaroa, claimant. 1.000, One thousand acres, more or less, known by the name of Wygola, situate at Wangaroa, on the east side of the river Wainui, running along the bank of the above named river nearly one mile, bounded on the north by Kokohia, and on the east by a chain of Hills named Wowahinga ; on the south by a creek named Wowanga. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Knapape Wioroa, Epie, Eri, by John Cummings who sold to John Johnson, who resold to claimant. Consideration given to the natives—a quantity of goeds, value not stated. Nature of conveyance not stated. Case No. 367, Edward Boyce, of Wangaroa, claimant. 40, Forty acres, more or less, known by the name of Humata, situate in the harbour of Wangaroa, boundaries, not stated. Alleged to have been purchased from certain native chiefs not named, by claimant. Consideration given to the natives, £4O. Nature of conveyance not stated. Case No. 367 (a), Edward Boyce, of Wangaroa, claimant. 80. Eighty acres more or less, known by the name of Korangi Matua, situate in the harbour of Wangaroa- —boundaries not stated Alleged to have been purchased from certain native chiefs, not named, by claimant. Consideration given to the natives —£ls. Nature of conveyance—not stated. Case N’o. 368, Dominick Ferrall of Wangaroa, claimant. 9. Nine acres more or less, known bv the name of Ona, situate in the harbour of Wangaroa, boundaries not stated. Alleged to have been purchased from certain native chiefs not named, by claimant. Consideration given to the natives—£lo. Nature of conveyance—not stated. Case No. 268 (a), Dominick Ferrall, of Wangaroa, claimant. 8. Eight acres, more or less, known by the name of Kaharaka, situate in the harbour of Wangaroa — boundaries not stated. Alleged to have been purchased from certain native chiefs not named, by claimant. Consideration given to the natives—£s. Nat ure of conveyance —not stated. Case No. 368 ( b). Dominick Ferrall, of Wangaroa claimant. } } . Half an acre, more or less, known by the name of Lukawai, situate at the harbour of Wangaroa—boundaries not stated. Alleged to have been purchased from certain native chiefs not named, by claimant. Consideration given to the natives —£2. Nature of conveyance not stated. Case No. 369, Hibernia Smyth, of Monganui, claimant. 400, Four hundred acres, more or less, situate about 7 miles from the harbour of Munganui, near the Heads of Doubtless Bay, known by the name of Timoni, bounded on the north by the sea, on the west by land claimed by Mr. Thomas, on the south by land claimed by Mr. Ryan, on the east by land claimed by Mr. C. Partridge. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Hopepa and Akena, in the 14th November, 1839, by claimant. Consideration to the natives — a quantity of goods, value not stated. Nature of conveyance —not stated. Case No. 369 (a ), Hibernia Smyth, of Munganui, claimant. 800. Eight hundred acres, more or less, situate about 3 miles from Burrow Burrow, in Munganui, known by the native name of Hemua, bounded in front by the river Patta Gaga, and by land claimed by C. Partridge.
Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Hopepa, Wanekouri, Katurari, and Kotehu, by claimant, on the 19th November, 1839. Consideration given to the natives—a quantity of goods, value not stated. Nature of conveyance —not stated. Case No. 370, Clement Partridge, of Munganui, claimant in part. 1,600, Sixteen hundred acres, more or less, known by the name of Waru, situated about two miles from the harbour of Munganui, in Doubtless Bay, fronting a salt water flat on the southwest ; bounded on the south-east by a small creek called Kgawi Tioararoa, and on the north-west by a creek called Kai Kai, and on the back by the Putta Gaga River. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Rekiwa, Mankowri, Tai Heape, and others, by claimant jointly with Hibernia Smyth, on the 15th October, 1839. Consideration given to the natives —a quantity of goods, value not stated. Nature of conveyance—deed in favor of claimants. Case No. 370 (a), Clement Partridge, of Munganui, claimant in part, 200, Two hundred acres, more or less, known by the name of Onette, being a small boat harbour situate in Doubtless Bay, having about six hundred yards frontage. Alleged to have been purchased from certain native chiefs not named, by claimant jointly with George Thomas and Thomas Phillips, in October, 1839. Consideration given to the natives —a quantity of blankets, value £7 10s. Nature of conveyance—deed in favor of claimant, George Thomas and Thomas Phillips. Case No. 370 (b), Clement Partridge, of Munganui, claimant. 1,800, One thousand eight hundred acres, more or less, situate half way between Doubtless Bay and Wangaroa, at a place called Timori, about two miles from the heads of Doubtless Bay, and extending along the sea coast towards Wangaroa to a small bay called Waimauna, and running back inland by certain land marks, Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Tupiano, Mudditukerow, Ooderoa, Packiar, by claimant, in October, 1839. Consideration given to the natives—a quantity of goods to the value of £35. Nature of conveyance—deed in favour of claimant. Case No. 370 (c), Clement Partridge, of Munganui, claimant. 4000. Four thousand acres more or less, situated on the sea coast, between Doubtless Bay and Wangaroa, adjoining the preceding claim at Wymauna Bay, and extending along the sea coast towards Wangaroa, about 2 1/2 miles, to a place called Towarua. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Akaka, Atapu, Aackey, and others, by claimant, in November, 1839. Consideration given to the natives—a quantity of goods, to the value of £129. Nature of conveyance —deed in favour of claimaint. Case No. 370, Clement Partridge, of Munganui, claimant. 2000. Two thousand acres, more or less, situate on the banks of the Putta Gaga, about four miles from the Harbour of Munganui, in Doubtless Bay, adjoining a native settlement called Kumera, and running up the river for about 2 miles, and extending inland about two miles. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Toomoaroo, Aboronga, Tookeradu, and Warekowa, by claimant, on the 21st November, 1839. Consideration given to the natives—a quantity of goods, value not stated. Nature of conveyance Deed in favour of claimant. Case No. 371, William Wright, of Munganui claimant. 20, Twenty acres, more or less, situated at j Munganui, Doubtless Bay, adjoining on the north j land claimed by J, Bergham, and outlie south by land claimed by Capt. Cooper. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Wa-ra-houri, and A. Kiwa, by claimant, on the 17th July, 1839. Consideration given to the natives.®two blankets, two shirts, and £6 6s. in money. r Nature of conveyance, .not stated. Case No. 371 (a.), William Wright, of Mun- | ganui, claimant. | A piece of land known by tile native name of Battatoo, Bookee Bookee, commencing from the mouth of a creek leading to Wangaroa, including two small green patches of timber. Alleged to have been purchased by claimant, from certain native chiefs not named. Consideration given to the coat value £3, three shirts, and 15 dollars. Nature of conveyance, .not slated. Case No. 372.. Thomas Shearing, of the Bay of Islands, claimant. 60, Sixty acres, more or less, situate at Mun<mnui, at the head of Tareha Buy, bounded on © 7
the north-east side by a line of twenty chains in front, on the south-west side by the said Bay, nineteen chains on north-west side by a creek, and by a south-west line from the north-east boundary to the Bay aforesaid. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Tareha, and E Kiro, on the 28th July, 1837, by claimant. Consideration given to the natives—a quantity of merchandise and twenty-four pounds in money. Nature of conveyance—not stated. Case No. 373, J. Hamlin, of Orua, Manukau, claimant. 42, Forty-two acres, more or less, situate at thedistrict of Waimate, bounded on the north by a native fortification known by the name of Morakerake, and by land claimed by Mr. Kemp of Kerikeri, on the west by a wood called Keherau and Kehor, on the south by a wood called Te Mata, on the east by land belonging to Tuwakawaha, and Ranga. Alleged to have beee purchased from the native chiefs Huarah, Kiko, Packoraha, and others, by claimant, in January and September, 1834. Consideration givento the natives—cash and merchandise to the amount of £l6. Nature of conveyance —not stated. Case No. 373 (a.), J Hamlin, of Orua, Manukau claimant. 45, Forty-five acres, more or less, situate in the district of Waimate, bounded on the north and north-west by a piece of land called Tautara, on the west by a stream of water called Tawahubua, and a residence called Kopuatemanga, on tbe south-west and south by a piece of land called Wakamarumaiu, on the east by a stream of water in a swamp called Te Rohe and Waipatukahu. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Huahui, Kiko, Toeanga, and others, by claimant, in September and October, 1834. Consideration given to the natives—cash and merchandise value £23. Nature of conveyance —not stated. Case No. 373 (b), S. Hamlin, of Orua, Manukau, claimant. 1,450, Fourteen hundred and fifty acres, more or less, situate in the district of Manukau, bounded on the south by a place called Karaka, and the south bank of the river Waitangi, on the north by a place called Ngawaeanutu, on the west by a place called Waikareao. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Maikuku, Ngakainga, and other, by claimant, in the years 1837, and 1838. Consideration given to the natives—chiefly merchandise to the amount of £156 17s. Nature of conveyance—not stated. Caso Ne. 373 (c), J. Hamlin of Orua Manukau, claimant. 500, Five hundred acres, more or less, situated in the district of Manukau, bounded on the north by a place called Opurungi, on west from Kaietu to Kaiutemanu, on the east by Manukau. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Awarahi, Ngakainga, and others, by claimant, in December, 1837. Consideration given to the natives —chiefly in merchandise, to the value of £54 Is. 6d. Nature of conveyance —not stated. Case No. 373 (d), James Hamlin, of Orua Manukau, claimant. 500, Five hundred acres, more or less, situate in the district of Manukau, bounded on the north by a pathway running from Kohoreke to a wood, from whence S.W. to a hill called Kahnrau, from whence in an easterly direction to Waiwatawata. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Ngakianga, Kaihari, and others, by claimant, in June 1838. Consideration given to the natives —cash aud merchandise to the amount of £4O 19s. Nature of conveyance—not stated. Case No. 373 (ej, J. Hamlin, of Orua Manukau, claimant. 1,100, One thousand one hundred acres, more or less, known by the name of Qiabuhu, situated at. the head of the Tamaki, between Tamaki and Manukau, bounded on the north by a place called Waipuna, on the north-west by a hillock called Kawarahi, from thence running in a southerly direction to the Karetu, from thence to the Waipuna. Alleged to have been purchased from the native chiefs Herua, Rihi, and others, by claimant, in February, 1838. Consideration given to the natives —chiefly in merchandise, to the amount of £ll7 10s. Nature of conveyance—not stated. Case No. 373 (/j, J. Hamlin, of Orua, Manukau, claimant. 300. Three hundred acres, more or less, situate in the district of Manukau. Nature of conveyance —not stated.
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New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette, Volume I, Issue 42, 12 January 1842, Page 4
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2,835GOVERNMENT NOTICES. New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette, Volume I, Issue 42, 12 January 1842, Page 4
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