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Vita iMiisrai reath, Stomach Distress, Low lity, Loss of Flesh Is Colon Clog IHIJNi ■flaMsnHi Y INTESTINAL MUSCL Imm. £IM : M 1 M : If# Science has at last conquered Humanity's worst enemy—CONSTIPATION. Thanks EXFHOI3E to the continued research by a well-known European Scientist, Constipation can now be successfully overcome without the use of drugs or chemical stimulants. ScCl'et of StrOIll? Medical research has proved that drug laxatives, such as pills, cascara, salts, etc. did Yn + yjoiinnl TVTncnlnc w ir} not remedy constipation, and in many cases often aggravate it. Now, through llllcbllllal iTluoClCo bos to kkj this scientist's wonderful new discovery, constipation can be conquered by a Just as a golfer needs tho right mscms wonderful new vegetable concentrate, which, by following Nature 3 own method clubs to do his best, so your intesacts to overcome the underlying cause of constipation and exercises lazy intestinal tinal muscles need the right kind [ icdpt ooKPuaio muscles. This scientist named his concentrate "FRULAX," and it is a carefully of BULK. It helps tliem to do their balanced scientific mixture of natural ingredients. It is safe and sure, and best —gives them something to J twwa undoubtedly one of science's most valuable contributions to suffering humanity, exercise on. The smooth, even | >ro u J^Jj movement which follows the use f of tJli3 vegetable concentrate is shwmtisk won CONSTIPATION 181 T BE h IbLJIIfE T@ absolutely different from anything cou>ti " " " vou have ever experienced. There L_ BASIC CHOSE 8F PURGATIVES WMj MAMV illQla fl Pills, cathartics, salts, purgatives, etc., healthy childhood when constipa- 1 IRAN I UIOEJ<IOE.d give no permanent relief. They do more tion was a thing never thought of. ; The natural process of evacuation is harm than good, because they never get Just as you exeicise the other due to made by a rolling movement of tho to t}le source of the trouble. The tender muscles of your body to make ° alsTlf * lla ' bowels a contraction of the circular lining of the colon is already sore, them strong and active, so this \ toes o» inn in DCS TO raisais KSITAt 1 SLDMisfisesi H2ADHCHS rsoa CONSTIPATION BASIC CHOSE OF MANY DISEASES r IE A SLAVE Tl PURGATIVES OIABAHCCA 7*o* XRSITATICB COB TO RSTEHTICK IRJEGUUJ* HiAJt* actio* raoti CCHETIPATIO* contraction of the circular lar fibres of the muscular coat of inflamed and irritated by the acids new vegetable discovery- exercises! the large intestine (colon). When the contraction occurs, the movement is of a wave-like nature. The effect of this contraction, or, better still, constriction, mav be likened in effect to stripping a | &-*"» i .. _ _ . , c . g rubber tube with the thumb and fore- f _ 1 How Const,pation Poisons the System. [ finger; the contents of the tube are i . in W © H $1 Vfe a nv i a forced ahead of the stripping. The peris- j jp? iaj ®* m § 13 |p| 828 ||j 638 |i| A REAL GOwD RcrrtEDYij taltic movement of the bowels produces \ %■ . M ■' wm . . . .. . w . . . sample of same, which. I have the same effect; it forces the contents of ' V % it 1 natural, complete elimination of tr ; e( j an( j f oun fl a real good remedy,' the large intestine (colon) onwards. P&tL &i ° f ,- V as a result of an easv - an( j ntt tural in its action .. . hav-j \ W$k expanded colon and properly exercised ing 80 wc n pleased with it, I havo KJflUf gtnilQTlDllTlfliM intestinal muscles constipation is over- already recommended it to others."— 1 BbUwU UUNdI lib fra a SUsl come 'for good. No more colon clog; no G.H., Devonport. POISONS YOU 1 " ,r " r '' n0 niore P^ es ' bladder, and kidney com- WHAT WORLD-FAMOUS m . ~ , . . , - - V plaints. Gas pains, pains m the bowels, _ Constipation and imperfect evacuation A- headaches, giddiness, palpitation, weak- ISTS ives putrifying waste in the colon. ness, pimples, skin troubles, disappear as ■lsons set free from this waste matter bsgggM if by magic. You are well, and energetic Dr. E. R. Duplct-jne, of Paris: "Your aden tho nerves and tiny rt-VaS®® in "the morning, enjoy your work and treatment ha 3 been a pronounced sucmds of tho colon. There is a paralysis pleasure, sleep well at night. You can cess in o y ® r cases upon 'whom I hava the peristaltic (wave-like stripping) ,—......... t ... ......l, j eat and digest foods that you could not used it. Patients in every case have im)vement, resulting in a collapse of the i . i eat before. And you are stronger because proved their health and physique." testinal walls. This acts as a barrier . _ „,, » your food does you more good. Dr. E. Annheuser, of The Hague: "In clog through which the food waste J ' 1 ' cases of constipation accompanied with jves slowly and only with great diffi- '.. ■'BRfftaas Bsmobi other complications, I have had outIty. The food ferments and develops a j 8 which distends the colon. This gas f • Dr. 8. Merlin, of Vienna: "Preparation cks up into the stomach and a horde "i nrored itself satisfactorv in the case of «lar,"i„s and emb.rr,. S i„ s sjmptom,, „ rauLtx „ raa „'H'»'*&. wfc taw U>t»T ch aa headaches, stomach distress, the colo n, swells U p into a glassful or sort. UAQ of constipation. Have advised many of sating, bad breath, acidity, dizziness, bland Jelly. UEaßa B aIM lIS HHw my patients to use it." ldiness, peevishness, depression, bladder IIEMf lIEIBETMS P IBCTJEFIVERI ATlilEine Dr. TJ. Earl Beusen, New York: "Have ■akness, rheumatism, and pains around fsfafff WEr%S£iMKaa& KlEiySsl 1 fell 111 had very gratifying results in cases of i aVmq "arfqi tv AMn SIIISETOfiTE great physical benefit concentrate." UMlm OiEdS 1 ¥ AND IUmnHHI . " I j ,m P leased to report great physical Dr. L. Kellogg, of Chicago: "ParticuIBS gag A la'?' IBllfedSlriAL T \° u . r F ro(Ju et, FRULAX. larly efficacious in cases of constipation XCESS WEIGHT ARE \Lo„, • UTRITIONAL DISEASES B «„,, !l;„ fa », STOP THE GAUSE 6F Scienco now claims that obesity is lions of constipation sufferers in a "'g mi has asked me to send for an Ulffllli? TMMH variably associated with self-poisonincr remarkable new vegetable discovery. No ex tra jar. E.S.P., Epsom. fflUilE 1 Unn %ll developed as a result of the fermenting your intestinal muscles to make food debris. Strong drugs onlv further them strong and able to impart irritate the sore, distressed membrane. It the natural stripping action to the is just like pouring vinegar on an open colon and so enrl colon clog and its wound. • dangers, for good. . I lxrui'iiuncx or \1 '• BOtrsii MO" Constipation and imperfect evacuation L leaves putrifying waste in the colon. j Poisons set free from this waste matter [-w. deaden tho muscles, nerves and tiny Ifcij glands of tho colon. There is a paralysis Hi of the peristaltic (wave-like stripping) movement, resulting in a collapse of the i intestinal walls. This acts as a barrier L, or clog through which the food waste moves slowly and only with great dilli- [■ culty. The food ferments and develops a T gas which distends the colon. This gas |gg backs up into the stomach and a horde ||| of alarming and embarrassing symptoms, such as headaches, stomach distress, llie Co i o 'n, bloating, bad breath, acidity, dizziness, bland Jelly giddiness, peevishness, depression, bladder ||E weakness, rheumatism, and pains around a'aS™ the heart appear. m One teaspoonful of FRULAX when It reaches the colon, swells up Into a glassful of soft, VESETARLE CONCENTRATE HAS BENEFITED OTHERS EXCESS WEIGHT ARE NUTRITIONAL DISEASES invariably associated with self-poisoning remarkable new vegetable discovery, No exira J ar - &.o.lJipsora. and mineral deficiencies of the body, longer need these people resort to pills RESULTS FROM SAMPLE They have proved that the poisons which and drugs, which only aggravate the accumulate from the food waste, which trouble. One teaspoonful of this amazing WOp'OERFUL is hourly absorbed into the bloodstream, vegetable concentrate swells into a " I tried the sample, and it is actually do cause purification of the plassful of soft, bland jelly when indeed wonderful. Should I find that I THE OAUSI OF IRE THAN 40 AILMENTS actually do cause purification of the plassful of soft, bland jelly when secretions, which control the endocrine it passes into the colon. This soft, glands. These glands are known to con- smooth BULK as it moves along trol growth. It is obvious that as soon | gently distends the colon. This extra as the hormones become unbalanced then i hulk is the secret of the famous EXERsmooth BULK as it moves along to you.'—Mrs. W.F.J., Glenavy. •rently distends the colon. This extra FATE NG MUCH BFTTFI? bulk is the secret of the famous EXER- 1 Wyy* 1 Dt II CK niSTVn AOTIOV nf this verrefnble enn- husband feels ever so much " I tried the sample, and it is ,. M ° r , e than fo dl f' rent ailment^ indeed wonderful. Should I find that I } hls menaCfr-CON. still need it, I will not hesitate to send RATION. Guard yourself against this enemy, which so insidiously undermines the health and strength. There ii conclusive testimony to the effect that behind most maladies one finds the a state of perversion of metabolism must CISING ACTION of this vegetable con- . t i u - v Jeeis ever so muca —u«e uxms uio occur. Therefore this new vegetable centrate. It gives the intestinal musclm h f. tcT { He f been suffering periodic ot constipation, and this is conccntrate-FRULAX-acting as a something to work upon, thus inducing at^ 8 .' ° f ,f could doubly true of all diseases that have to supplementary food, definitely does help a return of the natural wave-like rolling TT wl th malnutrition, loss of Vitality, to overcome "the underlying" cause of a „d stripping movement of the bowels x foo^ v an i feels 1,0 P a,n 8l ? n afflictionß. As a matter of fact, obesity and excess weight. ft turns In,v intestinal muscles into ener- whatevei - " Mrß " F " V - whatever disease one may be suffering getic workers for your better health. Results are thorough and not violent. The hardened waste matter that clogs the colon when you are constipated is SATISFACTORY IN EVERY WAY "I received your sample of 'Frulax' whatever disease one may be suffering from, to effect relief it is absolutely essential to get the bowels moving normally and regularly. broken up and passed onward and out- 7 0u kindly forwarded to me. It ward, together with all other poisons ?* RS * n eTe T way." and intestinal material. A return of the E.H.8., Gisborne. n JL normal peristatic (rolling, flj Jr »iCS in rJr Ook>n , results ti In | .wcalceninß of intestinal walls | d.ndWcontraction ? *of | t Noto - constrictions f through^,which ! V wastes can scarcely p:iss.*-f Dis- j tended areas force stomach J . BRainst heart causing pain, j RESULTS VERY SATISFACTORY PROVES YOU CAN END CONSTIPATION 7?hss amazing new vegetable concen'Tlease forward me two more jars of trate is not a drug, but a supplementary ic'tions r through'? which FRULAX. Results after taking first jar f 00( j, Jt s action is not a sudden, danger;»n scarcely p:iss.'«f Dis- seem very satisfactory. W.L., Bay of ouaf "dynamiting" of the svstem. Gently fi'™ l ?, » ti» intestinal FEELS "ALL OVER GOOD" musc ' es to keep waste products in mo. willi ■milhinn iinian—iil „ T . , tion. But, test it yourself —AT OUR and stripping) movement stimulates the f ircs t'of*alL I was rat her 6 amazed EXPEJsSE - P°st Coupon and a nerves and glands of the colon. The final ™ZZV iZI of Me TEST SAMPLE will be sent you. result being that all poisons, and the " ----- (At Rlsht) Clmrt showIn if healthy colon tree from tlsn-g-erous clog-, g-lvlng: normal bowel movements. the valuable treatise, "Constipation i Cured Without Drugs," by Dr. EL' Kriecks. Write now to ' Suite 7, Whitehall Bldg\, 410 a Queen St., or P.O. Box i 7C9, AUCKLAND, ?(.2. . o—- -- . , uuifieura x icii. hi iuvseu. x nan oi late T , j . . result being that all poisons, and the yPars developed fits'of tiredness. Since Inc , lude ,n stam P s to cover cos " of waste matter is swept out of the intes- { akin? TOUr FRULAX, the old feeling P'\f lu ?> P os^ a f' _ .... , , tines as if by a new broom. of we n. b eing is back again, and I feel ,. If J' 011 se AT °^ + P E - wlll . ? nc3 " d8 1 ii „ }} T n v j« the valuable treatise, Constipation, iron ° --TG.F., Dunedm. Cure d Without Drugs," bv Dr. hJ ISSGII BLBOi PRESSURE a wonderful help Kmek®. wnte now t0 « aa B 7,1 rnru x- T Suite 7, Whitehall Bldg.. 410 a Queen St., <n fur aAR EHSg*rr n guffffa .... another pot of FRULAX. I or p t o. Box 1769, AUCKLAND, N.2. 111 liSI^ —~ bave found it so beneficial that I don't intend to be without it. It has been a 8388 A EO gp3 THAOEO TS wonderful help."—Mrs. J.M., Tauranga. IpS g g SELF-POISQNING j "Please forward another R *!f*Z\ TEST COUPON It has now been proved conclusively T U . 13 th . o . in I °® t leaSJl l lt ? me J; CChJ HM O MAN F-YSI that self-poisoning is the cause of many * hnt 1 tned."-Mrs. A. K, Te KiNU NU M%JH tTj :LF-POisOMS The gas distention from the fermenting food waste inflates the large intestine and forty feet of small intestine, causing a "big stomach"—an embarrassing and unhealthy condition, particularly for women. The irritating acids and gas formed set up catarrhal conditions of tho intestines, resulting in gall bladder troubles, appendicitis, piles, skin complaints, bad complexion, pimples, and many distressing internal pains peculiar to women. In fact most of the troubles which afflict humanity can bo directly fcraced to constipation. It has now been proved conclusively that self-poisoning is the cause of many diseases and such skin irritations as Pimples, Sallow or Blotchy Complexion, as well as the moro serious afflictions, Eczema, Psoriasis, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Boils and Carbuncles, and also High Blood Pressure—are due in many cases to an impure state of blood—the result of self-poisoning and acidosis. The tremendous amount of bacteria and other poisons created by constipation are gradually a!bsorl>ed through the intestines into the circulatory system. When these poisons enter the blood channels, ihev gradually set up a negative reaction which results in degenerative changes in the walls of tho arteries, veins, etc. TEST COP SEND NO M MON E YJ' These are unsolicited Testimonials from satisfied New Zealand users, proving the wonders of this remarkable treatment. The above reward will be paid to anyone proving them not genuine. C. SINCLAIR & CO., «' Dept.B , P.O. Bo* 1769, •' AUCKLAND, N.X. S Please send me without cost or Station, a FREE TEST SAMPLE of your > new vee-etaMe concentrate for constl- J patlon, and a copy of tlie treatise "Con- J stipation Cured without Drugs," by Dr. ! H. Krl&cks, the famous Specialist. 11 enclose 4d Stamp to cover pactfnp,« postage, etc. i « ADDRESS If S un n Ban ... N.Z.H., i/2/41 f The appliance thnt will stop your rupture worries. Thin Automatic Air Cushion has brought ease nncl comfort to thousands of sufferers. No obnoxious springs or hard pads. It is safe, Banitary, and light in weight. Every Brooks" user will recommend this appliance. Post Free. Sales As-ents: DELANEY & MENZiES, Chemists, Quoon Stroet. AUCKLAND. IGET HOLD OF FOR DRY CLEANING lfsl AND DYFING MOODY'S DYE WORKS LTD. Phone 40-802 (2 lines) for Vans to C»U. Crowhurat St., Newmarket. ■ I I w

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23879, 1 February 1941, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23879, 1 February 1941, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 23879, 1 February 1941, Page 7 (Supplement)


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