AKARANA CLUB'S EVENTS. FOUR GENERAL HANDICAPS. FAY WINS CHAMPIONSHIP. The Alsarana Tacht Club held its annua] cup day on Saturday. Four general handicaps were decided and also races for motor-boats, Tauranga midgets and clas3 Z. The keel yachts competed for the Commemoration Cup, which was won by Speedwell. The mullet boats meed for the White Cup, the. winner being Huia. The He-o-lin Cup was competed for by classes M, V and S, and was won by Namu. The 14-footers raced for the 14ft. championship find Eliot Davis Cups, both being won by Fay. Maio Clarion accounted for the Brett Cup and Octavia S. for the Ailsa Craig Cup. The auxiliary scow Wnikonini was placed at the disposal of the club for flagship by Messrs. Winstone, Ltd., and was moored in Judge's Bay. The first annual contest for the Trevic Shield, for class Z boats, was sailed in conjunction with the club's races, and representatives of the various clubs were the cuests of the Akarana Club aboard the flagship. An At Home was held ashore at the clubhouse, where afternoon tea was dispensed by the ladies' committee. ]n the evening a dance was held. The wind was very light from the north ft the start, but after a calm spell it went into the south and blew steadily for the remainder of the afternoon. Details are as follows: KEEL YACHTS. The race for keel yachts brought out eight competitors, which were sent away to a good start. Janet crossed the line first nnd was closely followed by Speedwell, Iris. "Waione, Ariel, and Uaybelle. Valdora and Kotiri were late, the former l{m and the latter 2m. Shortly after the start the boats were becalmed, and afterwards picked lip a southerly breeze. Waione was first to reach "White Light buoy, with Speedwell. Maybelle and Ariel following close on her stern. The wind was very light in the channel passed Waione befoie reaching Duder Spit buoy. Bounding this mark the order was Speedwell, Waione, Maybelle, Ariel, Kotiri. On the beat back Waione and Maybelle worked the Rangitoto shore, tho rest of the fleet standing along the lake shore. The wind shifted from south-south-east to south-south-west and the boats along the_ lake shore had the advantage over Waione and Maybello. Speedwell continued her lead and Ariel went into second place. The race started Ht 2.30 p.m. The finishing times were Speedwell (12m), 4h 57m 19s; Ariel (12m). 5h 2m 16s; Waione (scr). 6h 5m 50s; Kotiri (cm), Sh 7tn 335; Janet (16m), oh 13m 425; Iris (24m), 5h 16m 535; Valdora (26m)., oh 23m 13?; Maybelle (22m), 6h 25m 20s. The- result on corrector! jimesi was:— Speedwell, 1; Ariel, 2; Iris, 3. WIN" FOR HUIA. Starloch led the way over tho line in the race for'-classes H, L and N and wan closely followed by Rakoa, Celox, Waima, Komuri. Wairere, Ngaru 11., Huia, Omatere, Isobel and Ngaro. Mowai was over 30m late. Komuri made good progress in the light weather and w&s first to round White Light and Duder Spit buoys. At the latter mark the order of rounding was Komuri. Celos, Starloch. Omatere, Wa-rere. Ngaru 11., Huia, Waima. Aiter making the turn at Duder Spit buoy Komuri stood across to the Rangitoto shore and lost her lead. . . , The race started at 2.38 p.m. The finishing times were:—Starloch (scr). 5h Sm 525: Omatere (scr), 5h 10m 7s; Rakoa (71m). 5h 10m 595; Ngaru H.' (lljm). 5h 12m Us: Wairere- (11m), 5h 15m 12s; C'elox isim). 6h 16m 15s; Huia (16m), 5h 16m 19s; Komuri (7}m). 5h 19m 425; Isobel (20»m). 255; Waima il6m), 5h 2?m 325: Ngaro (24* m), sh. 33m 2ts. . The result on corrected times wa3:—Huia. 1; Ngaru 11., 2; Rakoa, 3; Isobel, 4. SUCCESS OF NAMU. The general handicap for clarses M. V find S brought out 13 starters. Ranui led the way over the line and .was very closely followed by Manene. Avro. Doris. Mystic,- Namu," Manu, Sun, Waitoa. Mawhiti mid Martha S. Marianne was 21m late, but made up a great deal of lost time. On the completion of the first round Manene led Manu by 2s, with Avro lm 55s further e way. Then . followed Maratea. 'Ranui. Namu, Dori3, Mystic and Mawhiti, in that order. „ . , The race ftarted at 2.-16 p.m. The finishing times were:—Manene (scr), 4h 23m 335; Manu (scr), 4h 25m: Avro (lm), 4h 26m 425; Maratea (scr), 4h 28: Ranui (oml 4h 20m 12s; Mawhiti (scr). 4h 3tm 10s: Doris (3lm). 4h 3-lm 193; Mystic (3?m). 4h 34m 265; Namu (12m). 4h 34m 545: Marianne dim), 4'n 37m 335; Sun (8m). 4h 37m 375; Martha S. (lm), 4h 43m ISs; Wmtoa (14m), 4h 47m 4s. The result on corrected times was:—Namu. 1; Manene, 2; Ranui, 3; Manu, 4. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP. The 14ft. club championship and general handicap were sailed together and brought out six starters. At gunfire Demon was first away and close on her stern came j Sybila, Fay, Desert Gold, Resolute and Vera. Fay •'ent into tho lead and on completion of the first round was 51s ahead of Sybila, which led Demon by lm 30s. The race started at 2.51 p.m. The finif=hine times were:—Fay (31m). 4b 30m 265; Sybila (45m), 4h 31m 4a<; Demon (scr). 4li 32m 593r Resolute (10m). 4h ?9m 50s; Vera (18m). 4h 48m 435; Desert Gold (6m), 4h film 3Ss.
The result of the general handicap on corrected times was:—Fay. 1; Syhila. 2: Resolute. 3. Fay also wins the 14ft. club championship. Only .Tune find Maid Marion started at 8.8 in the raco for the Brett Cup. The finishing times were:—Maid Marion (3pi), 4h 4Gm 535; June (scr). -ill 47m 525. The. result on time allowance was:—Maid Marion, 1. TAURANGA MIDGETS. Two races were held for the Tauranga midget class. ' The first race brought out four starters find the second race six (starters. The finishing times were;— First Race.—Weona. Mm), 4h 6m 9s; Midgt (scr), 4h 7m 295; Kewpie (l*m), 4h 11m 13s; Dawn (Iml, 4h 17m 4s. The result on corrected times was;— "Weona, 1; Midget. 2; Kewpie, 3. • Second Race. —Weona 'scr), 5h 13nt 335; Midegt Mm), 5h 13m 555; Wish Wynne (lm), oh 14m 41s; "Whoopee Mm). 5s 10m; Kewpie dim), 5h 17m 18s; Dawn (3m), 5b 21m 565. Tho result on corrected times was;— Midget. 1; Weona 2; Wish Wynne. 3. In the race for motor-boa's Kenya, ws first away ant' came Octavia S.. with Nyria the san..e distance away. The race started at 3.8 p.m. The finishting times were:—Kenya (7m), 3h 42m 395; Nyria (10lm), 3h 47m lis; Octavia S. (17m), 3h 52m 10s. The result on corrected time 3 was: — Octavia, 1; Kenya. 2; Nyria, 3. TREVIC SHIELD CONTEST. EASY WIN FOR KITTY. The first annual inter-club contest for the Trevic Shield, presented by Mr. W. A. Johnston, of Bayswater, for class Z boats, v.a3 held on Saturday in conjunction with the Akarana Yacht Club's harbour races. The course was from starting line near the Compass Dolphin in Judge's Bay, thence round Sandspit beacon, thence round Bastion beacon, thence round Resolution buoy back to starting line. The race brought out eight starters and was sailed in a light southerly breeze, resulting in a win for Kitty, representing the Akarana Yacht Club. The boats, skippers and tho clubs they represented were:—Edna. V. (F. Wilkins). Manukau Yaclit Club: Oi 'G. Carter), Victoria Cruising Club; Trevic (T. Johnston), Tamaki Yacht Club; Vindictive (I?. Tabateau), Takapuna Boating Club; Me Too (M. Pelnam). Ponsonby Cruising Club; Kitty (V. Field), Akarana Yacht Club; Delphine (R. Davies), Point Chevalier Sailing Club; Ngaio (C. Hardmon), Richmond Cruising Club. The stm"t was an excellent one, all the boats being right on tho line at gunfire. Kitty was first away and was closely followed by Oi. Edna V., Trevic. Me Too, Vindictive. Ngaio, Delphine. Kitty soon increased her lead from the rest of the fleet, and although ' th» wind was very light at times, almost falling a way to a calm, she maintained her position and won rathor easily. Oi was a good second, but tho others were some distance away. Tho race started at 3.in p.m. The finishing times were:—Kitty. 4h 18m 41s; Oi, 4h 21m 433; Me Too, 4h 21m ss; Vindictive, 4h C6m 10s; Delohinf. 4h 2Gnt 235; Ngaio, 4h 2Gm 245; Trevic. 4h 26m 335; Edna V., 4h 28m 12s. The result was:—Kitty, 1; Oi, 2; Me Too. 3. RACE TO BUCKLAND'S BEACH. The Otaliuhu Sailing Club held a, race to Auckland's Beach on Saturday afternoon. Seven boats started and the finish was timed as follows:—Aurora. 4h 25m; Su r - P,'; lse . ,4h 27m 30s; Wayward, 4li 33m 30s; \ s'oming, 4ly 34m; Valrosa, 4h 34m 20s ; *ii 41 > 35m; Spindrift, 4h 36m; Ventura, TU i 4h 45m 30s. TJulI; 0 ; r * BU lJv P n corrected times whs:— 1; \alrosh, 2; Aurora, 3.
POINT CHEVALIER CLUB. KITTYWAKE WINS CUP. T ie Point Chevalier Sailing Club held a general handicap during tho week-end for the Auckland Motor-Bus Company's Cup. Tho conditions were ideal, a full-sail breeze fron tins south-west prevailing throughout the race. From a good start Sea King crossed the lint: first, closely followed by Wairere, Kittywake and Aratu. Belle crossed too soon and was recalled. Sea King led to tho first ma:':k, where she was overtaken by Wriirerc, which retained her position to the finish.. Tho race started at noon. The finishing tmes were:—Wairere (scr), lh 41m 525; Martha S. (2m), lh 36m 40s; Aratu (6m), 1:1 47m 3s; Bello (sm) lh 48m 38s; Sea King (Sm), lh 50in 40s; Kittywake (12m), lh 51m: Ivy (21m). 2h 3m 13s; Sea Dawn. (23 n), 2h 9m 275. Miro (18m) did not finish. 1 ho result on corrected times was:—Klttywa.ve, 1; Aratu, 2: Wairere, 3. MANUKAU CRUISING CLUB. The Manukau Cruising Club held a race f*>r ynclila and lfiunchest on b<it # urclny filterx ocn over I*Co. 1 course. Model yacht events were also carried out. In the race for yachts tho finishing times ,re:c:—Lone Star (35m). 4h 26m 58s; Sea Gnome (8m), -lh 27m 375; Aoma (per), 4h SOri 425; Jenny Leo (32m), 4h 32m 40s; Sylvia (3m), 4h 31m 10s; Sea Horse (Sm), 4h 34m 12s: Wild Wave (30m), 4h 35m 575. Shirley (20m) retired. ?'ho result on corrected times was:—Lone f.!tiir, 1: Sea Gnome. 2; Aoma, 3. T'he (hushing limes in tho race for launches were as follows:—Cremorne (22Jm), 17m 275: Surprise (3m), 4h 18m 41s; Miss Mwnukau (scr), 4h 10m 51s: Tawera (27} m), •ill 2lm 19s; Grace (SSlin), -lh 21m 275; Dons ■ 4::hn), 4h 21m 10s. _ '.''ho result on corrected times was:—Cre:wrno, 1; Surprise, 2; Miss Munukau. 3. The model vacht championship resulted as follows: Master R. Everett, 1; T. Lloyd, 2; H. Pascoe, 3. Six boats started. '*n the general handicap for models thirty Ho its entered and two heats wore sailed. T1 e first heat was won by Master H. Davis with W. Sims second. The second heat was -,vc n by S. H. Bruford, with T. Lloyd je;ond. The result of the final was:—lT. Davis, 1; W. Sims, 2; S. H. Bruford, 3; T. Lloyd, 4. MANUKAU YACHT CLUB. Races for yachts and launches were held by the Manukau Yacht and Motor-Boat Club on Saturday afternoon. There was a frosh breeze from the south-west, enabling the sailing races to finish early. The race for yachts brought out seven ?t:irtera and the finish was timed as follows:—Drone (scr). 4h 10m Is; Daphne (7m), 4h lira 4s; Aotea. (14m), 4h 18m 9s; Myria (16m), 4h 20m 14s: Mist Maid (2Gm), 4l" 23m 20s; Mi:-s Mac (16m), 4h 36m 16s; Pitricia (35m), 4h 42m os. The result on corrected times was:—Mist Maid, 1; Daphne, 2: Aotea, 3. The launch race was for ladies and resulted as follows Mary G. (Mrs. «T. W. Riwlinson), 1: Nomina (Mrs. A. Brain), 2; Shark (Miss P. Bray). 3. Two races were sailed for the club's 12ft 6ii boats. Tho first race resulted as follows:—Tun ton. (A. Andrews), 1; Comet <C. T tcker), 2; Nor* Wilson (P. Minks), 3. 'I ho second race resulted:—Nor' Wilson (D. McLeod). 1; Comet (W. Leighton), 2; Tuatea (F. Andrews), 3.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21131, 14 March 1932, Page 14
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2,027YACHTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21131, 14 March 1932, Page 14
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