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I When the first Chrysler was shown the only criticism by the experts was that not even Walter P. Chrysler could put into production such manufacturing specifications within fifty per cent, more than the price then Jllli Chrysler's rise in four years to 4th * place in world sales has been the award ru3cu3J^B!i and successive price economies. v. 7t "?r>. TiJf. * i't, ft"' if'# «'4«. A// Prices F. 0.8. Main Parts. I J y ou I AUCKLAND MOTOR CO. (F. G. Farrell, Manager)) 89-91, Albert Street, Auckland. E. N. Valmtine, Hamilton. A. J. Clarke, Te Aroha. Northern Motor Bus Co., Ltd., Whangaref. G. W. SPRAGG, Lome and Rutland Streets, Auckland. Fortune & CarratHers, Rotorua. Munro Motors, Tauranga. TO PROVE A CHRV, NEW MODELS NICKEL. SILVER. ROLLED GOID^O 45* 70* 77« _ accurate v DISTINCTIVE m C RELIABLE I AT ALL JEWELLERS aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiHiiiifiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimifiiiiiiiiuiiiii. I EXPRESSION PLA TES. j ~ 9B< i § Plates made end supplied by : 5 | MMBWHBBw us are noted (or their comfort !§■. f anco the teeth give to the ; EE life :!.. . f" 4 f wearers. Our exclusive new- Z E " style dentures « z: "■'*'* Consultations Free. Appointments. 5 E Perfectly Painless Extractions. £ \ y il Wltv*7 (IP'L "fl DENTISTS Corner of PifCSf.6 Kwaunqahape JRtf V Kidneys and Digestion. Headpains, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, and Indigestion are all quickly relieved by the supreme tonic restorative—Br. Cassell's Tablets. You envy people of strong nerves, sound digestion and generally robust health, but you would be astonished how many were once like yourself—out of tone, nervy, dyspeptic, and sleepless, but are now thoroughly well, because they took Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Try this fine medicine yourself. It is thoroughly safe and absolutely sure. It contains no narcotics or stimulants. When the beneficial process which it establishes commences you will be permanently restored. Nurse recommends Nurse Bishop,of 7, West AvenueCaerphiL ly. Wales, writes: " Having used Dr. Cassell's Tablets both for myself and practice with most gratifying results, l shall have no hesitation in using and recommending them. For building up health and body they are unrivalled." The Univtrtai Borne Remedy for Nerve Weakness Palpitation * Kidney Complaint Sleeplessness Neuritis Stomach Troubles Nervous Dehtifty Wasting Diseases Anwmla Indigestion Noat Lassitude Vital Exhaustion 1/9 and 4/- per box. Of all Chemitts sod Store*. Addrtu M communication* to Salmond and Sprsggon, ■ 662, G.P.0., Wellington. NJS. Tablets CHRONIC VAREX Free psaghfat aod lUhees ba Eramt Hmlot, VAREX LTDP.O. Bc* 1558 U WAabm. M ULCERS Treatment Rooms! NURSE VANE-WALLACE. 12, St. Kevin's Arcade, Karangahape Rod. HIHViT7tTtT3RfS«fI EMBOSSED NOTE. Diatinctive Envelopes. Highest Quality. Prompt Delivery. Moderate Cost. HERALD PRINTING WORKS, Queen Street, Auckland. V* Telephone 44-2 M,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19769, 17 October 1927, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19769, 17 October 1927, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19769, 17 October 1927, Page 4