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COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT: 126 NEWTON ROAD, Auckland. ! r . ( 291 QUEEN STREET 296 PONSONBY ROAD DOMIMION ROAD | y J 236 HOBSOIN STREET EDEN TERRACE KARANGAHAPE ROAD ; Stores I QI)AY STREET PARNELL NEWTON ROAD i " " 1 Gold Seal Baking Powder, to. size, 4<l i Baking Powder. Gold Seal Baking Powd(!r( mi siK 6d Some time ago wo imported a line of English Baking Powder _ . . Gold Seal Baking Powder, large size, 1/forms to the Food Act there, being packed under the certificate of the eminent chemists, A. H. Hassell, M.D., and Otto Homier, F.C.S. Knowing the popularity that this Baking Powder had gained at Home, and finding that the price had not been advanced after the war, as so many of our own local pro- A H/yii) \t\arisiln fr\V into IA/aah duets had, we felt quite confident in offering it to the public Si TZW OpeCiaiS JOT IMS VV 66/?. here at a much lower price than any other Baking Powder ill New Zealand. We failed to take into account, however, the risk of evaporation which the long sea voyage incurred, and, consequently, on analysis, the Baking Powder was found to fVm\f* B««%1r Co.l«wa«i 1 Ik **#i* /k A have lost about 5 per cent, of the raising powers required VMvlG* it IUA 01M VIIa WW Hfls " by the New Zealand Food Act. Otherwise the Baking Powder 7 "* was pure and wholesome, and was admitted to contain no in- n{& . g nofc SaJmon hag been |vjng Qn our fo) . tw(j of jurious substances whatever. . . . . . , , . . " , . , J three years, but is nice fresh stock, just landed. When we discovered the loss by evaporation of 5 per cent, of Carbon Dioxide, wo at once took the Baking Powder off the market, at a great monetary loss to ourselves, and since wc have done so we have had hundreds of customers asking Choice Southern unions. libs for Sd fur it. So that our many customers may not be disappointed, vWOIWJ \jQl9lll£lll Ulilvlldt i lUj 101 %$V and to prove to the general public that it was not on account of inferior quality that we were selling this Baking Powder Lovdy gound oniong) medium-sized, and in prime condition. aheap, we have had put up for us in New Zealand, by one of the best manufacturers here, a line of very high-grade Baking Powder, under our own trade mark of "Gold Seal," which we can sell just as cheap as the imported line, and make a fair I)*' llaa AAII f 4 IfW profit for ourselves. We will guarantee " Gold Seal' Baking rflfi\o rOlAlflfti' ZJUftSTOf - -1/ £7 Powder to be pure, and to conform in every way with the * I IMS 1 V»UlVt*| toWI IV! M. / V requirements of the Food and Drugs Act. , & gupp , y ffhile n Our price will be;— Gold Seal Baking Powder, 4oz size, 4d. ZZSZZZgZS" Evaporated Apricots, per pound - 7fd We are prepared to forfeit £100 to any charity if it can Make a delicious and economic dessert for the cold weather, be proved that "Gold Seal" Baking Powder does not comply with the Food and Drugs Act. Every since the war started the Home and Colonial Stores f\* • /tjjft I a* /a 4 irjft'JMSWttK; b."J£VS Champion Custard Powder, per tin 4& have been fighting against the HIGH COST OF LIVING ; and notwithstanding our low prices wo have always maintained a A rich, creamy Custard, which, used i.i conjunction with our Evaporated high standard Of quality in all our foodstuffs. Apricots,' forms a delicious and appetising dainty It will be easily understood that a firm like ours must have many enemies, and it is to their advantage to try and have the public believe that in reducing the prices of foodstuffs we must sacrifice quality; but this is not so. We reduced I ..h. QltQlr/ir \«!klf «/»#» 4-i«t f%IA the price of sugar, and the public of Auckland alone have jbtollt NJlldMl \Sdllq Utl III! " " qJU benefited in the last three years to the extent of about £60,000. ' V "~ SrVSctt% P my gffSSSlf."* we handle none but the I The largesfc and most «™ «**•«• « refined ™ Salt on the I market. The salt runs freely from the tin, and never cakes. We have kept the price of butter down, especially in the last few months, and there is no butter in Auckland to equal our "Primrose Brand." We have until recently sold our Primrose Tea at 1/- per B nAf/*/> JA#nofA/»r AAtf* ffl« %&.* A pound, and we defy anyone to duplicate the quality for less VllvU& 1 Ullldlvtdj jj&l I ill " " O^U than 1/6. We quote only these few popular lines, to show that wo Lovdy ml ' ripe Tomatoes of delicious flaVour - Just lhe thing for never sacrifice quality to price. stews and soups. m / ;«w ra«SffiSßßffi©ffi9Bffi®©fflfflffiffl©®ffiffl®©flßfl3fflffi^©ffi©ffi©ffi©©ffiffWS J / * AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS. "'^^^^^^S^i ■ I WT wW' IDO YOU KNOW '/^(r^ \\™k V I H/f • © There " a metnod being Med. at the AMERICAN DENTAL VwMloV v mm x & PARLOBS, whereby you can have your teeth drilled and filled with\vyto* (v Mr ffi ou ' the slightest sonsation of pain or inconvenience to you. :*r \J ' © _ This method is the invention of Dr. Clark, of New York, and is © being used by the leading Dentists of America. We we the only Ufttk.*t.,«ll.,fmn«Ml.„,i m m*bo tt • t.k./.,,M M »<.r»««r/»m»Ma 8 Dentistß in 0081688100 of this wondefful apparatus, and . lift tht outsr walls of tht imtrlls a< ihown abci'i -nen mhalt vigorously througntm po * •—-»—1-. ' nostrils. AfUrwuu exhale, also through the nostrils. Dj ■oth. of course, whim hold ng the m WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE nostrils wide open. The result will be nothing las than a surprising rwttatitn of 'the natal W.«„ . , «..i... v*„ . ... ... ui .-' , tir-pasiagtt can bi enabled to convey an Increased supply of oxygen to the respiratory organs. © 10 nil any teeth, no matter how sensitive, Without the use of MJ drug ijl oi' sleep-producing ■ agent. , , «- » a « *,—- —rr « w *»* *+. t-M '8 OUB SYSTEM OP PAINLESS EXTRACTION IS FAR IN AD. fj Ik \/Ll l/ ill } f 1 ill © VANOE OP THAT USED by any other Dental Concern, in, the Doi i JTJL V Mmd Si \J vS \J * ffi WE ARE NOT BEGINNERS, and we have treated thousands of © patients in the last ten years. OUR REPUTATION' STANDS FOR . „ .-. ■ _ _ © PAINLESS OPERATIONS AND QUALITY OP WORK THAT WILL A If'Wl' A M a •* ® STAND THE TEST OF TIME. ■ A 1 /A L# i,# ELbJ / § OUR CHARGES ARE REASONABLE, and wo make the most « jLJj*. fl /-■% |% Mm S i * a durable aa<l life-lie plate obtainable anywhere in the world, from jliL. JL JTm. A\l\ JL JL V ©£333. ptATE ig NOT AH EXPERIMENT WITH A FANCY «*•••■«■«■■ v 7m5 pLATE jg NQT AN EX p EEIMEHS mm A PANO y © KAME, IT IS MADE OF THE SAME MATERIAL THAT EVERY If you have a. dropping of phlegm into th« throat. g AMERICAN DENTIST USES. ' If your nose is stopped up, g AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, !IvouarJ oreD?ibieto0 r eD?ibieto coids I Corner Queßn and We,!ss!B y s^e ts. Auckland, and at Wellington. If you ar* easily susceptible to COWS, CD DR. RAYNER Daily from 9 Bile. Saturday 9 till l. Open Friday Evenings only, if you suffer from frontal headaches, ©©©©©©©©SffiSiSffiSffiffiffiSfSSffiffiSSffiffiSßffiffiSSffiSffieffiSSffiffil If you have noises in the head, MWWira! ..„.«—-_- If your hearing is affected, If you have to clear your throat and expectorate often If a change in the weather affects you, If you are a victim to shortness of breath, -> ».- If you sneeze frequently, W'^f\ If your sense of smell is affected, iQk W*&P If you have a heavy, tired feeling on awaking, i-snn i'V4' r /*%. If you suffer from a husky throat, BSWBWk -lH^M«R»^ :^l» »»»••.-• & J If you aro affected with any of the above symptoms, IS» jtt% j&H M the chances are that you are suffering from \M fiiTH \ t3v lH K B Catarrh. It i» an exceedingly dangerous com- mmttF jMJitednXn ) mxMm^M»£^ plaint, and is so insidious that the sufferer hardly / L jjsr realises how serious Is his or her condition until * : #1 #% ( * xdSr '■> matters have reached an almost chronic stage. 'XIiHJ ft*# -mm < P^iiij'l Catarrh often begins with a cold in the head, but it never stops there. >t.";.|>SHHS yV~ $6'M.ivWi .' The simple cold becomes a protracted one, while the disoharge from the "'')'"<?• §/§iW'' :i nose grows more pioluse and uncomfortable. • i wliW^''" The inflammation extends to the throat and bronchial tubes, causing \. v S Wstsffis^'''> lioarsetiesi, a tickling sensation, and an aggravating cough. The matter V \', y \ y'-* ',''*< that is continually dropping back into the throat finds it* wav into the ' f \V ' ' m** , ' wf' * ' '.\'K-'\ stomach, resulting in a distressing form of dyspepsia, nausea, and loss of "M^^wM& a< % ' 'j.f!.ij it appetite and strength. % 4 The catarrhal poisons are absorbed into the blood, and all the membranes •■■• ,' \ ''^^K^^^K^lr l ! ■• V of the body become infected. What was supposed to be a purely local I *• W?M6* / ' /',/\ ..yv'-'t disease has become constitutional, deep-seated, and chronic, and may w\w\ '• '' > ' 'W,L / ' "m = ' eventually result in Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuritis, Catarrh of : '• WMmfW^WW^%%''She Stomach, or that dread scourge of the human race, Consumption. ,' A WOW^/SW/WW A Sample Bottle of "KAT-AR-AH" INHALANT Wi' i' Jlw/' FREE to SUFFERERS. «*«■ m§§g An Untimely Question "Kat-ar-ah" Treatment for Catarrh it based on scientific principles, 6 ;**!<, «-„♦!,„„ /t.„t,:_j *U„ 'Vlfc//'/-.-.^^^^// and aims at the curing of the trouble on an entirely new and logical WTO Brother the Screen), Oh!ClarenCeif basis. I know it is right by personal experience—the best Catarrh 77/// y Qtl NUGGET "vailPtmnft this mnrnino Remedy in existence, and lam ready to prove it to you. Hundreds MJIV uu nUWbI yUUI IJUUId UUbIUUIUUIg acknowledge its worth. No matter how many remedies you may have tried do not consider your case hopeless until you have tried "Kat-ar-ah " Treatment. ■"■"•"■■"■■—■•-■■—■«—•■——«■«. —■————«__»»_ __-___. In order that you may prove the value of this TreAtment to vour own r* > * , <<^r^-~- —--y ~ f ""T!^—- y >rl satisfaction I will supply you with a trial bottle of " Kat-ar-ah "' Inhalant ft Q 8 M K O ftj> FREE OF CHARGE. It will give immediate relief to the inflamed I \ /6©B\V?S \rJ^*tX\f\ membranes, clear the head, convey health-giving, purifying and perm- %. BML i ■ ' lJ , Jlr<»**^' V^N^* Ift I I I » destroying medicated air to (he affected parts, and cleanse the nasal %B'Sl lafll ib t&£#M PRb/K A 9 li\ passages of the accumulated mucous. I will alsosend you a copy of my I af |J! p»p- , fl 8 ifF « new and interesting booklet-" Catarrh-its Cause, Symptoms and LSI Bfc. llißil 1 Treatment." Be sure to mention this paper when writing give your **£Z* 00 EVEIRYU/HFf? r^**»^*«\i full name and address, and enclose 3d. in stamps to cover cost of postage >.»i.iii ■^^7**^^. Send to-day. The trial bottle will be sent youby return " EMEri SOLE AGENTS ANil BOTTLERS FOR THE AUCKLAND DISTRICT HERDER, 7, Daking House, SYDNEY. OULL ttULIXI ° fINU Bli ' ' LtKS FOR THE AUCKLAND DISTRICT ■MMmm HIPKINS & COUTTS, WINE AND SPIRfT MERCHANTS, I CUSTOM STREET EAST.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15951, 23 June 1915, Page 12

Word Count

Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15951, 23 June 1915, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15951, 23 June 1915, Page 12


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