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THE sharemarket was quiet yesterday. In investment lines New Zealand Insurances sold '•' at 75* 6d. at which prioo there were further ■ sellers, with buyers at 75«. Northern Coals '? ' ' gold afl6s: D.S.C.'s at 5s 9d; New Zealand - ;. Portland Cements at 29s fid; and New Zea- ' - land Paper Mills at 23s 3d. In mining lines i Waihis continued firm, with sales at £9 13s ', ' 3d, sellers closing at that price, buyers at " £9 13s. Talismans receded a little, business . being done "at 51s to 51a 3d to 50s 6d, with ) late sellers at 505.9 d, buyers at 50s 3d. New • Sylvias sold at Is 6d; Waiotahis at 2s 9d; Waitangis at 2s Id; Old Haurakis at 2s 5(1 J ' Tokateiw at Sid; Ngatiawas at Is; Crowns ' at 7s Id; Kf.raugahakes at Is 2d: Komata Reefs at Is 4d ; Ready Bullions at. 7*d to 6cl; t Silver Hills at 6d; Tairua Golden Hills at ' 2s" lid and 3s (9d paid), and 2s 9d and lOd (ftdpaidi; Tairua. Triumphs at Is 3d; YVaihi Consolidated* at Is lid; and Mountain Kings front.) at 6j>d. , ■ ,'" i . The volume of business still keeps up wonder- ?' fully well, and will no doubt continue to do ■ „ whilst the weather keeps fair. Our North- . era friends are fully alive to the inconveni- ; euro they have been put to for so many years ?. in getting supplies to their stores directly the wet weather sets in. t The soft goods houses are kept busy as also ' arc the ironmongers, due to the enormous >■' amount of building going on in all directions. The shipping in the. harbour is particularly heavy at present. The s.s. from London and Capetown villi 2600 tons general t: Sandise, the s.s. Waihora from Calcutta "id Singapore with a heavy cargo of bonemeal, gunnies, hcnitM. rice, etc., and , [he usual coastal and Sydney steamer all combine to find the wharf hands plenty ot . "ifides: 6 The market was well supplied at Hides: The market was well supplied at last week's sales. Prices continue very tinn, with good competition. . . ■ ■■■■ "Sheepskins: No new feature to report, la to prices ruling, with fair inquiry. ..Tallow: Market easier, a fall of from 2s to ■ 3s per cwt. at last week's sale. . Almonds: The market for prompt shipment remains unaltered, fair demand for spot stocks. ... ~ * Canned Fruit: The well-known brands aro now moving freely, and there is likely to be a shortage in one or move lines beforo the ; 'i new pack reaches this market. , .Camphor: Good stocks are held -in first hands, and the market for prompt shipment is on a parity with the last quotation. •Hemp Seed: Market is rather quiet, and ■' there is no change to report. ■ Castor Oil: Steady at last quotation. "■ Candles: Direct shipments arrived by the Waihora this week: the demand is good, and stocks are moving freely. • . ' Evaporated Fruits: Lower prices are ruling «•. for prompt shipments, and spot stocks are ' moving freely. ■'' , . »'• Haricot Beans: In good demand, and orcli ers for replenishing stocks have been placed. Kapok: The market is on a safe level for buying for direct, shipment in August, and :«'- rood business has been put through. Mutton Birds: The new pack has just ar- ■ rived to this market, and is meeting with good inquiry. . . .', Mildura Raisins: The price is through for Ihe new season's seeded raisins, and is very low. and good' business should result. Prunes; Advices from America have been received advising that the new pack will prove a failure, and higher prices are anticipated. ~,iii ' Piuea'pnles arc meeting with steady demand, \ ■ and stocks are getting low. . Salmon Cocktail: There is only a very limited supply of this brand for the new season, and buyers should book promptly to . secure their requirements. Stocks on the spot '.' , are exhausted. ' . " Tinplates:, Market is farm,' with upward tendency. •■ , , ~' . . Turpentine: Cable to hand that the, market is ...weak, and business has been, done for forward shipment. ~ , . ~, • r Potatoes: The quantity which. arrived tins week consisted of 1060 sacks by the Victoria \ from the South, and 550 sacks from Sydney by the Wimmera. which came; to a very bare .:'' market, and as the demand is very good :it '• ' is expected that this supply wall be exhaust- ■ ■ed before the Mouowai arrives} at the end of /'.the week with a fresh supply.) Prices in the < -' , South are very firm with a tendency to ad- "•■ vance. The merchants here are now asking ; £6 5s ex store. % • • Onions: The "Wimmera brought 65 sacks from Sydney and the Victoria 325 sacks from the South. "These came to a market that was well supplied. Most of the purchases that a| have been made in Australia have now been i received, and prices have risen there. Sup- • plies are now being drawn principally from Canterbury, and in sympathy with Victoria. Southern prices 'have-also advanced, there be-, in* a rise of 10s per ton. Onions are good buying at to-day's prices. £8 ex store is the ruling quotation. Oats: The .market is still advancing in the South. There has been some speculative buying for early delivery, ' and these are being held very firmly. Offerings from the country firs light and as the crops are now well in we see no chance of any fall until the spring ' threshing. Oats are. still being sold locally at less than to-day's laid down cost. This state of things cannot continue. The present price is 2s lid ex ship. 3s ex store. , ' Chaff: The market' is firmer. Southern is worth £6 10s. Supplies are coming forward ■:.-. ;: fairly free!v from there, but local offerings are on the light side, and for this £6 is being asked. ". Peas: Prussian blues are unobtainable in -the South. Orders are being executed fiom stocks of Tasmunians. The market is »firm and advancing: the demand is strong. Price, f>a 3d to 6s 6d. Partridge peas are not being asked for. and are difficult to quit. ■ .Bran: Price remains at £6 7s 6d with mod- ■' ■'■'prate stocks, and business quite up to the u&u.-d. Pollard: There is no alteration in the quotation which remains at £7 1.55. Stocks ot this are only fair, and there is a good inquiry • for it. ■ = Maize: The Wimmera brought 751 sacks of Island maize from Sydney, and in consequence of the market being so exceedingly bare the wliola of this shipment went straight into the hands of distributers., so that stocks held by the merchants now are extremely light. There were no arrivals from the - Coast. The ex store price is 5s 3d. ■;/. Wheat: Latest advices from Melbourne ." •how that after a period of dullness there is ;! v a little more, activity. The inquiry is better, / ; which may be accounted for by the firm ten- .■;■:'■ dency displayed in the London market. Owr ing to the absence of rain holders of wheat in the country are fitting very tight, and : few »ales arc being made on Melbourne ac;V count in country districts. It is anticipated that the outlook tor next season will be ' rather serious unless a good general 'rainfall takes place in order to enable ploughing and ■ sowing to be put into operation. Fowl Wheat: There is a very good demand: V . . for this, and the market is exceedingly strong at 5s 3d ex store. Manures: The Waihora arrived from Cal-

cutla with a shipment of bonedust, and this caroo' to a market that was barely stocked. The demand being (very good, there will be very little delay in moving this shipment off. Barley: Latest reports' from the South show i that there is it good demand for both milling «ir] feed qualities, the latter is being inquired: for here on account of the shortage of maize. 4s 6d is the ex store price. Fungus: This is coming forward very slow- ■■"; ly, and as the buying for China has now started in earnest, the market is very firm. ■ Kid. still the buying quotation. Flax: The deliveries for April consisted of 2262 bales, equal to about 390 tons, and for the four days of May 175 bales, equal to 35 ■ ■one, came'forward. The Loudon market is ■ not nearly so active. Prices have eased 'lightly to the extent of about 10s a ton ■ ivith less inclination to do business. This rosy only be temporary. The present local . flotations are nominally £22 for G.F.A.Q. ; £20.10s to £21 for F.A.Q.; and £18 to £19 for common. Tow: This is not reaching here in sufficient - quantities to meet the demand at the present time, as the low price is not enough to induce fillers to ship it; £4 to £5 is about the best I'i'iee that can be given for export purposes. tor local use it is worth slightly more, but ," "he quantity required is only moderate. Ceylon Tea: The Colombo sale of the trth ultimo was fairly large, 1,679,7521b being:the total quantity submitted to auction. Selection was rather better, more leafy, tippy descriptions being noticeable, but quality, on ] the.whole, was still disappointing. Inquiry was good, and competition for all descriptions i fery keen, consequently prices were very firm, ■ , while; in. some cases they appreciated from 1 "hree to five cents. Common brokens were very I Erta. at last quotations, while pekoes and • pekoe souchongs for price advanced one cent. • Medium brokens were also in good demand, .> - and the few fine, tippy descriptions which ■'>-.;_..We're catalogued realised up to 70cls. Higli- :."'; »ro\*n teas show very little quality. London reported that sales had gone with a good de- , ; sand, and prices had shown a slight improvement. ;-. .'.•'' '... , Indian Tea.: Recent.advices from the manu--1 «cturing districts are generally unfavourable . ?n account of the prolonged drought. Rain ', ' « badly .wanted throughout, and prospects in the main are backward as compared with last \ season. Kauri Cum: Supplies for five days of May . .;.; totalled 97 tons, as against 79 tons for the ' •rfttip time in May, 1907, showing an excess -, of 18 tons. From January 1 to", May 5, iOO7, 2071 tons reached here, as against '2126 -oils for the same period of this year, showing * Wling off of 845 lon*. . , \ .. pfep9fj;^ , riV',^U'.-'X::,'':. •.■. ■ , i{ ■■■. ■ ■ •■ , . ■ li|sll|if^ ! i? : ' :: ' : '''r'> v ':' .' : .;■'.'■■■. '-, • . .'. :■ illlilSl i iiiliwSf' ;i^; :'i' .: : '■■-■. . ; '' '..■'■. ■',■'■ ''• •' ■' '■'.' .-' : ': ■' ■'■ ; '

.There is very little; alteration to report in the market, but the indications are that: a slightly better feeling may soon : be developed, as email orders are now being sen); forward from America.,, which, in itself, is a very good sign. This may be the thin end of the wedge to break up the slump, which has been in existence for some months past. Some of the brokers are holding rather heavy stocks, but the bulk consists of poor grades, and a large proportion of chips and dust. There is not any quantity of superior ordinary, but good blacks arc fairly plentiful. Pale select, of which there is only a small supply, is salable if reduced prices are accepted.

Ordmary: All lots of good rcscraped that are being sent into the market are readily disposed of on arrival, but there has been no appreciable rise in value. Three-quarter scraped ordinary is not keenly sought after, but the quantity available is moderate: were any orders forthcoming prices would undoubtedly firm up, at any rate to what was being obtained previous to the rise that took place on account of the loss of the Viking. Medium ordinary and good washed nuts find ready buyers at moderate values. There is very little doing in chalk or swampy sorts, and poor while swamp is not very salable. Last Coast: Supplies arc only moderate, out at the present time there are no buyers, and brokers may have to hold for some little tunc beforo shippers of this special grade come into the market. Black: There are steady buyers of good rescraped. Supplies are 'insufficient to meet the demand, but fancy price* are unobtainable. wold lumps well-cleaned are salable if brokers are willing to make a slight reduction. Good three-quarter scraped steel is rather difficult to quit; business in this particular grade being of a very limited character. Medium blacks and black nuts are selling slowly, but black sugar is hanging fire. Bush: There is no inclination on the part ot shippers; to operate in any grade, and bled bush, of winch there is a fair quantity available, is entirely neglected. Chips and Dust: Bright chips and dust are salable, but there is no business doing in ordinary chips, and in diggers' ordinary chips and dust Small lines of black riddlings. black seeds, and .oarse bkck dust , « being sold if they are in dry condition.

AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. BUSINESS DONE YESTERDAY. Previous, day'* ' ' ' closing sale's. £ s. d. New Zealand Insurance—2nd call, 70s 6d — Northern Coal—2nd call, 16s ... ... „ d.s.c—lst call, :- s on ...' ..; ;;; 05 10 New Zealand Portland Cement—lst . call. 29s M .:. 1 10 0 New Zealand Taper Mills-3rd call, 23s 3d New Sylvia— call. Is 6d 0I 7 Waiotahi_2nd and 3rd calls. 2s 9d . . 0 2 0 Waitangi—3rd call, 2s Id . ... ...' _' Old llauraki—lst. 2nd, and 3rd calls 2k fi d ' ..' 0 ■>. 6 Tokatea.-.3rd call, 3JUI _ Ngatiawa —3rd call. Is _ Crown—2nd and 3rd calls, 7s Id ... 07 0 Karaiigahakc.-2nd call. Is 2d Komata Reefs—2nd call, In 4d ... 0 1 4 Ready Bullion— call, 7£d; 3rd call, Ojd, 6d 0 0 7,', Silver Hill—lst call, 6d ... ... _ * Tairiia f.'olden Hills (9d paid)-2nd call, 2s lid; 3rd call, 2s lid. 3s ... 0 2 11 Tairua Golden Hills (6d paid)— call 2s 9d; 3rd ell, 2s 10d ! 0 2 -8 Tairua Triumph—3rd call, Is 8d ... — Talisman—lst call. 51s: 2nd call. 51? 3d, 51s, 5.0s 9d; 3rd call, 60s 6d ... 2 10 5 Waihi—2nd and 3rd calls. £3 13s 3d ... 913 0 Wa'thi Consolidated—2nd call, Is lid ... — Mountain King (con.)—2nd and 3rd calls, bid 0 0 b\ CLOSING QUOTATIONS.

THE LEATHER MARKET. Messrs. Dalg«ty and Co., Limited, have received the following cablegram from London :— Leather: There is a fair demand, but prices are unchanged. Basils: Prices have declined id to •3d since last telegraphing. Hides: The market is very dull. PRICE OF BRAN ADVANCED. [MY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Chkjstchuhch, Tuesday. The New.' Zealand Flour Millers' Co-operative Association has advanced the price of bran to £5 las per ton. LONDON WHEAT MARKET. By Telegraph.—Press Association.— Copyright. LONDON", May <?. Trie following are the estimates of wheat and flour afloat :-Kor the. 'United Kingdom, 3,230.000 quarters; for the Continent. 2,305,000 quarters.; Ulan tic shipments, 41,000 quarters; Tacific shipments. 70,000 quarters.

NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO.'S, Ltd., REPORT. Horses: On Friday, at the Durham yards, horses were yarded in full numbers and disposed of at late rates. ,- Heavy draughts sold at from £27 10s to £35; medium do., £15 15s to £29 IDs; hacks and. light harnew horses, £5 5s to £21; weeds. £2 10s to £7 15s; spring-cart, "£ls. The racehorse I'ohutu realised 260 guineas. At Coromande! on Thursday there was a good muster of .stock of all descriptions. Competition was scarcely as keen as at the previous sale, although, with few exceptions, everything sold. Dairy cows realised from £3 5s to £4 10s; empty cows, £2 to £3 'ss; grown steers, £4 103 to £5 ss: two to three-year-old do., £2 10s to £4 15s; calves, 18s to £1 16s; ewes, 12s. Beef sold at Newmarket rates. On Saturday we held a clearing sale of live and dead stock in the estate of the late W. Maskery. There was a good attendance and very satisfactory prices ruled.. Cows sold at from £3 5s to £6 12s 6d: farm horse?. £13 to £25; unbroken two-vear-old horses, £24 to £26; foal, £14.

Cattle: At tlie Newmarket Yards on Tuesday a large/number of dairy and store stock were yarded,;' with a full supply of beef,. Dairy cows sold at from £3 10« to £6 ss; empty cows. £2 to £3 ss; calves, 16s to £1 Bs-..grown steers. £4 to £5 ss. . Bidding, for beef was brisk, prices being on a, par with last week, Oxen sold to 23s per 1001l>; cows. 17s to 20s. Sifters sold at from £6 Ifta to £10.12* M; cows, £3 15s to £7. The fat cattle, although of good quality, were, without exception, light weight*. Sheep were yarded in usual numbers, but'showed no improvement on last week'.- prices, although the market had a firmer tone.' Wethers sold at from 16s to £1 3s; owes, 13s 6d to £1 Os 6d; lambs, 9« 6d to 18s. The advertised store ewes sold at from 7s 6d to 12s Dd; do.,'wethers. 15s 3d to 14:-- 3d. rig»: Workers sold at from £1 Is to £1 13s; weanera, 4s to 7» 6d : baconers, £1 to £3 2s. We submitted a large catalogue of hides, skin.-, and tallow on Tuesday, all lines meeting with good competition at, late rates. Hides; Market firm. We quote— Extra stout ox, 7<l to 7id; stout do., 6Jd to 6Jd; medium do.. 5Jd to'6d: light do., 5d to 5Jd; cows', best lines 4Jd to 4Jd, good 4}d to 4J,d, scored 3Jd to 4d: staffs', 2Jd to 3,7; kips', 2.Jd to 3Jd; calfskins. 3d t'o 6d; damaged hide?, I'd to 3Jd. Sheepskins: Market easier. Best butchers! skins. Is 6d to Is 3d; good, 1\ to Is 4d; interior, fid to 10d.

Tallow: Market lower. Heat, mixed, to 24s M: good, 21s ocl to 22« 6d ; interior, IBs to 20,3: rough fat. ljd nor lb. Bones. "£4 13s.

tails. Is gd per dozen. Horsehair, Is 3d to Is 4d. Maize : Only a few bags of local came to hand,, which were disposed of ot 5s 2d. Wheat is in good demand at fis 2d to 5s 3d. Oats: Southern buyers arc asking equal to 2s lOd c.i.f.

Butter: The market is very quiet and soles are slow at, 10d to 10|d for first'grade separator and 9cl for seconds.

(hep.c(,: Farmers' is slow of. sale at fid to Md for good quality. 4d being realised for poor. Fungus is worth t>d. Northern Sales: At Tgiigowahiue. owing to the. extremely wet day, there was a small. muster. all of which* sold under the hammer. At Arapohne there was a good yarding of stock of all descriptions, which sold well under brisk competition. At Raupo there was an average yarding. consisting mostly of beef cows, which sold, without, exception, ot ruling rates. At Maunga.turoto large numbers of cattle came forward, and in nearly every instance, gales resulted, the exception being 'calves, of which too many Were yarded for requirements. At Kaiwaka the yards were, again full, and nearly all the stock was sold at auction- or immediately after at satisfactory rates. At Wellsford mostly young stock and cows with calves came forward, sales resulting in most cases. At Wark worth the yards were full, some of the cattle being really choice. Bidding was stood for anything showing quality, and we report a successful sale. The advertised land at Matakana elicited keen competition and sold at a satisfactory price. At Joseph Poynton's sale of live and dead stock at the Wade there was a large attendance of the public, and everything was quitted at ruling rates. We quote for these salesßeef: Steers, £5 15s to £7 10s; fat cows. £3 15s to £5 10s ; three to three and ahalf year old steers, £4 to £5 ss; two to three-year-old do., £2 7s 6d to- £4; vearlings. 'A2» to £2 is; calves. 12s to £1 !9s 6d. Sheep: Wether", to 17s 6d : voting ewes. 12s 6d to 18s: aged ewe*. 6s 6d to lis 3d: hoggets 5s 6d to lis. Horses: .Medium draughts, £20 to £27 10s: hacks, £9 to £17; ponies, from £2 10s upwards.

CHRISTCHURCH PRODUCE .MARKET. [BV TKIiBGKArU.—TOKSS ASSOCIATION.] CtuiiSTCHCUOH, Tuesday. .Merchants and millers report that, little or no wheat is offering and the market is very firm. The same may be said of oats, and orders are being filled out "of store. There is an inquiry for oats and chaff from Australia, but. at present prices any. business from that quarter is likely to be done in the South. A fair amount of business continues to be done in potatoes at late quotations. ■

Sellers. Buyers £ a. d. £ s. d BANKS— < New Zealand 0 10 0 3 8 0 National ... 5 7 6 5 6 0 INSURANCE— New Zealand ... - ... 3 15 6 3 In 0 South British ... ... 2 19 6 — FINANCIAL— National Mortgage and Agency ... — 3 0 0. N.Z. and River Plate ... 1 14 0 1 12 0 COALHikurangi ... 0 9 6 0 9 0 Nort. Coal. 10s paid ... 0 16 3 0 15 10 Taupiri Mine, Ltd. ... 10 0 0 19 0 Westport 7 2 6 716 GAS— ;,';.'■■; Birkenhead and Northcote 16 6 — Gisbornc ... — 2 12 0 SHIPPING— Union. S.S. ... ... , ... 1 15 6 . 1 14 6 Northern, paid up ... 0 18 0 0 17 3 Northern, con '. ■ — .0 8 3 TIMBER— Kami, paid up ... ... 7"0 — * Kauri, eon. ... ... 0 11 9 0 11 3 MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramway?, pref. 14 6 — Auckland Tramways, ord. 14 6 • _ D.S.C., Limited ... ...] 0 5 10 0 5 6 Grey and Menzics.. pref. 0 11 0 ■Grey and Menzies, ord ... 0 9 0 — Hill and Plummcr, Ltd.... 110 — ■■ H.M. Arcade > Theatre Co., pref." .-...:• ... ... 10 6 0 19 6 Milne and Cnovce, pref. • — - 12 6 New Zealand Drug. £2 ... 2 12 6 — N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 1.9 9 19 0 N.Z.. Paper Mills ... ... 13 6 13 0 Tonson Garlick, Ltd. ... — 0 19 0 Union Oil ... 116 — Wiseman and Sons, ord. 0 13 0 0 12 7 Wilson's Port!aiiU Cement Co., pref. ... 2 10 0 2 8- 0 Wilson's Portland Cement . Co., ord. ...... ... 2 3 6 .2 7 6 MINING— ( Bonanza,, con 0 0 4', — Halcyon ... „ ... 0 0 a" 0 0 3 Kuranui ... 0 0 E 0 0 5.', Kuranui-Caledonian ... 0 0 11 0 0 9i May Queen 0 1 10 0 1 7" May Queen Extended ... 0 0-5 — New Dart, paid 0 0 4 New Moanataiari 0 0 4 0 0 2'. New Monowai ... ,.. 0 0 4 0 0 3 New Una ... 0 0 2 New Sylvia ' 0 17 0 16 Old Albumin ...... 0 1 0 0 0 3 Saxon ... 0 0 8 0 0 5 Scandinavian ... ... 0 0 6 0 0 4 Southern Queen 0 0 Ji 0 0 2 Temple Bar 0 0 2 0 0 1 Thames 0 0 11 — Victoria ... ... ... 0 10 0 0 9 Waiotahi 0 2 10 0 2 8 Waitangi .«. ... '...• 024 020 Watchman ... - 0 0 54 0 0 4 Mount Zeeha.ii, con. ... 0 0 6 Consolidated Goldfields ... 1 0 6 10 0 Progress Mines .. ... 0 15 6 0 14 3 Blackwater 16 0 15 3 Golden Pah ... 0 0 4£ 0 0 4 llnuraJri Freehold... ... 0 (0 if 0 0 4 • Kopo*ai, con .006 — Old Hauraki Gold Mine?.. 0 . ?. 6 0 2 4 Old Kanacga 0 0 2; 0 0 1', Tatigiaio ... 0 0 6 — "• Tokatea 0 0 4J 0 0 3 Sunbeam Gold and Silver, Is 6d laid ... ... 0 0 4J 0 0 2J Ngatiawa — 0 10 Aupouri ..... 0 0 4 — Auckland ... 0 0 3J _ Brilliant Block, 6d paid... 0 0 5 0 0 41 ' Comstock, con •■• ... 0 0 9 .0 0 6" Champion, paid up ... 0 5 2 _ Champion, con 0 4 1 0 3 9 ' Crown . ... ... ... 0 7 1 0 7 0 Durbar ... ... ... 0 0 i • — Golden Belt... ... ... 0 1 11 0 19 Golden Cross ... .... 0 0 6 0 0 5 Kirikirl, con. 0 0 3A 0 0 3 Karaiigaliako 0 13 0 12 Komata Reefs ....... 0 14 0 13 New Waitekmiri ... ... 0 0 6 0 0 5 Pride of Wailii 0 0 4 — Ready Bullion ....... 0 0 6 0 0 5 Rising. Sun ... ...0.06 00 4'. Silver Hill ... 0 0 7 0 0 ' 5j Taihoa ... 0 0 5, Tairiia Broken Hills ... 0 3 6 0 3 4 Tairua Consols 0 0 4 — Tairua Golden Hills, 9d paid 0 3 0 0 2 11 Tairua Golden Hills, 6d paid 0 ? 11 . 0 2 9 Tairua Extended 0 0 6£ 0 0 54 Tairua Triumph ..019 0 18 Talisman Consolidated ... 2 10 9 2 10 3 Waihi 9 13 3 9 13 0 Waihi Beach 0 0 8 0 0 6; Waihi Consolidated ... 0 2 1 0 1 11 Waihi Extended 0 3 9 0 3 7 Waihi Grand Junction ... 1 16 0 1 15 6 • Mountain King, con. ... 0 0 8 0 0 54 Maharahara 0 7 0 — LarJgan's Antimony Mines 0 0 6 .. — CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Dividends. Due. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Co ••• .••• -•• 0 0 6 Now Northern Coal ... 0 0 6 Now Calls. Rising Sun, April 10 '< 0 0 1 Now Kuranui, April 27 0 0 1 May 18 Magnet, April 30 ... ... 0 0 1 May 18 May Queen, April 29 0 0 1 May 27

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13742, 6 May 1908, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13742, 6 May 1908, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13742, 6 May 1908, Page 5


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