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.1 ADDITIONAL RESULTS. j 1 THE following are additional results of the j School Committee elections, which took place ) I on Monday evening:—- j BIRKDALK. | j The annual meeting of householders on j J Monday evening was presided over by Mr. I A. J. Rich. The annual report and balancei sheet were read by Mr. Thos, Schofield, and < I adopted. Tlie credit balance was £13 3s lOd. ■ I It was pointed out that the attendance had ! decreased from 70 to 57. Hie following com- . | in it tee was elected : —Thos. Hadfleld, John i II ad field. Thos. Sehofield. W. J. McCullough. | j J. (I. Kay. T. M. Shepherd, anil P A. Pitt. j | Mr. Thos. Had field was elected chairman, and : holield secretin y. MANGERK. i There was only a moderate attendance at J | the meeting of householders held in the i I Mange re school on Monday evening. Mr. W. j ; Wc-tney presiding. Tho committee's report. , ' headmaster's reports, and the financial j i statement, ifho latter -.flowing a credit bal--1 nee of --si. were read by Mr. .1. baking secrej tary). and adopted A resolution was unanimously adopted urging upon the Board of Education to build a teacher's residence for Mr. Lambourne. the newly-appointed headmaster. The election of the committee resulted as follows: Messrs. .1. baking. W. West no.v. ,T. Turk, W. S. Trayes. J. A. Manson, L. Jones. S. Atkinson. The new committee re-elected Mr. Westney chairman and Mr. baking secretary and treasurer. MAMAKU. At the annual meeting of householders the following were elected a committee for the ensuing year: Messrs. J. C- Bates. J- Griffiths. W. Groves, R- Johnstone, E. Quaid, G. Skellern, and J. Snelgar. The outgoing committee. in their report, summarised the work done during the past year, and the accounts showed a balance to credit of £5 4s 4d. At a subsequent meeting of the new committee. Mr. G. Skellern was elected chairman, and Mr. W. Groves secretary and treasurer, PAKURANGA. The annual meeting of householders of the Pakuranga school district was held in the school on Monday evening. »r. A- Bell was appointed chairman. The report of the committee showed that the school was successfully conducted by Mr. W. Green (headteacher) and Miss M. M. Crawford (mistress) and the inspector's reports on the school were most satisfactory. The attendance had. however, shown a slight decrease, on account of the older scholars leaving and there not being many young ones to take their places. The average attendance for the year was 56.7. The following were elected a committee for the ensuing year:— Messrs. J. 11. Campbell. J. 11. Glanville. A. S. Thompson. W. H. Thomas, B. Paton. R. Masse.v, and A. Bell. The committee met immediately afterwards and re-elected Mr. A. Bell chairman and secretary. WADE. The annual meeting of householders was held in the district school on Monday. Mr. Thos. Leigh, J.P., in the chair. The report showed that the past, year had been a highly satisfactory one as far as the school work was concerned. The election of committee resulted-.—Messrs. A. Jack, K. J. von Ameln. 11. Vipond, F. W. Leeg, W. Watson, S. C. Lloyd, and D. Roberts. At tv subsequent committee meeting Mr. A. Jack was elected chairman and Mr. K. von Ameln secretary and treasurer. THAMES. [BY T EI.K<; k a t'H. —OWN- to it kks n okxt. ] THAMES. Tuesday. The annual meetings of householders in the various school districts, for the election of committees, took place last night, and re* suited as follows:— « ICauaeranga: Rev. T. A. W l Ilia ins. Messrs. G. E. Buck)and, E. J. M.iines, J. W. Danby. E. J Easter. H. Jordan. C. Sanders. H. Lowe. J. E'. Ensoll. -\t the subsequent meeting of the committee the Rev. T. A. Williams was elected chairman, and 54 S* T. Whitehouse was re-elected secretary. During the course ot the meeting the chairman spoke, in very high terms of the headmaster (Mr. Marsdon) ana the teaching- staff of the school. He aleo expressed regret at the death of the late chairman of committee, Mr. G. M. McDonald who had been connected with the school for 25 years, and a resolution of sympathy with the l>ereaved widow and family was unanimously carried. Waiokaraka: At the meeting of this district the secretary (Mr. Bullock) read the annual report, which showed that the school had made marked progress, the attendance having increased from a roll of 302. in March of last year, to 370 in March of this year. The election of the committee resulted yi the return of the following:— W. K. Patterson, W. D. Keid, J. Ooutts, T. Birrrett. h. Deeble. W. Addison. J. 11. Hodge, F. H. Olaxton, and Wm. Simmond-s. At the subsequent meeting of the committee Mr. Patterson was elected chairman, and Mr. J. H. Hodge treasurer Parawai: In this district the report of the outgoing 1 committee referred to the excellent manner in which the headmaster. Mr. Fisher, had carried out his duties during the year, and to the excellent standard of results obtained as shown by the large percentage of certificates secured at the examination. Reference was also made to the serious illness of Mr. H. Simmonds, who had been connected with the school for a great number of years, and it w«K a decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family. The following were elected a committee —Messrs. Mayo, 'laylor. Miller. Hetherington, Braid, Towers, Kent, Lambert. and Gubb. AERO A. [|1Y TKI.Ki.RM'If. —OWN' < ORE I'o D K NT.] P aero a, Tuesday. The annual meeting of householders was hold ill the schoolroom last night', Mr. C. Oolclough presiding. The annual report of the committee showed that the efficiency of tlie school had been well maintained under the headmaster, Air. .Murphy. The average attendance had been 540.5, and the average number on the roll 557. The average number cf passes was 98. During the year two pupils of the school gained junior free places, two naased the candidates' examination, and two "passed ho junior Civil Service examination. The meeting pa-ssed a- resolution approving of the clauses in the circular from the Auckland Headmasters' Association i-egarding instruction in shooting for cadets and compulsory class firing, but did not express an opinion on the clause referring to cadet camps. The following were appointed a committee for the ensuing year:—Rev. Cole, Messrs. J. A. Algie, W. Marsh, T. Dean. J. -N. Heape, G. Brabant. W. Forrest. K. Bromwjch. A. Crosby. At a subsequent meeting of the committee Mr. Marsh was elected chairman, Mr. Brabant secretary, and Mr. Algie treasurer. COR OMAN DEL. [BY TKT.KCEAPfT.OWN" CORKESPOXDEXT.] CO ROMAN" DEL, Tuesday. The annual meeting of householders was held ill Monday evening. It was proposed by Mr. Audley. and seconded by Mr. Tait: " (1) That this' meeting of householders protest against the continual changes in books, thereby entailing unnecessary expense upon parents, manv of whom can ill-all'ord such, and strongly urge the Minister for Education to prescribe a• uniform and permanent set ' of books for the whole colony; and 12) That • a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister for education, through the Auckland Board of Education." A hearty vote of thanks was unanimously accorded, to the . head-teacher (Mr. T. B. Tanner) and his asi sistant-s. for the. able manner in which the : school had been carried on. 'Lite following ■ were elected a committee-.—Messrs. Rhodes (chairman), Audlev. Carroll, Jamieson, A. • King, H. Rostgard. R. Hammond?, J. Tait, and • Ben B. Johnson thon secretary and trea- • surer). i, —. _____ [ WAIHI. - [by TELEGRAPH. —OWN" CORPvESPOMJENX.] Waihi, Tuesday. ; The annual meeting of householders was I held last night, Mr. G. J. Ltawlor presiding, 3 The election of committee (19 candidates) re- ; suited as follows:—Messrs. .1 H. fcivaus, H. f Carter, J. E. S'levin. A. Catliey, George Colebrook. T. Erwin, C Harper, J. Henderson. i H. McCarthney. At a subsequent meeting of the committee, Mr- H. McCarthney was reelected chairman and -Mr. J. Henderson s secretary. KARANGAHAKK. ' [BY TEI.KfiIIAPH.—OWS COKftKSPOXfIBXT.] ' KAKANGAHAKI, Tuesday. I The householders' meeting on Monday night was well attended. The committees report was very satisfactory, ana snowea that the revenue for the year was Cb, a expenditure £79. leaving a credit balance ol £24. The average attendance had been ■ - and the teaching results very ffood. rne t following were elected a committeei. _ u ,' 3 T. P. Heron (chairman;, L- UsodJf^Y r: >'■ 1 W. J. Sea He (treasurer;. Messrs. m.ape. - . a Dodwell. Hell. T. Wells, and OdK.Tr. e —— e aratapc. d [I,y -j' 1-;LV.<i P. Al' 11. — OWN' CORRESPOXDKNT.] '• AIiATAI'U, Tuesday. ? The annual meeting »0£ elect a school comm hilderJ were pre,lay, "'r forest was taken in the meetsent. .^;ja a was voted to the chair '""I Mr Uie balance-sheet, which showed and r ,tf'Ll uice of £26. He stated that the committee had worked very successfully in committee Nineteen uoininatiouri were v the for the committee, and the tollow- '• 't were "-Messrs. Warmington. (1 Vxinirford. Davidson, bowrie. Edmonds, Mold o" Widdup. Cobbald. Webb. The new « committee met subsequently, and Mr. U. [ jUowrie waa elected aecret;vo..

Brooklyn: Marshall Laing (chairman). Janet Armour. John Kilsotir. Michael Kelly, Frederick Hope. Papal nun: George A. Wilson 'chairman!, j John .Mathe son, David Nobbs. Robert Palmer, | James R. Wilson. P.ummre: K. J. Adlinglon (chairman), T. 1 K. Allen, J. Do veil. G. Kay. J. Newell. W. j Wilkin.-, f. V.'ouides. Takanuna: Messrs. J. Sinclair. Geo. Whites. J 11. L. Brett. J. A. Bradstreet. J. Collins. A. j O'Neil. and W. Bell. East Tamaki: A. R. Harris 'cbairraan-, B. j C. Andrews. W. If. Neil. ,11. 'ihomson. W. j Douglas. J. Porter. J. Alien. Uunna : M. Wallace c hairman;, A. W. IU-11. j W. Pollock. J. T. bridge. I . Stembridge. H. Palmer. T. J. L-ckv\.:K-d. Taotaoroa: Mt.--.-i>. W. a. Hrnnskil! (chairman'. \\ . a. Graham. >• 1'..", noat-. li. T. j Morn-, G. ti. Death. C. W. Keeiey. Kirikiriroa: David busby (chairman!. John | Harper (treasurer and secretary!, Hubert H. ! Hall, Arthur" K. Thomas. S. 'Clements. Woodhili: Chas. Tarrant ichairman!. R. | Pengeily. John l.yon-, William'mer, 5. j B. Gregory. 1- R. Phillips. !•'. Osborne. Waioroiigomui: Only three householders attended. and it was resolved to a-.k the Board j dl Education to appoint a conimissiontr. Buckland: Ehem zer Allan -chairman . John : Hartland. John Jeffries, Henry Wilcox. John | Til by, Mark Claj ton. Ernest Attenhoirow. Mavheld: Andrew Geddes (chairman). Fred- j erick Wheeler, John Hall, Edwin Edmonds, Adam Geddes. Jacob Marshall. Gideon Jack. Hamilton East: William Dey (chairman). Charles Speight. Henry K. Fnstiatu, Thomas Chapped, Robert Hines, G-eo. Prince. W. Dey, jun. Ngaruawahia : W. .M. I'aterson (chairman), Henry Booth, Thomas McKeowu. L. Bycrott, A. Eausett, A. Booth, jun., 11. M. Ihorpe (secretary). Taupaki: John Johnston 'chairman). David Russell, William Russell. Sydney Cottle, John Skelton, Charles Hawkins, George Cobb (sec re •. Driving Creek: Messrs. J. Prescott (chairman). H. Radford. Angus McNeil. Jas. Allen, .las. McCartin, Geo. Edwards, \\ . H. French (.secretary). Henderson: John Cant well (chairman), Geo Pirrit (secretary and treasurer), 11. Pearce. J. B. White. W. Leighton, T. McKay, G. Harden. Waiuku: Charles T. Barriball (chairman). John Lowe, James D. Chambers, George Bennett, John J. Deed, Spencer Ridgley. Charles C. E. Harrison. Waikumete: Join l Parr (chairman), E. Qualtrough (secretary). C. J. Mills (.treasurer), A. Cochrane. 'jun., Edward 1 arr, Wm. Caiter. jun., G. F.'Stewart. Patumahoe: James Boden (chairman), Philip Henry, Win. Howard. Win. Howe, Walter George Pleydell, Thomas W. Woods, William T. Wright. Panatoitoi: John Watson (chairman). James Wyllie, William James O'Hara, David Scott, Samuel George Crowhnrst, James Daisley, George Kimpton. Pukekohe East: W. Robinson (chairman). William G. Whyte (secretary), J. Y. M. Comrie. Robert Beglie. Win. Thomson, E. King, William A. Sturgeon. Whangarei: Captain Clarke Walker (chairman), Rev. Reed, Messrs. D. Wright, J. S. Horn, 11. W. Mc.Kenzie. F. 0. Massey, L. Hanlon, W. Oh ad wick, J. Price. Pokeno: John Hill (chairman), Thomas Bates (secretary and treasurer), David Chapman, James Brownlee. William Dean. John Norrie, Rev. Thomas A. Norrie. Epsom: Messrs. Alfred Worrall. K. W. Burton. A. L. Ferneyhough. 11. H. Bishop, Thos. Grainger. E. Craig. H. \\ right. 11. .J. In wood, and William Chambers. iL'iiieirti'i. Edward 1 liomits Bain (chairman, secretary, and treasurer). William Patterson. John Cook, Gerrand, John D. Pol wart, David L. Copper. Thomas Wade, Joe Riwai. Cambridge West: Messrs. G. H. Ollard, G. Bailey, sen.. R. J. Melville, 11. A. McKinnon, W. T. Perkins, Jas. Keeley, G. Hastie. At a subsequent meeting Mr. Perkins was re-elect-ed chairman. Oootiki: Messrs. Andrew Burnett, (i. F. Day. Jas. Bowling, P.- T. Jeffrey, Thomas McGrevy, W. McCaldon, K. Sutton, J. a. Tabb, Andrew Wilson. Mr. Tabb was subsequently elected chairman. Cambridge High School: Messrs. Arnold Wilkinson (chairman). F. J. Sanders (secretary). Jao. Christie. E. J. Wilkinson. C. H. Treadgold. J. H. Edwards. F. OToole, 1-. J. Sanders, 11. Carr, and A. J. Bentn. Waihou: Messrs. W. R. Johnson, M. trDonoglme, W. J. Hartley. H. Ross, D. Borrie, W. Morrow. J. Trethew-ay. Ihe committee subsequently appointed Mr. H. Ross chairman and Mr. W. R. Johnson secretary. Papakura: The annual meeting of householders was held on Monday evening, Hie ronort was satisfactory, and showed that the roll number was 118 and the average attendance 88. The following were elected a committee for the ensuing year:-Rev. I. I. Fortune (chairman), Messrs. Clark. Mills, b. D. Mcbennan, Richardson. R. J. Willis, and J. B. Young. SOUTHERN MEETINGS. [BY TBLBSP.APH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] 'CHfiISTCHUKCH, Tuesday. Meetings of housoiioiders held last night were greatly in favour of improved seating in the schools—one desk for one child arid desks adjustable to the height of the children, also a uniform set of school books. To carry out the new seating idea ;n Canterbury would cost £20,(XW. 1 ' Napier, Tuesday. At a large number of householder meetings last evening resolutions were parsed favouring a uniform set of school books. " NELSON. Tuesday. The school committee election in Nelson hinged on the determination of the old committee and the Education Board to enforce the provisions of non-exemption certificates under the Act in regard to Catholic schools. The inspectors had deemed to grant certificates, and the committee resolved to take action. Tho result was that the Rev. Mr. J. H. Mackenzie, who had been chairman ot committee for many years, and four others were rejected, and four Catholic nominees were elected.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13160, 25 April 1906, Page 3

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ELECTION OF SCHOOL COMMITTEES. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13160, 25 April 1906, Page 3

ELECTION OF SCHOOL COMMITTEES. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13160, 25 April 1906, Page 3


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