'~.'■ •■.";." ARRIVALS. ;; . a . Prometheus', H.M. twin ; screw steel cruiser, r '''■ ,;. Commdndet-Woollcombe, from the gulf. , .Dorset, e.g., 6990, Prentice, from west coast of , England and ; Australia. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Elsby and three children, Mr. Robb.—Ar- ■ thur H. Nathan, agents. -•:■ - . ,^ \. Clansman, *,'«., 591, W. Farquhaty from Mango- •> nui, Whanearoa, and Russell. Passengers: Mcs- :; dames H. Masters, Trimnell. Shackelton, ; Franklin, J. S. Lane, Goodhue, Davis, Bell, Menzies and child, Dnisely and two children. Deeming, Steel, Misses Blyth, D. Kitchen, F. A. Lambley. B. Wilkinson, Maugham, Collard, Franklin, Bridson, Nicholson (3), Lamb. Messrs. 11. P. Adam- *>"; ' son, Nelson, W. Wood, Lowman, A. Adamson, A. " ' L. Menzies, E. O. Donavon, and seven steerage—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Chelmsford, 5.e.,1 70, H. Richards, from Honhora, Awanui, and Waiharara. ' Passengers: Mesdames Strong, Shelcris, Miss MoManus, Messrs. * Bird, T. B. Verooe, Fletcher. ,T. Evans, W. Fletcher, F. Fisher, W.-Ag{;tuy J.' Rcnlgers.—Northern , S.S. Co.,' agents. DEPARTURES. ?■■ Hinemoa, Govt, s.s., 542, John Bollons, for the North, Kaipara. and Onehunea. ;'■•■': 1 Star of New Zealand, e.s., 4417. E. Beck, for the South and Australia. ~ Ngapuhi, s.*., 640, E. Stephenson, for Whanga- •'• tei. ■■ ■ ■■•■■= Southern Cross, mission' steamer, 542. W. Sinker, ".•■'•: for Norfolk Island and Melanesia. Passengers: Misses M. Rossiter, Hawkes, Mwdamcs M. S. Cateer, Geo. Quintal and five children, Hyauiason, ■ ■■■■»■ Godden, J. Quintal, Messrs. 1 G. Hyauiason, H. Rossiter, E. Allen, W. F. Metcalfe, the Rev. C. C. Godden. • ; . _ S Apanui, s.s., 200. J. Wilson, for Mercury Bay, ■■ ■ Kuaotuuu. Port Charles.'and' 1 Kennedy's. Bay. Waitangi, s.s., 197, P. 'A. Stein, for Tauranga. ;!" ~, EXPECTED ARRIVALS. „':" .CosDoar: ■■....-'-■ ; - K■■■•■ „ , _ , <-.". ■• Indradcvf, s.s., via Australia, sailed February ; 21, due about April 23. - ~ '*■ Rakaia, s.s., , direct, due about April, <;0. Niwaru, s.s.,'via Australia, sailed.-;■: ;. Livbrpooi,: ' * ~ ' ... ' .'.•-:'■.'-■- Indraghiri. s.s., via Australia,'- sailed. Delphic, s.s., due to-day. Oswestry Grange, s.s., to sail. , . Bremen: Callao, barque, sajled December 13. Sax Fiunqtsco: '" . * . Sierra, R.M.6., April 16. ■'.:■■ Visconvßß* ' Bucentaur, s.s., to sail April 25. New York. ..- :■•>;':■■' Queen Helena, s.s. via Australian ports, to sail about March 31." '' Indralema. s.s., via Australia, to sail. Everton range, ■ s.s.. Via Australia, sailed. i P. J. Wiekcrstrom, : Jun., barque, via Rcckhampton, sailed. . Ardgowan, s.s., via Australia, sailed February i 16. | . Brie/. Hue!, c.s., to sail. Burgermeister Hachmaun, s.s., to sail April 30. Philadelphia: . Doride, barque, to (jail. .' Svdsbv: ■ Zealandia, s.s., to-morrow, ■.' ' ■ Newcastle: ' -■ Elverland, barquentine', sailed. ' : " Hazel Craig, barque,. early. i; Fiji: Manapouri, b.s., April 26. >- ff LI'TTKLTOS '.;-■.. .. Boua, barque, early. ' Clare.n'cb River, : ,'-': .Pelotas, barquentine, early. .'. SAifOA: Manapouri,' sis., April 25. '■ Tonga: Manapouri, s.s., April 26. '':■■ Tahiti: ' Taviuni, s.s., Wednesday. , ' Rarotosoa: g ' * ' Taviuni, s.s., Wednesday. * PROJECTED DEPARTURES. - . Losdo's : . . Kumara, s.s., about April 26. : San Fraxcisco: ". -■ - '"Ventura. R.M.s., April 13. ••-•■•- .',■ , Samoa: - '■-.-•, :.--: Southern Cross, schooner, 1 loading. ..-.::■ Tossa: .. ■; , -, Manapouri, 8.*., May-*2. Sydney: ': ' ' ', ' ' Victoria «.»., -Monday. Fiji : * ' ~ t * N»vua, «.«., April IS. '* UNION S.S. CO. MOVEMENTS. East Coast. f . To-day: Tarawera leaves for the South at 12 boon; llaupiri arrives from East Coast bays. . Sunday: AVjiipori arrives from Weslport. Tuesday. Hnupiri sails-for East Coast bars at 3 p.m. Wednesday: Waipori leaves for Westport at 5 p.m.; Navua arrives from Wcstport; Taviuni arrives from Rarotonga and Tahiti. Thursday: Talune at rives from the South. ' Saturday: Talune "sails for Southern ports at 12 'noon. ' ; . '-:■■ ■, \ ■ ■ - West Coast. / Sunday: Takapuna arrives from New Plymouth. Monday : Takapuna leaves ■ for New rivinouth and Wellington at 2 p.m. (1.10 p.m. train). ' Wednesday: Rotoiti arrives .from Wellington, ." Nelson, and New Plymouth, and leaves again for th© jnme ports at 2 p.m. (1.10 p.m. train).. '"•■■'. Frraay: Takapuna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth and leaves again for New Plymouth at 3.30 p.m. (2.30 p.m. train). HUDDART-PARKER COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Sunday: Victoria arrives 1 from Southern ports; Zealandia arrives from Sydney. ■ Monday: Victoria leaves for Sydney at 5.30 p.m.; Zealandia leaves for the- South at 6 p.m. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. • - To-day: Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 4.30 p.m. ; Apanui arrives from Mercury Bay, Kennedy's Bay, Port Charles, and Kuaotunu about 7 p.m.; Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Ply- : mouth about 8 a.m. ;-Waiotahi arrives from Ohiwa. Sunday: Waitangi arrives from Tauranga about 6 a.m.; Rarawa leaves Onehunga for New Ply"mouth at 4 p.m. (train, 2.30 p.m.); Kanieri leaves .for -Whangarei at P. . a.m. i ■ Monday: Aupouri leaves for Tauranga at 5 ' p.m.; Clansman leaves .for Russell, Whangnroa, and Mangonui at 6 p.i 11.; Chelmsford leaves for Awanui and Waiharara at 2 p.m.; Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei at 10.30 p.m. ; Kla Ora leaves Onehunga for Raglan, Kawliia, and Waitara at 1 p.m. (train, 12.10 p.m.); Apanui leaves for Tairua, Mercury Bay, and Wbangamata at 7 p m.; Kanieri arrives from tv'hangarei about 6 p.m. - Tuesday: Kanieri 'leaves for Whangarei at 5 p.m..;,;Rarawa arrives, at Onehunga from New Plymouth about 8 a.m. Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 5.30 p.m.; Rarawa leaves Onehunga for New Plymouth at 4 p.m. (train. 3 ~• '. p.m.); Waitangi leaves for Houhora, Te Kao, and ; Paiengarenga ,at 3 p.m. . Wednesday: Apanui-arrives from Whangamata, Tairua, and Mercury . Bay about 6 p.m. Aupouri arrives from Tauranga about 6 a.m. and leaves for the Great Barrier at midnight: Kanieri' arrives from Whangarei about 8 p.m.; Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei at 9.30 p.m.; Waiotahi leaves for Tauranga and sOpbtiki at 7.30 a.m. ; Mangapapa - leaves for Wfiak .fane and Ohiwa at 4 p.m. Muritai leaves Onehunga for Opunake and Wanganui at 1 p.m. (train, 12.10 p.m.) Thames Service: ' Steamers leave for Thames and Paeroa ' daily. Sec advertisement daily papers...;,.' ',■.',■■■' ' VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Pegasus, 11.M.5., in ■stream. ' Encounter. H.M.s., in stream. ' Prometheus, H.M.S., in. stream. . : Tarawera, s.s., at Quay-street Jetty. Aldebaran, barque, at Quay-street Jetty No. 2. Suzanna, barque,., at Hobsou-etreet Wharf. Olive, barque, in stream. .'_ Southern Cross, three-masted echooner," at Queen street Wharf. '■' " •' IMPORTS. .:. Per Dorset, from west coast of England ports: ,942 bundles and 2292 bars iron. 2710 reels barb wire, 33 cases beer, 168 cases cornflour, 5 crates. 71 drums carbonate of soda, 1180 cases galvanised iron, 10 pieces granite, 19 cases glass, 205 bundles hoop iron, 26 kegs paint, 470 pipes, 150 tons pig iron. 1110 coils plain wire, 96 casks and 1558 canes spirits, 18 bundle* and 2725 sheets iron. 1000 sash weights, 40 ingots and 1115 boxes tin, and sundries. >. ■ EXPORTS. Per Southern Crow, lor Norfolk Inland jnd Melanesia: 19,000 ft timber, 320 bags rice, 100 boxes tobacco, 200 bags sugar, 40 bags Hour, and sundries. : - The Union Company's steamer Tarawera leaves at noon to-day for Eait Coast and Southern ports. • Yesterday morning the Northern Company's : steamer Clansman arrived from the North with a ~ number of-passengers'and a cargo of kauri gum, ' etc. . . ■ ■■" . .' ■• The Northern Company's steamer Ngapuhi left for Whangarei last jnight. Yesterday afternoon the Northern Company's steamer Waitangi left for .Tauranga. This afternoon the: auxiliary schooner Greyhound leaves for the North. The-, Northern ,'. Company's steamer Apanui left last night for coast ports. The Northern Company's steamer Chelmsford arrived from the , North yesterday. At 8 a.m. to-morrow the Northern Company's steamer ;: Kanieri leaves for Whangarei Town '■ Wharf. The Northern- Company's steamer Taniwha, which has been laid up for general overhaul, resumes her running to the Upper Thames to-night. Yesterday the brigantine Defiance commenced discharging her cargo of coal from Newcastle. The vessel,' after putting out her consignments of char for the Sugar Works, will be docked for general overhaul, and then sails for Kaipara to load timber for Sydney. The scow Rang! sailed from Ngungiiru for iflborne yesterday with a cargo of logs. : Yesterday the schooner Gisborne went to an anchorage in the stream, and sails for : Gisborne . this morning. .:■. ." ' The auxiliary schooner May Howard will berth : : at Quay-street ; Jetty No. 4 this morning to load V general cargo for Ilokianga. - : ■ The Union l Company's steamer Waipori is due '.;.:.■'■ from Westport to-morrow. \ THE PROMETHEUS." : ' The warship which left Auckland for Sydney, on Thursday, returned to port early >\ yesterday,;morning owing to an accident ;to her "machinery.: The warship remains in port awaiting instructions, from the navy authorities at -" Sydney. THE HINEMOA. The Government steamer Hinemoa left, yesterday morning for the Little /Barrier,'the North, Kaipara,-.and Onehunga. 'the steamer's ; work : on the coast, overhauling 'and painting the buoys and ■ visiting - the various lighthouses,'' landing stores, etc.. will occupy about three weeks. After.: ■ calling at the - Munukau ■' the Hinemoa 'proceeds,to • Wellington,
THE ZEALANDIA. The Hudtlart-Parker steamer Zealandia, which left Sydney on Wednesday afternoon, is due at Auckland to-morrow. J ______ .'"..■'..; / THE VICTORIA. The Huddart-Parker steamer Victoria left sNapier for the North ; last night. The steamer calls at Gisborne to-day, and is -due, at f Auckland tomorrow, and leaves for. Sydney at.5.30 ■: p.m. on Monday. __________ ; the KOROROA. -; ■ '"• The three-masted scow Kororoa arrived at Russell yesterday from Gisborne after a very; rough passage, ; and loads timber at Kerikeri 'for Oisborne under charter to the Alpha Sawmill and Timber Company. THE SOUTHERN CROSS. The Melanesia!! Mission steamer Southern Cross left for Norfolk Island and Melanesia yesterday afternoon with a number ■of passengers and a quantity of stores, etc., for.the mission stations in ' the islands. ■ ■:.:.;;./:■,..//".■■. - THE STAR'OF, NEW ZEALAND. ' The Tyser liner Star of New Zealand left for Wellington and. the: South yesterday afternoon with l original cargo from New ■ York. On * discharge the steamer leaves for Australia to load cargo for Europe. ; ! ; I . THE DORSET.. M The steamer. Dorset arrived from west coast of England,.porta; and Australia yesterday morning with a cargo of general merchandise, and. being granted pratique, was berthed at the Queen-street Wnnrf, ..where, the work of discharge was commenced. The steamer left Liverpool' on February ■m' ■■ Capetown on March 4. Melbourne on March 27, and Sydney on-April 1. Passed Cape Maris, van;Diemen at 2.30 a.m. on April 5 and arrived at daylight yesterday morning. The voyage throughout was uneventful. -The Dorset leaves for Wellington and the Smith on Tuesday to load for west coast of England ports. THE NAVUA.The Union Company's steamer Navua is due from Westport. on Wednesday next, and leaves for Fiji on April 18. . THE TAVIUNI. The. Union Company's steamer Taviuni is duo from the Society and Cook Islands on Wednesday next; ~ ;,■ . .., ~;.'■. *_~... AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN LINE. Messrs." Arthur 11. Nathan, the local agents for the American and Australian line, are in receipt of cable advices stating that the steamer Burgernieister Hachmann will leave New York for Australian and New Zealand ports on April iO. THE DELPHIC. A large steamer was reported by the lightkeeper at Cape Maria Van Diemen 'passing east at 4.30 a.m. yesterday, which will probably be the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer j Delphic, from Liverpool, and she should make ! port this morning. j
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13146, 7 April 1906, Page 4
Word Count
1,725PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13146, 7 April 1906, Page 4
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