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, ,' ~_ Medical; \. ; v _ ' - r _ ______„ ; - ■ . .•;:..■', .'.'- ■-■ ■.■■„.■.■■ ' . ■ .. '■ il 1 ■.■'■..• '■ ■ ..'■■.: ■■■.:.■:■■■...:■■,.• '. .:,i,..■■/'.:. T''\ :■■■■■<■ n - '. '..i-,'■;•• iiNW:; iF* . • «• Ido not hesitate to say it is the best made pill in the kingdom."—Dr. G. F. Collier, in the Pharmacooceia of the Royal College; of Physicians of London. P" FAMED AS to say it is the best made pill in the kingdom."—Dr. G. F. Collier, in Invaluable the eveiv Mother of a family..^iS FAMED AS A FAMILY MEDICINE FOR A CENTURY. Invaluable to every Mother of a family v^f

■> ' : ■•■ "\ ' ' • '■••'" "'■- '••' ' : -'~' :j '"-'■'/-■■■' m !You liave frequently seen those four significant words, "Take none tut ]| Lane's," but have you realized the full meaning attached to them. i Suppose you were going a trip to London, and the ticket-clerk offered a 1 | .: ticket to Capetown, or Brazil, or Stewart Island, saying " take this., it is I H just as good." Would you accept such ticket? Hardly. ; You would- § j want a ticket to London, and not to some other place said to he just as 1 j good. You would know what you wanted, and would demand the ticket "d j required. London is what you wanted, and not a substitute for yya well j I know there is no substitute for London. I; I And so with Lane's Emulsion. There is no'substitute for this wonderful J| |. ' • medicine-food. There are imitations certainly (what good article is not pi ! imitated), but there what you wanted, and not a substitute for you well Ij; ! know there is no substitute for London, 1 I And so with Lane's Emulsion. There is no'substitute for this wonderful N lnediqiiie-'food. There are imitations certainly (what good article is not I imitated), but there is no preparation that does the good that Lane's ft I Emulsion does.; ... 1 ' I To get the good, the benefit, the health that Lane's Emulsion will give I. 1 you must have Lane's, and not something that may be offered you, and g ! said to be just as good. Lane's Emulsion is genuine-. Lane's is an. B original Creasoted Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Fresh. Egg;s, . 1 ~J&~ 'It was Lane's Emulsion that cured Mrs. Nightingale, Wellington, of jR at consumption. It was Lane's that cured Trooper Orr, row, of consump- 51 I tion. It was Lane's that cured A. Williams?Waimate, of bronchitis. It g ! • was LANE'S that built up A. J. Petherick, Napier, after typhoid. It is I; ' Ition. It was Lane's that cured A. WilliamsfWaimate, of bronchitis. It . 8 was Lane's that built up A. J. Petheric'k, Napier, after typhoid, It is i Lane's Emulsion that is recommended by H. Sutcliffe, Hunterville; . I j■» by H. R. Blythe, Totara; by T. Slipper, Wanganui:; by F. Benson, | Oamaru. ~,' •;.-: : ■:' I Lane's Emulsion is the emulsion recommended byjthese people, and not i ! | some other emulsion substitute. f) ! Scores, yes, hundreds, and hundreds of other people in New Zealand are , % 1 to-day taking, and recommending Lane's Emulsion because of the good | ■.. ; ., it has done. ; ■'■■_;., ; : ,--.', - ;: y-;;;;.,-, .;•;■; /;';'.';; | Lane's Emulsion has been curing sore throats, healing inflamed and V lacerated lungs, building up weak bodies, helping children to grow bonny .:* § : and strong, and carrying health and happiness wherever it goes. " ;;- |~" I Substitutes don't do these things. They are substitutes only, and do"not: J give the real, the lasting, the genuine health to be obtained by'taking the |] 1 original, and genuine Lane's Emulsion,, -' .; • - | ; i Lane's Emulsion is sold by Chemists and Storekeepers in two sizes;; ji I Small 2/6, Large 4/6. When buying emulsion please remember those 1 I four little words, "Take none but Lane's." . 1, Sole Manufacturer, of Lane's Emulsion, E. G. Lane, Chemist, j • I Oamaru, N.Z,, ' j ,

cSaicl Blood! Have confidence in. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It has been curing people in all parts of the world for over 60 years. It is the greatest family medicine in the world. It purifies, strengthens, ■ enriches, builds up. ilf H ■ ■ if- ""' '* ■ fel '■' : '' if 11 *&%... li * 111 ■ 111 Mr. Goorgo Fountain, of Mt, Torrent, So. Australia, sends his photograph and this interesting letter: MI had a very bad case of eczema. Medical men had told me nothing more could he done. I tried several blood remedies, but without reliof. Tl:o eruption was over tiie whole, of lay body and arras. , My friends told me I must try Ayer'fi Sarttpaftlft. To pleads them, I did 30. To tell the truth, I did not fiavo much" confidence in it, I had tried so many- medicines. To my {Treat surprise, I found that after only one bottle the scales wore beginning t<- disappear. It tools just live bottles to make a complete cure. |Xy skin perfectly smooth, arid not a trace do I have or my former trouble." There are many imitation Sarsaparillas. Be sure you get "AVer's. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. V TAKE < %*. I & * BEEGHANfo * V 5» P&fclirlliliKl w $! pip . - ififi j 'v ' Ml I @ "♦! $ Mkuv m % ■ % fijr That distressed feeling is simply Wjj lr> & working stomach-*-it VS V,* needs a little help—but no matter WL v Low baa it may be, a dose -of y V EJEECHARfI'S PILLS -will f • W SPEEDILY GIVE BELIEF. fcV JUS " Take BEEGHAWS PILLB \A W for a few days and the trouble : wj" T will disappear. • *f $~ ' - i k> To Sura Stek jgggjgojig y£ ' jyf ; Sick headache.. means an ■. oyer- '' %jr *v, taxed stomach and a derange- *r \X stent of the digestive organs. \& $4 BEEOHAEVS'S PILLS hare A 4 i£, proved them selves a boon for \jt, fa? removing that distressed feeling '|#. rw and discomfort. A dose will *& \X remove the immediate cause, and v£ .y if repeated for a few days will A. V enable your .system to work ;\i \f , normally. ■ ' %f %#> . _ _ .*r 7 Sold Everywhere In Boxes V, xf w X Price 19. ijfl. (66 PIHs) ant« \& fe ' 2s. fid. (168" Nils.) :jj •OLOOD pOISONING AND ITS A NTI'DOTK: PRONOUNCED A CERTAIN CUBE. Mfe. JAMBS JACKSON, of East-street, Ash* ■ burton, writes to say that when in a very bad condition with Blood Poisoning;, and after experimenting with various things he hit upon a certain remedy, of which ho states, "it has thoroughly cured me, and driven the disease from my system." That remedy is PLANTEKOA. This is the most powerful herbal remedy of the present time, and when used according to directions, we do not know of one single instance of failure. IT WILL CUKE ! YOU. What about the competition? £10 waiting for someone, it MAY BE YOU. Mail your reply with 53 worth of Plantekoa Wrappers to Manager, Plantekoa, Wellington. Prize awarded to senders of correct answers, December 20thSpecial Agent: Karangahape Bond. "PERIOTIC" PILLS. (Reg.) 2s 6d, Extra- Strong 4s Cu. j THE MOST CERTAIN ! remedy for all irregularities. The most, successful medicine. Prepared solely for female ailments. Full directions with each box. Once used, always kept on hand for emergencies. „„ . All Chemists and Stores, or POST FREE for AMOUNT IN STAMPS from RUSSELL, Chemist, Post Office Pharmacy, ; Upper Svmonds-street, Auckland, N.Z. Agent for THE "PERIODIC" PILL CO. (Wholesale from the usual houses.) Be sure you get "PERIODIC" Pills (Trade mark Registered). There is no other medicine in any way eflual to them. T\o YOU SUFFER FROM CORNS? ■ L ' If so, WE GUARANTEE To either Cure or Refund the Money. • TEED'S CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS has Never Yet Failed; at any rate, I have NEVER ■ been asked to refund. TEED, CHEMIST. NEWMARKET. CHOCOLATE WORM TABLETS. CHILDREN TAKE THEM READILY. Need no Aperient. I In Boxes. Is Bwoh. Prepared only by ARTHUR G. KENDERDINE, 1, ' Phsnuacpntical Chtimist, : 100. KARANGAHAPE ROAD. : Telephone, No. 4U. . Newmarket Agent: GEO. CAWKWEL. . t i - BOTH SEXES—Write for Free Books of vital interest, concerning yourselves and your • welfare. Pouted free.—write to Mom. Goa- , rand. 83, Melbourne. » • ■.••■'.

... , - . I With Shampoos of Cuticora Soap ; : and Light Dressings :.: - of Cutiotra. I ■.'.'.. .' .''■''' ' ; . -" ; ' : '; ■' i " 1 ;,"-" •■:• ' : ■■■■ ■....:■' ,!■. ■ • .'■ • . .v. . ■ :'•'.■ .;[.,-;-• ',■*-.'■. : ~,' '■■.. This treatment at once stops .falling fiafrj removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes Irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourish* . : ). ment 9 and makes the hair -grow upon a sweet, , wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails* -■;■;, : ry.,;;. ;. •• MILLIONS USE GUTIGURA SOAP Assisted by CunctJßA Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the akin, l'or cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales., una danditiii, and the - stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing recT t rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, lathings, and chafinps, in the form of baths', ■■■ or annoying irritations and inflammations, or too -Ores or offensive perspk, ration, and for iihe purposes oS the toilet, as well as by millions of .women in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, andraahy sanative. antisep- . tic purposes which readily suggest; themselves to wowu and mothers.., -:_,:. ~•;. - COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR,.. . h;. Consisting of CimcuiiA Soap,* to cleanse thi> skin of emits awd scales, and soften tha thickened cuticle; COWCOBA dsssMwra?, to Instant!/ allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and heal; and. Cotjooba Resolvent Pius, to cool and cleanse th» , , > blood. A Single Set la often sufficient to * the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, . burning, and seal? ski a, scalp, and blood humours, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout the Wi>rld. Australian Depot: R. TOWNS & C 0.,, Sydney. British Depot: ; • 27.23, Charterhouse Sq,, London. French Depot: HEuede Pais, Paris. POTOJK DEC® ; - : asi> Chew.Cokp.,Sole Props., Boston, U. A. ' .. • ffIITICIIRA RESOLVENT Dill? (Chocolate Coated) are a new, tasteless, PjOllUUhn ntoULfClli rlLio odourless, economical substitute for the cetebrated liquid CtmctfßA Resolved, as well 83 for a« pwiflera and humour cures. Put up in sciew-cap pocket via a, containing; sweetest cuticoka ra£-S »*» alterative, antiseptic, tonic, digestive, and the pnrest, sweetest most succwfol and economitil of blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tofiiu-digestives. , . ~~~ - ~ "" """" "mZTZ ...■ ■>»--»■ '"reconstituent, FEBRIFUGE. .; 1 :'. ' „ ' j '1 *' Universally recognised as the Sovereign ttymedy, , 1 t \ for the treatment of: 1 DEBILITY, EXHAUSTION, WANTdf ITS . ''■': J, ■ WEAKNESSoftteSTOMACH, FEVERS etc, I ' . ' F&HZS - 20, Has ties Fo3sesSaint-J*eq&e,i, £Q ~ PM%£S j| «,NA OP ALL. FIMT CLASS CHeMKITS. ■ ' ... if ( ■ insist on thai .GE^UigflJ" QUINA«MROOHB'wJ I| p Im a, Medicine- I I ©( \ - Having Eactraordii&argr § 1 rJ? Vj-f Cwr&tiv* Powers ow «' IM & WHOOPING COUGHS CROUP, t r | ' |E^^) ( BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, | ;,: „ 1 <^^^ k and Distressing Ccughs:in .Young and Old.; f\.^ 1 It*&i*Qtect» YourjHome Atfaii%ttt * .--; I " Contagious* Diseases* ' */' A'lV.'Vl § FOR. SALE BY ALL CKfEMIST*. ,-|V- '= 1 •nmmimHiifiit?^^

I- Olavlce's! ; • ■. : Blood :' ' lSi:stmr@ riiHE WORLD-FAjWED BLOOD PDBIFD3R J. m d RESTORER is warranted to CLEAR the BLOOD from ALL Mt.PtEKriES, from 'whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Kctirvp, Eczema, Shli; and Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pimples, and Sores of all hinds, ii is « never-failing and permanent Core, It Cures Old Sores Cures filores on _ the Neck Cares Sure Left?, Cares I'jUoltlieacl. or Pimples on the Earn Cures niinrry ■ Cures ulcera ■■■■■■ Cure 3 Blood bad Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings - Clears the Blood from all Impure Mat- '. .ter : ," From whatever cause arisirair It is a real specific] lor Gout and Khenma tic Fains It removes the causa from the Blood , and Bene*. 'As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either Hex, the Proprietors s solicit sufferers to give ft a trial to test lis value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OP WONDERFUL CURES FROM All ; PARTS OF THE WORLD. . riLARIiE'S BLOOpjiOXTUEE. V : Sold in Bottles. 2s 9d and lis each. Br all CHE MISTS AND PATEN MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World. Sole Proprietors. THE LINO i'.N AND MIDLAND CO'UNTIES' DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln, England. TRADE MARK.-." BLOOD MIXTURE." CAUTION.— for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, and do not ho persuaded to take «n imitation. . ;' ,:..,.■ I MARTIN'S ' § II & French Itemed:? tor all Irregularities. 1 ] S3 Thousand? oJ Ladies always koop a box of H sa sractUi'o Mil* In tan liouao, so that on the first m ?? sign of any Irregularity o" the sygtoin a #a IS timely "loss may be admiuißtafed. Thoss who _3 W uaatbeinrocoinmeniS tb«ni,h»noe their enor- W ! cious tale. All Ohcraitts arid Stores Bell thi-ia m £3 tlupufc'hiiut the World, or post tree 5/-. FeS IS UAS!tI% CjUomist, Southampton, Bntf, m, MARTIN'S ' . I Dr. ELMSLIE«3 Wellington Terrace Wellington LEGALLY QUALIFIED PHYSICIAN A' SPECIALIST in the Chronic, Skin, Blood, Nervous and Special DISEASES OF MEN and WOMEN Yoiiiiff Men— If yf oue3U ? erin .—....■■■■....g....... ■■"—■ weak or gad, consult me as I thoroughly understand your troubles, their causes and their CUBE. Skilful treatment, scientific remedies, enables me to Guarantee a, complete cure in every case undertaken, or I will make no charge. 80 years experience. No failures. Ladies Mf<y consult me at my real' .7? ■ " ;IT ■■ dance, ; « by letter and they will find that ray up-to-date treatment gives the greatest satisfaction. Strictly confidential. Famous Ladies Corrective Tablets 10/6, (extra) 81/* gost free. Guar anteed safe and reliable. ' mo MOTHERS. ONE APPLICATION A WEEK WILL KEEi YOUB CHILDREN'S BEADS CLEANAMERICAN TOTrWf* L OTI ° N * ' NEITHER. OffiY NOR STICKY. v N.B.— refund the money, to »ny , di,» . jatlsfled purcbaser. ■i? 3 A BOTTLE, V; \ • Prom'■ pRAWFORD, CHEMIST, WAJBAI'IS EPAD,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12660, 14 September 1904, Page 3 (Supplement)

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12660, 14 September 1904, Page 3 (Supplement)

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12660, 14 September 1904, Page 3 (Supplement)


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