".,. - — c> • Mich Water at Auckland— a.m.; 4.5 p.m. '■{~, Mamikau— a.m.; 6.4 p.m. Sun-Rises. 6.6 a.m.; sets, 5.44 p.m. Moon—Full, Thursday, 5.53 a.m. WEATHER .REPORT. The following is Captain Edwin's weather report from New Zealand stations at 5 p.m. yesterday: — Manukan Heads: Wind, south-west, fresh', barometer, 29.50; thermometer, 49; weather, gloomy; sea, moderate. New Plymouth: Wind, south-east, fresh; barometer, 29.40; thermometer. 48; weather, gloomy; sea, moderate. Castiepomt: Wind, south-south-east, fresh; barometer, 29.47; thermometer, 45; weather, showery; tea, heavy. Wellington: Wind, south-south-cast, breeze; parameter, 39.02; thermometer, 45; weather, cloudy. Westport: Wind, vest, light; barometer, 29.51; : thermometer, 60; weather, fine; sea, (smooth. Kaikoura: Wind, south-west, light; barometer, 29.60 thermometer, 48; weather, line; sea, considerable outside. Oaruaru: Wind, south-west, light; barometer. 29.72; thermometer, 47; weather, cloudy; sea, heavy swell. Bluff: Wind, south-east, breeze; barometer, 29.61; thermometer, 44; weather, gloomy. Northward of Thames and Manukau gales from the westward are to be expected, and southerly gales at places eastward of Thames. Taupo, Wanganui, and Cape Campbell; , moderate to strong south-east to south and south- winds elsewhere, with rising barometer everywhere. Gam i-- probable eastward of Thames, Taupo, Wanganui. and Castlepoint. Low pressure troin AV.N.W. lias passed to the eastward of Thames and Tauranga. and there is low pressure in the Sea. RIVALS'. Whakatane, s.s., 5715, I!. C. Clifford, from Wellington.— New Zealand Shipping Co., ascent*. Tarawera, s.s., 2003. C. McDonald, from Southern and East Coast ports. Passengers: Mesdames Ecclcs, two cliildicn, and maid. Wright, Titos, Toldwood, Mtssrs Woods, .Newson, Beere. Byrne. Ford. Good. Messrs. Card, Laery, Whyte, Innes, Coics, Ward, human, Warren, Williams, Dawson, Bartlott, Magel"iiy, Hixon. Quinn, and 17 steerage.— Union S.S. Co., agents. Waiotahi, s.s., 273, A. F. Johnson, from Mangonui, Whangaroa, and Russell, Passengers: Mosdames Raekstrnw, Higginson, Kew, Wilson, Misses Joyce, Willing, HiggiuKon (2>. Messrs. Wilson. Bloomfleld. Donald. Crane. Eraser, Bindou, Davidson, Yarborongh. Lowman. Henderson, and eight steerage.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Titania. 8.5.. 3450, W. .Remnant, for Wellington and the. South. Wellington, e=S-, 279, E. Stephenson, for i^Vhangarei. Mnritai. s.s.. 225, C. Hopkins, for Tauranga. Waitangi. s.s.. 197, P. A. Stem, for Kennedy's Bay. Kuaotunu, and Mercury Bay. Ohinemnri, s.s., 70. J. C. Blacklock, lor Whangarei. EXPECTED AKEIVAL3. LONDON: , ... .. .„„ Star of Australia, 8.8., via Australia, due September IS. . - Kumara, s.s.. via Capetown, about WednesTongariro, s.s., via Capetown and Hobart, due about. October 24. Indradevi, s.s., via Australia. &aned. Matatua. s.s., direct, to sail end of August. Star of New Zealand, s.s., via Australia, to sail. BIN FBANCISOO: Sonoma, E.M.S., September 23. NEW YORK: ~,-,, <, Ripley, s.s., via Australia, sailed July 10Lethingtou, s.s., via Australia, to eaii about August 25. ..Goodwin. s.s.. via. Australia, to sail. I Indraghiri, s.s.. via Australia, to s»i»'" GLASGOW: . ; ~ ~ , Samuel Plimsoll, ship, via Duuedin. eailed June 19. Claymore, s.s., sailed (at Capetown, September 4). TABLE BAY: J. T. North, barque, sailed J air 20. ' NEWCASTLE: Clan MacLeod, barque, early. SYDNEY: • Elirvgamite. s.s.. Monday. Neptune, barquentine. early. FIJI: Hauroto, e.s., Thursday. TON-GA: . Hauroto, s.s., Thursday. CALCUTTA : Uinta, s.s.. via Wellington, due Thursday. ■VANCOUVER: ■ Fcrerie. s.s., due about September 22, ZANZIBAR: Alice, barque, early, JAVA: Ventnor, 5.5., early. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' LONDON : Whakatane, s.s., Tuesday. BAN FUANCISCO: Sierra, R.M.s., Friday, STEW YORK: Star of 'be East, barque, loading. J. T. North, barque, to arrive. Alice, barque, to arrive. BTDNEY: Zealandia, e.s., Monday. FIJI: Hauroto, s.s., September 24. TONGA: Hauroto, 8.3-, September 24. EAMOA: Hauroto, s.s., September 24. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS • • To-dav. Takapuna arrives at Onenunga from Wellington and New Plymouth; Tarawera leaves for Southern ports at 4 p.m. (no cargo after 1 p.m.) Sunday: Omapere arrives from East Coast havs. Monday: Takapuna leaves for New Plymonth and Wellington at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. passenger train); Omapere lcave3 for East Coast "bays. Gisborne and Napier at 5 p.m. (no cargo after 3 p.m.) Wednesday: Eotoiti arrives from Wellington. Nelson, and New Plymouth. - Thursday: Umta arrives from Wellington unci Calcutta; Hauroto arrives from Sydney. Fiji. Samoa, and Tonga; Kotoiti leaves for New Plymouth, Wellington and Nelson at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. passenger train); Waipori arrives from-West port. Friday: Te Anau arrives from Southern ports. Saturday: Takapuna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth; Te Anau leaves for Southern ports at 12 noon (no cargo after II a.m.); Waipori leaves for Westport. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Waiotahi leaves for Waiheke at 9.30 a.m., returning about 4.39 p.m.; Wellington arrives from Whangarei. Marsden Point, etc.; Waitangi arrives from Knaotunu, Mercury Bay and Kennedy's Bay; Chelmsford arrives from Whangapoua and Port Charles; Kanieri leaves Onehunga for BaslSh andKawhia at 1 p.m.; Ohmemuri arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf; Gairloch leaves Onehunga and Opupake and Wanganui at 1 p.m. Sunday: NgapnM leaves Onehunga for New • Plymouth at J p.m. (passenger train, 2.30 p.m.); Muritai arrives from Tauranga; Ngunguru leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 6 a.m.; Terranora arrives from Tauranga and Opotiki. Monday: Wellington leaves for Marsden Point, Mangapai, and Whangarei at 9.30 p.m.; Muritai leares lor Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay at 9 p.m.; Waiotahi leaves for Russell. Whangaroa, and Mangonui at 5 . p.m.; Waitangi leaves for Tairua and Whangamata at 9 p.m.; Ngunguru arrives from "Whangarei Town Wharf; Kanieri arrives at Onehunga from Raglan and Kawhia; Ohinemuri leaves for Awanui, Waiharara and Hohoura at noon. Thames Service: Steamers, leave for Thames and Paeroa daily. See advertisements daily papers. VESSELS L\ HARBOUR. Torch, M.S., in stream. Whakatane. s.s.. at Queen-street Wharf. Tomoana, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Balmain, a.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Ardencraig, shit), at Queen-street Wharf.' Star of the East, barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Mary Moore, barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Northern Chief, barque, at Sugar Works. Helen, barque, at Quay-street Jetty No. 2. Yaabel, three-masted schooner, at Queenstreet Wharf. Virion, brigantine, at Hobsou-strcet Wharf. IMPORTS. Per Helen, from Lyttelton: 1651 sacks chaff. 62 sacks potatoes, and a Quantity of machinery. Per Tarawera, from the South: 5064 sacks wheat, 1060 sacks oats, 890 sacks potatoes, 420 Backs chaff, 243 sacks bark, 15 sacks and 300 bags flour, 150 sacks pollard, 72 sacks barley, 65 sacks bran. 53 sacks oatmeal, and 147 tons general merchandise. The Northern Company's steamer Waiotahi arrived from Maugonui. Whangaroa, and Jluisell yesterday with passengers and general cargo. Last night the Northern Company's steamer Wellington left for Whangarei. The Northern Company's steamer Muritai left for Tauranga last evening. Last night the. Northern Company's hteamer Waitangi left for Kennedy's Bay, Kuaotnna, and Mercury Bay. The barque Northern Chief was towed vp to the Sugar Works yesterday to dNcua-'se her cargo of coal from Wollongong. The Northern Company'? steamer Ohinemuri left for Whangarei last evening. Yesterday the barque Helen was berthed at Quay-street Jetty No. 2 to discharge her cargo of produce from Lyttelton. The steamer Titania left for Wellington ami the South yesterday morning with original cargo from New York. Owing to the bad weather the departure of tho Northern Company's steamer Waimana for "Whakatane i 3 postponed until 9 a.m. todav. The Tyser liner Tomoana will leave for the South on Wednesday next. Yesterday the auxiliary schooner Aotea went to an anchorage in the stream, aud will leave to-day for coast ports and Gisborne. The Northern Company's steamer Ngunguru leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at. 6 a.m. to-morrow. Yesterday the Union Company's steamer Whangape left the Bluff lor Sydney with a largo cargo of produce and a number Of sheep. , .. , 11.M.5. Ringarooma arrived at Port cnaimera from Wellington yesterday. The Union Company's steamer Omapere is not expected to arrive from East Coast ports until to-morrow, having been delayed on the cc&at. *
' ■ The steamer Nairnshire, under charter to the Union S.S. 'Company, arrived at Lyttelton from Sydney yesterday, and loads grain produce, and frozen meat in the South ior Sydney. • -■ ■ - THE ZEALANDIA. The Hud J art-Parker steamer Zealandia leaves Gisborne for Auckland to-day, and is c.\peeted to arrive to-morrow morning. The steamer proceed? on to Sydney at 5.30 p.m. on Monday; , THE UMTA. The British India Company's steamer Umta air-ved at Wellington yesterday from Calcutta and Singapore. The steamer is to leave for Auckland at daylight on Tuesday next, and is due on Thursday. The Union S.S. Company arc the local agents for the ile.'.mer, which on discharge proceeds to Austialia, the; EUNGAMITE. The Ht'.dlirt-Parker steamer Klingamitc is due from Sydney on Monday morning next, and alter medical and Customs inspection will berth at the wharf to discharge. THE WAIPORI. Tho Union Company's steamer Waipori arrived at Westport yesterday morning, after a good passage from Auckland. The ?teamer is expected to leave again for this port at daylight to-morrow, and is due on Wednesday night. THE KUMARA. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company s steamer Knmara is due at this port, from London and Capetown about Wcdnp.-r],iv next, and comes to the agency of Messrs. L. D. Nathan and Co. THE TE ANAU. j Tile Union Company's steamer Te Anau is delayed at Dunpdin until today, and will not arrive at Auckland until Friday next, one day later than usual. THE HAUROTO. 'Hip Union Company's steamer Hauroto is due from Sydney. Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga, on Thursday next. THE TARAWERA. The Union Company's steamer Tarawera, Captain Colin McDonald, arrived from Southern and East Coast ports at 1.13 p.m. yesterday, berthing at Quay-street Jetty No. 2. Tho steamer left Danedin on the stb hist., and called at Timaru. Wellington. Napier, and Gisborne, leaving tho latter port at 11.40 a.m. on the lltii. and arriving as above. Fresh easterly breezes, moderate beam sea, rainy weather prevailed from Gisborne to the East Cape: thence north-west breeze and smooth sea. The Tarawera leaves for East. Coast and Southern ports at 4 p.m. to-day. t THE WHAKATANE. The New Zealand Shioping Company's steamer Whakatane arrived from Wellington at 5 p.m. yesterday, and berthed at the Queen-street Wharf. The steamer is under tho command of Cantain R. C. Clifford, who has with him the following officers:— Chief, Mr. Silba; second, Mr. Whitehead; third. Mr. Harriett; fourth. Mr. Bradshaw; fifth. Mr. Church. Mr. Brown i? in charge of the ensine department, and has with him Messrs. J. Scott, G. Scott. Wilson, and Wheeler. Mr. Allen is chief refrigerating engineer, and Mr. Cleaver second. Dr. George Lyon is surgeon, and Mr. Clayton steward in charge. The Whakatane left Wellington on Wednesday afternoon last, and met with moderate weather during the trip. The steamer commences taking in cargo this morning, and leaves for London on Tuesday nest.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12070, 13 September 1902, Page 4
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1,716SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12070, 13 September 1902, Page 4
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