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QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, AND GRAHAMSTOWN, THAMES. EXORS OF THOMAS SHORT Have opened up New Goods in every department for the bPRING AND SUMMER SEASON. Their customers may rely upon being shown the latest novelties inDress Materia,, Prints, Cambrics Beiges Series Nuns' Veiling, Flannelettes, Gingham* Plain and Striped Sateens, Silks Ladies' Underline and Babies' Ware; Choice selection in the Millinery and Show-room, novelties opening daily. and Washing Silks, etc., etc. HosSy of even' description? Manchester DepartmeSt replenished with Curtains of the newest Clothing Department has received special attention this season. We would call attention of gentkmen f Overcoat, ton of ifthriatest'stX ent ' "* "* ° maS' Gentlemen's, Youths', and Boys' Hate andjQm in Felte, Beavers, Straws, Serges, Cachemir, Silk, &c, &/ All the new Shapes coming to hand; the Old Shapes, etc., to be sold Regardless of Cost. j -"-—»——-_; __t>«_ 1 *""""""" "•"""'""*"»-- '•—*- 1 " ■■I-γ—— i —. —i——at"-"-—-«■■_■ ~-v_.__* __ - - n.„ „ j PanTlirm Life Insurance. Houses and Land Houses and Land. ess and Fashion. __ : Dre S3 asmon. _ _ __^ . nouses ana -.ana. Houses and Land. , , _ _. -»- ATORTHERN AS S IJRTFrp T. O. EWINGTO.W] [CHAS. BAKER. —•' COMPANY. W1 N G TON &JβAK ER, "TO- & J CRATER, I 1 Capital.-.- £3,000,000. -—SSis-— ' ODS vi L^ E ' nn a "Mn -^ssss?sss,rv<, « u _t_r± lKJiLT< I M A l\l I 1 Since its establishment in 1836, to the present time Office :9a.m.^ 5 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. BENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED. *D T5 A T A T\/T A THT C\ W 1 O JIY _f\ 1 1 JL/ " " ""—- ~,.-— , f( ■ LOANS AND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. T UL/ L A IVI AilU IN ' , par Net Fire Net Life Re ™ Acc a^ Ravins; resided in AucVhnd over twenty-sis I x XLV/ VJUillllll. aJL \-r A. ' ■ _. Kevenue . Revenue. Tllfo ™. FundVi, twcm\-thrco years in the Kstate Agenc" business! MONEY LENT ON GOOD SECURITIES. , ' band. he is able to ••render valuable assistance to persons I I" I 1~f""1 IT* £ £ £ — wishing to buy, sell, let, or take property, or to bor. FOR SALE. JL J—J-JJJ ' 1836 000 700 1,200 38200 row or lend money. ST. STEPHEN'S ROAD, PARNELL-S-roomed . _____ . __ _, ---.-»«r-r 'M ' "TST /"""^N* , 1" ""V T A ""*C "5"" JS? Hot iS , ™ |100 59 500 I~~~"7~: House, and 1 acre Land. This is a beautiful pro- __<••„_ *Mf ~T 'Mrffl TJSn!! Tfflk Tfi /~Ni "ESTRk fST THi V ißtt / » I i B B /\ \/ iltr o'snn I'wn 400 FOR SALE. perty ami will be sold reasonable. A B 8«1 111 7§kl iHM fk M TO * H Mil/ 1 1 I—-* , 1 /\ £222 !'22° 10 V00 CHOICE PROPERTY FOB SALE, owing to failing ST. OEORGE'S BAY KOAD-e-roomed House and K8 H Si IEM M M SHI H|| i ll IS W J J i L 1 Jl" L__-J /""\ X 1861 8700 29 600 I'm M health o the proprio or-niatCh-ymuiclroperty ij acres Land! £350. Ullli Hi Hi j» 18 ill Hif H i | 1 -J_ J? JL JL. Li—.J / JL. JL ilw 30 000 SojOO Ji ?^ StSavri aild^adXksf 1 ™ to CALI.IOPK UOAD, DEVONPORT - 6 -roomed I<P HJ -»J liIIh3IPMW %J1 HHL JI- 1857 78&0 ■ l&W gOOO I,,;" , !".."-..'..! ?., I ,' 'Jmi 1 i.;,d.1.«-ks: Tli; Ho» W o : u ry large corner Allotmont. Cheap. JbSLS iV3 «*• w «•- IS6O 66,00.) 21.4W House commands a beautiful view, and comprises PAPA KUK A— acres good Land and House, close W • 1863 148.900 77,800 29,300 616,400 V rooms. It is nearly new. and was built by Mr. to station. — „____ ■ 1866 166.J00 97,300 35,000 TS.^ooo Julian, under the supervision of Mr. A. P. Wilson, KINGSLAND ROAD-6-roomed House and 1 acre; f\T? I ™ i J ,-A'l™ ~?'lnn r,?T l < m M) Architect, who designed it in the newest English volcanic land, cleared. £400. UJP 18 '- 2-0,400 125,200 01,a00 1,380,300 SSee : ilS^ftSS : IMPORTANT TD LADIES. ■ 1111 jj "SsHfit.'Miar nviruniMm__i_u_ lhuico. ; ;s ia asja !ouM IU I. r J*tlakeii :it a vahutiun. Tin? is -i rare TAKAPL'NA (short distance from tho Lake)-67J HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in the exercise (A QWfljf! ft HTH mfillflin dfliltlS it. s LIFE DEPARTMENT, opportunity for a younp couple about to u>arry to acres good open Land. Low price. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN\ 111 the eXerClSe 61 \UU \ 1 fi 1 \ i 1 U.H I£>l I I IX It is worse than useless to possess a Life Pnl ic . !*.{.« h»«.-*to that economy for which she is so justly celebrated, having Bi ftkS « £-.1 9 U MAM) yyWaWt I S2HSS""» F Med to contribute the three guineas bounty to W " IB " " . ' ag^^-sjlar ll ??* SiSp 'iHSF~; a£KK=r~ Ct " P - those Ladies in this part of the Empire whom Providence has gSS3£2^HSSS LOVELY PROPERTY inSyinonds-street, being aWE have for sale, Houses in the City and Suburbs, blessed with Triplets, and even in the Old Country she .. .__ nQ!: . |[;n «St* i- wn ' T'"« part of Sir Frederick Whftakertl former estate, suitable to all classes, at very reasonable pricw. has lately been 'giving only . Two Guineas, .GEORGE JUST OPENED m.luons Onf Hundred and tKpJIS? €SS£S has lately boon living only . Two Guineas, .GEORGE JUST OPENED PutLSforS. "™ 5' m strict. Particulars on application. FOWL hereby gives notice to all Ladies in the City 01- AsoF^A^scaPLUSateach^uationbeio T-\ \i.C K in Pirk -Vvcniio with S rooms ■■ I i Y V oO t»ij*j_ xl " inGaSsurGCi. L and many conveniences, has a lease of 50 years to TO LET. j Province of A.Ucklan(l that if tIICV sIIOW their devotion to tlllS The undersigned, Agent for the above Company, run-£6;>o. MANUKAU ROAD, PARNELL-Nice S-roomed I A , . . , i ,; _• i.l - 1,, „!_._„ J a ...Jfl, m mTT i« prepared to accept Risks agamst Fire on BuUdings IN JERVOIS ROAD. PONSONBY, we have a House and large Allotment. Rent, 16s per week. errand and promiSlll" , COloilV DV nrCSentlllS; tllCll' llUSDaiiaS Willi $_T THE Jfttn-fiT rnmVrTr patw" ° Auckland fS^K e^i^l e i°[Snian-s Residence CHUKTOSOTIBBT. PABSELL-S Cottages, 6s afc QncQ he w f U ' h^Q gve J p l easurc in presenting attUeLOWESI rooms, with 16 acres of Land, situated at CHELTENHAM BEACH-Furnished House 80s. t it| FQ WLD 'S BOUN TY OF THREE GUINEA S = VERY CHEAP ALLOTMENTS at Avondale for ELLERSLtE-Broorned House, large orchard, and mem »uu iu .. u •■! j w 1 • i? U fnv tlirPP —— Local Industries sale. 10 acres Land. This is a nice place, To a good —the old pi'lCG — Wltll a Special pronilUin oi 11 SUlt Cadi 101 lllieC RMI «6#i&&i3 —- ------ ____ FOR SALE, for £-210—A comfortable Freehold 4- tenant low rent will be taken. , ilmi r ,i i LI •x* f (-1 . n> f -Tav jr Hif ESS} Tnr _ ._,_T„ ~ ~ d„_ __ „ roomed Cottage in Stewart-street, Mount Eden. COX'S CREEK-S-roomed House and 10 acres boVS aild Will further SIIOW lllS appreciation OI tUeil 01101 10l mi WM pi WARNOCK BROTHERS TO SPECULATORS— About 3J acres of volcanic i Am \. "> ' , . , j.« ■ l x 1 ~ ±1 T>.., TC , oil flivrmrrh «*!i MS r Tt ▼» [Estabusheii IS62j, Land, corner of Eden Yale and Wynyard Roads, oHPHANT-STREET-5-roomed Cottage and largo ie country S gOOCI, l)V COntllllling- tO ClOttie tllG r>OVS ail till OllgH tjfflmilr <1M Bβ SOAP AND CANULE MANUFACTURERS, WEhtve'for sale— pood Land, close to the PA Furnished Houses, 7 and 9 rooms, Jife at least Twenty PCI Cent. CllCapei* tliail any Oilier HOUSe 111 " Manufacturers of the celebrated Extract of Soap Henderson Railway Station, at a low price per every modern comfort, with plate and linen. Rent . i Disinfectant Powders, First l'me Yellow, Blue aero. 40s each. NeW ZtealailCl. -___-_ _— Mottled, Double Crown, Economic, and Household FOR £Soo—We can sell Two Freehold Houses in DEVONPORT, Calliope Road— rooms and Urge -_--—-— Carbolic, and otliut Medicinal and Toilet Soaps Grey-street. Allotment. 10s. " '' made from trie purest of Tallows, &c 10 ACUES of Good Land at Paniuure for sale— MOUNT EDEN— rooms, Cs. Offices: Durham-street, Auckland. £350. HOBSOX-s'TREET—6 room-! i?« A TWT A "\Tr<T? All HI? T■ A "MTI N.B.—Cash Purchasers of Tallow, Wool, Sheep qPFmTiIRCAiNS FORS?SET-^vSoffice S atio Wr enu, ADVANCE AUCKLAND. LADIES ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO INSPECT -wi'Hide-«-*»«. A BARGAIN be sold-About Vacre of vol. LARGE STORE in Fort-street. Beat low. • God Save the Queen, and the Queen will Save the Money. our tjincourage local industry siTeof kitchen and pantry; gas is laid on, there is ——— , jLJ provision for about SOAI gallons of water, and the «sß?ss3t's fc , fVt A T> T V Q C! \f TTtf Mount Eden water pipes are now laying in front ---. T irv UFF US. „_„ _«_. «__„ ____ „__ _ . m an omßv -tf»>-«v of the door ready to be laid down. There is a f< I ■ I , II j*\, &\. 9% /F% J*""™ Vi ff\ \MK VI I CI» W^^ , MANUFACTURER OK BASstable, cow-shed. bugp-shed, wash-house, with AW -■--• f »&.« t | L_/ f *&-a kU>H 1 !*«# B G —._. —_. <-• «-«• «t- ~j mm --». -r-r- NINETTES, PKRAMBU.Acopper set in tricks, .aso, a larce detached bath- t-« | * J f~V R I g ijWM g § J „ f* A O TT 1 |\ Tβ , nTAfT/ TORS, INVALID CARRIroum, and concrete cistern for garden use. The LAND AGENT AND SURVEYOR, \Ji L. %MS I 6 L» iW W W TAR(tF, JK, 1/ A K HII Villi K W&ssffl£3j AGES, grounds are tastefuUy laid out and planted. It • I UPiI TPi (V V Mll I 1,1/ 11 I lilnV would cost anyone £725 to do these things. If n---« e-» BB - Ar-nrTivn r\TTTT?TTTT?T? A ATH PT.OTHTFI? JLj ZA. A. V JLJ \»JL/ »JL Jk. JL *>. X JLJ K-/ -*. \_# V/ A.A. AUCKLAND PERAMBUsoId at once, £575 will be accepted. 104, -STREET, At. CKLA.ND, UU IT 1 1 1 llilV AINU UliUl rilJ-il\, LATOR FACTORY, 40 ACRES of the best Land in Waitakerei East, *'?s£&££&£' v . ♦ • ♦ „„, Wa t «.„. weU timbered, and good soU £30. and Nest Mr. Upton's, BookseUer. l/ir»TAni A AR P A F Al IPKLAMD ' V/ PiyvZlV ™°ri«b™rt Wa \V «^Sk^^l^±r c "* ! VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND. tttst to hand comprising CHARl^RMlTnisnowtunun.outtheDUST FOR AXE at Epsoni-20 acres of Land. £150 per •JUtol 1U XIAIMJ, KsVIUrSXL&in Uγ, PROOF JUBILEE BASSINETTES, with all the Acre " ' r latest English improvements, and as he guarantees FOR SALE-A lovelv House in Park Avenue. .» shall farms. t0 kee P &na&r year, he ■"" SUB " SUBSTANTIALLY-BUILT 6-roouied Houses on f3JI * ,IJ n. a**m& proof .-f their excellence. »SSS?S?SS-S NOVELTIES SSiEf^-^^"* also, House and Stables. Freehold for £460. bearing, at from £200 upwards. . J i A JL -tLlto _L -LNI V-^ , V JILJ-I—J J- -J-_w-J»*_3 Price pobt fiet. Good title. This is a chance seldom met with. POULTRY FAR-MS— A numlier of choice sections ■ ' — SACRJbS at l'aparata, with House and Outbuild- within a few miles of Auckland, suited for iruit- ________ ings, for sale for £250. growing and poultry farming, at from £3 lUs an _____ , . . ——. —— —— —— — — " ~ OD ■ \ a " TO LET. TAURANOA-One of the prettic> Villas in the e __. ___ -_~ « - . A 8%l t B™*V #"\ 1 i< "T" El 3Si I I"NT -3 rSkSCIH 3 TO BE LET, in Ayr-street, PameU-A large and colony in lovely grounds (37 acre,). Offered , HDA D U D V l\ 1\ 111 18 f 1 I ¥"4 8 i\l _-■ _ UnArLliY AB\sU OLO I niiMU. §3 s^iifflS«P_^«' s K LARGER PREMISES I LARGER PREMISES! NEW PREMISES! TQU AND FR FNf H ° S 5 T^Sr- coupes Lorne-street, from A E FENTO Largo Now Premises, Nos. 252 and 254. Quoon-sh-oet (next to his old place), aro no", JLill U iLjlOli I±U U %\ in, House, Chapel-street. Rent, M A.Vtj E J. A richsoil. grand crops, good A. t. t _I\J I Immenso gtock of Drap.-ry and Clothing of every description. g £ § TO 3^^«?nt. a °H^^HSS ; SSS^^ ; CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TOWN FOE DEAPERY AND CLOTHING, as the appended price list will show. _ o pi r|TNTAri O « P ™^e^tr- rOfLOok;i t" 0b - DRESS HOODS i U,coloured., S 6 t U, s nd,and6, Ladic, Silk Dolman, i» Cd to 2 7s 6d, a great ] J L \\ AKKII C f^»^^l*^ h - hoUhe,iC ' lOttered % ew nea^ i teM S Ud to 15 6d 1C re «d to 70s i IJ i\ £j OOIHJJI\ I\J O - [> »-_, . i g largest and best Cellars in the City. Stripes. 6» lid rtoz. . . | Pillow- "fick'(w : oven round), Is 3d Wool Pelisses and Hat to match, 7a lid. Wool j ff __, rj PARiSimps. lakoek farms. fl| t ,^"" i S-S-MUSUH*— , *! .^u■^. , :;i >..... _ Merino c,.«, I . WANTED-A Partner in a payable Wood-turning KAUM FO REST-900 acres of grannd Kauri |™S KrS."'aU "obtSt Odand Gd doz |™« Cownj '»"• iS 3J ' «'">» i „„,,:„"'' IWadetl Trinunin and a host of TIfCT EOD "REOTHEES', Business. £400 required. Forest at the Great Barrier—l2s per acre. Jersey Clothe, 9s 6d the doz n n li.ilirt« Iμ >.J«lIt 1.1 an'tTbost Sd ner vard i other article* too nuroennw to mention XyJL JLJ JL^ WAMKD-A Partner in a payable Nursery and KKKOHE-Thret- rlrst-class improved Farms at > - imV veiling, all colours, Lijrht or Dark, from 103 _ y,""^,/' \\Vlshl 8d io4d Is Is 2d Is 4d, and Is 6d I Special l.ino of Black Silk Jackets and Dolmans, THE AUCKLAND BASKET FACTORY, ow ~ . €lS:-JS.ino t r U .. „!'!£, oja-.-sa— --— | SHU ~«>—»«1 SSffl«r;>,«,, - GOODS WILL BE READY FOR INSPECTION AT OUR a—,,^v,,» t :;ppi::.::r:rr: sl ilgf =-««* |i|gggßSS »,-mskw- —, PREMISES on monday next, at the . gg^s^A. with fair inar-iu. roomed Villa. Only £:» per acre; a sacrifice. Canvas Clotris, all the New Shades, 7s lid doz lhirHn«"rnttVTn liTiii and 7d Oreon Tic Knitting Cotton, Is 0d per lb VTrfS^O)* _ —— BUCKLAMJ-A really choice Farm, adjoining the P i Hin an d check Llamas, to match, 10s Od doz «h 'iS 1 11'!u , I Mending, assorted dozens, with 12 needles, lOd . • l S 3> / \^S^^!#/ C___._ tt , taxi co XT station. Price low. and terms easy. Kmboseod Black Italian Cloths, 9d Q S'aS Is 'Vl M3d and Is 4d And every other article in Haberdashery that is • VSnwfVy V^^^// HAS. WILLIAMSON WAIKATO-Several good Farnu at a great sacrifice. striped and Plain Plushes, all shades, 2s lid the gJ^JJj^ A ££ gas-CM. now patterasl ejd, 7jd, B]d required. S -^^ cm^^,BIJ BBS *««£""" sSs Satpi , sM;>H . u ; » S ' B S.S M ™; T~\ T (] m p E A 0 0C K, tikNTS aid PONSOSBY-S β-tooined Villas on large lots. £250 p£" "d Fancy biuahanw, 4M to 1.2 d Linen DrUls, unbleached, for boys'wear. sjd; Stripe, Youths , M.jle Trousers, 5s 3d ._.-,« Spectacles and Eye-glasses of '^Uw^i^Vou MOUNT KDEN-2 now Vill c oßt £025 and £475). 4inches jrard mado Lart [ e^osiery all sorts and prices, from Cd to 2h 0d Men's Workup Shirts own nuke, all sizes, Is Cd, Scales and Surveyors" Requisites ;«&; c let t a a K,;;S?- uSiTi«e. lot of gis b«s.: s&. and Bi ue , <*» usod to sai,; a »«»cd te « : 3S M> 3S n d , 4S «d. ssr&S , s^±i^ Ligar Hate, jNortii Mioie,lie mun ie l '' V" ""„ choice volcanic Moil. £115. " HOODS ' Ladies TafFetta and Silk Gloves lid to Is 0d and-Is lid ,„,,,, Graphoscopos, Stereoscope*, and Views " ' DEVOXPOKT-2 large Lots and new Villas. £325 3<i, 3s 6d, 3s lid, ! Ladles S^flSt*TuXMl iJ 4. ed. «- Men's Flannel Shirts, 2s lid, 3s Cd, and 3s lid, largo „ — , = Electric Bells and fittings. Ac, &c. VI^^AS?VrS fl Si. 5-roomed House. makes. 2s Ud, 3s od. and 4 3 j 6.Xld Meruio. and Boots and Shoes. Settlers'Telesco^^S^eand House in town; also, Farm in V»aikato. only £250, about hal«" its value. Od the dozen and 6s (id shirts ana 1 ants, .it vu> low pritos i-y tin. u | __ __ _—, ___ - Settlers , Aneroid Barometers, strong and good,SsM SEVKKaL in City ;uiU suburbs For VICTORIA AVENUE-e0 feet b> 20r, new house Unbleached Calicoes, 2s 3d, 2s Od, 2s lid, 3s lid and Ladies (i-button Kul Gloves, 2s Gd, 2slid. ana 3s 9d . « 10 ™" r., 4fl Mml Stl Settlers , Microscopes, magnifying 1750 times, tis tid ° r " eXCUaUS6 f ° r " eteC hta "' f °t!__! C - CUeaP Wh^^el^ 72 inch.lo;d:Boinch,lsoinch, Iffi t^^^^ U«. IHSSSIS and Os lid Co.nplete Photographic Set, for feeder,,—, in- I^l PRPIHmPS While^eti r Finlay 9) 72inCh ' "= § ° inCh KleSyS&ui; S.W& and B^ INSTRUMENTS AXD SKWING MACHINES West-street Newton, 4-roomed House-53 BUSINESS PKLMISES. faVhed Ss, double width. Ud and Is Id T ,?-«?..„ . ... , a '9a',' 3s M j| Uls 2d. and Is Gd, in Merino or -W—«-«f= "Wl I 'SI i REPAIRED. weeKly HOTKL-The Freehold of a large and well-estab- Table Damask, white, 2 yards wide, 2a 0d and 2s lid Ladies Nightdresses, Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid, and 3s hocks, loa, is, is -a, ana is uu. in i it. ojl 1 f ~$ £_i " i i_J " 1 !=««*# ILj ¥ ' Mackelvic-street. Surrey Hills, 5 rooms-5s 6d iii, e d Hotel, doing a good grade, with 8 acres of the yard ....... Tarlill rhomiw Is %1 Is lid "<» fid and «<? lid Men's Cotton Rocks, Cd, Sd, KM, and 18 §Ml I &**£; W% B I H""! 1 Ol 1 Pitt-stieet-i-un.islJt-anuoms. land; only jteso. Table, unbleached, 2 yards wide, Is 4d and W«a«B«,liM, oVed'2s Hd andis 6d Men's White Shirts. 2s lid, 3s Od, 4s Ud! with II fl B A* 8 J < S I j A rHI TfTORKC i liond-streei, sas, 6 rooms—4s «d. GKNKiIAL SJUXtK—The Freehold, Stock, and is (id the yard La dies Ki ncko rs, 1 sßri. is WJ, n (i, aim js ou Cl) ]i- u -s r >s (id -Ji« «£»i«lm «_f m___3b__3 • -rfß™ B-9_ta__a j£3«B«SSi O « 4- Uafa!: ' VV lrelaad-alreet, Jiooins-S«S ; IWBuKIy Largo Bush Rugs. 7s Ud each goods ____ "« • „ T ~ ~,. —_ , . rwectioners Nelao..-»t,reei, o rooms— we«Kiy —— — . __ Our Leading Articles this week are : Confections Nonh nX-^r WCekly TO LET. NOTB-Country parcels well packed, and delivered to boat or station free of charge. " ' tow ?&-Sui^&ft «;i.'ICESTO LET.inLower, froraSs Onuliuiiga, IS rooms, ids; Mount Roskill, I) rooms, "»-r---v _. «_. um«j_ , , •«__ a. » " House for sale, scul- A. is. FENTOK DRAPER and clothier 9 il D D TT DDAC s m COOK & SONS. leiy, gas, and water. Price, only £4£-U. race, 5 romn.s, us; Archllill, « rooms, 73. ---».• ■-» --- •—■ 7 -»- ■ fa L^ , |H 1 H r"\ f"\ B | ■ ' nii.NUt.ltSO.N—ii£ miles iiom Auuivhind, fronting SJluJ'.> To J.KT—Shortlaiid-atreet, 20s; Karanga- QKO A \TT\ OKA riTTT?T?I\J Ci , rT? 17'FT.T I I /-4 l\s\3< I E §lli«#k.l /-vrnEV Un»tNorihftoacl,anaaaji«eutwrail»*y»taiioij; baps Eoad, 16s. /iO4 AJM> 5i04, U Hi±!jiN "b I itxLi -Hi 1 \J| JLJL-I, VJL V. -I—- -■- -*- JL*/ X%. V/ K-/ ■ T>ICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY i l en\ly U s r iruit and poultry larins;'water (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET). " MITSTPAT TNSTOITAJKNT WAREHOUSE, Very WAITED FOB CLIENTS. - ' - nfl ■-= aockwb. , T l^lr c Pianos, Organs, &c DentaL .-__.*._ -*. — HP -eT~7naRTER, ' witli two Orchards, two Houses, sea frontage, at WANTED, HOTELS - X have several bona tide TT -__ WINDSOR, QA 1 \/AOP QAI U fl Ptra JL o -Hi* V/ M U SIC_4U yearlv. Kialiiiig and alioutiii* enuui.wi l !or B »od free Hutels. TT IC I WL W & U J #\ I Ait\ B J. 9-" ZA I I™" I 1 &■■ MO S C -)TAJiUHU-Four-roomed House and 3 acres for WANTKJJ, I>alßY KAiIMS-Oood Dairy Farms __ _. _ -jr-w t V l-1 "TV T\ y-» r-Ni'N -■-■.• -fIJ • ▼» li 1 \f HilF t] /-\ 1 I ■ V_/ I TEACHER OF MU>...Uβ on Taiuaki lUver; deep water lroutage, lacr neai Town are Wanted Dy several .:li e nt«, if \A/L? O D V P/j SURGEON DENTIST W fi_» V/ % I—«• # 1 fc-B *-«• VIOLIN orchard WANTKU, iMAIUN K VlLLAS—Several cash buyers) I I—| 0 U\ I—l \l\l H !""S r\ /\T 111 &UKU-.UIN -w , VlUl^li^, MOUNT ALBERT-Five-roorned House for Sa't require Houses, of from 6to 8 rooms, near the lIIUO. 18. VYjLIiJjJ \jL ijUii (By Exam.), PIANO. GUITAR, CORNET, AC. «c----uith Stable Kuutfvhouse, and two acrea, gurdei se a ; J'oiwoiiDy preferred. ■*- •*■■*• *** ■ -v.--. ■ » -—-• ■*-»■ -_•■ - v j /. tciwar Station WANTIiI). FAKMH - .Several clients desire to Late OF THE FIUH OF KEMPT AND WINDSOR, TV«TRITMI.'\TS TUNED A>'» iMONT-STUBET-Newelght-roomed House Lci ,, really good Farms, or Orchards, with pur- A kTT HOTTSK fIORSON-STRIIET Bog* to intimate to the public of Auckland and MUSICAL INSTRUCTS wat^idtfSuiSt^a^ 0 " ,, ,ea,,, chasi " Kl:lausus UAH IIUUOiJj Oll\Uiil. country districts that he is still in practice at the old i s *® , (.new), city water. l'rice, J«BU . r-ptf\ GTTI? A'Vfll< , R6i T?Qrr α-rt TQTrt?T» . T IYNmrVNT 1R47 • AUCKLAND FOOT OF SHORTLAND-STREET, rd it I 1 pJft SxJ 1 1 il I Ifl A >A. I'KNlto.SK— New iii.use and seven acres volcanic 11V »Jl JSiia.j.llj(iiAi». ESTABLISHED: LOINIJUjN, 10*/ , AUOIVJjAJND, IbOO. . • 1 Post Office 118 * ftjf -_LjS__L« JLJ ML Jl JLnAi \Jr JLJ J —.<<"> soil for Sale, divided into three paddock STRANORRS AND OTHERS, who desire either early opposite the General Post first-class \Jt __a (*i__i«s *__" IW«y -Nhtf-I ri_-M Price£476. STRANDEKS AND OrnERR, who desire either Having engaged the services of a first-class ■^•■.-^•- r^«B^^ K j S U^ N j^JSS.?s£ pp " r QUeen -1 [^iScitr^^aa^^;;;^^ ,^ PJANO, organ, and harmonium importers Mesu»l«d Assistant, and S w!?vy^ ,ir T ,S J ,leI ' t . i ' ,i Allotment, near Kail ties. TTV uriATTTrnnniTmnnn REDUCED THE CHARGES CONSIDERABLY, ——fflffl iOT vay Fine v.ew. N J> MANUFACTURERS. He requests a share of their support. «- _,__—-- / *. % _- v _ IS H! F OR SALE, near Henderson's Mill St, charge whatsoever for advice or advertising _ J_TOW O-CSI-, F™ f™' j " r^^er;?, r :;., V OUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO- PIANOS, PIANOS. PIANOS. jj-oTIC E o_P_ REMOVAL. NOTICE OF REMOVAL Terms J. NF w SRS • jDST LaNDED : MR. T. TRAFFORD, F. WILLIAMS begs to announce tta*^ n,..,su.rj ! Lr™.S:a ■ pukosinwa™case, TKicHORD.»--fro, « A'[ AVAKEFIELD"STREET SHOP ONLY. SS'FBSli^ n»u»andß. e Ac,.», l;| ,, l u. m i,e 5 ,,,, 11 ,.,, li . i ,, «• «,K.£ l «o''''lSo»ko'.k!. ; ."S EU D. ieach sohns CELEBRATED IRON GRAND pianos from £45. .eiier, opposite w,ndh»m-«.«.t ______ '" 1,»,, , ,«V,,;VZp1»W.™'.«'»' 10 " ' * it r< , Istrus _-—__.—— Hours: From 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. —_—_—_. . general siiop. ttendedto. mEAIS = ra -'- 1*.,. b o Ug ., n OG REGISTRATION rKt a ■ . f . * Apply JjUW lAih»l'.sr. B vi«|N 'r 1 ' 1 ""r ,lll<l ' 'ayer, saiukuais, «■- ■•<>" Letters addres S9 d to THOS. H. WEBB & CO., Oak Hou 6 e, Hobson-streeb, will meet . in() p 1 .j lltet | i Wlt j, ext ,Ti C ts from the gJIOB Opeil frOHl 9,30 a,IH. tO I 8 p.HI. Daily. FISH ' vn wharf. A iIEMiY "St Letters addressed to THOS.H. WEBB & CO., Oak House, Hobson-streeb, will meet SllOB Opeil frOIH 9,30 a,HI. t0 8 p.IH. FISH ' wuaKF. 11, Victoria Arcade, Auckland. "s, niaviou"may be obudnwl Open 9aia.tolUp.m with immediate attention. Queen-street, Auckland. i- X

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9217, 21 November 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9217, 21 November 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9217, 21 November 1888, Page 2


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