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Houses and Land. SAMUEL VAILB ~~ JOH.N DOUGLAS ITAILB & TQOUGLAS, LATE BAMDKL VAILBIi, HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENTS, LAM) AND estate AT7CTIONKKB3. Bbokees TJKDKB IHS Lands T&AHBYXB Act SHORTLAND STREET, K«xt the Pott-oMce. BANKERS : BANK OF NEW EODTH WALKS. XT N IMPROVED LANDS. 1171 acres r cb Alluvial Land, well watered. £1 10s ' per acre.- lSf.l. 40 acres coed Land, Matakohe, £2 per acre.—l 969. 2*o acre* jjjoJ Land. MaJngat, £290 for Lot--19&*. SO.acres Land fronting Whangaiei harbour, £1 per acre.—l9U. 120 acres, Kaiwaka, good Land, 10s per acre.—l9l6 iy;o acres good Kami, fronting harbour, £2 per acre. — 11&3. 93 acres a'. Dairy Flat, £100—194$ £50 acres i.CK-U LjiD.l. i>i>oUki, £1 pel acre— 60 acres, Waiotehi—l9so Idi scrui good grazing Land near Lichfleld, £2 pes acre-1877. 150 acres land, suitable for Dairying, Mauku, £2 U>j per acre.— 200 acres pood Land, tv an jamarino, £2 10s per acre. —ISS<S. 103 acres Bujh Laud, Raglan, £1 fe per acre.—lSSS. Wrcres L»Dd. part bush, Waitreia, 10« per Acre. —1916. iZ-5 acra3 Splendid ricli alluvial soil, an old Maori cultivation, Waipa, £■> per acre.—l9l9. 60 acre;, Lucas Creek, mar main road, Las per —2000 200 tcrae good Und Kiti-Kati. £3 pur acre.—l&23. 40 Bush Land, i'nkeatua, £.1 per acre.—lS7o. lea acres iUeu swamp land ptrtlj , drained and fenced, £- per acre.—lStiS. 2017 acres half tir>t r&tc, talaaco -ad quality, Mangouui. £1 per acre,—lSb7. "Ci acres Rood La.nd Parenioreuio £1 per acre, — ISIO. 60 acres good Lind.Walroa South, partly in grau, £5 per acr«.— ISS4. I 1400 »crta good toWarkwortk, \ £1 per acre.—l7o2. For full psr.:c - apply to Vaile and Douglas, Lirui and hsute Agents, baortliid-street. ONE Mile ami a Quarter from Northcote Vi hurf.—Per .Sale: Ihe Gladstone Kata.e, comprising' nearly 40 A,.re?. On the Estate is the GuasUize "liali ai.d Outbuilding*, new 8-i'oerced Home, with S'-*bUf, ttc, tw3 new 4-roomec! Cottages an.i other Buildings , also, a BUctsuiith'i fchop, in fail operation. i t.e grounds ate tastefully iaiu cut in iitiiow, i'eaeh (.roves, Apple Orchards in bearing, Mxacberry and Flowe C»aruens. Beautiful native bus;;, w'Ui all the New Zealand forest trees ; watered by b.-ooiu o< tlrar water ; water power can his obtained from to em. This property is s-tid t<3 be the incut biau'.i'dl picnic ground near Auckland. The largest p*r; of the purchase monev iaa remain on mortgage for lit ye»rs orlengrr at 5 per cent. Title : Land Truaj.'tr.—Apj Ij- Vailo and JLougUs, Land ana Kjtaie Affeutt, Shcrtliud-itreet. ITU) INVESTORS. — tor Sale, in leading _fi_ streets—Several first-class Properties.—Vaile ana D cue las, Land aid i.iU»t»_- Agents, fctortland- I Street. OTAHUIIU.— Homestead of 5 acres, ! fenced and In grass. House 6 rooms. Price, £65.'.—Vaile and Dcugiai, Land and Estate Agacts, thcrtUud-itreet. 2Jlo KUAD.—Some firstKARANGAHAPE ROAD.—Some firatI'raperties in thie graad bminesj t.-i-.T.. ujhfjiie for sale,—Vaile and Donilas, Land aud KiUtte Ager.l3, ahortlan-ci-jtreet. "F> A K.N ELL.— For Sale— House of 6 rooms, JL with Allotment CO i9O feet. Price, £550.— &nd DoiulM, Laasl anti Eitaw Agents, fchort-Uati-strect I>S9 QUBUiIB_N FARM.—SI Acres of good lO Laud, all focced, at J about 35 acrts in grasj.and ij.isndid crchird cf 3 sw-rej in lull beiriug; tal»o. e, goiKl bash ; Home ul 7 rooms, stable, cjwshed, fowitcuse. e:c.; wr.hic 10 miles cf Auckland, close to nulw»j- station. Price, i.7uj- Stock, etc , can bo taken at valuation.—For further particulars apply to Vaile and 1 oug &-orUaad-street. axil FOK. SALE, Cheap— A splendid Estate Is' c I 2.0C0 / c:ei of rich arable land, well watered wuh creeks and fresh water Ukes. Unndy to a railway Elation. Terms—From one-h»U to two-thirds of purchiise price can remain on mortgage at Ci per cent. l;i>_! 3 to 7 ye*r3. -V»i!b «nd Liou^l—s, med and Esl»ie Agents, ahortland-slreer,. 20u6 W' ANTEDSecurities for several sums of V ? mccey.—Vaiie and Douglas, Land and Jt_tate A;cdL«, Shortlaod-itreet. "ITIAMLLY RESIDENCE, short distance JD from town ; new House of 7 rooms, with scu.l- - ry, washliouse, etc., «ith five acres of nrit-clas* lino ; two acres In (.rchird and garden, balance in grass. —Vaile *n<l L-ouglas, Lai.d and Estate Agents, bl.'jr'l*cd-*treet. 1972 /~i oOD FARM of 152 acres, on the Kai\JX para Hallway, only one mile from station, 22 miles trena Auckland, divided into live pwldocks, and an orchard of two acre*. Substantial house of k roOßi3, dtiry. &c , e:»ble, Etockyarcl, and pigsties. block ana injplemenis at valuation. Price, i.4 per acre,— Apply V&i.o and Douglas, Land and Kel&ie Agent', 3t.ortiaDd-Btreet ; l^»s QJPLENDiD FARM, Tuakau, 355 acres, a )O iaree (.-art cultivated, good buildings; very buitab:e (or dyiry farm, close to creamer/. £7 pet acre. — Vaile and Douglas, Laud and Eatita Agents, ShortUnd-street. l'dO~ a \ AIRY FARM of 72 acres, within 24 __>■' miles of town, in good distr.ct, easily accessible, CO ba—dingi, but all well fenced and in gia-s. ix ce, ££00.— V_.le and i>oajiai, Land and _stite Agenu, ihu.-tUn4-street. 1997 rU LET—Good Property of 90 acres or 1 thereby, with capital dwelling-house of 7 looms ; I piori'riy U_s fronuge to tidal creek, 12 mile* from Auckland. A low itntul from an,: tenant wciuid be taken.-Vaile and Douglas, Land and Estate A gen's. ShcrtUpd-ttreet. ___^__ ~OOD FAMILY RESIDENCE, Grafton JT Boad, containing 8 rooms and every convenience, stible, ic, an I lir;e allotment. Price, £Sso.— Vaile and liuugUs, Land and —state AgenU, HhorJ-Und-stieet - __?_ BEAUTIFUL BUILDING ALLOTJO> iIK.Vi, North She re, close to wharf, about half an *c.e. Pr.c , £400. or an ocf er. v aile and t/ouglas, Land and Eat*;*; Aifeni', shortland-»trcet. l&i>3 QUBUKBAK FAMILY RESIDENCE.— Ikj House contaiica , seven Looms, etc, etc, with fi7e iueaof Land, laid cat as paddock, large orchard, and ornaaeuul ground* ; close to tram line. Price, £3100 —V»i!e and Lougl—s, Land and -State AgcnU, 18:3 FARM of 101 Acree—Splendid Land, within 12 milts of Arxklaao, all in firis-n>:e order ; Firm House aDd buildings. Price, £1600.— a.rd Douglas, Land and Jistnto Agents, hbort-knd-gtrect. 1570 FAMILY RESIDENCE of 10 Room.", B» wi'.ii all necessary conveniences ; £>i acres in orchard and α-eadow; cloie to town ; price, £2000. Vaile aud Dcngiiis, iik_d and Estate Agents, Short-and-sireet. 1973 SPLENDID PROPERTY.--Cattle Sheep K?) Farm of SoTO acres of firit-claw Land, Dearly all fenced, and a lirga quantity in grass, and about 20 acres oi bush, '1 here are ales substantial building! on tbe land, counr;*icc house of 8 rooms, store, stable, 2 cottages for men, etc. 'ihU Is one of the finest i-ropert in the .North Island, the land being of the richeil: quality, and within easy distance of Auckland. Price and terms on application to Valie and L/o-gliß, Land and Estate AgenU, Sbortlandstreet. 1873. . GOOD FARM, of 160 Acres, all fenced and in cultivation, well fenced, well watered, and good laud ; about two miles fiotn railway station. Farm house ar.d other buildings. Price, HA per aOre. This farm ie within lei miles of Auckland, by a good road. Vaile and Uoaglae, Land and Estate Agents, Hhortland-rtreet. 19*6 WELL- IMPROVED LITTLE FARM of 42 Acres, with House and other Buildings, situated at Maketu, Gad's Hill, near Main South Boad. The land ia of firs'.-rate quality, and ie within easy di»tancfi of train. Price, £400. /or particulars, apply to Vaile and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shorl-land-street. ___ Ci MALL FARM, Three Acres, at Wairoa 0 fconth, with cottage and other buildings ; price, £100. Vaile and Douglas, Land and Ejtaie Agents, £>_ortland-»treet. 19*7 COUNTRY TOWNSHIP — STORE and Dwellini{-house, doing a good general business; turn-over about £180 per month. Ttjis Is a good opportunity for anyone wishing for a country business, 'i here is a Shop and Dwelling-house, and two Cottages (which »re let), gum-store, &e. ; Allotment, ee i;j 100 ; good garden ; large ran for cattle adjoining. Price, £640.—Vaile aud Douglas, Land and Kttate Agent?, ShortUnd-street. 1659 QUBUKBAN STORK, in populous locality, K_t doing a good little general business: Shop; I)welling-houEe, four ruoms; Bcullery, bhede, 4c.; Garden ; and L/-.a:,-;uo.d has 67 years to run ; £8 per annum ground reut, Price, £150. Stock at valuation.—Further particulars from Vaile and Douglas, Land and Estate Agent 3. Shortland-street. 19tt4 COUNT RY STORE and Accommodation House, situated in a good district, within a few minutes' walk of steamer wharf ; doing a eood business both in store and house. Owner leaving on account of 111-health. There are also 264 acres of Land. a!l well fenced.and nearly all in grass; good Orchard, in full-bearing; everything in good order and, as a eoinK concern, It presents a good opportunity for an enterprising man of business. The price for the prowsrtv is 550, and the »tock and furniture could be bad at a valuation.—For full particular*, apply Vaile and Douglaa, Land and JSetate Agents, bhortlandstreet. 196 ° WAIKATO.— Snperior FARM of ■£00 acres, all well fenced, aad In grass; two pood Dwelling-houses, Out-buildings; close to railway station, and good roads to cattle market, &c, Tliw Farm is in good order, and is at a very low price-viz., £1550; eney terms of payment could be arranged.-Apply Vaile and DougiW, Land aud Estate AjjeuU, Shortiand-atreet. 1» 51 ISLAND SHEEP AND CATTLE FARM JL of 4277 Acres, more or less, within easy distance of Auckland, and accessible every day by steamer. A large part of this Island is In grass aDd cultivation, ?.nd (.here are about 1000 acres of valuable bush. It in well watered and sheltereJ. The buildings are good ami numerous, and well adapted for the purpose ol carrying on large sheep and cattle farm. A con*fc!er»bie amount of fencing hag been done on the triiperty. rice and further particulars from Vaile and Douglas, Laud and Estate Agents, bhortlandetreet. ■ 1924 HANDY FARM of 93 Acres, 30 of which tre fenced .tidi.i straw, and Im.-an-acre of Orchard; 25 acr»s Ijuc'.i *Otu\ IfoU3-\ 'ontainini; four rooms, (lair), etc ; * cut ti uilleß from .".ucklund, by road or Price, £000.—Vailo and l>ouglaj, Laud t.(.d folate Asoute, (j'.ortlaud-street. 1689

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8951, 16 January 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8951, 16 January 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8951, 16 January 1888, Page 2


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