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Our cablegrams this morning state that a Fenian .-.gout troui Cork has been arrested at Liverpool in the act of landing explosives. A Hungarian judge has been murdered by burgl»rs. X!:e enthronement of the new Archbishop of Cauterbury took place in the preseuce o: a va-t and brilliant concourse of dignitaries of the Church, and persons of no;e.

It ia anticipated that flis Excellcncy the Governor will in Auckland by train from Onehucga ::t half-past fourp.m. on Wednesday next Carriages have been arranged for Ris bxcelbricy and suite, in order to drive tnc.n to G m-rnmeut Ifouee. I; is pr 'b.ihle that the railway station will be decorated, hikl that the volunteers will form a guard of honour. The address of the City Council to His Excellency will be presented 0:1 the following day (Thursday) at Goverumnt House It is anticipated that a levee well be he'd. Other arrangements will b« left till His Excellency's arrival, in Order to consult his wishes.

We unders\aud that there is r.o probability of Parliament meeting this year b- fore the first week in June. Last year it met i n the 1 Sth of May, but this year it cann- t meet ru that day. The reason stated is, that the repairs and additions which have been commenced to the Parliamentary build ; ngs will not be completed till June. Whether the Government regret the delay, or arc sccrctly glad of it, we do not know. The . whole of the back portion of the premises been removed, including tha importa.-.t legislative department o: the kitchen. It is said that when the drains were exposed, the men had to work ra short relays, and had to be supplied with frajuent do*es of brandy-, and that the general exclamation wn", " >o wonder that members and reporters su!lt.rcd from sickness. '

Mr. Ju-ti?e Gillies disposed yesterday nf a long list of applications in Chambers. The principal one was an application for an order to Ge.-rcc Stniues to pay i'- co Court 1450 m his hands as one ot the executors under the will of one Johu William Heywood, who died iu 180 S. Too proceedings were taken hv the hu-lunds nf tie sisters of the testator. An o d-r was also a-keil that evidence wisrnt !»: tak-'u in KngUnd by commission. _ His Ho'ior g-anted the commission, but made no order an to ;.-aym-nt into Court. the culars are in another ci'luinn. lo»o her applications in Chambers wore of ■« form d character.

K-ihu (b other of W ahanuib who is at i-ns.Mit in town as an important witness iu ihe e:iS'- <if M.ihiki. and his followers, is a chief cf v,eight ..nd inUuence, more especially the former. tie has been scaled since he cniic t-; town, and kicked the beam (as he di.l the door at To Uira) at twenty stoue two pounds.

Notwithstanding the apparently -well developed physique of Mahuki's men, as tbey appeared in the Police Court the other day, tiose who were present in the gaol yard when they were handed over at the dawn on Taesday morning, on their arrival from Waikato, to the gaol authorities, were struck with the hollow coughing which resounded through the gool yard, showing that consumption in many cases has found its victims among these natives. Easiness on the i,tock and market vraß eagain quiet yesterday, the only transactions being in Queen of Beautys at 28s and 30b and Prince Imperials at COa and fils (id, A line of Londons was al<o disposed of at 4s, and of Hand of Friendships at 2s lid and 2s 3d. The following telegrams were received during the day from the manager of the Queen of Beauty mine:—"Just cut reef in No, 10 level in eross-cut south from shaft; jtronf! body of solid bluo quartz putting in ;t siaot." Latvr in the day the fo.l<>win>_' was received:—"Shot opmed out; ri ef about 1+ inches ; quartz dark bine colour, highly snineralized. and line looking stooe for gol l. Not through reef,"

The address of the City Council to be presented to His Excellency the Governor, >ir William Jervoise, is in the bands of Mr. Charles Palmer, draughtsman and illniniaator. It is being elaborately illuminated in the style of the fifteenth "century. The bordering is of a conventional design in 3Croll work, and the initial letters will bo illuminated in gold and colours. The general pesign is in Mr. Pahner'3 usual tasteful style.

Mr. Justice Gillits heard an importan appeal under the "Licensing Act, ISSI," a to the validity of a conditional tosel beer in Buekland's S'de Yards. The appellant was convicted, and lined 1-; for selling beer ia that place at a sheep fair. Thei|iiotinns raise-l were — «\":i3 this a fair? What is a fair? The argument wa; illustrated by copious reference t'i Kt'clisb literature. The report of it will be found in our column of law news. The appeal was dismissed.

It will be rceu by a telegram in another aolumii that Mr. K. <'•. McMiun iias died juddeuly at his residence, Harapij i, Waikato. The will be r-ceived bv many 3f our citizens, to whom he was pe son;il.y known, with feeling-* of r.gret. It appears that be retired t.i rest on Thursday nigh' iu ipp:'.iently good lie;ilth, and was found 'lead .yesterday morni 'g in bed by hi.- servant. The inquest takes place to-day. Mr. McMimi took an act ve interest in local mutters in his settlement, both educationally and in Road B .;ird all'iirs, and enjoyed the iMteem and respect of his tellow settlers. Ke formerly represented tiie Waipa electeraie in the (.leneral Assembly. Deceased has a brother engaged as a journrdist on one of the Southern papers.

In paper, in the local paragrnpli veferring to the >eport of the mentinj; of tile sreditors of T. W. Carr and Son«, the name was misprinted J. \V. Carr and Sons.

At the meeting of the Board of Elnoj'inn yesterday afternoon it was agreed. «'n the r:»otioii of Mr. (.'.oldie, that an enquiry he made into the eiri",ims!.".n :e3 of t e appointment oi Mr. S:hii .•son a? teach' ;- at th<* (ireut Barrier. The enq'-'iry is madf at the request ST Mr. O'Sniiivan. Inspector of Schools Mr. lioldie stated that the was not t'i he into the character of Mr. Simpson, but in'o the aeliou of the Secretary and Inspector iu connection with the appointment.

The name of Mr. C.ovdon ( loych was aceiieataiiy omit ed from our notice of the concerE at tiie Choral Hall on Thu'sday evenin.;. Mr. Gooch sang the air " Vieui fja Mi 3, 'from Luerezia. He was eneori-d, Aud aang 14 The tnoou hath raided I'Or 1 • 111 p. 1 ' Mrs. Alexanders name was also omiited. She sang " Un.» Voce,'' from " II Barbiere," ▼try \rell, and was loudly applauded.

Tlie cases hr.ird in the Supreme Court ye3terday were of considerable public interest. Tile drst—Walton v. the Auckland Timber Company—was a suit to Ccmpel tpeeilie performance by the defendants of a contract alleged to be made by the agents of the two parties. The argument on the demurrer related to the authority of the defendants' agents, to the validity of the contract which vi-as said to be bad, and "uncertainty'' to the ambiguou3 terms of the agrermeut t > purchase. The value of the land is over £17,000. The particulars of the ease appear in another column. Last night the police ar'ested a man in a state of intoxication, who, on being searched at the statiOD, had ou him a cheque for and promissory notes to the amount of £057. It may interest property tax defaulters to (earn that 37 summonses have been issued from the R.M. Coart, returnable on Saturday, the 7th April.

A meeting was held in St. Matthew's ichoolroora last evening to promote the formation of an association, to consist more particularly of young men, haviny as its object their mental improvement and recreation. The Rev. W. Tebbs (incumbent) presided, and opened the meeting by stating the object of the proposed society—viz., the general mentsl improvement of the members of the society. Suggestions were then made by Dr. Dawson, Dr. Murray Moore, Mr. Doonin, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Hawkins. On the motion of Mr. Herapath it was decided to form a society. On the motion of Dr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Osmond, it was agreed, "That the name of the society be the St. Matthew's Literary and Debating Society." Twenty five gentlemen were then enrolled as members. The proposed rules of the society were considered, ind four were pass, d, the remaining being left for the committee to consider." According to one of the rules f-ifjsed, the incumbent of St. Matthew's for *vhe time being is President of the society. The officers were then appointed—viz : President, Rev. W . Tebbs ; Vice-Presi'lt nt. Dr. Dawson ; Secretary, Mr. Herapaih ; Treasurer, Mr. Lacon ; members of committee : Dr. Moore, Messrs. Doonin and Pond. The next meeting of the society will be on Monday, April f, and future meetings will be on Mondays.

An employ*' of Messrs. Fisher ami Co. named William Fenton, had a narrow escape of being the subject of a se'ious accident yesterday. He was driving a spring-cart in Albert-street, and sitting on the shaft, when tiie horse suddenly swerved, lunning him up against a telegraph post. He got injured ilio-btly, but the lamp iron was broken olf in the collision.

The chief Te W. tere informs u? that the native Te Haere, who was so badly hurt at tb ; assault on Hursthousi's party at Te Uira. has so far recovered that he will be able to come to town, probably to-day, in srder to give evidence at the approaching criminal sessions.

Mr. W. P. Moat, Chairman of the Board of Kducation, will probably leave for Cinada and England by the next Francisco mail steamer. Should the holding o? the Reviewers' Courts prevent Mr. Moat going by t'oe April boat, he will leave in May. Mr." Moat goes on a visit to his friends in Canada and England. He wiil be absent from Auckand about six mouths.

The Towing importance of the Buburban districts' of Auckland, and the insufficiency of the existing travelling facilities between them and the city, have suggested the formation of a new omnibus company, thej prospectus of which appeared in our columns yet Lerday. The capital of the proposed companv—the provisional directory of which includes the names of many well-known citizens —is fixed at £4000, in 4000 shares ot £1 each, and it is intended to provide omnibus accommodation for among other districts, New North Road, Kingsland, Morningside, Mount Albert, Avoudale, New Lynn, Point Chevalier, Arch Hill, &e. There is every aeeesbity for s,uch a company, and it is not likely to lack au adequate share of public support.

The quarterly meeting of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Te Awamutu circuit, was held at the house of Mr. A. Smith, Alexandra. The Rev. T. J Wills, cireuitminister, occupied the chair. There weiM eight office-bearers iiresent. The meeting was opened with the usual devotional exercises. The circuit stewards were able to present a clean balancesheet, the slight deficiency having heeu met by the oliice-bcarers present. During the T. J. Wills' ministerial year a new church at KihiUihi han been built at cost of i; 175. but on which there is still a debt of £70 due. There has also been purchased a new harmonium at a cost of £20, no debt. Before the Dieeting closed Mr. J. YV. Bridgaiau. tile senior circuit steward, referral to tku i emoval of Mr. Wills from the c : rcuit (h- iiaviin; been appointed to Wuiroa Nor'hj iu .1 kind and brotherly manner. In resp;»n.liug Mr. Wills spoke encouragingly and urged opun the oliiee-fceareni the necessity of keep ias; out of dei.'i. He made special refeveme to uie indefatigable labours of Mr. E. BrHgu>an in connection with the K.ihikihi Churh. A't'.T the meeting the members adjourned to 1 sumptuous repast, presulec over by Iva'i. with.

The Board of Reviewers for the property assessment appeals in the city (Messrs. B. Tonkp, W. P. Moat, and Robert Proude) sat yesterday in the R.M. Court. In a large number of cases the objectors did not appear, and the valuation was sustained. Dry as these proceedings usually ure, they were relieved ye-terrlav by many touches of humour. in one case the head-teacher of 0 city state school, on finding the valnatien sustained, bounced out of the Court-room innttermg "The Government want to squeeze out all they can get." Tho DeputyCommissioner (Mr. Crombie) thinking he had said something more offensive, had him recalled, ami ai?ked him to repeat hia remarks In response to an inquiry the aggrieved appellant admitted be was hcad-t-acher of a State school. " Ah," said Mr. Crombie, "probably the Government have beer, doing; the rqneezing operation in order to to pay yonr salary," and the discomfited lioad-t'aeher retired amidst the titterings of the spec'ators. in another case a trustee for a lady objected to being personally billed for the t-:x. I: appeared that he had married the lady, so that he was husband, truste?, and iio^-register'd owner, all rolled into one. The relations of all parties became so hopelessly mixed up in the evidence, that Mr. Trmts asked the witness, for the enlightenment of the Board, to give shortly the real position of alf.ii-8. '• Well, your Worship," said * r witness, "I'm the wife of the trustc.-., "—a lapmi.i lingua-, which caused rmirs <,f hiuchter, and was too much even for the gravity of the Board. In many of the api eal the dissentients gave an affecting description of the antiquity of their r.'sicb-mj- s, which caused Mr. Crombie jestingly to oliscrre that nearly everybody who hfl appe iled in Court that day seemed to live in an old house. Th • ordr--p.rv monthly meeting of the Auckland Conning Club was held last evenin at t e A::-;.':'t Hotel. About twenty new nv :u! ■ rs wi re balloted for, and tho repnrred that arrangements had be n made for the use of grounds for their next coursii.g m itches. Tile club ap])ears to be in a v ry healthy rositi n, and with its rapidly cx'i mbng member list should prove most successful in its operations.

The >"atiorr. 1 Variety Combination Company wi 1 o; en to-night for a »easou at the Theatre Royal. T:»e company comprisea nil the prieipul Circus performs s, who will be able to introduce acts which ?ouM not be performed at the c.rcus for lack of sceidc acees-ories Mr. Robert Love will sirg some of his favourite songs, and the company will introduce for the first time "The (iirardTh« programme is a varied and attractive on" and the prices are for the milion. During tho progtvss of the cricket match in the Dom.Vti yesterday, a little boy about S w>.-crs old, named -Whin Smart, son of Mr. A. S ; nvi, Newmarket, had a narrow escape of his life. The accident was very similar to thit by which a little boy was killed about thre months ago by the roller passing over him. The large roll r had just been u>ed on the pitch, and the players were removing it from the wickets when little Smart r.n in between the shifts and tripped and fell in f-ont of the huge roUor. and the spectators felt sure it had crushed him : but attache 1 t-» the ir.r.ehine on each side are two ' for Vld ng weights, and the boy managed somehow to get under one of them,'

where, he lay until he was lifted out of his perilous position, none the worse of his narrow esc tpo.

'I here was a uood Imnse a 1; Abbott's Opera House last night, t-o witness the performance of Mis Fioise Juno as Rudiga the Jewess ("Idie otnan in Ked.") lathis role Miss do no is i. sp- e ally eliect.Ve. SflC Wfl3 Very much applauded. Her acting undoubtedly pos-s'ss-d gre:i.t force. She was very well suppor ed by the company. This evening a n«»w sensationa' dram-', entitled "Jeannie Deaoes" or " The Heart of Midlothian," will beprndtic.-d for the tim\ Miss Juno wtll have the heading role. She ia said to have achieved L're.»t saccess in this piece.

It in another co'umti that the fr.nml < f the la' > Oon>t'U)!e Ounnett will not take place in Auokl »nd. as lao bodj b to be remved South fur ljurial there. The managers of tUa I'arnell Orphan de.«iro to ackuowledge with th.*uks, a present for the children of fruit, f.rom the reccni Harvest Kostivu I, a" Holy Trinity Church, Ddrtnport, omitted to be acknowledged at the timo. A meeting for men only, will be held in he Lecture Hall - f Ihe Young Men's Christian Association on Sunday afternoou at 3 o'clock, wlien addresses will bo given by Rev. J. S. Hill, aud others. 'I he usual half-yearly collection in aid of the Church of iiome Minion Fund, will be made iu all the <:h«.irches of tlie diocese to-uiorrow. The usual Cluirch notices will hi found in cur advertising cc-hnons to-Ctay. Tne Friday afternoon Bible Readings in conniction with the I-vlies' Christian Association, TV,-: L - rerir. Ed ve-iterflay, whe-n there was a fair attenTne Rev. J. S.! delivered an address. We understand tint by request, Rev. C. M. Nelsun will :St. Paul's Church to-morrow «vet»in , the iui-t. (Ifelirerod at St. S'-pti'chre'ij n f'.drn ru::U»y, on ths subject. 4 -The UeUh «>r Bud of We understand the Taranaki cricketars are to be eiitu'-t-iiued at a dinner this evening by the AucUlar.d cricketers. Mr. Linabiirv oii'-rs a revvird of £10 for inf'irm.iti. n of !}ie"i'k r:tity of tlu* peryoa v;ho wrote CL-rta;ri bt it':rnijnu on a {placed aliiscd on the shuttors of his^hupl

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6667, 31 March 1883, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6667, 31 March 1883, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6667, 31 March 1883, Page 4


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