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Fancy Gooda. 0 0 D S 0 N' S T 0 N D 0 N R C A D E Is now Reit.ete with the Most Spr-EN-nin Assortment of TJ SEF U L AND QRNAM ENT A L QOOD S, SUITED KOK CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR'S, OK BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. MR fiOOlK^N'l.ivin" m-i.te personal selection of tlie Greatest Novelties during his English ami Continental'visit, pun-ha-cd for'c.i hat an exceptionally favourable Mmo. the Patrons of the Arcade will have ""•AOreat'varietv in CLOCKS, WATCHES. ROW) and SILVKII .IF.\VKLI,ERY of all kinds. Just reccived-A Consignment of WATKRRCRV WATCHES, Class No. 2, at 17a «d ; the No. lat 05s. A ?n V SPANibiri)i°AMO.mS U se e t l ?n "VloU) P "n(I'ENGLISH GARNET, being Elegant and AISYs'-'INIAN OOLl). canal ia appearance to Colonial Coll, specially introduced at the London Arcade. CDuSiEU JKWELLEIiy, by which process a surface of 15 CAUAT GOLD is secured, and will wear well. OKI UK GOLD, being a metal the colour cf Fine Gold. EVERY ARTICLE IS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. Supplied either from the Windows or the Stalls, at the prico marked in Plain Figures. AI, I K E iT l> AL L. SUBJECT TO A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS, SCHOOLS AND BAZAARS ELECTROPLATE TEA AND COFFEE SETS, BISCUIT BOXES, EPERGNES, FISH KNIVES AND FORKS, CARVERS, FORKS AND SPOONS, &c, &c. T.leviran Silverinc a perfect, substitute for Silver in Forks anil Spoons ; Photographic Scrap anil Stamp !n? iVc'- lv™ Cnr cire Ac Japanese floods. Terra Cotta. Mijolica. China and Parian Ornuncnts A Moss I'.oods. Vasos, Lustres, Breakfast, Dinner, Tea, Dossert, Afternoon Tei Toilet"nnd Sets.' The Fashionable Ivory Stalfordshire Ware in splendid assortment Mowers anil'FruitVun!U «: shades ; Fans ; Ladies' Glove Button Hooks; Cold-cased Thimbles; Dolls in quality ■I .1 niiintitv unsnnmss".! from Sil to £\0 each ; Accordions and Concertinas, a larpe stock ami low price; Picture* Sera]-* TrnnW.Ts. Medallions in great variety. Christmas, Now Year, and Birthday Cards, more love y ih-o over an.l rlicapcr tl.»n before. Hooks at English prices: Family Bibles in elegant binding, well suited for rr.-fents : Musical Boxes, playire, 2 or up to ™J™ e £™lj "The •??rlid'amiTs'-ou'teri 1 are tho beYter"class Toys aro marvellously attractive The stock is jo vast it must bo scrn to bo believed and appreciated. Kvcry KeMilent of, and every Visitor to Auckland, before maklns 'heir purrliasrs should seo tho Arcade Stock, unequalled in value, extent, novo.ty or cheapness. An inspection is cordially invited, irrespective of any purcliaso being made. NOTE THK"ADDKr.3SES— UOODSOX'S LONDON ARCADE, AUCKLAND. NAPIER. GISBORNE. ',', „ .. THAMES.

SS, ST. MARY AXE. X7~ELSEY & f~iO., I DIHECT IMPORTERS OF FANCY I GOODS, 120, QfEKS-STIIEET. HAVE NOW ON' SALK, TIIKIII CHRISTMAS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP- > I TIOXS. Rkai. Steblim: Silver .Tkwelleuy i.v the r Newest Desicns. X y; _o K. and Co. confine tlieinselve.i entirely to , : KKAL SILVKK.and Ueep no '• Silverine" or washed gOJtls of any kind. ll A Largo Assortment of d LAWX TENNIS GOODS AND CEICKETWARE y . OF EVERY KIXD. Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Dressing Cases. ■SELTZOGENES. ALIJUMS, PUIISKS, r.AC.S. FANS. CARD CASES 5 And all Similar Roods. e The Choicest Assortment of WALL MIRUOnS, FLOWKR STANDS. VASES J". AND CUINA ORNAMENTS, a DOLLS AND TOYS in ondless variety. 'f CHRISTMAS CARDS. CHOICEST AS.IOKTMKNT IN PKIZE DESIGNS, « FKO.M ll) EACH. ,! STOREKEETEIIS AND HAWKEK3 SUPPLIED. Imrorting their own Goods direct from thfl English and Continental Manufacturers, Charles Kelscy and Co. aro enabli'd to olferall Goods at Lowest Prices. handise. BLK TKETII. ] 1 ThO Rod Thread i- u.-0.l in th»> ?:iiim man>ii-r as t>l'-U:i--!l, but :.- .sj,-t:; :i.lj.;.t .i fur cli:!,in-n. M. Hurz 11N0 a p:i.-tir;i!:\rjy poo. \ kin. 1 1 „'. -..ft.! ni.-h maili- "I tin , bri.iciT-hnir, mid ■ bi.-. Orange Tooth Paste, fur the rtnio\al of tartar 1 u:-A uh-u-iiiriittlii! truth. 1 '.■'.» i;iii,rd tomit'rfi-itini:, buy only thoso TO'itli-l iiishis w!.u:ii an: st:uui«il on the bantil.; with : t.'i- nanus "S-J-'/." mill thoso which bear tlitl '■ WII.UOXA: C'J.,'-':;!*..L'xlord Street, London," A-i-i.N in AnslßiKu: FF.I.TriN'. nnIVWADTI, A fn, MiO.inriK'; KI.I.IOTT IiIiOTHKHH, Sydney; ", T l:lt<)Tlii;i:S i. ('".. Hrisbiim-: KAULDINO 1 ti:...,:1.i.-ii.i... In N.-w /..•:.S.iii.l: KK-MPTHuIINK, .t CO..Uumilin, Auckluud, Cliristcliurcli, im 1 w.-;iiii«ton. TN I, 1 Tjl O R Q< A L E— t, I 50 TONS GAI.VANISKD IRON' II 100 TONS BLACK AND ISARBKD WIKE 100 KESS FEXCINO STAI'LES c 250 kkos wiki; nails 200 KKOS KWEnANIC NAILS : 100 Rices Fi.oor.i.Nt; ltiuus '■'. 50 KKriS UAI.VAM.SKD NAILS AXD SCREWS •25 COILS GALVANISED WIRE KCTE ■t0 CASKS SHEET ZINC! 18 ROLLS SHEET LKAH 100 BOXES TIN PLATES 10 TONS SASII WEIGHTS 10 TONS 1-ILB. TKAM HAILS g 20 chain cahli;s, tested 250 CASKS K.NICIITS BKVAN'S CKMKN'T 100 KKOS WHITE LEAD AXD ZIXO LINSEED OIL CASICS AND DKDM3 ) COLZA OIL, CASKS AXD DKUMS CASTOK Oil,, CASKS AND CASES V TUItI'K.VTINB, KNT.LISII AN'D AMERICAN 100 TO.S.S SALT. COAILSB AN'D FIXE " W. So LAu* JE, 10, WYNDnAM-STREET. >t TR 1 W 1 N T E K, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, 5, Lowe?. Qukkx-street. Ilennessy's and Jlartell's Brandy Campbelltown and ialay Whisky Irul- Whiskey Old Jamaica Kent Genera a in "• Old Tom ditto (l Fine Old Madeira ,d Port and Sherry, in wood and bottle Champagne, pints and quarts ;JJ Australian, White and lied, pints and quarts it Guinncss'a Dublin Stout, ditto Whitehead's London Stout, ditto ™ Burton's Ale, ditto id fTTHE COITON FOK NEW ZEALAND. "CHAD WICK'S." NOTED FOB STEBNGTH, ELASTICITY, AXD FBEBDOM FBOM KNOTS.

LONDON OFFICE, MONTAGU E' I O N T A G U E' i TTIAXCV f>AZAAR, .£? ANCV -OAZAAK, ij I' C E X-3 TitKi: T, AUCKL AX U. ARRIVAL OV VVS.AU NOVELTIES \V\TCIIES. CHAINS, .TF.WKLLKRY AND FANCY OO:>DS, Per latest steamers, jmrcli -iseil liy our London Imyc forcas!.. and which will, during th-s iioliilay se:iso:i. bo ollend to tlie pulil-c ,tS~ AT PRICKS DKKMNC (MMl'I-. iITIO-N' ! TLidies' f-nld Wati-li.-s Frnm S lilies' Silver Watches l-'rnni-.': Cent's «ol.nV:itch.'s From SV Gent's Silver W.-itcluM From 2: The Celebra'ed \V:,ltham .. .. Fn in (ji Kiii;!i ; li Lever Watclics From bl Tho Waterlmry Watcli. in nickel ra?.-=. kcvluss At 17s Gd eac Silver 'Albert C!i:iias, J;otli Gent's and Ladies' From If Ladies' and CoH's HoM Alberts .. .. l'rnin St. Lidies' aad (Jcnt's C> Cold Alberts From f* Ladies' Silver Necklets .. -. From Us li Ladies' Silver Lockets .. .. From .'ls 9 Gold Brooches ar.ii Ear-rincs .. From 10s Gent's Ould and Silver Suites .. Krom 10s Gent's Gold RiEcs From :is C Ladies' Gold Kings From f.s And an immense variety of Gold and Silvrr Jeweller at the sa'ine low prices. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. Perlast Orient Steamer wo liavo received 11 consist ment of Abyssinian li;.ld Cl:»ins and Sihvrine Necklets from "js each. Those are splendid imitations, and wear well. Also, the very latest Novelty, ALASKA PI\MOXD set in gold, as llincsand Ear-rin-*, from 10s each. These goods possess a hrillUncy ciitinlling that of til most valuable Diamonds. Now opening, the Latest Novelty in Ladici , Hap all sizes, to match in shad* all the fashionable Snpcrb Hand-painted Vases : Toilet Sets, in Chin and glas-; Terra-Cotta, Dresden. Majolica, an Biscuit China Ornaments: a very cbrice selection 1 American and Eni;li>h Electro-plated ISooits, bot useful and ornamental. Dolls, Toys, and General Faner Goods at til lowest Auckland prices. Tho Assortment i New Zealand. Hetail Shopkeepers, B.izaars, and Schools treate most liberally. MONTAGUES FANCY BAZAAR, QCEEX-STRKKT. Merc [ C O -M F 0 li T A Tl■:< ■• ■ |, Tia l i> «r?ri?..- for Toothacho nnd iu mal-ritcs "i ; :«'riii.:=.«l^rim l .. ; ,»r,M .-:tiv n:;il i< ■-'•■'• ».-: ci:.-.-<..-r;,- ..! t:.e :i^-in:i.--'i!i!.'!i nv tiu- ii-r.,: i- ■.:i»i:rr--eniiro irefdoiv frfi:uTcothrt."l"oa-:'ltlo.-a.yofihevso'.li. T <■?■ »,,. tiiron kin.!.,, .lis-.inu-ji.!.•■!' fi":n «:i".". '■■(: •■•" bv : "Yellow, Green, and Itea t:.r.-:.J;.t!iic;,. l it t!iOlK)ttl>\ The Gra"nTfcreid nm-t I>.*c(>!.«M.m-i-! t!.- t-ia? val:i..b;i-'>f :.:!. iiivi .-'.;.-.iil ■l.iiiy Tii.-sit.:. biv.tli. wi!i l;.'VC::i(Tr arnin, :ir,.l will |.r. ■<• rv.- tl,ci: tctU. m:i:A n:,d -xW.r.- :i;i ;ii-• :; !. by ton .1: twelve dr-ips In a. 11'1 , .,' '.v:i'..'r. t > r;:i->' tin- inoutM we! alii :ii'irn : i: : Tho Yellow Tlirend insf.ntly removes fjulU ochc. however vi.r.. :it it lu.iy b-. IA[JBg£LX ■ ' . '- ' A I ''" V S'l'lts phICC ~ " """* l'xrr.n TSG & Co.. Ad'-:.iHi\ I:i N«'W Z'-'lai.i : KK.MI' THOIiSH, Pl:i>-si:::. Sc Co., Hunt. , .in, C!iri.-'.ch:i:vh. :::: 1 '.V« Uijif-tuii. TliADi-: MAlilv "ANTI-MOTH." THE IMPERIAL gCJUKDAM A PURE AROMATIC SFIRIT, Distilled and Prepared in SCHI EI)A M, II OhL AN I From ixn Orisrin-il Receipt and I'ossc-sin? Uaro .M..1i,-inal <ju.i!iti..-j. in all Diseases of the KIDNEYS, BLAUDKR, A.ND UKINAR' OIiCANS. A TONIC, PI UUKTIO, ANTI-HVSrEPTIC CORDIAL By the recommendation of the Leading Continent; l'livfiicians, and is now ACICN'CiWI.KDCKD ASTIIH LATKST AKD MOST VALL'AULK i:K.MEI>V FOR GRAVEL, GOUT, ani. CHRONIC RIIEL MATISM. The Trado and Consumers aro cautioned again: spurious imitations, the genuine- only bearing t! signature and address of tho Proprietor. HENRI J. HART, MKLIIOUKNK. USED IN TIIK f.IKLIiOUHNE HOSPITAL, And Awarded by the Jury FIIIST PUIZK Dr. lIASSALL'S RKPOUT. " Tlie Analvtical and Sanitary Institution. "S4. llolborn Viaduct, K.C., "London, 9th May, ISV7. ' Report on a Samplo of Imperial Schiedam Schnapp "Wβ havo subjected 11 sampio of tlto above-name article to a very careful chemical analysis ax examination. "Tho results of the analysis, which are set forth i a separato report, show that this spirit is of got strength, practically free from acidity, and that contains but traces of solid matter in solution, possesses a delicate and agreeable aroma, and a pu and mild tasto. Mr. Hart's Schiedam Schnapps is very superior article of its class, is well puriUed, ai Quito genuine. "(Signed) AnTiiDR n. TTAsaAl.l., M.D., "Author of ' Food and its Adulterations,' &c. "Otto Ueuseb, F.C.S., " Public Analyst." Wholesale) Agent: ARTHUR H. NATHAN.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6578, 16 December 1882, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6578, 16 December 1882, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6578, 16 December 1882, Page 4 (Supplement)


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