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It is stated in our eableiTiun? this morning thnt Mr. CiiiMers" nppoisitnient to the Chancellorship (•!" tli , ! Kxrheiincr lias been officially announced. Communications on the question ol tif; Sue;; Cu-.:d have hccn passing between Kn_:'aud and the Powers, ami it is probable that :i joint European protect..rate will bo (itabiished over the L'reat waterway, so a< to ensure its neutrality. It :s ivr.i-r:eil that serious dissensions exist iu M. Dueurjs Cabinet on the Tommiii i;i*.p.-t:oii. A fo linfr of opposition to the .Sult.i'.i is manifesting itself in

Constantinople, anil placards haw been posted in the city debouncing His Maje.-tv as a i:i:i'li:ia'.], ami ur_im; his deposition. The lire whieh destroyed tile business portion of Kingston i:i is siippoieil to havi! been tho wurk of an ineen.ti.iry. The ilainayj is i:o\v est::n:;tea at three million.- - .

Private inf"i-m:iti.i!i '.v:.';ve.l from Xr.riivmiiy, T.iraiiaki, inr'onns us that Mr. .Mauniler, late of the M.uiku, has brc'.jen his le<-. It npper.vs Mr. Ma-.-uler. in c-oiiipany with ;>. jwnik i;i:;n lately arr-.-e.l from America, v> i\'. ev.vr-ijr-jJ in the !uk-li, wUlii by some means .Mr. Maunder sust-uned the ii'act'-'.re a-i above. Several kind frioi'ils crime to tho assist -ipco of th-- injured gentleMr. Charles Ho'skiiys (iato ut together with Mrs. 110-!;;mc;s, have been most assiduous in contributing to his comifort. Tlio report states tfiat tho patient is progressing most s.itisfaetn: ily.

Mr. Hugh .Seth .Smith, the neu- J n> , .go. of the Disti'iec Court and iLesi.leiit Magistrate, entered upon his public duties yesterday. Ho was received b> the members of the Bir present in the District Court with au address of welcome, Mr. W. Xhornt acting as spokesman. The address and proceedings of both Courts will be fouud in aaotlier column.

We learn by a cable message that Mr. F. D. Fentin has t-een appointed as agent here for the English Native Land Company. Mr Fenton, we believe, will at once to proceed to secure blocks of land upon which the ' company may operate. There are still larg: tracts of country which the natives are willins to dispose of, and thi3 companv, with it 3 sp-ciil advan-agc3 of influence "an 1 large capital, may beiore long succeed in obtaining lands which the owners, being staunch Kingite3, will not at present put in the market. The appointment of Mr. Fenton by cable shows that the promoters of the company have net h»en stopped in their proceedings '03- the discouragements which have be?a thrown in th-ir way both at Home and from the colony. Trie plan of proceedings sketched out in the prospectus, ami the scale of action altogether, will have to be considerably ni.>iiuc.l. i.iit the company mav be instrumental in carrying out the purpose i of improving the condition of the natives, , ana may also render important benerits in the I settlement of tracts of land in the j interior. I Business in the stock and share market was ', slightly bri-.ker yesterdiv. the business 'lone ; in Caledonian?, which changed hau-U ! at 10s, .Southera_Cross at los : Deep Ltvds J at -2s to 2s :>■!. Sin-cess at 153, and Prince ; Imperials at .Tss. and 3ls. The market j closed at tiiree o'clock, with buyers of C.ilo- ! donian at Os 61. Prince Imperial at 32s Cl. : and Success at Ms. For Union Sash and ! Door Co.'s there was a good demand, sal- -s Ibein,- etfeeted at £0 2.-: i>l. closing wit!-. ! sellers at £9 ss. In New Z-.-a!and Shipping Cj.'s shares several parcels changed hauds at f."i : and there were inquiries made for Fisher and Co.'s at Us ( J.l. uu.l for Lo:idons at Is i> 1. but uo sellers a: those prices. The f.-illowiiiL,' t'--le-_-ram was received vestorday :ro:n th _■ manager of the old C.iledomalj mine : — "Struck a rc-.-f iu Red crosscut, showing a little gold."

The Weak-vans of Otahuhu hc-ld a sujccsiiiil Christmas Tree in the Publi-j Hall 0:1 Tiiursciay evening last. T::e buiMins was crowded to excess. "The price of admission was Is, an.l each visitor received an article worth at that ameuat. The rtfiir w.13 eondiiited by Mcsdames Piket:, Strincer, Whitnioro, aul Jolmstori, and Miss Bullev, with Messrs. I'ikett, Goodwill, Bycroft, H. V. Stringer, and I-\iriis\vort!i, under the generalship of the Ilev. George Bond. The tree was op?ne>l at 7 r>.::i , and by 11 p.m. every article was disposed of. The fruit of th« tree was so rich i:i quality and ia quantity tiiat it realised the handsome sum of over £30, to be devoted towards liquidating the debt on the church. Christmas carols were sung, and other music was discoursed at intervals t!ie evemu' r under the conduotorship of Miss Burns. The miniature b:iz.iar redacted great credit on all concerned iu it.

The regular meeting of the City School Committee was held last evening. Present : Mr. Schmidt, chairman ; Messrs. Ti.waite.v, Kuight, C.irr, Campbell, and MoMaster. Circulars were re.-jivt-l from the secretary of the Board of Education that Messrs. Goldie, Luke, and Prime would retire by rotation from the Board on 31st March. A second circular wa- received with re_'ird to the election of the s-.-hool committee. It was decided to have the general meeting at the Weileslev-street Sohu..!. .and tl"' rirst meetiuof the co"m:ni:te.'On ,h-s Mrs- Friday after the eleetiou. A good deal of routine bu.-iaess was traasajte.i. It was mostly comprised in application , ? for l-.-ave of absence, ic, and applications fur exchange'.

Part I.o; " Picturesque .New Zealand " was p-.ti.hshe-l ycste.-.liy. l'n-j i!;astratioaj are :

"Entrance to Muk'.as 1 IlsrliO"..-," '• l>:nk Terraces, K>tTaiah ina," '" >'u';ay on White Terracr:-s. :, "• C.iul iron on top of White Terraces," "Low.- portion or White Tcr-rac-v' an.! '•I'.o:v:ii!i-.:n Lake.' , Tiie best of til-! views is the lirst, "Entrance to Auek'au I Llirbvjr." The Jus jriprivu letterpress is well written. Tiie cricket march to i>3 plv/nl to-.hy between oleve;; nri-sl.v mincers an I i-leven of t::e i,'.-:it!e:ne:i of H.M. Customs 0:1 trie public recreation ground, Xo.-th Snore, is causing gre it excitement. The mister mariners are eouii leat of sioj.'s=. having, they S-iy, a!iu;i.:-;t their team f.vo or three who are ;-. it-pti at the game. Tiie Customs are, so iar as appearances ?">, tj , .;!:-; sin_'uine of bsi'.i-.; able to !e:iv« the skipper-- far astern, l)Ut lor all that, the beitiu,' is :a favour of those who 50 down to trie sea in ships, anJ we feel coari.le.-i: that they will give a amount of ch-::ns:lvei. We are gi.i.l to ieara that t:.e H-jb-so:i Bind -viil bo on the -routi 1 < 1 -.1 nn l; tiie match, and discourse a number of popular :ur3. Tiie t'.vj te:iuH will leave by tilt; two o'slojk bout ir.jrn Auckland, a:id the ga:ne vrili stirt slurp at tluve o'clock. Tiie n:i:nos of the te i:n? v.-e puli'r.ihed in o :r of Weill**.-!-:-.- la=r. W"e anticip-xte there will be a attea lance present to witness what ;>:'o::ii.-ei to be a most enjoyable an.l yet cioii-ly coatiate.l r.iitj'ii. To-:n.->ri - o.v injraiai tl:e Aick!r.r:.i roprosj'jtativc te:iin of crijk.jtL'-s will arrive ia'tuc Maauk-AU by the s.s. Taiaro.i. No d 7:1b: upou the aLicjeiS of their tour. O:ie of the water iniins at t!io corner o: Kar.ia = 'ahi;:ie - rjid .in.l L:ve:'p)i! - street burst atteniODu, ;i:i c:i..innOLi3 e.vjipa 0; water. Aftoi , p. 3 delay a party o; men were set to work, and the supply to the uei_rh'oourho>l wi= .j,i: o:f, gre'.t ineoaveaieuce La tiiJJe supplied troai thid main. The Egyptian War exhibition n-i5 n.^i:: , . well pa:roai<e 1 during ye^tc--.- 1 iy, aii ! i<-. livening. T:iu tricks aa 1 i;i.i ; i >as pcrlorniel were wi-ii rejivei. Tsiij ;::;-.tiiooii. th;re will be 3. :n itiue : for the b_-a. ri: of schools aa.l country visitors, a;ri m tae eveuiiijj the exaibitioa will be a3.unop.-a. At Ab:iott"s Opera House la?; there was another goo.l house to witness Messrs. Ivcllar aad CunarJ'i Tie sleiijiit of hand tricks partiec'.irly well (lone, and elicited of aypl-us.-." Tue eatert:iia:neut is ..>:ie well wor:liv of a visit. a change of programme is announced, au.l for the rirst v.-ill be produced, tiie "aark cabiae: " se'.uje, and other novelties. A Wellington ts' states t'.iat Mr. Matthew .Michael Cleiry. of the Hokitika Uaol, has !xen appointed ilovernor of t'ae <;.iol at Auckland, r:..-■■ Mr. James C.iLhvc!!, who has been granted a year's leave of absence. We have been informed, on eooc? authority, that the report received from our ; .\Vi!i;i b 't ja correspoa ieat iv the K.iipira a::i;:- is net quite true. Mr. Ross his not been dismissed the service, having res;_':i<?l lii= app .in::n tit some weeks prior to the occurrence of ;■:.: ! 'JDt'ii of November at Ilotea. The statement that an investigation is made nv t!;t Survey Department is also 'stated by Mr. j Koss to be without foundation. j Tiie Railway I'and concert held in th« j Parnell H.ill l.i;t evening was very we'd at tended. Tilt- eonort %va? successful, and the audieiK-e appreciative. Tiie Railway Hand, i under Bandmaster Klieber, has attained pro- ! ricieiiey, and tliore was a full muster oi J members at the concert last Mis. • \V. Elliot was the accompanist. After the J concert the hall cleared for .1 da:.Le. j The band surpli.-d the ir.uiic, and Mr. F. ! Lawry acted as M.C. I A bushmr.n named Jaincs Mcii-jinnis, vrhc ; came to town from Mercury P.av, with a ! cliequo for il'2i>, i-ot it c:-.?iic.l. and we:it nr. , Ciianctry-:-ttvot to ;c-e life. Win's: .-lee|>inj I oil' a debauch his pock., t≤ wore oveiliaiiL-J. j ami the balance. *Jl.>. tik--u out of 1:.. ; m. A j woman named K'.'.en Curtis was arr.-it.'d las: ; evening oa a c;iar_-o of £tu:ili:i_' t';e ::i.".i:■■;.-. ; She admitted taking the purse out ..f hi.j pocket to take care uf it, but lost it in the I lane. The rwiminatim of studVn'-s for tlio MeI Lean v i"e M:.k:irinil t.:::ohir-hips. wl.ioh I were ef.r-dili-licd I'.v the '-it- Sir i'oaiM Me-L..-a:!. v,i:i fike- p!:.--»..n M_..;-.dr.y an-! Tiusilay next. li-.ree schnl-i;vhirs of tlio anr.u :1 oiiL-ri , '! 10" C'.iinpctitio:]. Two r.f t! v -.-..> sciiolarships aro open to :;:i native?, cither Maori or h;tlf-c:if-te, t'aar have at'.ended a native s.Uool .luri:.,- t!.e piwious year, a,:! are under l."> years ul ao\ I'iie pchol.iisiu'p is open to :i!l iritivcs, cither Maori or "haif-cistc, ur.iler i:> years of .tl"-', aud w!io have attended a native village school for tin? previous f.vt-lve months. Mr. George Wilkinaou will conduct the examination. " Hoy woods All Stir Xovclty Company " of Minstrels are aniiouueccl to apper at the Theatre Royal on the CGth inst. They arrive.', by ti:'e Arawata oa Wedncs.lay. Tiie company includes several public favourites.— viz., \V. 11. Dent, \V. L*. Bishop, Charles Heywool, G. W. Lawless, C. J. Kennedy, C. McCarthy. Their entertainment consists of farcical comedies, dramatic and operatic. They have a fair prospect of success during the approaching holiday season.

tho n happ !neß3 of hi 3 familj , f^d^ an'^l On ? ren i° e ° f Office>r3 Of Band 3 of Hot*. "£' e . jP eake " of tb <= Band of Hot*rv£* was held yesterday evening i n th-Tr-n ance Hall, Albert-street Sir• Willi,™ , " *?" thec hair . An outline of address appears in another column "* * The demand for land in the Norths- *■ tnct wuhin the past few mon'hV h-l £?' mnch greater than the general puM^ aware 01 and a considerable ad\- a -X y'° | taKen phce upon the prices whioV"^ ! ruled until a coaipirativelv r-c-t -■'*<? ■ The opening of th» new wha'rf at B-V-.^V"^" i wmch is the most direct roate to • has already given an impetus co*" c-'-'f , , speculation, but also to the"- rt'i-.n I sites, and in theconrae of a few :-'rV-; J . -I"* 1 I ral villas will be erected on I which for maritime ami !,v,d--anf- ■ -"' '' : notjjo surpAKsed. Hitherto," -C ; ;i:norance to tae proi're-s o: th* ,".•-■,.? ■ been the communication r.'vV-V-"-" 3 * ! Uit this diinj-jlty ia aw . inauguration of the Xortueote ar. 1 I'-,-"'- -*•-? , .Steam Company, a service jsbc.i c '-^- : i the landowners" and residents of Wμ"":'--,7 j and the facilities thoy hive la-erlv "c= '-7J ' to visitors have been'so highly ar.p-e.'vTi I tnat it has Lccom' expedient to add -1 V-v-tl

<>: extra trips on Saturdavs, at t"-"; -.-■ cost of 6d p-?r return ticket! Tb'iVn-■•"■*■ 7*7 vic» comineuccs to-day, au<i a _!' ".I*" table in advertising coluini.s v.-'7-7~ that pieuK-kers will have abr.:i.b.L:"!.-"!7. e at their •lisp-'sal not only to wan Uγ t~-v-"'h the Scr:-.-01.i.i gullies abutting on th-_- . 7=bu; if so inclined to penetrate further i-".*v* The Auckland Wkeklv Nej-< ■••-; trvvii) is ;]i3 i>s=: and lira's , . w?ei> ■;> '--L li=!i?.l ia Ik; t-.-lsaT, »nii ciLtiiis ia'V-'i'l "V«-» wel:-ai?or;.vl colk-c-.ion of genen!. c-.r.s-r-'-T----po'.i-.ica!. Kiiain;. .izriealiarAl. a»d s-.0.-i. = - =."-^ worM ; special ccn-.ributi'ona from ouV correspend-M;:j. ti'cs by the rza'. pop-:- CCT ." '"., anJ in'.e.-eslia; items reU-.icj to »r-_. l'.;«—.—-T science, ninsx, an.! the lirai, :h» »h-;« *-?.-j -■-"* ourail published ia New Z-i-iliaS. " ~''^ 7 •Judginj from th'; a.d-.-cr'!serr;™nt o- -•„ Bii% -J m "aiJ of th-> new Bipiii: Ch-:r h. "-*> '^Z inclined ti th:u< th.'.t no s:;n> ha<b»-a I- , ' ~a in c-.'.sr to ?3i-.:c s:cee =?. if :i Il i< n'~:r..":'-* iate:i<Uil. this will \,- :. r \'.'\.-l

! sho-.iU!er= above i:s f-lli*-,-. toriff, ' } are«.-in?e-i;>r. an.l. b;::-;r f.iil. ;h- :.-. i-j -V-'-'V. very wisely, ia to ic.'.Te u...].-.-.-. ::......'V-"--"^ suc-i alf.iVs Va.m-.n5 — iv.' r»:her'." j.ic-.nre evenia? eat»r:iipaier.i- 'f I sort- 1 , an evening newspaper, *z<l r;hc- >r-;j. ■ male are presente:!. a:i s'l , -; "-I'.'j" ' a gr-.-at vari--v c.f i-.0-i-i mar.-,- ot ::...•« ~-..,,;'., , from tlie n.d Country, wiil t-m'-t t!i -i- :- = j Ci.riitmn presoats anil N"-jw Veir'j ;:ft-. Tl-.- r.V47 ' " Gip=y'c"-.r:." "in "fact, drviia; r"/->'..'.""'!-''---* . ki-.chofn. anJ cm .c,\ «.■ ':: '- "."hi ! su-'h n»:.-jiii:-!s. as.i aryi.-o «■:■..> wi, ~, j. "'■ .J'. Ihe evenin.-'s entersliMinr.t fr-.:-.i eijh: :... -Vi»"

live; promise of h<i a .- 3r=: r.te. '.Mr. r~ two Cs«avs, with i'.:s;olvi3,' vw. 11 -> ai ,:. -. = .■; lain . f a sp'ea-ti-i :=«■.!■•!«!! (»::h „;;>;.;-"';-, . .Mr. S. \\iilo. and Mr. JJ-p=e< :r,-l Li; -.!,;.. of" which"" P i.-;;cunr3°"«r!l a;'P»lr. "Vl-r^w-fia s;-!Stin-:e lua b-?-u r.;a.-l ly iro':;;--.! l.r -•■-• j.! i tiira-U. Tho Tharid.iy ev-jnin:"ser.!-r:i!i-:-.--- a-;'! j not a- lc- = 3 i-:-.T?s'.ii? a=4 c:r: mor- i-.—-." ■ rtve :h .n th-j oth-r.'. -Mr. Jo<Uh Mirtin L« ki-,.!: r undcr:-ik';a to i-ivj a pop-lir sci-.nrli: l«c:;::i T V U a!i-.> be ir.u'Tr-k-.« ! wi-.l: view. A. :o _ ee-.h-.r th-c ;urs- i< c«!culat»d » raw r.: nf :i-. ij or.oh pnr-.iLii:.-.r. anil belw to swell thf r n--il i.!!>ra;)'r » the U i 3 t = t rua":or.a l j!e, , 0 1 and 3-.1. Pmf??ior3 Alien an 1 TTanna, rni-'netij h-i:»r.s. hay- arri-.vl A-ir-ri-i, »-rt anr.y.fnoe if Thomis' fliil or bL-h->ol-rio-n. T'niT ?:reet. The re:u:i:n; -.:;);n' t:;e L>-::1 lir.,-. aril nii'ci li?=" ai" ii 'weUaV u : uit' 'for oa""th'i< occi«:o"n.'acd'r..-,w - ;j p-il :i :)!- !iS,r*!i-.y of .:ie •.:!.«. oj -.i-.-ir Chr.r^h. ro:nl-:.jj !-y LJeai'iers 01 St. ThOLin' cioir. The Sheri.T of Aucklaud (Major E. L. l"Ir"nK .nnoiin'M* tiiat lie his opened oS:-e in H:.-i!-«:ri.e:, au'i appointei >!r. T. Hjwsrd tU permitting, the choir of St. Ar.,lr.;W3 Ch:ir.-h. im iu.-:->i !ir Mr. w I! j'r-s to-raorrr.v. I'r-sart-Ma liymn F: itk "w U ba ial -.':!■• H-iv. Mr. fa'.wn, of VOikito. wiU A Christum tree will he hel'l in .St. Ailr-r.Y'< Siu I .ly-scaoi', S_v:nDni= street, oa ilowiar. To-m'irroiv's pr-.-iciiers are aanouajeJ in The h-i'.f-v-vrly of t-ie H. A. C. B. Sisle-.y, U.-ia.-L bl. will b≤ held oa nil - .. T!i.? seoin 1 cpart'Tiy competition of the A'.rVliai U.'i; AssocLi'.ijn will tiie pl-.ce at Mount E ien :oflij. A. meetiac; of the trustees of the Auckland S»Tia;i' Ei3x"will l>4 h-'-.l uj Wedn-sdi.r next.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6578, 16 December 1882, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6578, 16 December 1882, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6578, 16 December 1882, Page 4


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