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The regular meeting of the City Counoil was held yesterday eveainic. Present : —His Worship the .Mayor (in the ehair), Mesars. Fleming, Humus, Montague, Aickin, Thompson, Waddel, Crowther, and Offer. The minutes of last meeting, also of a special meeting, were read and confirmeJ. Headings of correspondence forwarded since last meeting of the Council wero read. Compensation Claim.—Thomas Young, in reply to a letter from the Town Clerk, referring to his property in Grafton-roid, requested an opportunity to interview the Mayor and Council, as some of his neighbours had received more oompensntion for one section cf 40 feet than the Council offered him for his two sections of 80 feet, opposite which the cutting waa the heaviest. Mr. Young was iu attendance, He was not sati«fied ae the compensation awarded to him whs not in accordance with what whs awarded to his neighbours, and he conceived there must have been Borne mistake. Alcl'heraon had been awarded £6, and be waa only awarded £5 10s, although he had double the frontage nnd two houses on his property. — After Mr. Young's statement had boen heard, Mr. Thompson asked whether, if tho Council sloped the bank instead of paying the £5 lOj, Mr. Young would be satisfied, but llr. Young replied that ho would require his feuoes to be reinstated.—Mr. Auderson gave his estimate of cost of slopinn and removing earth at £t 10s. In McPhurnon's case he allowed for a cartway. .So allowance was made in any case for fences. —The Mayor moved that the sum of £7 be allowed, bi»ing the £i 10s allowed and the exponditure already mentioned by Mr. Young.— This was agreed to. Quay-street. — A letter flora the Harbour Board intiiinted their acceptance of the Council's offer re maintenance of Quay-etreefc.— Letter received.

Boroogh Stage Licenses.—The Town Clerk of P.iraell wrote, intimating that a cooiuiittee of his Council would be glad to meet a committee of thn City Council, to consider the question of licenses of borough stage carri\gee. He asked that in the meantime the Council should desist from issuing licenses to vehioles.— Remitted to the Finance Committee, a deputation of the P.iraell Council to be invited to attend.

Pekmit3 UK Driving Sheep.—Mr. A. Buckland wrote : " Seeing the inconvenience which arises from my having to wait until the Council offices open before I can obtain a permit t J drive sheep to my yard or elsewhere, I beg to suggest the advisability of granting a permit, so as to enable me to get the driving dose a< early as the arrival of the eheep will allow, thus often saving as much as two hours. Frequently vessels only discharged at 8 a.m., and my men have then to wait until 9 30 before being able to drive. Should this permission be granted, all care will be taken as heretofore. I shall be willing to pay what may be considered a fiir sum." —Mr. Montague moved that the permission be granted, the fee to be £1. per quarter.— Finally, the matter was referre I to the Finance Committee to obtain further information.

Nuisance fkom Mortar Mills.—Mr. George Clements, confectioner, complained of the nuisance arising from the mortar-grinding mill in Wellesley-ntreet on account of the smoke, dust, to. tie especially complained of its being kept working at night.—Referred to the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the contractor to be requested to cease working at night in the meantime.

HEPBUSN-STREEr.— Mr. E. J. Matthews wrote that, being about to erect a fence in front of his nlloimoiiG in Hepburn - ntreet, he asked the Council to reirove the bank of enrth. The Engineer reported that the cost would be abont £3 12s.—Agreed to. Dbaixage.—Mγ. S. Brett wrote in regard to the drainage from his uew honee, askiug the Council to lay down a sniAll pipe fordrain\ge.— The Engineer reported in favour of canyiug up a. biiihll pipe at the back, in presence to draining thrnugh the Park. — Referred to the Works Committee. Uumank Society. — The Colonial Secretary forwaided a copy of the annual report of the Victorian Humane Society, copies of which had been received for distribution. —Letter received, to he acknowledged with many th.uks. Dakbt-strket Laxe. —Mr. Thompson presented a petition from the residents in the lane between Darby and Victoria-streets, asking that it be formed and drained.—.Referred to the Works Committee. Willow street.—A petition was received from the renidenta, asking that the street be formed. — IJefurred to the Works Committee. sWorks Committee. — The report of this committee was submitted. It recommended that the levels of Rokeby-atreet be fixed ; that the Coffee Ful.'ice plans be deferred until the building regulations are considered ; that the fencing of Garrett's piddock, Western Springs be recummended and tenders called for, —The report w.ts adopted, and it was agreed to call for tenders for a stonewall for Garrett's paddock. Finance Committee.—The Finance and General Purposes Committee reported -.—lie armoury : That the allotments as stated be offered, but substituting the sum of £1250 for £1.500 (option of two allotments near tbo Drillshed) ; that the Council be recommended to pass a motion rescinding the last clause of resolution re water supply to Parneli. —The ivport was adopted, excupt the latter clause, which was for the purpose of extending the water supply to the suburbs and the taking over of old service pipes.—This wis discussed at some length on an amendment moved by Mr. Crowther that its consideration be deferred till the Council had considered the waterworks bv laws and the amendment was carried.— The amended report was then adopted. Park Committee's Repobt.— An interim report from this committee was read and adopted.

Health Comuittee's Report Re Smallpox Hospital. —The Health Committee reported that the brick cottage in rear of the hospital, at present occupied by the hospital head nurse aud family, can be made available in emergency to receive small-pox patients. The building is, however, unsuitable for various reasons. It is too small, too near the hospital, and too near the public roads. Tour committee therefore recommend that a woodoa building be erected, with aocommodation for eight, or ten patients, with kitchen and rooms for hir;Hc:ll officer and attendant; that plans and specifications for same be prepared at onco, so that tenders can be invited acsoon as the site is lixed. Your committee have inspected several site?, have consulted with the health officer, with Dr. Philson, and others oa the question, and have concluded that the most eligible site is a corner of the Domain directly in front of tho hospit-il and about 250 yards distant from that building. This is a portion of the Domain never used by the public, and not likely to be used. The only effect of setting it ■ apart for the purpose now under consideration would be a very small reduction in the grazing giouud let by the Djmaiu Board. Your committee, therefore, recommend thit an application be niade to the Domain Board for permission to build a small-pox hospual on said site. In the event of the Domain Bonrd declining to allow tho building to be erected in the Domain, your committee recommend that it be erected on the hospital ground, contiguous to the site beforenaraed, but further down the hill, in the direction of the building used as the Old Womuu'a Home. That application be made for permission to erect the building on the latter »ite, pending an answer being received from the Domain Board, and if granted, and in the event of small-pox breaking out in our midst, after the plans and specifications for the building have been approved by the Council, but before an answer has been received from the Domain Boird, or if received , before the Council has had time to take action, that tho Health Committee be authorized to 0.111 for tenders for the erection of the buildings in tha shortest time, to be used by the City Surveyor.—That Messrs. Cousins and Atkin be instructed to have the cart formerly used for the conveyance of small-pox patients cleaned and put in order.—The consideration was deferred to the Council as a Board of Health to meet when the other business was disposed of. FINANCE AND Eetorx*.— Acccounts ware passed for payment. Returns were submitted from the Treasurer's, the Waterworks, and Surveyors Departments, also from the pumpinc station. Special Meeting.—Mr. Thompson asked whether notice had been given to the Press in ho usual way to attend the special meeting,—

The Town Clerk said that he II them notice. He spoke to the M»» ol lHt. Hl said it did not matter, that they w, Jar < l M £ H committee at once.—Mr. Thumpsc, BOI . D B inu ||1 was anticipating the decision of thu'o"* ""I H They .night refuse to go into com*u* C fH Tawhiao's Visit.—The Mayors,? I,C lH oil would have seen by the P Hp ers thatT HI was coming to town. He had t,.IT fiH M»j-,r Alair for de6oito infor^'? M read the telegrams, and moved "Ph !• fis Pfe meeting be called to appoint x n *l>»b!i. Ip arrange for the reception of TW I™,1 ™ , *#3 last news was th-.tTawhiao, with abow P 3 lowers, would leave Te on \",°>A W tram, alighting at Green Lane to ~„ , W place at Orakel, and they wouM £,£{• **! ft to Auckland on Tuesday.—The rn ■ w ««f *3? agreed to. ' a °'.Jo& feg Prra-STREET.—Tenders for drains • ® atrxet were opened as follows • _\v;.'i- m tt, g>B £779; William Kerr, £743 '. ti, m U, *u it £GSS; Alexander Archibald f"^". s ''!)' M Smith, £Sls; and Allan McGuire H Engineer's estimate was £SOO -1 \i" r \- W tender was accepted. ' ■aejjj-, gas Lib««hy Rate.—The Mf-vor ..m 41. ®* had now com. to fix the liWy „> **• fc moved it be id in the £1 as 1»« ' &i Waddel moved, "That the qu- at J n ew r«r. ft right to levy any rate beyond 2! b e "f ° f , 11 ' fe the solicitor." The nutter w,, heinV p 1 «• IS?" outside, and it was as well to have tv? Ui *i l a '- ; settled.—Mr. Aiokin thought it ,„ W'l '&• question should be raised in tho Uu/n.n"^ ks P^ the ratepayers raised no objection —Th *" n &'■ ment was lout, and the motion carrie, t® Cm; Map.—Mr. Hickson aske.l whett W Council would subscribe towards tho r ' of the city, whioh he was engaged in 3'" $% —The matter was referred to the Fiulnr " 1: 8- f : ? s mittee. M o; 4- |;>i

\VKSIHBN SPRISGB PEOPKHTT.— l[o«., t> »'" tingtim Brothers m ido an oiler to 1 ' * y ' ; ' building at tho Western SpriD K s — p.f"°, ; " f'" the Financn Committee. K ««rrsdt, ■$; GOVKRXMEN'T HOU.SE GR9USDS « ?-"* Most»gue, according to notic*, mo»ij ~ T k' P ; a, respectful address be forw*r.l«l' u ;' ;i Excellency the Governor, asUiue th\t t,° be pleased to allow, during hi. ab" o , IS Auckland, the use of the G .vernmen: V"* >:3 grounds to the citizens, proTidin» no \j si, }- L, " or Rnnoyance ig created therebr, s ,^ 8! 3? formation and completion of Albert i> v 5 "f He did not consider there would K. opposition. Permieaion had alre*dr I? , granted to lawn tennis players. It wouldV. $& years at least before the Albert Park woaU? K ready. It would cultivate a txste in f"'for the public park on whioh they were IS. > # ing so much money.—Mr. Offer aecond.j ,■ P motion, which was then put and curried. Rate Collector's DEPiBTan\T u R' Thompson moved, "That in future theCoL. W bo instructed to take charge of theioi & business of the department, the outdoor vi r''- : being taken by the Assistant Collector' , n fspoke in support of his resolution whi' c ), u' r•■ Waddel seconded. -slr. Aickin differed in» the ideas of the propoier and etc O »4 of the resolution. It wa> 3. qu M tie fiat how the work wjvs done I U J t would ask the Town Clerk how the werkkl! been done !-Mr. Philips aaid it had beeittß '*' done, and besides Mr. Pajne'i ejeperieo,, b canneotion with the Waterworks Dapurtosn? ¥•■'• accounts was now ve.lunble.-slr. M-mtum J fer gretted that the motion had been broujhtlei wanl. Ic was merely a question for reftm* 6/" : to the Town Clerk, the head of the d-ptn- &»•■ ments, and who was respansible for the work.- &? : Tho Miyor coinsided with this view of ;£[ IS; question, and thought thuse tn.itters should not be brought before the Co M £ Wβ except by the Town Clerk.— The matterni mS discussed at some length.—.Mr. Thompson rs- |Hi plied, denying any inteution of deprecutior'fc; l ; services of the officers, but he thought per plice for the heail of tho department »u j> 0* the office. — Tho motion was luit, Hmj-. &$ Waddel, Thompson, nnd Offer voting for u< W the rest against. * j|||

Corporation Officers. — itr. Thorny moved, " That the offioors of the CDrpomJn who have not already received notice (in accordance with instructions of the Council) thatth«Lservices may be dispensed with at one miatl'i notice, be at once notified that suck is the dedsioa of the Council."—Mr. Offer secoaJeJ it, motion. —Mr. Crowther could not undetstai how a. notice of motion was necessary irhen U structions hud been already given bj thtCoucil.—Mr. Wiuldel s*id the instructions hiUr, been carried out. —At the request of the My;:, the Town Clerk turned up ton it was found they only referred to Hr. Ellenii Mr. Day's appointments, nud sMbspqueiittw. Finally tlio matter was referred to the Fins; Committee to report.

WiTEB SUPP..T.—Mr. Thompion ihennorJ "That the petitioners who asked forw«:a be laid on in a portion of the Pomouby iliit.-i::, and aUo iu the Borough of Parneli, beinfoxii that th 3 Council are now prepared tn cocsile applications for water supply outside thici.'; boundaries." Now thit the bur which eik>i when they applied previously was removed, rf, they agreed to extend the supply thfyshoii have the advantage of it.— .Mr. Montij-j seconded the motion. —llr. Crowther tiamis they should deal with this motion as with ;ii; from Grafion-road, postpone it until tin rvision of the Waterworks by-laws.—The Mij; thought it was absurd to aak gentlemen to i«! in applications for an unlimited supply*t<l the Waterworks loan now showed a biUrac about £1400, some of which would be at th». pumping-station, if not at the resemi —The amendment was carried.

ComilTrEß Meetinbs. — Sir. Thoxpst [ moved, "That, in future, all meeting of U j Finance and General Purposes Commits,! and meetings of the Public Works Conn. -t\ be open to the public anil represent*;,*-) t the Press." Hβ spoke briefly in support of la ' motion. The business of the commit.*, r ™ when supplied by biassed parties, wis u.vj t fair representation. He mw no reason Cf r . the general business should not be open'oil*'' public and Press.—Mr. Aickin seconds! ftf motion. —Sir. Crowther apoke in supportoftti\ * motion, and the Mayor supported it, bato:i diffiereut ground from that suggested b/M;. Thompson. It was this— the priaapi , matters were discussed in committees of th!

whole, and when brought up a! the niKie meeting there was no discussion, merely thenport itself and no reason why the resoluSts f wnre arrived at.—The motion w.u pus carried unanimously. Board op Health.—The Council thesa-j----solved into the Board of Health, when til Mayor moved tho adoption of the report of if j • committee re providing a small-pox hospiriL- yMr. Montague seconded the motion.— Ti"*' jeot was discussed at seme length, an If" b<. the report was adopted.—The Mayor ;efs» -_ to the telegram from Wellington statin,' tiJ f", the reison of the deity in fumigating the c>s L g was the fault of the Hiirbour Boar J. Ti»'. ia one of those matters as to which the V» (j>* Board of Health for the harbour hid <"■<" i& the delegated poweis under the Public Hi 1" Act, and these had been refused by the Gof. , " K| mßnt - • m

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6289, 13 January 1882, Page 6

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6289, 13 January 1882, Page 6

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6289, 13 January 1882, Page 6


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