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s==== s^s¥ : '"oT a v a K iTa w i>. _ 10n»,U.i., and Sarthemj Bowena, *.«., Seltan. from Tauranga. fcho, Idiooner, , ~rj-,r .-,' Ocean, siWoner; from Rnesell. ~p' •;_ J • '• | r " brliti'Bobeitson. from Kawfcietto {SiS.Wy Maori, schooner, from Tauranga. . , BinglearMr; Gr»7, from s> coastal; _ Octob«r80. ,* j-N ■■ i . i .: 'Seoi «.*; Idgaai l from BydJ«y < j ..-. - : i.'r-IBB^P-A'BT-tTßßS , .'■•'::■ ' ''. . ! ■ ■{~<: i ..-,!.. - !'•■ 'OoioB«eS8;" n '■-"-'' tj' -1 '.' :; '. -ivadybtod; «.** Andrews; forWrnthetli pone. ■ . ivSotSjemCroM,*.*! Holmw. foi'l'apier.J;' ~ ; ■ MblCensie, forLrttelton.. ; ; v?ddas birejne. l> Brrini'fo*;Newcastle.; .;,'.'. ;.' ! KNTKBBD JNWABpS. .-« ■■ i <•" jaabirHtadmon; schooner; «'lo»«i BobtMon,. .bom Liruta, with.produce.'-. i r '> ; ._ ;. • ~/'-". -.'.' ■. CLEABED OTJTWABM. - ! ' _"„; c Lionel, I.*, 16 tons> jj>»ne, tor Wmppil, with, jJvUtonTbrig, Horeton. for Marshal Gronp. iio ; for Dinorfli. Ma Kaipara), with 8 qr.-casks wine. ■ . iTnSfe«pu>Une. lOOtoni; J.MoKensle, forLyttel:*stf3?filß*.Le^n/forNewcastle, In WUrt. sueen, sehooner, 46 tons, Jones, .for Hokianga,. .Jwtth tag* general cargo. : j " : '■' ' PABSENG--K UST. .: ■■ ', .——nnrARDS. - ~ Per lon*. «.•..! from Northern porta :—Messjfc J. ' JiVan**a«ter Williams, Mr. and Mb. Swift, I.; '-arSISiiS: Mwri Parkinson, J, B. Graham, ABrenGelUbnid, Brabant, feronj VeMahon, and Stq?hen»on.; I ounriMf. '■■•__. ' ' i I "IPer L»4jbW. ».«., lor Souther*ryorti:—Mr*. -jjlirtoikT*'"" Downs, flnrfett. Jrfoore; Ma»'er • K«nm««B, Heirs. Norman. Xeonwd, Biyljr. ■aStßroadteist, Kohler. Bent,W»nd, Butl»r. Kenny, ■SSi. Beach. Sivewrght, Foley, Opttlnn FenneU, D«o can. Beaver, Huttett QoXbeU, Seed, fifaon; Callender, BegMe, Cottrell. r- par'Bbnthenr Crou,"«.i., for Hapfen—Meaeij B. • Mann, Herman, and 6 iteerage. : _ PerVltlop, for M»rah«l Group:—J. Pierce, T. Far- • kDj George Kaiton, Sba*. Taley, Bromfleld. - IMPORTS. . [Atpeeial charge!" madn. fpr.condgneet'juune* In Pnlons, *.«•; from -Vorthwn poxte:—4S head cattle, Bl iiek»ram.4o«ack»OTiter«. • ■ • brig, from Newcutte:-310 toni coal, 83 ttwooke. ■■; . " : , KEPOET3. Per Sontbem Crow, for Napler:-12S euet randries, t eSeTcSfeeie tracks, 89 boxei botti, 15 boxes 4 ban iron, 18 ea»e« wine, 13 caaM brandy. S SjW boob, SI bales tow, 1 bag guano, 1 small box, 6 paper parcels. 1 tms«, and 175 packaer*. ScaseT'* >«" iron, 14packatet, T. and S. Morrfn. S3 packagei, 1 small box, 1 cue, Owen and GraPer Virion, for Marshal Gronp:-2*| Ucreei tobacco, li tiercel tobarto, 1 package tobacco, 9 boxes tobacco, 1 casetobaeco,l case nnt oil, 20 c»ae» brandy, 1 case currants,» mats rice, 10 cases kerosene, 5 cisescottams, 1 bale cettons, 1 case pirlnmery, 10 casea wine, SS casks ale, 25 mats sngir, 7 ronnlea sugar, 2 cases annareLl ease tobacco pipes, 6 cases drapery. 1 case S&eryT 10 boxes tea, 18 packages oilmen's stores. 1 bale bats S plftols. 5 tons flonr. 50 tins biscuits,} ton potatoes. M casks beef, 12,000 feet sawn timber. Pecrart. for I ytteltoL:-2e,000 feet timber, 60 tons sashes, 150 nests drain pipes, 5 tons lime Per Qneen. for Holding*:-10 cases beer, 35 eases • brandy, Iβ mats suor, 2 cases tobacco, 19 cases genera, i qr.-c«k wine. S g.r..caeks rum, 7 eases schnapps, SI packages sundries, Owen and Graham. 1 cask pitch. 4 kegs nails, 20 packages ironmongery, T. and S. Morrin. " '■'.• ,".. FBOJECTKo uivFAKTUBEa: gri)»«T.—lJeweUyn, a.s- early. - Bvi>»ki MXD MrLßouiujr.—Hero, a,s., Not. Bid. SotriKlJUf Poßis.—Tanpo, ss., Wednesday. CeEOjtiMD'i.—Argyle, Sβ-, erery Monday morning and Friday afternoon. • Wixousl-Aigyle, s.s.. eyery Tuesday. IfOEIoLK Island—Bonthern Crots, anxilliary^CTew barqnenUn-, eady. . fUyAGJC Island —Pearl, ketch, early. - Jjun Iblakds.—Vision. brt», to-day. GmoKSB ahd Napibb.—Jane Doo«las, S.S., to-day. BABOTOBOA.-M»y uueen, schooner, early. KrwoAßn.E,—Albion, brig, early. lomitpi.-Lionel, a.*, ifrom Maaoksn), to-day. Qneen, schooner, to-day lokoa.—Johan Csßur. barque, early. tCTUKa.—Jessie Henderson, Saturday. VKSBBLB KXPKOTBD. Llewellyn, a.s., from Sydney. OitiLship, from London; sa led July 13th. City of Auckland, ship (KMTB), from London; sailed JnlySSth. Jeads Osborne, thlp (NKDC), from London; sailed LochTTrr, barpue fWQKL). from London; loading. Mendoxa, ship, froui London; loading. Bella Mary, barque, from Bobart Town; sailed Oct. Jgflk Tamays, barque (VDJN), from London; to sail July ' JMn. " JohsMCathewß. from Boston (United Btates); sailed onroth July. A r'«M> baTque, from Lyttelton; early. Glanldra, barque (WGVT), fronx London. Julia Beitz, barque, from Newcastle; sailed 10th Inst. William G fford, barqu", from Mfclbonrno; Failed. Elorinda, barqae, from Melbourne; sailed TOtb Oct. Victoria, ba qan, from .Newcastle; sailed 2lst Oct. Kan, barqaeotine, from Dnnedin. Srren, brig, from Sydney iln thii Mannkan); early. - Camilla, brieantine, from Lyttrlton; cleared Oct. 80 Magellan Cloud, brigantine, from a whaling cruise; early. Loch Lee, three-masted schooner, from the Islands; - catty. Xyno, brlganttae. from Savage Island, early. Blith, schooner, from thi Islands, early. LsrUtia, schooner, from the I»l»n s: early. . Minehaha, scheuner, from limaru; saileu 14th Oct. The S.S. Lionel will sail to-day from Onehnnga for Hoklanga. The s.s. Southern Cro-i, Captain Holmes, left on Saturday evening for Napier. TheTJnioii Steamihlp Company's 3.5. T/iupi is advertised to lt*ave * M-fcboDfra on WedDesdi&y next. The brigiDtine FtheL ivtl on ftiturday evening for Kalpara, and from tiienco to Oam^rn. The barqae AdoU. Captain Le Brun, left yesterday, in ballast, for Newcastle. The schooner Manri, from Tsuranga, arrived in harbour last ntght wiib a cargo nf produce &c The s.B. Inn», Cnpt in Parquhar, arrived from the North on Satnr.laj murning, with passeni;en and cargo, as per lists. The S-β. Bowena. Captain Fellar*. arrived from Tauranga on *-aturd*y afternoon, with numerous passengers and cargo. The 8.8. .Tan* Douglas is advertised to leave for Gisbome and Ka; t Coast ports at .4 o'clock this «fter- ' moon. The brigantine Flirt, Captain McKenrle. left on Saturday, for I ytteiton with a general carga She is xpected to return shortly. ■When the brig Albion left Xewca«t[e it was roycited that the barque Glimpse was to be laid up for wantof Ireigb-. The 8.8. Transir.will resume her usual trips tonight, for the Wairoa.,,, Unringlastweek the steamer received a tb rough overhaul, and a coat or two of paint. She looks all 3he h tter for th- little extra money expended urtem "> el, which will no doaUt a<ld to the comfort aud convenience of the travelling public. The brig * lblon arrived In harbour yesterday mornis*;, from Newcastle, with a cargo of coal a d coke Captain Bobert on reports leavta* tbnt port on the Bthinst, with K. and N.E. win-'s, which continued aeaxly the whole of the wa*. accompanied by heavy rain. Nothing of importance occurred od the run, the-Jessie I'enderson, scho ner. which arrive in port on Fridy night, being the only vessel sighted since leaving Newcastle. Captnln Lorerock, of the brig Vision, has resigned the'eommnnd, ann Captain Moreton, formerly of the barques: XTcnernfck and Stag, h«s been appointed master. The Vision . leav< s eari> this moruinit for - the Marshal' Gronp. and is expected to be away four . or Ire months. Sh« takes several gentlemen p**«en- ' gers, who are b-nt on nlxtsnre, and with a stanuch vessel, a good owner and »klpper as companions, we ■ feel assured that everrihing will be d}ne to conduce . to make, the voyage pleasant. Capt. Carey, master of the s.e. Star of the South, met H. M.'s schooner Alacrity nnder more favorable auspices on his late trip to Kindavn ilv n on the for--1 mer occasion of )a»t monh, when his seamanship was unexpectedly cal led into active requisition to save the Alacrity from becoming a t.,ta! wreck. The following letter, from the commander of ff.-M.'i Khooner, was received by Captain Carey, together with a small souvnir :. " h. tf '. .eh o a «lTcrHy. Ngaloaßay Kandavu. Pept. 80, 1878.-Sir,-allow - S'-fS^'F^'A" 16 Department of toe Admiral y. to beg >our -ccetUnce of a pair of binocnlargWes,aaa ,H,ht «ckuowl e dgment of the valuable service you nn.len-d to H.M% rarvetlur schooner, und. rmy 81st when you towed her off the c ralreef on the w«t aide of the Koro Levn pas«we. I take thle opuom.nity of plati- ■ ing on record, roy personal thanks tn you for vanV (OMrig toihe' sWllnl/uianrfei °i which you condncted.the si.: Star of Suuth on that occasion, the Alacrity wjs extricated from a poaitiob . from which she could not o'herwj e have been moved . without undergoing c niidemUe damage.—l have the .honor to be, sir, your most. obpule.ut serv» n t; ; w -Usborne .JUobKB,' Lieut.; commandiag. Mr. ■ cuetr-'Fiji^itf.!;;^;^',;!,;:■:■■'■■; ;. : t ,\ The hull, spars, anchor*, chains, *a, Ac., of the: wrecked brigantine Stranger, together with the Itrger. portion of her cargo,-** It existed ,onttij)Ti)ef at davn, at the time of sale, was knocked down by Mr. J. M'Cnlloch for the sum of £24). A portion of salvage cargo was in the like manner alao disposed of for the sum of £88 Wβ believe Messrs. Joske and Outheridge, of Suva, were the purchaiers. It much depends upon the kind of weather the wreck has been subjected to as to what profit thes- gentlemen will make of their venture. Our latest information from Ih* wreck Is that it Is somewhat knocked •bout.—Fiji Times.

The Revenue entter ]ilngl«ader arrived In harswaS last ■Ufatfrom»eruU«i«tODC th«oo*«t. revestedtopawentrlw and pay f reteht. g»'»°° the berth ,s»tfrwUiiJ**WM*a*«£ Guih. rnnutnitdnt from for b£mC••'A''«n3t'ttltte»»ft» ,J iS d»fil«f4he-cnr o! •■ bwakeraftheid , ! pnpleMkotiT apparent that • njitSeWl bera v«S»el could be rteht in on »tthe tiie, »n4» hteh »<*TO»«n»vbßti«u*lly,itA»»ened ■ toK W«h#«ter, ah.«onM hajettrtcJ? o> tee edne AetOlkely In aihort time, which' would no doobl have resulted In loMotlifel somsTofihe ofnr g6t extfted? an(Fm<ae a rneh for the ,boat«L,bui. Oμ <-»ptaln.XUrth pointing out if they did, the , t>6*t»"would be cerUhily oapelxed ifcdHhe nS/a& thrr probabl, dcowSd, sn<t wentbelow, H tokeepondeekwaidanjeronjfrom Ue fattingsp»w.= To»TpaaVbumpedheaTUy tor Jtime till the tide went dowo, le»Tlbg hei.alnuHt Ugh and dr#. Ml the DUMnKtn landed i-fe!yonlßlunk liland. The ntUreaweramiy Hn4, and did aUtotheil power .to aselsL - Some lire ttock on board were atio,got safely on shore a day or two alter.'' Hopes are Wrtertataedoti being able to «ave the should'it continue) fine there Is every possibility of doing «o. The! vessel appears to be severely damaged about her bows.! ' Captain Garth, who all through acted'with (rent cool-: reaß and presence ot mlad, teems to be uniortan»te,| for about twelvemonth* ago he lost Ms Teasel —the. Nil De»perandnm(»h'old trader to Fiji), in al hurricane at New Caledonia.—fy< 4rfiu. ■,■■■• ■ ; /".-'„ . ABHTVAIiiOB 1 THB WSS.O. ■' . I The favorite trading steamer Hero arrived in harhour at five o'clock this-morning, from Sydney and ICelbourne. She left the former port' on Monday] last/and has thus been seven days on-thepassage.- - ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4668, 30 October 1876, Page 2

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4668, 30 October 1876, Page 2

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4668, 30 October 1876, Page 2


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