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By Christabel.

AVKRY onjovablo ball was hold in connection with the Polo Tournament, m Palmeiston Noith last week. It wa.s voted one ot the lolhebt balls given in the district bv thos,i. who woe piesent. A splendid champagne suppei was piovidecl. a tew Wellington ladies weie present, amongst them being Miss G Reid who was much admired. Miss Reid has been staging toi a few weeks with Mis Strang. # # 4 populai Wellington host and hostess gate a not el games" evening last week 'Giown ups" were invited, and jiuemle games weie plaved causing ondloss fun, and much heaitv laughtei It was a capital idea What can compaie with the exciting game of musical chairs." and I am suie none of us have forgotten the joys of nuts and mat " or the fearful doubts we Jiacl about choosing oianges or lemons A httle taste of wholesome fun even it it is a little romp." does u<- all good in this world of affect ition , * * What do vou sav. guls to nmlal offerings valued at over £340,000 J Sounds^ like the Arabian Ni ? h ts" or 'Monte Clui&to," tent it Yet, that was the luck that befel Ladv Helen Stewart (daughter of Lord Londonderry), who was manned a couple ot months ago to Lord Stavorda e The wedding dress was a wonderful creation of Limerick lace, lvon satin, and silver. The veil had been worn bv the bncle s mother and giandmother, and the mvrtle in her wreath was grown from the same tree that furnished her mother's wedding wreath. * * * Mr Kile Bunnv, of Hastings, Napier (brother of Mr. Ernest Bunnv, of W e - Jineton), was to be married at All Saints' Chuich, Auckland, on Wednesday thi« week to Miss Cissv Phillips eldest daughter of Mrs. Phillips, of Hamilton-ioad, Pon.sonbv . * • * The committee of the Ehandallah Presbytenan Church were very foitunate 'in having such an ideal place as Mr. Cameron's residence, ' Lochiel," at their disposal on Saturday last foi the very successful gaiden paitv which they gave m aid of the buildme fund of their church, which is now being eiected. The wide verandahs, oveihuaa, with creepers, which extend lound two Ys of the house, made the most mMtnig of tea-rooms. Games of all kind* — croquet, aicheiv, and pmg-pon"— were largely patronised, and kept up a continual buzz of excitement Cool walks through the loveliest of native hush were a great attraction, especially to tho town folk * * * Among those piesent I noticed Ladv Ward, in a becoming blue figiued toulaid with bolero of lace, the Mayor (Mi J G W. Aitken), Rev. James Paterson (of St John's) and Miss Paterson Mus Klhot, and the Hon. C. H and Mrs Mills, the latter being handsomely gowned m black satin. Miss Mills was wearing a piettv tucked frock of giey cashmere, and a white toque Miss I<> Mills a dainty white muslin fiock and blue chiffon hat * • • Judge and Mrs. Kdvvaids were aJso among the visitors, the latter wearing a heliotrope frieze, with many rows of narrow gold braid, and tiny gold buttons. Miss Edwards wore a trailing fiock ot pale lavender voile, much embroidered, and a black hat , Miss B Edwards, a much-tucked and msertioned white muslin, crimson sash, and black chiffon toque. Professor and Mrs Mackenzie also attended, the lattei being in black satin. Mrs Hales wore black spotted voile . Mrs. Rutherford, black; Miss Elliot, black Mrs. Cameron, pretty black and white dress, aoid black hat Miss Cameron, blue silk blouse, frilled black skirt , Mrs Hannah, black brocade Miss J. Hannah, pretty blue voile, and large black hat Mrs. Richardson, Mrs Mansfield, Mrs Bryant, Miss Stone, the Misses Clarke, and a host of others patronised the fete. * • • The s.s. Gothic, which sailed for London last Thuisday, took a number of New ZeaJajiders Home for the Corona^ tion festivities Among these w ere Mr. and Mrs. John BlundeJl, and the Misses Blundell.

Miss Noia Ridditoid, of Rangitikei, aNo sailed bv tlie Gothic In England she will be the guest ot Mis Le\ in # • * An mteiestmg toatuie at Mi<-s Phaia,z\n's wedding on Wednesday was the piesence of the membeis of tlie Ministeimg Children's League, ot which Miss Phaia/.vn was sec-ietaiv. Tim children, weie seatod togothei, and all wore white frocks Then ringing added material I v to the prettv effect of the s<>i\ice, which was choral # * * A delightful afternoon tea was £m en h\ Mis. Moms Fox at Bellevue Gaidens on Wednesday last week The hoste&s lo'oked charming in a blue silk blouse and black skill Mis. Bo* es were a black brocade sown and black bo met Mr«. L%on, black doth costume white tucked chiffon fiont and black tooue Mis Hoho\d black skut, heliotrope silk blouse, <\\\d black hat Mis Watt, black silk tucked drc*s and black chiffon toque Mrs. Mowatt black and white silk diess, black hat Mis Knowles black and white check diess Mack hat. Mr 1 - Giadv black silk dress black bonnet, with yellow roses Mis De Ca>stio, black silk fiock, noint lace collar, white chifFon hat Mrs Cimpman, blaH\ doth costume pink chiffon hat -re * * Mi«s Knowles had on a 2ie^ sknt, «i blue silk blouse and a hat swathed in blue 'ilk Mi's Mowatt black cloth costume, white lace tiont black pictuie hat Mis* Gr?d\ , \ iolet cloth costume, white chiffon hat , Miss Alvce Holrovd black cloth skirt pink 'ilk blouse real lace \oke, black pictuie hat Miss Newton, errev cloth chess, black and white hat Mi=s Tossie Newton white mnshn fiock blue nbbon« black hat Miss PolJv Newton wliite frock hat trimmed with red chiffon Miss Boves, blue cloth dro=s, dark led hat The Hon C H and Mis Mills entertained a few friends <it then 1 evidence, "Waa-au," on Tues I'iv Ihsl week, and a verv pleasant evening was spent Amongst tlioso invited weie The Premier Mrs Seddon, and tlie Misses Seddon. Sir Joseph and La civ Ward. Hop. Mr. and Mrs. Hall-Jones Hon. T Y Duncan, Hon. Mr. "Walker Captain Kidlev (s.s. Gothic) Mi and Mrs. H Beauchamp, Mi and Mrs F Da or Mr and Mrs Murrell Mr and Mrs P P Webb (Continued nn paoe 11 )

Of course \on ha\e been to the Kmpire S The barn-like old Skating Rink is quite a. tlnng of beaut\ now , and one almost forgets its ouginal dieanness in the contemplation of its present prettiness It is (juite useless to t^ to desenbe in detail the delicious stalls. One is fortunate if one gets near them, the crowd of snght-soers and ambitious sales-ladies is so _ great. Wouldn't \ou like to be a man, just for the expenenee of being bombarded by piettv girls with demands to put in "just a shilling" for a silver coalscuttle, ssugai -basin, 01 a goigeous cushion with flowers that would make Nature hide her head in en\ \ ? * » * Large as the Skating Rmk is, it could not comfortably hold all the people who weie art the Kinpne Bazaar on the opening night. This bazaar has long been m piepaiation, and much talked of, and one can safelv say it has quite realised expectations, especially in the operatic hue. The stalls (named to represent countues ot the Kmpue) aie most aitisticall> a.nanged, and abound in endless novelties, besides useful and ornamental cuticles. Among the stallholders an e Mis T. G Macaithy Mrs W Tumbull, Mis A Martin and the Misse-3 Simpson, V MacDonald, Reid Shaptei, O'Connor, Soullv, Collins, and Waid. * * * Some man-of-wai Jack tars on Tuesda\ night had to stand to arms to resist a pei feet onslaught of maidens fair with things to sell Jack had evidently got his pav, tor most of lum had spent some of it in refieshment — outside, and were spending the rest of it on fal-de-lals at the Bazaar. One sailor ' tacked" thiough the ciowd with a fine figure of a wax doll he had bought, while >et another was delightedly holding up a couple of pairs of babies' ' booties" he had won Some mere men, who had left then pluses at home, weie offeied blank cheque forms by se\eral asnimig girls' What chaimmg men some of the pnests who were present are. Somehow, theie is an absence of ' side" about these fathers that is, quite refreshing. Am one can buttonhole a priest, and he seems lust as pleased to be buttonholed as one is to buttonhole him The Amateur Opera Company playing at the Empi 1 a Bazaar is a splendid attraction. B\ the way, what a delightful Serpolette Miss Jennie Sheen makes. She will be Jennie Sheen a very little time longer, for she tells me tha.t in a fortnight she is mairving Mr. Louisson, of Palmerston Miss Sheen had am offer quite a long time ago from Williamson and Musgrove to sing in professional opeia. She lefused it, as her mother, who lives in Featherston. is an invalid, and required her daughter's assistance Miss Sheen tells me she will still continue to sine in amateur opera after her marriage. Her friends are quite delighted at this decision * * * What a ch a iimner insouciance there is about prettv Winified Birch as Germaine' I wondei if that vouns; ladv knows what a ioi\ fine voice she has. She apologised to me for being onl\ an amateur " K little thing like that I should imagine could be easilv rectified Theie is a modestv about Miss Bnch's manner that e\ en some amateuisT know could borrow with * » • Mi^s Reid is starving with hei sistei Mrs Straus; in Palmeistou Noith. * * * Mis T Home and hei famil\ ha\e come down fiom Auckland with the intention of settling in Wellington * * * Miss V. Rona-\ne has letuined aftei a delightful trip in the South Island * # * Miss Holt's ft lends will be glad to hear that her health is impro\mg. * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs Fulton and Miss V. Fulton ha\e left Wellington on a \isit to Auckland and Rotoiua * ♦ * The engagement of Miss Jessie Reid, a daughter of Mr. Nicholas Reid to Mi Lechell, of England is announced * * * Miss L. New combe of Wanganui is spending a few weeks with fiiends in Wellington •* # * Mis W. Phai a/^ n ga\ ea \ ei y lai ge At Home on TuescLn , the da\ betoie her daughter's wedding The house and the garden looked at then best, and the rooms were most beautifully decorated. Tea was seived in the dming-roora, and ices on the lawn During the afteinoon songs were gn en by the Misses Pho?be and Ethel Parsons * * * Mrs Pharazvn received her guests on the lawn, and Miss Pharazyn in the house. Mrs. Pharazyn wore a most beautiful black sa.tin gown, with fichu of real old laoe. Miss Pharazyn looked very nice in a paJe blue sik, trimmed with lace, and burnt-straw hat laden with roses. Among the many guests and lovely frocks were Mrs. Stowe,

wlio wd« gowned m blue satin Mis. Kemp, handsome black toilet , Miss Kemp, looking ioiv piettv in a charming wlnte hock, Mrs A Duncan, a lovely trock of soft tinted silk, with touches of lovely lace and a pictty toque Miss A Johnston pietty blue fneze boleio and skirt with est of lace, and becoming black toque * * * Mis W R K Biown had on a !o\elv black satin gown, with \o\ civ Maltose lace Mis. Barton, pale greA with stylish collai of sable and lace Mis. Fit-sgejald, black moussehne de soie o\ er black silk, and pretty hat Mis. Tia,\ers, ven pretty gown of voile Miss Fitzgerald, pale grev voile, and black pictuie hat Miss O Fitzgerald, coat and skirt, and pretty lace collai. Mrs Walhs looked \ cry nice in black, with large picture hat Miss Duncan vas gowned in pale grev, white lace and lovely pink hat Miss Eawson had on a \ery pretty brown cloth tinnmed with cream lace Mrs. McTaMsh, naw blue silk, w ith cream insertion Mis. C Izard prettv gown of muslin and lace and black hat Mi"s K. Williams looked \ ei> "Jce m bluo frieze. Miss Harcouit wore A\hite Miss F. Brandon looked charming m a purple frieze frock, and black hat , Miss Higgmson, a pietty silk frock, blaick hat Mrs MacPherson, black Mrs Hacon, black satin, handsomely ■trimmed with jet, and chiffon hat There were also present Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Barron, the, Missies Brandon, Mrs Biss, Mrs. and Miss Butts Mrs. Samuels. Miss Fancourt, the Mis-ses Greenwood, and many others * * #• Mrs. Barnott, of AVanganui (sister of Mrs Judge Coopoi) and her \ ounge«t daughtei , Miss Lilla Bainott, ai lived this week on a visit to Wellington. * # * Mrs. Roberts of Sydney , and hoi daughter aie staying in the Wairarapa district, the guests of Mrs Nnen. * * * The Hon. C. J. Johnston not only allowed the use of his grounds, on Eastei Mondav. for a gaiden fete in aid of the Karon Anglican Church, but provided a, band to enliven the proceedings It was a lovely day and many people found their wav out there. Tea was seived on the lawn, and ping-pong andcioquet were the order of the day. The rifle range was also a source of great interest, especially to the men. * * * Amongst those who spent an eiijo-\-abla afternoon there were Mrs. Johnston, who looked well m a black coat and skirt, black and red hat Miss D. Johnston, pretty blouse and skirt. Miss Raw son looked sweet in a white silk blouse, black skirt, and becoming hat Miss Olive Rawson, blouse and skirt Mrs. A. Duncan, pretty blouse and skirt. Mi&s L. Bremner, pretty white blouse and floral hat Miss K. Williams, white and red hat. Miss Harcourt blue linen Miss G Nathan, blue costume, and red hat Mrs Moss, becoming blue cloth costume. * • * Ladv Ranfurlv and the ladies Constance and Eileen Knox hai c returned to Wellhngton, after a most delightful holiday in the South Island. Lach Ranfurh was in town this week, weaimg a pink flowered silk gown, trimmed piofuseh with gathered nbbon and chiffon. Her hat was of bin nt-straw , tn mined with black silk.

Fair weather favoured the provincial tennis tournament, which commenced on Saturday, at the Thorndon tennis courts. In consequence, a large crowd a&sembled. a,t the couits m the afternoon adit! watched with great interest the progiess of the games, besides partaking of the tempting afternoon tea, which Mas provided by the committee. A gieat manv pretty frocks were worn, which made up greatly for the somewhat baie appearance of the courts. ♦ • * I noticed among those piesent Mis. Bait ham, who was gowned in black, Mrs. F Ward, who was also in black Miss E. Richardson, in a prettv light frock, and black hat. Miss F. Wnght, 111 an exciuisite muslin frock, and laige black hat" Miss E. Hannah wore a preittv tucked white skirt, white silk blouse, and large black hat Miss M. Blundell, prettv blue gown, and hat to match. Miss Peacock, of Auckland woiea prettv blue and white costume, Mis. Cavn, of Wanganui a smart blur ooat and skirt- Miss Brown a becomma; muslin frock.

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Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 92, 5 April 1902, Page 10

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SOCIAL GOSSIP. Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 92, 5 April 1902, Page 10

SOCIAL GOSSIP. Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 92, 5 April 1902, Page 10


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