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S£s«33Egai^ SPECIALLY AUTHORISED WHOLESALE AGENTS FOE NEW ZEALAND, MESSRS P. HAYWIAN AND CO., DUNEDIN, CHJUSTCHURCH, WELLINGTON, AND AUCKLAND, Who carry a otnpfoio st ok of 11. E. Kooklmann and Co.'o Standard Herbal Magneto jßemcdiea. Thtao unrivalled Herbal Modieino3 a»-o univoraally acknowJ' o cd to bo tbo best in the world. Thoy nro quito different to all others known being o olutel mifcurpanscd in their univ«rm>l excellence, Thuy arc absolutely rpcciUo for thore complrunti for which thoy aro npocially pro* I pirod, find oro free from polaoua and all mineral drug*, and .iro quite ploagjot to tako. The Balsam ot Paradise: For all Lung and Throat Diseases, euoh as Brouohiti*. Anthma, Whwztao:, Conchn, Cold*), Fog Fovor, Soro Throat, Blooding from tho Lv igt», TtghtncHß on 'he Client, Inflammation of the Lungs, Colhpuo of tho Air Ccllb, Induration of Luugs, Congestion of Lun^a, oto., 010. It'is tho only medicine known to mankind that will completely euro Consumption in ii,q early Btig«jo. It is compo'jcd of choice fruits, flower ('"('da, gumo, baljamo, and herb"? It rflnov-Jt"n and fattens tho weakest constitution, uliko of young or old. Wo hoW OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES during tho flrnt five yoara thn wo iittro.'nopd this marvellous and elegant remedy, and that, too, WITHOUT NY ' DVIMTISING WJIATKVKR. It ia ox. ooedingly ploanant to ta»t", and caunoa an immi diato improvement in all who tako It. Sold in boitlua at 2h (s ', 4>\ G'i and ]<>h. SEND FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE I^NDBOOK, Po'it froo to any addrc<« o» tho Planet, which fully describes these wondorfo remedies and thoir übcb. "THE BOOM OF THE COMTNO CENTURY " H, E. Kugelmann's Klectric Essence. ' l "" H. K. Kuglemana Elnctrio Eusenco. - oxto-nal rrmedy for all pains or achea. Nothing liko this has ovor boon known, and nothing olpo will ever equal it. If you have r; rheunvtlietn or gouty piin that you do not caro about, obtain a bottlo of thiB Eleotrio Ehhcuco at d it will mako you happy. Ur<> it for uprained baoks, kaeo joints, all bwoN lingo, dropwy, hack ache, eoiatica, n«uir..ltjn, weak spinet), lumbago, contractions, lameness crampn, quinßy, mumpH, diphthcri \, cr< up, and for all pains and aches. Never bo without it for anako bito, and all bites o( in^ccta or Btingu, and or burns, cute, and ecalda Hold in bottlen only at 3h (Id md 7n. H. E. Kugelmann's Fye uintment and Anodyne Emolient. ThiH In undoubtedly tho finc«t Pharmaceutical product of thr century. An immediato euro for chilblaiiia and iro'in bite. Kotbii><» known can compare with this Ointment for ill) marvelloua excelleuc*), el'-p'vnco of uotnbio.iUwi, »nd Huporior offectivoncai, It will euro aIU-yo dißt'ancs, as Bun lil'ght Sat-dy Blight Watery Blight. Matter or Humory Blight, Inflammation of Eycß and LidH, Chronic Ophtlialrnia, and all and Every Eye Disease ; and as woll it in tho best a d nicest thing rosniblo for F'y-bite, Mosquito Bites or Stinga of Scorpions), Centipedes, Spidert-, etc., and for Soro Throats, Coughs, Mumpi, Quinsy, etc. It i« simply Hploudid. AH weak and nervous per»on« should use it to rub well in down tho Spino and on tho Stomach. Wo guarantee that all who uao this onco will never bo without it. \ Read Doacriptivo Handbook for furtht r notice. Thiu ointment usually cures blight J in a few hours, also whitlo-* a and boila and painful breaota in two or thrco hours. Sold only in jara at 2a 6 I and Ci each. H. E. Kugelmann's Herbal Magnetic Ointment. uuri'-alled Herbal product in undoubtedly tho Wat ointment over elaborated for curing old norfs, bad legw, uloora, fiatules, pilp«, blf-ding pilca, r-ruptiong of tho akin, broken chilblains, outs wounds, oto.. ote, Iv jars at Is. le 9d, 2b 6d, and 5s each. H . E. Kuglei"aun'B Chddren'u Vital Eiaonco. - For all the ailments of infancy and childImnd, A r^al childreu'n friend, .-re our Inrdbook. Prico, 'In (id to Ca por bottle. The Herbal Magnetic Tonic Lrver and Stomiacli Restorer. For all liver comj'lvjintq, billiouß, j-mnnifo, cori'/rgtod liver, enlarged liver and pplcn. langour, drowsimw, pamu between th.> bhouldcr, chronic indigestion and all utomach complaints, luattburn, uleney nour b'omach, \rmitiug of food, loss of appetite, sick headache, nurvouiacHfi, uorvoua debmty, piontrution, hucl the convaleficing stages of or ucuto dißt'appo. lt^ad our Dcßcriptivo Handbook for all inforrri!»tion relating to thiu pplondid modicino, Sold in bottloß at 5" a>id 10j each • TJbe Natural "Electric Blood Purifier. Thin medicine hau no equal for all blond j l;in ditea^cs, p. rfeeHy frco from mercury, Trpeuio, a>.d all mineral druga, and doep r oc cont-Mn any i=ar»ap-%rilla or yellow dock. Never /ail« to cure tho won.t forms of scrofula, tourvy, eczema, itch, ulcers, abcosses, eoro ligß t»nd brcafts > cancer, l'ipus, physical debility, d< cay of honey, wanting and withering, find all diseases imving their onyiu in the bloo-i. It work wonders in every ca«o without exception. Sco Handbook. Price*, 'is Gd, (U G . °.nd 12s Gd each ottle, The Fluid Herbal Life. Thin is tho poul of pl'mto, and absolute Hpecifio for chronic uiunlg'a, faceacho, tooth•ichf, tic ('oloreaux, swollen face, gumboil and eanoho. It cw bo completely roliod uoon to euro quickly and poimancntly any of thc-jo troubles. Soo Handbook. Price, lsj Pd and 3j per bottle. The Herbal Magnetic Liver Pills. Those Pills are unrivalled, and cupci-ior to all others for liver troubles, billiousness, coativonen", (jiddiocyf, indigo tion, wind, and Jwaribury. >.hey are oomtOEcd aololy of tho vital pioperties of hoi b., ar« coated and tastpluus. In glaoa bottles at Is, Is 9d, and 3a each Tncf-o should be kept in every hmipo, m they aro a aoro ouro for numberless ills, SOLE PROPRIETOKS : H 11. KUGELMANN AND COManufaoturero of Elfecv« u and Proprietorj Medioiucn, Distillers cf Essential Oils and Medicinal Liquorti etc , etc., 4th Avciiuo, N«'w York City, U.S.A. Australian Head Office and Warehouse r 172 and 174 Williim-utr'jot, Melbourne, Victoria. rhntationßandrof'.ucingi'Rtabhabmcntat "Mount Paradise," Gmibrood, Gippsland, Dou t fail to read our Uaacriptivo Hand nook. Mailed free to wiy address or may bo had upon application. Local Apienty. - Ch-'tnista : Dodijs /su Co. • J. R. Sewt.ll, Merchants : A, J. S» Hicauland, \V. K/:i3, E. A. Atkinson, \ Davidson. Tho Abovo Id Full Stock of the Staudard Herbal Magnotio goods, for tho Osmara District.

HEAD ! MARK ! LEARN AND DON'T MLOW '.OU'ttEF.F TO Jsl« DUPKD HY FAI>E ' J'U'KISSKNTAJIONS UY CUNNING OR FTY ADVENTURERS '|pHE GREATEST DI^OVERY OF J: THE AGE NEITHER lOCTOKS NOR QUACKS hivo ever discovered n rrcvtim-nt eqiul to SLKSINGFIVS UIHSUMATIO BALSAM For tho euro, imd aim 'hi matunt relief, of R.tcumiilißn), Gout, Sciatica, Tiedoloreux, Neuralgia, Lumbago, v prama or Pains of any kind from muhoulir or nervous affections. ThouHanc's havo ti'atilicii to that effect. Sf-f p.unphlctu. Mr Slebitiqor, having practiced hia prof«a« wion an Vetrnuary Surgeon in different parts of tho world, and tho laut 30 yenrH, in Vic-tori-n and F^w Zoibud, is a sufficient proof of tho good qualities of his HORSE, CATTLE, nndDOO MEDICINES. Tho price oi «ach i^ very low, and ho would ircoaimeml evory o^ner of animila, r^poot* ally of horprn, to Uocp rotuc by thorn, eepoetilly hia colic, or gripo driuk. Embrocation, j couri'tion, and Worm Powrtcrp, Uoof Oil, Blister and GreaM) Omtmunt : tho lattor is <v Ckiu'aln Cckk For Cow's Sopi: Tkais - t"« >Mrcul.ira ; alao hiu iuu.l'ib.c LA^tin n~ Powdcrp, an.l Man««' Oi'itment for COWS ARE SUBJECT to I'.irtunerfc o. Milk Fever which con bo prevented or cured by u 'd Slebiuger'a Cow Drenches. They nj- or fail. SluMtiger'o Friar a B\k>m, m%dc fiom tiic | recipo ot th» ongmil Friar, tho invtutf.r, u j superior to uiiy other. — ""old by nil r^pjoi nbio cbtn.iß>au'uU inuilioino vrudorß through ou»; tho Coion/. ' Every article haa full uirocti^nn how tn u«o it. Bowaro of 'imtationa, v? foiik' uupuncipl'jd pcoundrelo aro trying to pp r ii"j off tho mbbirfh for tho genuine. See that my name and SS. TRADE M JiK V.S, is at^ohod (o eich article, £100 reward vvll bo p-ud to proof lovlinp to tho conviction of i»wyono co'inturJuUuig my Trado Mark, S. ! JES N(.'ER, Voti-riuary S'ur^f on, Dnncrlin

GOVERNMENT LIFE INSUB4LNC3 DEPARTMENT. LOANS ON IYIORTCACE. "T7IKOM timo to time n. limited portion of the JJ funds is lout on fnit luoitgugo of freehold K'cuiity, with option of repayment by fixed In* Btdluiciits, iprcad ovor 12, 10, or 20 yearc. Hall-yearly Payment for each £100. I'etiod of Loan— £ c. d. Tii fh c years „. ... 6 4 7 J'lfU'ti joan ... ... 6 8 9 1 unity >i'(iru ... ... 413 8 lio.u) 1 - ioti,i\al)lo by in^tAluK'titß whereby prin» cipal (iinl mliMi'st iua both hutiidatod within a j'i\oi tinu 1 , <ui'l ou toiniii ot uniost favouiablo • b i •<■(• i, inc.ontnuukcd lulvnuta^us to sottler* mill utlici . 'I Ik lx<i lower mi}, bofoio the oxplry of tho 'ml ju>ti"'l i.'ileeiii fho kxm, with or -witlii-ut not vi' on li'iiM' wli'.i' 1 ! i'i;]l)ci\ u'trtumM nt thm olm <•, oi .it in\ ot tin 1 ofiiocaof th.b j)i'i',iitiri<'iit, \, J'i ii' .il 1 (i foi in 1 - of .ipi'lj cuti'Hi o.iu be obt uno<l. loi lull [KvitK ul.u .i^ to lorn fij'ply t<" *ho [fo.ul inul liiuncli Olhci- , fi'i-l I'd Oihccn. l' 1 . w. FJ'.,^^],L^^•D, va, 1} Couni)ib^i9iiri; , mil Ciovt, Aetna, f.

fj — ~~^^nr THE GREATEST WOOER OF MODEM TIMES! Pek-ovs surkring from weak or debilitated constitution? \.ill tli,< over thit by the use of tin-, wonderful mrdictn* there is "He ilth for all." 'I he blood is the fountain of lif' 1 , and its purity tan be maintained by the use of thes» Pills. Sir. SAMUEL I3AKER, it' his \, ork ctititlrd " '1 he Nile 'I ributaries in AbyssinM," ■■v' , " I urdued (ho dragom iti Mahomet to inform thf» " l',ik<v th it I was a Doctor, and tliat Iliad the bc:t "nudicm«-> at th"so»\icc ot the sick, with advice gratis "In a Jiort time 1 Ind nnny npplic-ints, to wliom I "bcivcd out a funntity of Hollow -\> S I'ilh. Thee ari '" mo,t u rful to in r jilon r, as po,,rssing unmi^likable "liii-^itno prop.'rlic, they" an undeniable cfler* 'upon the pUicnt, satisfies him ot their valu^ SIMPLE, SAFE, AOT) CEETABTI J-, i rcrfain r?me<Jy for bad legs, bad brcasH, mh<« ulu.r.uwn iof all kimK. It .iU> miraculously i.ihcAlin; vJ" rations cum,;; diseases, and m arresting >n8 J-übdum^ all imlaintintions. Mi . J. 1 COOPER, m In- n.cojnf of hi-? r\tr?ordimry travei-, h Chxnn, piibli hid in iSji, ~\ys-"l l n «l with -nc n quintitr\ 1 of Hallowa> s Uintmciit. I mvo some to the people "and n itlnnr could exced th-u j;r.Uitudo; and, in coi? "-.'liumc, milk, fowl' buuer, and hotse feed poured "m upjn in, until at last a tc.i-.poonful of Ointmeit «wis worth a low I and any quantity o! p--»«, and thfl «drrmn<lhri .me so j;rc-u that I was obliged to lo<"k jp "tin. sm .11 if in uniuj btock." Sold by ill Chemist, ami Msdiciuc Vendor, throuj^ Cut the World.

COCKSFOOT ." fff^HE Uudrmignsd will bo plo w\ to -**• submit Samploi, with quotation 1 !, on application by lottui «r leley- un. Atfcontion ij resnu'-ttully dir^ctd to the SUPERIOR GERMINATING POWER OK BANKS PENINSITA SKKD, duo to tho peculiar Huitibtlily of tho roi and climato to tho gtowth of ! COCKSFOOT IN ITS PERFECTION Parcolo, largo or small, to suit purHiasorii who will oblige by stating probiiblo mtmbo of aacko required, thereby "tiahlin;; yub'ni' aion ol Hiinplo fiom parcel iiuificio'iUy !H.f;< to r^oouto order compioto frotn ea.i.o lot Suoka may bo taken at Dotting 90! i), ORDER DIREOT FRoJI THE Dlil ViilG V TiJUS HNSUKInO F.RSE S EJ E S T S E E 0 S, AND TJIBKEFOKE OF GREATEST GERMINATING POWER Dolivery givon, if required, into railway ttuoks afc any J'ort, W. H. HENNING. i Wha*K Store, Akaroa] |yl

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North Otago Times, Issue 774, 17 July 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Issue 774, 17 July 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Issue 774, 17 July 1890, Page 4


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