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THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1888.

Wk have often bftd occaeion to observe* the frequency with which people go in quest of remote remedies for local troubled, while all the tieio fir»fc-rnto remedies are lying oloee at band. It has jußfe atruok ua that a freah Mantration of tkio might bo found at our own doors, As regards the noundncea and expnt!BireD«B9 of it* buaitieis O^marvi ia, relatively to its wzq and the aijse of other towns, more fortuu«tely, more favorably situated than most of tho other basinest centre* of the colony. That of comae Is not equivalent to «aying that thinfc« bore are absolutely as brjght as they oan ba; on tho contrary, our pcoplo compljiin onounh, nnd to ■om» extont, not without chubo, of the oongented atate of trade. Howorcr, they only fidget and fret, and any that ifthlo or that wer» to happen, things would b» better ; but they seem to be Mtrangoly blind to tho doing of certain thina* irbitb, if done, would put now •ife into the community, Of course vre mean thing* that could ba tnkon in hand under Vxi«tinj; circumstance*, and not thiosiß trhioh might b« dono umier an idml 8«t of conditiona not at p'tmuit in exiitonae." liowfvn 1 , bpfon«oing further, there if one thing which risuat b» ftdmifctad here ; namely, thul oar bu»in«B men are at laut alive to the faok that, in ft peculiarly yital wn«e Oatnam's preiont and futoro proipority depend* largely upon the thoroughnei* with which the pß»toral as well aa the agricultural land of the interior ii p««sn>d into the poB»e«aior» of numerouo mettler*. The proof of this is the yigoroua interest they are now taking in the promotion of «ett eruent under the small gnsmu run ayntem, und if they are wiio they a ill maiutain that vigor for many years to como, •That i« what we call energy in a nractioally benefioent direotion. There are other similar dk«otiouu, howerer,

along which our men of opirit initjht movo, but whiolj they sooru never to think of lit all, l?or example, wbwt would wh not gain by opening up thorough coiumuuioition with central Otigu— not by rail, for that it at prosent oat of the question— but by « wall mad*, well ko|.t highway through Danßoy'B Pawl A vast extent of country, juut on the "theruideof the Kakarmi Ring* rioli i i» mine*, in him*, »nd rheoprunc, Hob opposite o»r own dißi.riob. Our local mem of huniuo'l should be li»r&« aharern in Us exteiuivw tmdo. But »re thr-y 1 Th,y M 9 not; and »hy noli Why, bponum Dunediti, vtli'oli Hob much I fnrt bor Away, fra* #>{, w monopolr, ft"<l \to aru too abominably nltt^iah to try oven to disturb it. Y«6 the o'uoauiBttinceH me all in our favor. Naneby i« am uohi 1 to O-unaru an it is toPwlnierston, and yet from Pulmerutbn the Dunedin inorehanta have to Bond their (.joods by waggon to the goldfioKlo, and of eoume from Duuediu to I'almeratoo by rail. Jlonoe, if we had even a wapgou road to Nattcby tqual to thai which at present exists between P«lnu»r«ton tmd that town, wo coud, if w» tried, supply goods to the in tenor at a cheaper rate tbnn tho Dunodin uitMcliHiity. But thfU'e aro ether ttiiugo wliicb aro *«ipri«ing;ly in our favor. Wo are already connfotod by ra 1 with Ngaparn, whioh in naor« than one third of tho dtntaiico from Ofttnatu toNttsoby. Then from Npnpmra to Livmuulone there in a o»pital county road, while on the other vide of tho ranpw tho road from the goldfwlda to tho Uppi»r Ky«barn has long been fit for traffic. Thus, not more than twenty uiilok of road rrqnire to be made to put us in direct intercnu'Be with Nwfl«bv. Tnafc done, L^t o<aiaru nnd tho interior flourish 1 rhoy would be mutual tjaiuera. This being the osbo, th« County Councils of Maniototo and Waitaki will Btir'aly combine to promote what is fur thu common benefit ot the tero distncti; and if neoH»»ary th© Gorernmont vrculd no doubt subsidise the undertaking on account of its colonial ehnracter and its utrong bearing upon the spread of settlement and tho inoteneo of trade. What u&y our m«n of buvtr.ess to the idan of strenuously endeavoring to /cet this through mud coi^truoted? Tho prospective advautHgos to the n aro manitVatly pr»at. Our trade with the C.oldfields ftlon»"would bo coßnuUraMo, and then we should probably alsd Hpcure foi our intercolonial and homeward bound ships, tho wool and ?rain ijrown on the vast plains of Maniototo, ldn, Manuhenkia, and the Kyobarn Hundreds. It is well known t>o thnt tho mining indu»try on th^' goldfiolds ia making rapid strides forward, laiproved mining machinery in greatly increasing tho annual yie'd of gold. Tho chlorination process, for the exposition of whioh in Otago we are indebted to Professor Blaok, has Jjrent'y enhanced the raluo of those osinini; properties— quite connmon in Otago — wheie the gold is an oeiated with foreign miueials, such ni mundio and ironpyrites, Reofiuj; has become rnora general. Tho Great E<s'era Gold Mining Company is now paying handsome dividend 1 ), Several promiuing min^s contiguoun to the Great E*sttrn on tho .Rough R dge axe being taken up by London syndicates, and with tho influx of capital into the Ids will come an ir.flux of population that will require to be supplied with the necesnarirs and onmforts of life. Then tkr Maniotolo Plain ia bein % satiifsotf rily setthd upon, and timber, of whioh there is there not a restive, is in conMtant demand, Ate wo, thon, as an industrious and enterprising people going t« allow others to Uke from undnr our rory touch a eonßtantly iticreauing \vtd& whioh from our geographical position belongs of right, to was Surely not. Let us, thon, bestir ouranlves, and agitate for the construction of a couch And waggon road through the Pats, whioh, with the expenditure of a c )tn~ paratively ornull sum of mouey as tbingn po, o«n be c«»ilr ran do. The whole country is well known, and it may bo unho»itatin«;ly iffirmftd that thfi'o aro no diffioultu-s to be met with, which ordinary engineering skill cannot surmount. I3y making this road, and thus establishing diiect contmuuic»tion with tho goldfitldn we would tiooi) find a marked for our general tnttrohandiee, our woolltns, • and our timber. We would have Cobb and Co.'s lina of oo«eh«n runnia^ daily, and passengers even fioin Dunedin would probably prefer the route throagh the romantio scenery of D*ns«y's Pass, Our own people would thon for ft mere pittance have an opportunity of now and then upending a few summer mornings on those grand mountains which faoa tho sou aud .tho sunriuf, whilnt thosowhoßo Hyps aro spent inland would very soon ootne to regard Oamaru a« a favorite sca-nido tosort — as, in fact, tho Brighton of New Zealand. Tho time bus certainly corns for action. We oannot afford any more dillydnllying. Wo must bo up and doing. The people of Oamartt should by public meeting or othervriiio proceed in a thoroughly determined and dohborate manner to aco what can be done in this matter, whioh, in their interests and the interests of till, wo earnestly commend to their most serious and aotivo consideration.

Tho W»lnreka Mnfcunl ItaprtYtment Society held its fonith weekly matting In the Mdhnolhouio uu Sutuiday, the president, Mr Frttoer, in the oh«ir. Mr Ge >rge BmrraleM tend h very iuitruotive p»p» ou the he*tho < hinoa, <■ n't tnoTbd Ihnt iv the opinion of the Sool*ty tho Chlonnatn »h»nld not b* trhully <>xn)udofi tnm the cuio^lei, Mr Jnmai, (Urrow mov«U for (be total rxolati' n of the Chinese »* a '(toe, innrnUy And •o<<noaiioftlly ii.jorltui to rhi> oolunloo. The ladiai of the 8oolo(;y took Jobn't *idf uhi> fly ea »ocPHni at bio good gtrdcaing qaniitlea, and It wan decided by a big iu»j »nly t« ttdopb Mr Goorgo Brownlflt'ii molioa. Th» latter p»rt of the (Tenlog wah ocoaplod la U'«ad»e srtertaiaitig ro^dia^e, and tonnriU 10 o'olook tht meetisg; oloiod with the o»u»! oomnli'iiont to tho ohnir. Next IB«tur«isy, At 7 30, the honorary prtildonb, tko M«t, Mr Will, It to give 11 leotnro to the Pocloty on a "Htadont'e TJd to Gormnny." Aa thla lroturo is to bo made opon to all, a fall h >aiQ ii expeotsd. The foliovriug >re tho < i!ioo»baiirera of tho ftooiety : Honors y pc idenb, Kovr. Mr Will) pieiident, A3. P, 13. Fraier. MA,| vlto-pie^idctt Miuc Xxditle ; H«oteti-<ry, Mian Oomeron ; editor of nugi-jslua, Mr Qmtge BrownJee 5 tte»iar»r, Mr W, H»rno«i j with b oommlttee of four -nnmoly, Mian Bronalee, Mils Ch»lmori, Mr Jwaioi Worrow, nod Mr J»mei B*ln,

A f >otb»ll nweh w»« played yo»ce»d«y l)nlw«"« tho < .Jig Soho J »n I iho N tth Sjliog', and ro^uUod in the defeat of the lumitK by 9 p,jiuii» to nil, Tho bowling m-.toho« for fehn trophiflt in oonucoti n with tho P/.cdjlx Howling 0 n*' W'tio unoomoM-'d but ihar<l*y, 'IVy will ho reaumod, «ad probably ii'ii-hod, thii> af lot noon. Those to pa aiu rtqaaiced to 'jo pu wtimlly oti tho grouud at 2.30. At itut uitfhi'i wieetiog of tft. Paul's Mutu»l Inipiovoinout tin oolatloa » very lrU«reitilng pipit' *,*•* gtvua by Mi- Donate Ivon* oa elootnoUy, There w»» » very full meeting, and tl>» gay» a rery oloar Mo a of tho gulJAo*, with prautioal experli»»nt i », At wxi mm*>iuz, ou May loth, Moi«r« K. B. Wild on irn'l '*. Gramltt will j iii oiim the question : ivnathfir 1* inuoio or ro'diug ftod (io'j'ain'i'.iiiu 01013 omduoivo to i ')t>i*ov>}nin<ii uf ufeu aoter ttul eacodttUmnnt. it ha* been Bii:2i»o<Med Ui-ifc the Bloyole On*b might, with tho «xpoidlture of a few puuudn, plaoa ttKiinufl'yai io puiiaoonloa <-f * o<>,<itfti training t'Bok. There in a Inrge HXtoi.t of thu ruotalmud land noar tho ftol • w*y Utsttinn thns In not la uho at the pr«iiont timo, Mod ti OAf/it&l ovirA track mi^lit be maii'j un it that wou'd an»wor tho | urponos of bioyollbts udmiribly Jjio) othtn bavo hitherto folt i ho want of a trading t't>oi, and wo boiieve if t-h" auggeitioM in do wore o*rriod out It woaui uotonly afford them whan they tv*o», b« • a', fcho csmno tluao giro aa imp«»m tv Itloyo i"g in thu town. A mooring of tho Uuutroon Jookoy Club waa h«ld ia 4 eUh'e Hotol ou Tuoid«y oveuI')K lnit. Pru'ant : J. 0. riiuolla (?hnl in M ri), Smith, W«)ih, Loforre, aud .i'Orog^r (mord-^iy), Tho uiiuato* of la»t .n oUug nerd raoul and approvod. Meean Mavou »u() noborti 1 tuudor to work the tut-, w.«aoo9ptod Mr B B. VS r oleh'» tondtir for tho puhliot'i's nnd rofronhinuiit tjustha »ud Mr Uir's i ffjf for tho oai'da wero )ooopti«d. Forty-two ia nil ' wero looolvod far the diiTurent uvoata. After Homo o»her toucinv buunn^f, a voto of thuuko tj the o'nalr o o«od the meeting. \ rastah will bs played thin aftornoon oa (ha (Jhflttmr Btr-sofc tieierro boWoeu the Htto-vin < fifiinwn of t*io ()»ci*ru Fi>otb»ll ('lub i»ad tho Kxocldlor Foo'bal! Gin 1 ). Tho following huve boan •eloo'-ort to repre«eok thfl otu«(D P,O, i Bortoi, BfikosC " "Jtory, A (»renf'<)l, H W«ofol), Milloi iuaptaln), M'L»ren,Mardooh, PAtmon, Potrlo, Tayi >>, StroQttuh, IL Thomas, and t tiding; omor--gx'ioy, Hoodlaa'-. Playois aro requqHg<t to bsontbo ground «?rly, »jb ih» m»toh will uomiAtno* at 3.30 p.m. »hatp. After the inti oh the lint fifteen Mill play a prnotlca gaTiio. Th« exportt nnd importi at tho port) tf •j-jtnau during the inmth of April ware krger io the »gi(re/ato thau durlug any wrerloun mmth biuoq ftho harbor work* wertt o 'mpleied. Thj export* amnuated to 4777 too*, -md the i nporn to 1799 tona, or a enal of 0576' tont. Thli uo f»i u »ati«faaLo y. wo b )i"vo th » taUl for tho yenr will •ilso uhov/ a ootißldtroble exoois ovei provioue yoirn. Thfl quantity of grata grown iv tno dl-.ti'ioh chin yo»r hai beou Inrae, perh^p 1 ' no l»rgor cb»n in one or tw) previous yearn, bat tho area in potabioa b»» inoroasol h<j muoh during tbo pasE^fasr yoa/fl that, taken in oosjuuotion with ooroalo, thsro will ba & higtt ndilUicn to the tjunsge expoitod, ' r ho fi st meeting of the South School Committee wan held lest night in the South ■ot» 01. Ther* wori present — i^eiir^ Mmglntot?, Bi-ovrer, Button, Orvmblo, *a^ Dawnn. Mr Crumble was olsoted onnirman, Mr Biugl«tyn honorary looretary i»s».d troisurer. An applieatlon for the uoo'Ct^y*hi|> wm r«oeked, but owing to the wiufc of fund* it was deoided in iho meantime u>t t > make the spp >intmont of a paid offiosr. It v/as retired thnt- tho muetlngs of tho oom mittet bo hild on thu firat Monday of eitoh mouth, in tho Hoboolhouea, at 7 30 p.m. Tho Chairman, nnd Mosnn D»irnon and Bonder, ooti rroio appointed tho Vinitiax and Buildm^r Uummltto" for tbo month. It wan ■loo ld od that tonder* bo called for oml n r d fi-owood for the y«ar, Ohla wai s»H the "U«iuii«, »nd the meeting teraiiufttod with * vote of thaolcn to tho ohnrrman. At the Loud Bo»rd meeting yostorday, tho ebamnia of tbo W*itak( County Council wrote Ddvi»!ng that the narrow otrip of hnd sityatod batwaon tho maiu roxd »nd vVnitaki river, oa r in 8 of 23 aud 9 of 23, be rciorvad for atook tiavellia^, nso?c<>ucBo, oto loipootor Tkompton also wrote a»kiog ; that 10 ftoras of the »amo land, A<ij >lolng H«otlo« 1, blook 1, Kurow townehip, ba renaived l>r polioa p-ddock. — Decided th&b I the !au«l be reoommeuded am roterro for o -imping, police, and other parpoiou, Mr J. !:l, Chapman wrote that value put upon Kur»w tKiall gr«zlog ru&a ia •xoeitirn, end fthked for » ctntoment of Bame ; also, if the improvement, oongletlog of old and ilouou* feaorv, oan bo rednoed by s,rbitrfttion. — The Botrd agreed <h»t no Bltemtioß oould bo made in tbo ralnntion made by aeaoiaor appohitod to vilue improvemants. A n>9eting if creditors in the ai'ata of Peter Cook barn wm held in the Deputy Atiignto 1 * cfiioo ynsttrday. There were Drmunk Meiers W, B»o, Georj^o i^rootor, £1. Muroatt, Mou Mom, and A. Qi'ib*. Ia ooud» of exAtnluntlon, the bankrupt stated th«t ko had got into difficulties tbrongh eloknmta in bin t*miiy nod hurlos; •ndoruod a bill, for whioh Aftecwarda ho bconmo ro'poujlbls. Tho bill eventually oimo into tho barilla of Mr Moot, of Dunedln, who, having got judgoKßt, !ai,ued d judgment sammoßH, compel Hnt> tho bankrupt to Q. o, %1 t 809, oh beh-<lf(f 'ho bankrupt, off«rod the oredltori Sa in tho £, but Mr Moia duolloetl to toko \"»n thitn 10«. It v/nt t)ropo«o 6 -by Mr Glbb«, eeoondod by Mr Prooter, «nd oarrled, that the bankrupt be reoomtneudod to the Court for immediate di-«ohiirs!!» Tho firat meeting of oredltoro in the estate of Willl&m Btowart wm oal'od for yontorday tt 11 o'ol ok, but au the bitaUrupt did nou «<vtoad, ihe aix-ignes, {■< ordor to nE>n\ an opportunity of the baukiupt'ti ottcudlng, ndjournod tho mooting till the afternoon, t tho ndjourced mooting the following oiedltnre wui* preient ; Messrs MumpUr, X Qr.ive, uti'i A. Clarke, but Mill the bank, rapt wav absent. The partioul&rn ol thin flaao ftro : Tho bankrupt left tho diet riot about n fortnight ago, taking with him hi* available ssiotHi > n boarlug of his leaving, one <t tho ) argon t oieditoru fiitpa'ohed n b^ii ff to ceizo tbo aa^eU, After following tho bftukrupt for somo d»ys, be overtook him nt Anhburton, tout fonud that ho hud dUpoHod of nil hli naieto excepting two honoH and a waggon, The horses were aoizod by the bailiff, and handod over to &a Anh burton auctioneer for «ale. The bankrupt p) oed fcho waggon and harness n tho bauds of a nollohor, who depotiting them with &n auotloneer for tale, obtained an hdrauoo to m«et filing expeu^s, The ere ditori having oagnUaaae of them fsoti re<■otved: " That, ac tbo bankrupt failed to put in an appearanoo, and n« it was believed bo purpottiy kept ont of the way, the or«dltori d«tm it expedient that the Court be api>U«d io «nfoico his httoadftuc* for oxaminatloot" Mr D. Smart has eleven men men at work on tho contract for rcfl joring the Pnblio Hal) for the Columbia Skating lliuk Couipsoy. l'ho men have boon working tor two day B and nighti, ana on Tuesday night wero stopped for want of timber. h%tt uight, howevtr, the wor*c wa« prouaeding apace, and i be Hall will be ready for the ooeniug of the link on Tunday £onv 12,000 foot of bUok pino will be usod iv putMun d. wn thu new fl jor. AU thit hen teen brought from WtUlDtton, but tbe 7000 feSt requ>r«d for the •S.uddiojj bni been auppiiud by >:e«»ru M'Callnni and C'j. Id laying iho now flior ono of tbe oibmeit in the *peoi/}oat iona Oiovidei that no knotty timber* ihall be employed, venue many pleoss of the black have t>> bo diioarded, 'iho flwr whan iinikhtd will be an smooth a* fel">, and the oompauy are partljularly anxiuui that uo flaw* of any eort nhall appe»r, In ordor that skatero ih»ll hay* every Inducement to patro&Uo the link, oloak room*, ofJioo*, «to.. will to ii'tud up, end various > eonratloo»< aro being made to make the Pnb'io Hall as Qttrno'ive aa po ilble. ("aies of okato« and parephernalia have already arrived, aul tbo Columbia rikati q Hink Company auticlpsto ' * ouoociful teason Iv < amaru, AhoyoCUor, thy alterations now boiog made to the Public Hall will otleot oomiderable improve* muut oh iti intornal appearance, Mod it it) i Mid will alto improToltiKooaitio propirtiei*

A aor^toli mvoh will bo payed by »i«hjbe>"<>f lie Athletio Ku'jtbti (Jlub <m th« O d Ortokot Ground, «r. 2 30 thl* aftornom Iho eooonri flfcoo'i Ij mquf) '«d to turn oat BCrong in vlow of lih»» Zin^'iil-illuh'ooud

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North Otago Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 6632, 3 May 1888, Page 2

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THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1888. North Otago Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 6632, 3 May 1888, Page 2

THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1888. North Otago Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 6632, 3 May 1888, Page 2


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