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MEAT PRODUCERS BOARD !. r : ' r ' - • ■' •• ■' ' i.The New . Zealand,; Meat i^foodujsers, Hoard has received, t'he from ,its IjOhdon^^Bncl,'.dated ary (prices. fdri^^o\^v>JVißfeMaj(fe^hj>wi<: Island •sele^4icM»-.Mfef,jmtf maiden, e\fes %swsmsV 57/64; North AWSbi, 4zid) - j, 48/under 4•' .jtjM*;.(4 (® ; 7-8 d); > '* ! N.Z. lambs', .'-. N.Z. lambs,-. new, downs, selected' North 36/under 7 7-8 d (7 7-8d),:;' 57/42; : 81-8 d (8. l-8d); 2nd qualify,'; avei-ageC>32,: 7<f; 7d); other N.I. brands, Ist quality;. 1 36/under 7,5-8 d (7, 5-8 d).;. 37/4-2 7 7-8 d (7 -7-8 d); 2nd . -quaHtyy (6gdp': \ • lity,’36/Under ; 7d :(6 : 7-§d)'; .37/42 7 l-8d (i4)y V ' ,/'//. '"'i . ' r Argentine lambs,-36;/under' 6|d, (6£d); 37/42; • , ; ’ /N.Z. beef; ox fores’2|d'(2./3,8d) ; ox hinds,.•3>J?.4dr(3?lr4id) : 'v’''/ri ;: .:< ; wAtgentiTifc’chilled beet, 1 ox.fores 3d (3 3-8);.ox hirids:s!3-Bdi(6. l-8d). Australian frozen be.ef;- ox 'crops, (over loo'/217.8d v (23d); oX'hihds, ' (over 160-3 5-Bd-3id):; t. '•'. V : l • '• '■'■ ! ■ N;Z. -prime, porker: pigs; 60/80 61-4 d (6 tSd); iBl/100.6§d (5 : 5-66); 10i/120| .5; . N:iL baconer. pigs, ; 120/160-5Jd (53d)/ : All North ' island" damp /Iquptatiqns-, '.ne.w'seasoii’s.. 'i j., •••.•• . ! Lamb market-/Very fifth with g6od ; trade':'/all .-arrivals ' of ; - new /? seasoh’s '.going- iihm»3diatbly; iftt6 cohsuihp.-; /tkk,. './/t. • -.» “' '0 .’Muttqri. market: Y/ethcrs and' ewps: Prices againthigherrowjpg - to. short spot stocks. ' ftefef market :’vPirii}er’with slightly /higher prices'./ . . .s.;/../.,{/ Y.- : ’. -// .}. N.Z. Porker,, I !P)gff: if Fair trade’(with • prices slightly • higher, „ . j. . N.Z. baconer ; pigs : ■'Market,, steady and unchanged....... -/■ DAIRY PRODUCE BOARD ’’ • The- New - Zealand Dairy /•/Pi’odqce ■ BodrtL'hhs received 5 the v: : following mhr■ket report from its • Lond6n r -office dated ; 4tli 'jgiiuary, l l93s : r ■' " • j v- • Butter. —New' Zealarid-'- salted ■■.76s * to, 77s (74s 1 to 765).;V equals /approx. 8!7;7A 1 f.o.b. ; unsalted 77s to■ 78s (74s to 78s). Deliveries New Zealand (2,588 tons;. 1 in store New- Zealand '4,900 tons ; 'includes 833 tons Rangitiki. Australian/salted 75s to -76 s (74s to >7ss;' uhsnlted 77s' (75s to 765) lieliveries Australian 1.890 tons' In store'Australian 3,469 tons. Danish 98s f.0.b., ,12ps spot (100 s. 121 s to 1225). Market steady. Retails - unchanged, Danish : Is 2d, Is 3d. N.‘Z.' 9d, lOd. . . . • -/■- ’ '/i ;f Cheese. —N.Z, white 46s 6d, 47s (4;98d f.0.b.). (46s' to .475). . Coloured 47s, 5 ,47 s 6d (5.05 w 'f.o.b.) 46s to 47s):' Deliveries New Zealand 22,868 crates. In stqi'e New Zealand 76,29-2 crates, includes 1922 crates Waiwern. Austral ian white apd coloured 46s (45's- to '46s); Canadian i white ,55s to 58s r'.coloured ,58s. Deliv‘eries Canadian. 12,977 boxes. In store -Canadian 147,058 boxes. English.finest farmers-82s to 90s (82s to 90s). . Market quiet. , N<2k "retail price unchariged 6d.: ••• - ~ The Board has also received the, following advice from its agents in Canada: Butter, New, York, 32f ... cents, Montreal 2Ji .cents, , stocks , 42£6 to/is (last year 2487). ‘ Cheese gradings, for week, ended 29t ; h December, 29,198 cts. white;. 11,952 cts. coloured., . •/.■•r, The minimum f.o.b. prices, for .period from st,h until further notice remain unchanged, at: Butter.,, B|d,; II- per cent, commission (72s 2d c.i.f.e ; ). Cheese, sd, less 1£ - per cent. ' comfnission (44s c.i.fie.),, - - dairy produce MARKET f Messrs/Samuel Page and Son, Ltd., report under date- of the ,20th .November; .. .■/ ' ■/ ... ’ ."The fact that stands out most'during tlie past four weeks is the extremely high price of Danish . butter as\ compared with that of all other, kinds/ ; The premium this description obtains lias' always been a source of vexation to other countries, and this dissatisfaction must liave reached an acute, stage in the beginning of this -month, when - the premium' had attained ' -the/ extraordinary figure of 50s to 52s per cwt. ' It is always a matter for'the , most, strenuous ' endeavour bri the part of importers of Australian khdUkew/Zealand' butter and other -descriptions to/ke,ep the difference lift- values as small as'pbs’sible, but; the tradition in the ' No'rthferfi-/' Centres for Danish is of snch long 1 ; standing/a«d so ■deeply rooted that generally speakirigjit possible to i'rpm its j ■ advintageoTist'positibH.'v '■ This 5 yeki', in i addition to the nor.trial- priority given to/ Danish,, exceptional / conditions have, ruled .that have accentuated -the 'premium. But-it will v be found on in-. , vestigaiion that-these conditions, /are .pot; new, but are simply the old conditions in ait extreme degree',. / ;,./,' / (, ;(1 ; • The determining factor governing’ tneextent of the premium, ahtainable for;Danish.- over Australian and- Netv y Zea*; .laiid lias always beeii/that of 'the relative supply. ; As .; the • quantity . (nnh; Denmark becomes smaller, than that/of from ,the Coinmonwealth andthe Dominion, so the. premium for Dan-/ ish increases, -and vice versa, as it approximates, the prenuinh falls off,. That is, the wider./ difference ' this 1 year is chiefly due to the great increase s in the/ imports of - New Zealand and' Australian in 1934 as agaiirit 1933, when the Dan. -ish supplies./are oiily slightly largei, -with -the- that Danish this year; has been jri smaller volume in relation-

foX'the shipments fr'oni^!>t ! )ie.. Coi 11 mo ll - wealth and the. Domifflon. /.,.. . ,t -Apart low/pnces of all--descriptions in October, i-w-hen the general revel- was to did at length stimulate" deriiand, and for nearly, a fortnight steady business was -done/ values generally improved, and by fihV beginning of November they had , rjlen over 10s per cwt. all round. Dur'ilig the rise much of the stored butter whs disposed of (although some, was "dffcWt again withdrawn), 78s was aslced -fdr finest New Zealand and 77s for vAustralian, and it was difficult to se'Suferiny quantity even at these prices. JB'rif theii trade became quieter, and as .further supplies of new season’s became available, stored parcels again came on -the' market, and prices receded 3s per ’<!\Vt,-j'n the case of finest, and 5s in the ‘(iase'fof -‘first grade. ''■'fTlte-'position with regard to stocks is •iripre'/favourable, the estimated stock of butter in cold store at the week ending 10th November amounts to only 23,038 tohs as against 31,984 tons four (weeks. earlier, wiiich in turn was considerably less than the 'September figure, which stood at 49,486 tons. The total shipments ‘afloat from ' Australia, New ■Zealand: and : Argentine on the 15th of this month show' a decrease from those of' the corresponding date of last year, being 1,129,350 boxes against 1,204,940 boxes.

; Despite the fact that the stock of cheese at the beginning of the month was larger than for some years, i for a time most importers had very little New Zealand to offer, and as the demand remained constant for an appreciable time Values gradually rose until 55s was asked foe white and coloured, a higher leVel thnii had' been experienced for at least-twelve inoiiths. This price was paid exceptionally, but the generality of buyers were reluctant to follow the advance that far; preferring to work on ,tlie .stock secured previously ) and as ■further arrivals becanie available and .buyers:: continued' to hold aloof,: pres-.-sritfi' to/'sell-- iriefeased arid prices receded from the unexpected height previously jattained. During the period of small ;spcit' r offerings. business was recorded in forward skies at 46s c.i.f. and e., buyers doubtless being influenced by the grading "figures which in Septelnber were 457 tons arid in October 615 tons less than ■during the corresponding perjodd of 1933. • '

■ .-Curt-ent-quotations ai«,: — j '/Butt, ev— Danish, 118 s to 120 s; New Zealand finest grade, 755, ex. 765, stored 7}sp do >74s'/first grade 735, ex. 74s;.Aust.ralian ; choicest grade 745, first grade ;-72s to 735; Kenya Colony, 71s to 735; Baltic States, 70s to "74s'; Baltic States U/S 72s to 785,; ,Russian 70s to 725. - Cheese —Caiuidfari wlrite 54s to 555, coloured 54s to - 565; New Zealand Avhite 50s'to sls, colbured 50s. 1

Messrs Samuel Page and Son, Ltd., •report under date of tlie 3rd instant:— Butter—Market dull at present prices. Danish f.o.b. 98s to 100 s (100 s •f.0.b.); , N.Z. finest salted 86s to 77s (75)s;' Australian finest unsalted 77s (74s to 765), finest salted 76s (745); g.a.q., 72s to 74s (71s to 725). Cheese I —Market dull at present prices. N.Z. white 47s (45s to 465), coloured 47s (45s to*46s) ; ; spot price for Canadian white 545-to 56s (54s to 565) coloured 545, to-56s (545-to. 565). (Last week’s quotations shown in parentheses.) ; LONDON WOOL SALES ./■Messrs Dalgety and Coy.,- Ltd., porL;r,,:}Vpo|. markht fitih. At ,next sales opening 15th. January we expect merino prir to . 5 per) cent, higher. Crpssbred firm at unchanged prices, as compared \Vith closing rates of last series. y..,Foreign meat market Messrs, Leyin apd -C0.,, Ltd., have received tlie following cable from their London agents, dated 4th January, 1935: ■Z.Prpzen meat .quotations (prices on a < ‘p.eliV.ered , ? i basis, i.e., including storage,charges, cartage, market tolls, etc): -North Island down lambs, 28/361b, 8d; 36/4211) 8 l-Bd. Best North Island crossbred lambs, 28/3Glb 7 7-8 d; 3G/421b Bd. North Island second quality lambs, averiage 30/3Tlb‘ 7d.' Best North Island wether sheep, under 481 b 5 7-8 d; 48/sGlb 5 sjßd;•s j ßd;• 56/641b 5 3-8 d; G4/7211) s}d. North Island ewes, under 481 b 4 3 : 8d; 48/oGlb 4 l-8d; 56/.041b 3 7-8 d; G4/721b 3Jd. New Zealand prime ox beef, 160/2201b 2Jd. - ? Compared with last week's quotations, down lamb and best crossbred laihb l-8d per lb higher. Wethers per lb higher. Ewes l-8d per lb higher. Others unchanged. >

The .market is very, firm all round,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 7 January 1935, Page 10

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COMMEKCIAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 7 January 1935, Page 10

COMMEKCIAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 7 January 1935, Page 10


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