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Mr. T. M. Wilford, interviewed at Auckland, said that lis received a budget of wires by wireless and another was awaiting him at- Auckland. the general tenor of them advising him to walk warily until he investigated the political position. Five hundred miles on the i tlier side of Fiji lie received from a- personal friend a wireless message : "First Proverbs, and fifteenth— My son, walk not then in the way with them. Refrain thy foot from thenpaths." Mr. Wilford declined to say on which side of politics his friend is. "Mr. Wilfo.nd added that when he left New Zealand the Ward Government was in power. On his return he found an < i,tirely new Cabinet, and until acnuunited with the position lie intended to tai'e the advice of his friends and say nothing. He was a Liberal and always woulu bs. but. lie was not to be drawn j'.st now.

A clever and pointed definition of a Royal Commission was given by Mr W. D. Stewart at a gathering of High School old boys last night. He remarked that he would have to avoid displaying his ignorance of the subject of education lest he should be summoned before the Royal Commission on Education ; and he added by way of information, that a Royal Commission was a body that collected the consolidated ignorance of tha community at the expense of the consolidated revenue, and then published it in a bulky volume, which nobody read but everybody had to pay for. The sally was received with roars of laughter.

Givintr expert evidence in a case in the ■Magistrate's Court at Dunedin vesterd'iv. Mr Charles IJ~nrv Hnvwar-d. furniture maker, said that of the two timbers. birch and red nine, he had never .(known the borer to attack either of them when separate from white pine, hut 't was well-known that by contact the borer would.enter readilv anv timber. It was not correct to say that birch was .as subject to the borer as white pine. Birch, he added, was very much used in furniture-making.

Smartness and Warmth are combined in our Men's Overcoats. Buy one now. It will keep you cosy and you'll feel nroud to wear" it. We sell them for 21s. 30s. and 35s each. —Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.*

The Hon. J. A. Millar is to leave for Rotorua t.o-day, and the duration of his stay in that place is uncertain. Since he was in Christchurch a few days ago Mr Milhu- has had further medical advice. and his doctors have told him that in his present state of health any strain or excitement would be dangerous, and have insisted upon his at once taking a complete rest. Mr Millar has decided to olio- the doctors and will abstain from taking any active part in politics until his hea'th has sensibly improved. The date *if his return to Wellington would depend entirely upon the advice of his doctors. Although he is suffering an abnormal hlood-nressure. Mr Millar states that lie feels his general health to be excellent. He suffered no pain in losing qjrriif of his riirht ey. -Mid the vision of Ilis left eye is unimpaired. It is uncertain whether Mr Millar will lv* Jo attend fh" openmo- of Pa.liament at th" •end of this month.

Our for Bovs are all to the good ! Thev look smart, are well-made, mid weld keen vouv bov wnrm at the North Pole. Our prices are 10s 61 and 6rl —Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.*

jbis r°"dae" announcement in tprlnv'- issue M<\ P.. Johnston draws pnvticu l iv attention to his "Kincr of the P— d" Gig, and invited inspection thereon.*

The following steamer* will be within wireless range this o\-erill : —Moaua, Tainui, Uiimaroa, \\arrimoo, Wiinniei a. and Zeaiandiu.

'J'he vexed quest ion ''When is a person drunk V was referred to incidentally at the Licensing Court last Saturday (says tht: "~\\'akatipu -Mail"). One witness staled tliat. a ma.ii could be under the influence of liquor, but at the same time not be .7Tunk. Another witness contended that a drunken man could be told by his ""drearrv"' lace!

There was an excellent showing of flowers at the Allen and Blair Street market-s, Wellington, the other day. and some very good prices re warded the growers. Freesias sold at 6d to 8d per spray, jonquils and narcissi at 9d to Is per di//.un blooms, and violets Is to 2s per dozen bunches.

Everything will shortly be in order for the Auckland Exhibition Executive to applv to the (rONC-rnment tor leave to use t.he Outer Domain as the location oi the Exhibition.

A speak-er before the New York Y.M.C.A. declared recently that "truth should be proclaimed from a jam label as well as From the pulpit.''

The monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held in the Methodist Schoolroom to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

While digging the foundations for n hc'spital to be built at Neuchatel, the workmen lately discovered a beautiful vault built in bronze, which Swiss scientists state was constructed 600 years before the birth of Christ. In the. tomb was the skeleton of a young woman, whose bones were still in a natural position. On the wrists were six bracelets. four in bronze, and two in lignite, and near the skeleton was a. little liron/.e bell. Swiss archaeologists cannot at present account for such a discovery in Switzerland, and are continuing their investigations.

"One of the Victims" writes to the "Lyttoitcn Times" as follows:—I should like to draw your attention to the state of feeling that -exists amongst out senior cadets with regard to the women's blovi-o which they are forced to wear. It is no exaggeration to sav that there was nor a single young fellow that did not f'-e! thoroughly ashamed of his appearance at parade? on Monday. There were all sorts of schemes to hide their disgrace from the jeering taunts of the public, several young fellows wearing their plain coat until they reached the barracks, there changing into the blouse uniform. Why not turn cut in prison dress altogether by stamping two bread arrows on the place where the coat ought to be at the back? Even the sisters of the senior 'cadets av ill not -wear lilies'? mongrel blouses, so they are not useful, at home. If you want a boy to feel like a soldier, give him a military ec-at and not a blouse.

The open events for the Nelson Amateur Boxing Association's tournament next Friday have filled woll. and indications point to a very successful evening's sport. The chief interest will be centred in the special six round bouts between Nelson and Wesfcport and Millerton combined. Hunter will meet Senior. 'Dunn v. Calnan, Harris v. Hodgens, and Kroupa, v. Geckles. The local representatives are in active training, and it is expected thev will be able to hold their own against the visitors.

That the Turko-Italian war will continue for some considerable time is the opinion of Prince Gustav-s Dikran, of Albania, the leader of the recent Albanian revolution, who is visiting Auckland. "There are 7.C00.C00 Arabs to draw on,"' the Prince told an Auckland "Herald" interviewer, "and everyone of them will fight until death overtake:him." The Prrnce said that the religion of the Arabs compelled them to light, without monetary assistance, and thtir services were not causing any embarrassment to the country's wealth. On the other hand, .the war was costing Italy about a day. He added that, the Italian people wished to have peace declared, but he thought the end was in the far future.

Speaking in the Wellington Post Oflice triangle on Sunday afternoon, a Christchurch Socialist made an admission liardlv calculated to forward his cause among law-abiding people (says the "Dominion." He said that the action of the suffragettes at Home, in going jnto prison. was breaking down law and order, for the simple reason that if Lady Brown or Lady Smith went into gaol it took all the sting out of gaol as apunishment. At one time, not so vcrv lono- ago either, if a man had been to sraol, no matter what the offence against society was. he never liked to mention it. Wow, however, any of the Socialists in his town (Christchurch) were really ashamed of themselves if they had not bc'cn to gaol.

A comnlaint was received at the meetin" of the Canterbury Automobile Association, regarding the practice of a certain drapery firm in throwing nails fi'om unpacked cases on to the roadway. The writer of the letter in which the complaint was set out-, enclosed as exhibits a collection of nails he had nicked up ; u the localitv. * The committee decided to communicate with the firm in question on the matter.

Dress your Boy smartly ! Buy him a Cowboy tiuits from us. They are the most Stylish Suits for Boys out, and thev wear like leather. Ail to go at 7s lid, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, and 14s 6d each.— Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co-.*

A German Ims just had a surprisingly disagreeable experience of the dracome severity with which the emigrant law is administered in the United He settled in New York two years ago with his wife and family, and was earning an honest living as a workman. A few weeks ago, when returning from work, he was arrested, taken to Llhs Island, and shipped back to Germany on the mxt steamer. It seems that.the man committed a robbery some years ago in Germany, and was punished for his crime bv a fairly long term of imprisonment. After leaving orison he managed to get work in Berlin, married, and linally emigrated. Two years after his arrival the American police received, a letter infonninir them that the man Had been a criminal. They made inquiries, and having discovered _ that the information v.-as correct, without further ado, acting on the strict letter of the law, arrested their victim and deported h'm His wife ;l nd familv have been lelt in New York to shift for themselves.

A Bit' Peal in Boxed Suits! We've ]list secured another lot ot Men's Boxeo Suits. Thev are smartly cut. well-made: and the materials are splendid ; 30s 40s and 50j will clear them.—Auck.and Clothing and Drap**v Co.* For comfort and Sgnre elegance the Corset wo most strongly recommend is Warner's Bust-proof No. 601, at. 8/11.* Koslyn Football Jerseys are the best.* Try the Roslyn Writing Tablets, containing 100 sheets superior paper, with artistic picture of Rotorua and twohandsome women, with useful calendar for 1912. 6d to Is each, from all storekeepers.

Mr. MeF.wan, manager Funonga. Mine, reports good development, clcnVK 'bright, hard cnnl. improved output pending, and rpler.did (coal. There are four stea-mei'S and one scow loading this week.*

At the request of 'the labour unions, .Mr /iuikil'o, M.l'., recently comtituinca ted with tiie lion. Mr v_;olvin, Minister (if Mines, pointing mil the ueecl i(.r Hie establishment of a State coal depot m j\etson. A reply lias been received by the member to the effect that tlu: Department cannot see its way to establish a depot 111 Nelson; but that oil application local dealers would be supplied with'coal at the lowest price.

The YVest.port papers state that the recent visit or -Mr. K. T. Sadd, Commissioner o! l.'rown Lands, to that- town was id hoid an inquiry into alleged irregularities iu the local Land Oliico.

A meeting of the Nelson Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Jtoonis, Ha 1 dy-stre:' 1, this evening.

-Mr \Y. (iihhs, agent for the Paigo»Dotroit and Nyberg motor ears, is at pretst>lll, paying one of his periodical v:w>its to Nelson, and will remain here a few da vs.

There is a good deal of .sweater and defaced coin in local circulation just now, says a Napier exchange, and it would be just as well if the banks v were to Jiave a cleaning-lip.

'Die stone-crusher which recently arrived to the order of the Nelson City Council, has been pieced together by the Anchor Foundry and taken to the Maitai quarry, where it will be put in commission.

Tt was stated at a recent meeting of the 'Court of Common Council, City of London, that the approximate annual value of the shrimps sold in London on Sundays was £513,000. A proposal to prohibit the sale of shrimps in Billingsgate market on Sundays was again referred to a committee for, consideration, a deputation of fishermen, o.vstermongers and shrimp dealers asking that the prohibition should not be made.

Tlii! Prime Minister (Uie Hon. T. Mac-k-en v.: o) has written to Mr Atmore, M.P., infirrniinsr him that the request that phot'.?<>rnph albums should be placed in the ,Nelson Tourist Bureau olfice will l;-e acceded to. and that instructions have been given for albums to be prepared, which will bo sent to Nelson as soon as read v.

The business transacted at the Magistrate's Court this morning was heard before Messrs W. Lock and B. H. Moller, •J.'sP. The only cases dealt with were one of obscene language and of drunkenness preferred against a sailor named Thos. Gordon. Constables Berthelson and MoGmeor gave evideiWa as to tho use of the language complained of, which occurred on Saturday night, stating that accused was drunk, at the time. On the charge of drunkenness a conviction only was recorded; but a fine of £2. costs 7s. or seven days' ,vvaa imposed with respect to the charge of obscere language. Sergt. Mullany i conducted the prosecution. and accused, who elected tcv be dealt with summarily, was unrepresented by counsel, and pleaded guilty to both counts. ;

Richmond residents, will be pleased to learn that the Hon. H. G. Ell, Post-master-General, has informed Mr Atmore, M.P., that the Government ai'e prepared to purchase a strip of land for an entrances to' the Post Office as*oon as the vendor is ready to sell.

The stock salesmen doing business in the Sounds, D'XTrville Island, French Prs3 and Croixelles district, insert <a notification in this, issue that after Ist July next the rate of commission on private* sales of sheep and lambs in these, districts will be 35 per cent, instead of 2\ per cent., as heretofore. This increased' rate has been found necessary on account of the heavy expense of working these districts bv sea. The rate of commission on stock forwarded for regular yard sales wil: remain as formerly.

The cost of artificial teeth can bo discovered by application to any dentist, ■ but what is the price of Nature's orisrinnls? An American jury has lately had the (duty of making a fair estimate. An.insiir.anco agent, when about to board a Brooklyn tramcar, was struck and knocked down by a car tioing in the opposite direction. The blow throw him several feet. and he fell on his face in such o way an to knock eight good teeth out of his head. He brought an action np-ainst the tram romtiany, claiming £rGC'O .dani.TjrT. The jury gave him a verdict of £24oo—that is to say, £3OO a teeth.

Wh'3ii the Hon. PI. ft. Ell, PostmasterGenera!, was in Nelson recently, Mr. Atmore. M.P.. brought under his notice the question of establishing- in Nelson slot telephones, and machines for the sale of stamps. Mr." Ell has now informed .Mr. Atmore that, a veoorfc has bseri called for ; but that the difficulty is at present that the machines cannot be manufactured fast enough to keen nace with the demand. In all probability, however, slot telephone machines would bo sent to Netis soon as a .supply was ready. Mr. Ell has given a promise to erect ut stamp nn chine nt the Post 'Oflice as soor. as possible. These machines have -proved -a grent convenience in other towns, the mode of working being to put a penny in tli" slot, wh?n t a stamp will protrude and' can be easuy torn off from the perforated edge. Mr. Atmore is endeavouring to hnvo slot- telephones placed at the o'd Post Oflice, in the Wood, and in the vicinity of Wnimea-rond. At the present time, only subscribers are supposed to use the telephone service, but with tho introduction cf the new system any person. for the sum of 2d. can have access to the service for three minutes.

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Bibliographic details

Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 10 June 1912, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 10 June 1912, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 10 June 1912, Page 4


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