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j$ :i „X litv \ Xyoml^x^ ANNOUNCEMENT. STOCK SALE (AT MOTUEKA VALLEY. MESSRS BI=LEY BROS & CO. have received instructions to sell by Publio Auotion, On TUESDAY, 24th October, At Wright's Terry Eotel, Motueka Valky, Pertona having steck for ealo are requested to eend in partioulare as early aB p ssib'e. BISLEY E3OS, & CO., Auctior ears. STOCK SALE AT RICHMOND ON WEDNESDAY, 25th October. MESSRS BISLEY BROS. & CO. will ho d on Auction Sale of Stock at tbeir Railway S tie Yards at 2*30 o'ebek, | 60 ?nt Shfep I 100 Crcssbrei Stores 10 head m xed Ca'tle Owners of stook are requested to send in fall partionlars ai early as possible. BISLEY BROS. & CO., Auctkneora. FREEHOLD PROPERTY WAKEFIELD. MESSRS BISLtY BROS. & CO. have reoeived inetraotiona from MR .E. GILBERT to sell by Private Tieaty, his oompBOtFABM, situated at Wakefield, oontaining 12 Acres good agricultural Land, together with a well furnished reoently built DWELLING HOUSE, containing 8 rooms, 4 of wbioh are 14 ft rqußre by 12 ft high. Waeh House. Water laid on to Kitchen. Also, Stable, Ooaoh House, and other Outbuildings Half an Aore in Orohard, Puait.r Aore Kitohen Garden. Boundary fenoed witb live Fenoes, and sub-divided with wire and paling, Tbis very desirable Property, whioh adoins Mr W. WadßWorth's is well adapted for Dairying or Poultry Farming, and is more particularly so fo.* the oulture oi top-i or Fruit, the soil beiog a rich loam, and i situated on tbe main road within a convenient distance of oburohes, sohool, and ''ores. BISLEY IJHOS. & CO., Avictionerrs. FOR SALE. A BARGAIN. THE well-known DUN MOUNTAIN TRAMWAY, established for over 80 years nnder " The Dun Mountain Rai way Ao k , 1861," with all the Estate Rights and interest of whatsoever kind therein oontained. Tba line is about 1£ mileß in length, from the western Eide of Trafalgar-Btreet along Hardy and Waimea-streats and Haven Road to tbe Port of Neleon, and is oonduoted witb two oonvenient and comfortable Tram Cars, Owner retiring on account of ill health, Tbe attention of tbe public is particularly directed to tbe above Property, wbioh affords a remarkably eound investment, The line baß always been a private one, and its value will be considerably enhanoed by tbe opening of the Rooks Roar). Further particulars may bo obtained from BISLEY BROS. & CO., V.iniu cc THE FARMERS' SALE YARDS, Adjoining the Exchange Auotion Rooms and the new Farmers' Sale Rooms, Hardy-st., Ne'son, MESSRS BISLEY BROS. & CO. will hold every ALTERNATE SATURDAY, STOCK SALES At the above Yards ot SHEEP, RAMS HORSES, COWS, PIGS, OALVES, POULTRY of all kinds; Traps, Diays, Farm Implements, &o. Convenient Yards, Pens, and Ooops now ereoted. (aT Early Eentries for these Sales are requested, Sale to commence at Noon sharp. COUNTEY SALE . RICHMOND YARDS WEDNESDAY. ?sik Oct., at 2*30. WEDNESDAY, 29th Nov., at 2-30 MOTUEKA" VALLEY YARDS. TUESDAY, 24th Oct. WEDNESDAY, 13th D 9 \ „ 7th Fcl., 1894. T A K~A K A, AT REILLY'S YARDS. WEDNESDAY. „ 20th D. c. „ Mtb Feb, 1894. . WEDNESDAY, 27th Dec,, at 2-30 UPPER TAKAKA, AT BATES'S YARDS. THURSDAY, 2 st December, THURSDAY, ld.h February Persons having Stock enter for any of the above Sales are invited to forward full particulars as early bb possible, so as to give time for advertising fully, and tbus get buyers. Tbe Auctioneers do not purchase Btcck, but will simply aot as salesmen for tbe full interest of owners OASH ADVANES made against Stook or Bale by anotion or otberwiee. BIbLEY BRO '. & CO., Auctioneer?, FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. ()f\ TONS Timaru Milling Cornel/ pacy's ROLLER *LOURj in or oOibs, eacke. BISLEY BROS. & CO., Auctioneer?. TO LET OR FOR SALE rpWO BRICK HOUSES, situate in X Waimea and Ezaminer-Etreets, aud having every convenience. For particulars apply to BISLEY BROS. & CO., Auctioneers, MESSRS BISLEY BROS. & CO. bave the LAUGE! T and BEST STOCK OP f ÜBNITURE, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, and GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS SHOWROOM UPSTAIRS. We invite tho general public to lnepfct our stock and compare prices with an; hou to io tbe Ciiy,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVII, Issue 239, 10 October 1893, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVII, Issue 239, 10 October 1893, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVII, Issue 239, 10 October 1893, Page 3