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To |pB Ratepi|ers of tlie €it^ bt S'S|l;S|si®JP^®^SS^M citizens,! have been'induced to allow; myself: r. .- i^^^^Bl^^^^gs^^2PJe again to ibe^nominatea: for the office of s^-; a^i r0U g v O 'f Mayor, althobgh had I consulted my own T-- y :.-:--\^:>v^^:m^:mm&^^ private interests in theater I should not : _- _:^tS/<tsq>w Hii^&^&^ have done bo, of Mr J. R. .pOQbQ^i.i» v Uft^ffifl^^: . During theiour years I.have had the^honor .-.. . ■ .•:•:.•.■■■ ;- ; - .; '". W'^k^o--i?^^xkM of serving you.l have had but one lobjecfc m : o f MAYOB 6f NELSON isintiitt^S view— namely, to do my best for the welfare -„ « - : ._..■ -„,.; : ; ,;v . r,?g;p%igg^B of the cify. ify idea- ha-B^lwajs been to „ .-v ■"•,,■ :■;<.;• ;.:^ .^- :•■ -^SS;M| work the finances like those of any properly the JLEMPERANCE .UJ^Jj,--^JL^a-^jy^^ conducted firm with the strictest economy .. a ; '--■■■■":V-.^. : W^^^^ consistent with efficiency. - ;^ , / ..-. / (F R I?r) :^ T ) E :^Bi^(^; ? a)iß«i I have used every effort to render the \ / ;■-"-:■ =■ r. :'■*"■ i&Wk^ burden of Local Taxation as light as possible, "?>''••• : ; >/; . ;B'r%iV;K andl hare the pleasure and satisfaction. of p.m. ■.."••^.. ■ "^ . ■■■, \? ?; -.'■^^" ;^;*-;^ Jcnowingwthat my efiorta. in that ...direction, „r . ,; „. „o . .;: . ; :»: ;!,:;:; u ,;C>^at^ have been successfal. , " . " j£ ' LEVIEN'" ''"'•■" -"^" :? • """■^ ! Within 'the last two/years the;pride of Gas ■' •_-: ■-■},: :,;..• / -'.^ (psrticularly for cooking' purposes), and /ittatjt^^w^'^'''''^ Water have been greatly reduced, which has, ; . ; bxIARJuES-X.^ /FJ^LL.i. ; v " been a great boon to. the': public. If*- -I jam.. 8556«— 2 ■'- -'.■-:■-•"■■':. ;■., "{'•-^v"vr^'''?C-.-?:-''^:^V; again elected, I sVll use my best endeavburs - " ' ;■. .-../.■.-•.> :,-iv> ;> ." ? v,-^^ : .^;.^^^.-^ to effect a further' reduction in "'ihe same >^OPlFS©rthe CBNTENARY-NPMBBRy - direction. ' ; ,- ~ ; ■:'•■•■'*','■: . ;■>/*■ \j of CHURCH MESS LSA?GJB«|ni»3^ :, ! I Bbail 1 advpcate the building of the "new now be hid of the iJioaMAK._Sid»OTAB*,;;L.-,- t bridge in _Qolljngwood-street as : soon as pos- Bisbop ? s Cottage, Selwyp;Pla^^Kelppn*;-.. ; v^;^.j> sible a 9 proposed at the last meeting of the ; ' '- " ''■' ■—■>-^ ■■'>'—;'• '■'.^'^■■•- "j : ' rf -;:t'"' Gouhcil. "'-■-:.. rcnn/NT 1 t" "UTArnT/iTT ~ ' ' ii shall not make a personal canvass as SPElll A-I j^ NO I KM^ » lam well known to you aH after a residence , : U J. IJVI^IJ .Xr : UXay^» -r -;, ;• ; , of "twenty-six years in the city, but if you : .. ■•:-r~ ! J .-,^ ":**./^'^ '-'7 "-'.-..- --think my conduct arid past services have : - '^ T?TwffTr^fT7 .'.";•', :;ii been such aa to entitle me to yoUt future i \^J2i^ U l^N^p *-;;*. j= „ cpnfidencel shall feel myself greatly honored, +** 'X_„• „_ X- "l<« ! i, C?A 1 W *"' and shall continue to do.' as I always have OlCa/rlllg-OUTi OcLL6» done, the best in my* power for the general ' x : ' ' •■-'■-'■ ";: ■--" : _ < . /ylJ'J^P';-'^' .'■': welfare of the city. * ■-■'- ■''':,-. ' „.,■..■,.. T mm v' > '^>'"^^ l j i : : '-i'i}:£j-; : . J. R. DODSON. i J B •'customers; '.-and; the vgeneral ? 1 Claremont House, Hardy-Btreet. - = "^public for tlie 'lib'eraV support , j Noyember 19^ 1880 v . ■ -.- _ . accorded 'ti : : t)SAS ! PEAS ! !-Three Sacks; Garden years, and dnj consequence of ithe mr I ; JL PEAS GIVEN AW AY TO-MORROW 1 creasing export trade for his NELSON . '•>"' r At LAWBENCE'S. he has resolved'to RE£^r|^H:^ : FOR AW: ProdW Trade carried on by : ! jL^ksk. rf HE Bs--'• ■ ' - '•• j ••■*•. Bai^^o^^^ ; - j ■• WAKATU r o&rad^:invih^:'f^^^-^^ay -' . j For Freight, &c.,apply c to , . . . Sl ,' ;.'.... i 0L E A E^E I) 0 ;.U; T. \r, ■'■■■■■ ] ,;' JAMES Sr.CROSS, Jun., ~ j ■■■• '^: > ;-—•- r;^-;^"-- :- : ?s ? g , -• Agent. (GJenetalHouse^bld Drapery • *• F0 R SALE. •Fanoy^DressMateariai u: ;^; ■ — — ■ -- • jPbmpadoiir^Sajtiii; Glbtli^ ; ; ..-;■ :> K^\ SHAKES; National Bank 6f : K«#> pPrintS,--Lilßir<BS,-v|3at|aß,vSl^ i . . .- : ;^"^iiAKPER, ■■•;-. i ; p^er :Mi^:co|sr:-, . ; - '-■••■ •' ■ Trafalgar-street.'" j'. ■'-' '- ; ; ■';■ .... ■"/ -•' : ;.,-i- ■.-•'• -*-•;■ ; September 18, \tfp. /-~ , 3580-6 jghEAPEST LINES I eter; p^erelinr- ; i APPLibAtidN. for patent. I' v- ;^:?f^^r^i" j ''F:^ PATEN^r.FOB AN iNVENffIQN FOB E IDG^ j Printed MO^S^TweMfc -■'> V:jI iktf and" Stotjting Cress Hand j Straw^R]O^aad:Peltaaats 1 „ P ies,- . .... .....,,.-,,-.,. \:, T f \ ;,,. Slilrts^Gpllai^/j^s:^y;.% ! ' -." B* AaiuEL ;pi^KßK. pf Auckia^has i -,Braces,3el^;vHipsi^rys ; _depiMitei at tbis Office a , Speciflcatibn/' ; ?.= &C/» &O. " *' ' - : ,' t . pfthe 1 said Invertion, and I -;have ap.p6ihted j .- '.-- ■_ ..-, ■ . .: .; .. „ . .•_■.' '..-.'".'-'. Friday; the' Eleventh : day^of March next^st 1 „ ■ •, •.-.'. •;■■..... „, J -C ; o'clock, Noon, at thfs Office, to hear ; j „.. „' .. A', '■''" : ; j.''t:':' J i''~\ 1 the eaid application; and all ol jectiops there- f^^ ~j—\ /~\ f">i xri "ll^ Tlf TT'i^^N : > to, and I require all persons having an inter- 4jy ryC / i^j JJJ JZ\j JI J2^ ks^ pst in opposing the grant pf ;) such- Letters .{ , 7 , i .,,J-- ; : «f «irifyH-V^ '-^ : latent, to deave, on or. before .the Seventh S, ; .-■.-• ; ; ;' 01 -? l^^ W :^,:/" ' v ; ii ay pf March next, at thir Office, particulars j . ..' '! ' '• >'->'. --; '* ;: . : :. Hj -V f - -■: in writioig -.of^tueir oi jßctianß to the *m j E^tiienWar^-MiiiaVQiass,:;/ £^S?he e S - ywj BrusH and Hardware; ": " ,<rom urging the same. . . JMeCtrO-plated^ FailC^ QOO^n ; '■ .--, .' 'patent officer.;: [• in great variety^ ? Patent Office, Wellington, . : I a t Less than Wholesale' Prices. 16th November, 1880. .3473 I APPLICATION FOR PATENT. \ J.^ "■' - AH V'_^ A; ; j 500 dozen TumWersJA.Mr: Patent for "ah Intention fob i. nja^Jactured, by, self last Bfmk ; Improved Ridging. i y at ;Wd ' ? er T ™&^- - 3 £* -.^ «.;.x;-_ SAMUEL PARKER, of Auckland, has de ? * , A „, V • • V '«" posited' at this Office, a Specificatton bf< ! Poultry, and all *Kinaapi?X'rof ;the Bai.d Invention, and I have appointed | dufee -JtaJten'-TdSiSVltlPAt^r-^H--"'-' iPriday.'the elerenth day of March next/at 12 I •'. . ' : :VtiotiGfl r s?-v - : ;--^ '■-./■ io'clocknoon, at this Office, to hear the aaid i ;;. ■' -"^"^V^* •■ -y- /■---;.■ --,: ';-v- - '■-; ; _-■■ . Application.; and all o>j actions thereto, and I , _. _ xA r i' 11 i A^TrvTrfiaI require all person* havmi an interest in op- { W,?. requests ? that all ACCOUNTS "• I po. ing the grant of .fcnchjLetterji Patent, to j due to im be SETTLED on or before* 1 leaye or or be/ore the Seventh dsy of March j -t-"' : "' iooi ' tt > v !n<xt, at tbis. Office, particulars in writing jot -the 3rd of January^ 1881.- Hours pt > Itheiro^jections to the wW application otheW (business from 8 aim^to 8 t^m. il ; / ,r',:?-:-'wiie they will be precluded from urging tho ; I ;^:/ } .^ : ; jame. ... ■■ - "'■■■'■':■-. -'■ ■ •■. .;',,.. T ."; P- ? : -(' < . : |:- ■'-•'... i Patent Office, Wellington^ :. i -r -;"r^;; ■+ v^" ;«^- I 16th November, 1880.. . 3574 [ j r ,^AIMEArSTJ^EI^T,^^J^ELSONVr;^:^ \v FAMILY Bl^l^^^^)|E|OTSE^-^^^^^ ! h -»Beyfi? and 5 B«^ "f^ !.:,>«,■.■ .: , ; m V THE BEST! Y'^ •S^'*^ : 1 TROWSERS and vfcsfs'TO MATfe /' ?H>^ : : j ■ ;;• MEN'£ andioirS' BL^(^OLOOfH|SIJIISr r "■} \ ..' i MEN'S BLACK CLOTH iJA&Ei; in^SACPcqITS/ f?^ S l ;' ; ! - Single and-Doiible^'Breastedi -> 7r; "• K'jL^j;4 :: I H ;MENW . QQ4-TS ; of ; " XWJEED at yariptis prices; :'2' !• H ; ■ Ir , .■ . » ■■-...■ "-'-.- "\ 'fa'shionaDly cut ajnd well made. ,;.: . " " K J--i" ' ' W "'[ BLACK and BLUE ELASTIC SERGE;COAf Sinewy J^§J ; ■■. HSI :■■ . , patterns— iE^agets^ | Ll.B.,i and. |he.!Tip^i>iai^ftCi.^->-^ : "f^ -"^-rj^"'-"^" " ■■'"^ i ':, i BLACK ALPACA FROGK^^^.'si^CcffirS^ •.-■ FRENCH -MERINO, RUSSELL CORD/aiuT H^V I tv BRO\VN HOLIjAND. COATS: 5p :: 1 31? • ! ' '■•;:;.- CHINA/ SILK t)UST;rfOATSi? :lS^ v l ; w . CRICKETING TCOWSERS; andoSHIRTS^" ii a MfEj ■ ! ri WHITE and' COLORED MOLES^feIDING PANTS, ! -|^? ["":-;; ••-'••■ '■ ■"- -•■-■••■■'.•:.■..-'■ &c, &q., &c. ..- : ■■•■ .•■ ; -: :^ ::■':■•••:. ',3; ; M-■ ' - • -; ;TRAFALGAjR-STREET^: n ;:; ;^ :M \ / :MANTt# AND .DEE^|y^^ '% j NOWvQPENi|[&, .ex" Cuzco]^^,4c^g^^^ ever offered to Aim rN ew Zealand! piiblic; personal superintendence of puriEngli^pu^er^chm|^ English

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XV, Issue XV, 19 November 1880, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XV, Issue XV, 19 November 1880, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XV, Issue XV, 19 November 1880, Page 2


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