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The first annual general meeting of the Whangarei Y.W.C.A. took place in the supper-room of the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, the president, Mrs J. S. Dent, presiding over an attendance of the following members: —Mcsdames McLean, Reed, Tomlin, Brake, Hanlon, Simpson, Lochore, Sissons, Beere, Steadman, McKay, Holmes, Bedlington, Harington, Hertz, and N. Mackenzie; Misses Macken, Ward, Downs, Harrison, Roscoe, Storey Baker, Holmes, Wrack, McKinnon and Mangham; and Mesdames Pope ■(treasurer) and Ormiston (secretary).

In accordance with the rules'of the society the meeting was opened by prayer offered by the Rev. G. W. Lochore, after which the secretary read the minutes- of the inaugural meeting. On the motion of Mrs Hanlon, seconded by Mrs McKay, the minutes were confinned without discussion. SECRETARY'S REPORT.

The following annual report for the .year was Tead by the secretary:— General Administration.—ln presetting our first annual report of ,the "Whangarei Young Women's Christian Association we would sound a note of hope. Our work is still in its infancy, it was born only a year ago, but we have gained useful experience, have worked harmoniously together, and in :spite of financial difficulties feel that our work is really useful to the community. We come to the end of the yeaT with a full house, 18 permanent boarders and two casuals having been our largest number accomimodatcd at one time, and a membership to date of 140.

We have been fortunate in having as •our first president Mrs Dent, to whom our grateful thanks are due for her unfailing interest in all that has been attempted, and for her business ability ■and commonsense so ungrudgingly used for the benefit of the board. We wish • also specially to thank our treasurer, Mrs Pope, for her very great help both financial and personal, whicih has been ran inspiration rio so many. It will be remembered that the idea of establishing a hostel was first brought forward in April 1920, when the Mayoress, Mrs Dent, in consequence of a letter from Miss I. Watkins, delegate for the British Oversea Settlement Mission, called a public meeting. So one of the ideas in the establishment of our hostel was that it should provide a •temporary home for British women coming to this country, until they -should obtain suitable employment. It was also felt ; that owing to the shortage of 'housing accommodation it was desirable that a suitable home should (be provided at reasonable terms for girls ;away from their own homes at work or .at £chooL Oii the proposal of Mrs Holmes, .seconded by Mrs Hanlon, the full resolution was adopted, on April 7, 1920, by a representative meeting:— 11 That this meeting approves the suggestion to establish a hostel in Whangarei to be affiliated with the Auckland Y.W.C.A."

Or. August 6, Mrs Dickinson and Miss 'Griffin, of the Auckland Y.W.C.A., addressed over fifty ladies and also outlined a scheme to a number of .business men at a specially convened meeting. "Upon a subsequent date, at a meeting presided over by the Mayor, Mr J. S. Dent, it was agreed 'that the property of the late Dr. Hall should be purchased as a Y.W.C.A. hostel for the :sum of £5500. Messrs J. Harrison, ;senr., T. L. Drummond, W. A. Carruth, T. H. Steadman, J. J. Fraser, H. C. JKishworth, W. U. Timewell and Hugh ~W. Crawford became guarantors to the .Bar.ic of New Zealand, for any sum up to £2000, and Messrs Steadiman, Drum:mond and Crawford arranged the transfer of the property on the following ""terras: —£500 down, £1500 on November 11th, 1920, and the balance, £3500, on mortgage at 6 per cent, for four years. -A campaign was then started to canvass the town for subscriptions, Mr 'Crawford acting as secretary. The •canvass resulted in a sram of over .-£2OOO being raised.

At a meeting held on October 20, 1920, at which Miss Birch, National Field Secretary Y.W.C.A., was present, the Y.W.C.A. constitution was formally adopted and on the proposal of Miss Birch, seconded by Mrs Dent, it was decided to affiliate witJh the National Board. On October 27, at a meeting presided over by Miss Birch, Mrs Dent was elected president for the year, on the proposal of Mrs Pope, seconded by Mrs Steadman. Mrs Pope was elected first vice-president, and Mrs Wharfe second vice-president. The following ladies were elected on the Board of Directors:—For three years —Mesdamcs Dent, McGregor, Pope, Peat, .Steadman and Wharfe; for two years—Mesdmncs Carruth, Hanlon, Bust and Levien; and for one year, Mesdames Harington,

Jbni-s and Onmiston. Miss Downs was elcctf d recording honorary secretary for the year, and Miss Mangham honorary treasurer. During theyear various changes have been made in the personnel of tho board. We have been sorry to lose Mrs Carruth, Mrs Ramsay, Mrs McGregor and Mrs Levien, and have been glad to welcome Mrs Brake, senr., Mrs Cutforth and Mrs J. McKay. On the resignation of Miss Mangham, Mrs Popeconsented to become treasurer. Owing to the illness of Miss Downs the recording secretary's duties have been temporarily undertaken by Mrs Ormiston, since July 13, 1921. There were live committees formed:—Executive, con-, sisting of the Finance Committee, the I president and secretary; finance, hostel, membership and recreation. Tho president, Mrs Pope, and the treasurer were authorised to sign dheques, and Mr A. Marshall was appointed honorary auditor. Or. November 15, at a special meeting of the board of directors convened to r*ieet the guarantors, it was proposed by Mrs Dent, seconded by Mrs Hanlon, ana carried by the meeting:—''This meeting of the Y.W.C.A., Whangarei Incorporated, agrees to accept the conveyance of the late Dr. Hall's property on tlbe condition that a second 'mortgage be given the guarantors to secure the amount of their guarantee at the Bank of New Zealand, Whangarei, to the extent of their liability, and further that they agree to consult the guarantors in the event of any public sale on disposal of the property."

Secretarial.—As our first hostel secretary we were fortunate in securing Miss Roughton, who came to us on the recommendation of the National Field Committee. Miss Roughton gave the board most valuajble assistance in the furnishing and starting of the hostel, throwing all her energies and influence into the work. On her leaving us to become secretary of the New Plymouth hostel we were again fortunate in obtaining the services of Miiss Preston for three months, pending the appointment of a permanent secretary. Miss Preston is an English lady of wide experience and she has been able to suggest various ways of increasing interest in our work and has addressed meetings in country districts. We wish to tender her our hearty thanks and good wishes in her future career.

Activities.—Hostel: The liostel was formally opened on December 15, at 3 p.m.. but was actually in use immediately upon and even before Miss Roughton's arrival. So great had been the demand for suitable accommodation for girls that four were already hashing in -the new premises when the first secretary arrived; even while the necessary alterations were being carried out the number steadily increased. Amongst others the hostel has been of distinct value to the teachers who sit for examinations in January, and indeed to all teachers, to girls attending the High School, saleswoman, shop

assistants, clerks and business girls, etc. The full number thajt can be accommodated now is 18, and arrangements have been made to bring this number up to 20 during the summer months. In all 59 persons have been accommodated for longer or shorter periods, of which number 15 have been casual visitors. Of the casual visitors ithc hostel has been of use to such persons as organisers rnd speakers for societies and ordinary travellers, both girls and married women. Warm letters of appreciation have been received by the secretary showing the value of the hostel to women forced to remain in or travelling through a township of the size of Whangarei.

Hostel Committee.—The hostel committee, under the 'chairmanship of Mrs Hanlon, undertook the furnishing of the building which is now completed. That done, the committee has ceased to .meet and the general board now transacts the business. During the year various improvements have been made in the house and grounds, the outbuildings have been brought close to the main building and turned into double bedrooms, a gas stove, bath and basin have been installed, a piano has been purchased, a light has been placed in tb • entrance to the grounds, the tennis court has been put in order, and the fruit trees replenished. The whole now forms a very pleasant home and one very much appreciated !by i'he girls, who show a, very happy spirit :ji tho house. Recreation Committee.—The recreation committee has been active, and by means of special efforts has put the tenrk court in order, laid the asphalt, wired the outside of the court, and bought a net. The whole is now on a self-supporting basis and (the court is in almost constant use. During the winter months a literary circle was held by Mrs Briggs.

Membership Committee.—This committee is glad to report a membership to date of 140, but hopes for a large increase both in the sustaining, active and junior members. Since the beginning, the board has been wishfail to make the hostel useful as a community centre and we have now arranged to servo tea on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons to any women to whom it may be convenient to have a place in which to rest. We hope in .this way to interest and benefit an increasing number of women and girls. The aims and objects are—To unite young women in personal loyalty to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, to promote growth of Christian character and service through spiritual, physical, social and mental training; and to become a social force in the extension of the Kingdom of God.

Members up <to date are: —Sustaining, 12; senior, 103; girls, 25; making a total of 140 members.

Social Events. —The fete in the hiostel grounds held on April 7 was extended over the Bth "and 9th. The weather was very unsettled, but £64 6s

•. 8d v;as added to the funds. A gift - auction in July arranged iby Messrs s Dyer, Thompson, Menzies and Jqcli xer suited in £23 15s being raised. ' ,l i A function was hekl on the opening 1 day of the tennis court when flowers i and sweets were .sold for the benefit of . the club. Special efforts for ,the rej creation committee have been made by . Miss Holmes and Mrs McKay. There was a very successful meeting . in the supper-room of the Town Hall on . August 1, over 70 persons being pre- . sent. The occasion was a public farci well to Miss Bought on who held the position of secretary to the hostel for eight months. Miss Preston, the new secretary, was also welcomed. The great public event in the history of the hostel was the visit of the Governor, Lord Jellicoe, with Lady Jellicoe, the National Patroness of the New Zealand Y.W.C.A. They were received by the board r.nd residents, a bouquet was presented to Lady Jellicoe, I and a tour of the hostel premises made. • Various successful evening and afternoon parties have been held. Many gifts of all kinds have been made to the hostel, including a cow, furniture, linen, stores, produce, etc.; and to all the "lonors the grateful thanks of tho board ore tendered. The report was received with applause. TREASURER 'S EEPOBTS. Mrs Pope then read the following report:— I have much pleasure in submitting the first profit and loss account and balance sheet to the members and friends of the "hostel. The position shown thereby I feel sure we will all agree is satisfactory. The year's operations resulted in the sum of £838 3s lOd being collected for board and residence from the girls and there is every reason to believe that next year the amount will be at least £1000. The amount received from all Roui'ces is £1691 19s 7d, including £4G 7s 6d in membership fees. The expenditure for the year amounts to £1354 17s 9d, which includes a charge for depreciation of furniture amounting to £73 13s 5d and £104 paid to the builders for alterations made to the buildings. Nothing has been written off foi depreciation of the building for that reason. The difference between the receipts and payments is £337 Is lOd, which has been transferred to capital account. This result is most, gratifying for the first year's operations, but I wish to point out to members that until the hostel is in a position to accommodate a sufficient number of boarders to return an income of about £1400 tho hostel will have to be generously supported by the members. From subscriptions promised the position of the hos tel for the next two years is assured, but it must ever be borne in mind that there will be no assurance of genuine progress until the mortgage on the property is considerably reduced. The guarantors have still a small list of subscriptions to collect. To put the hostel in a secure position financially some further effort should be made to raise funds to reduce the large mortgage on the property. We are having a fete in the hostel grounds in February in aid of funds. I have brought to-day some collecting cards, so ple#se all take one. Each card returned to me with Is in each space means £5; but any sum is helpful. BALANCE. SHEET. j • The balance sheet for the year ending < November 14, 1921, showed the liabi- i lities as being £3500 on the mortgage account; bank overdraft, £774 17s 7d; c capital, £1555; and balance transfer- ] red from profit and loss account, £337 2 Is lOd; a total of £6166 19s sd. The 1 assets were—Land and buildings £5500, plus £43 16s 3d for improvements and s less £4 7s 7d for depreciation, £5539 I 8s 8d; cash in hand, £3 17s 6d; and fur- f niture, £692 19s Id, less ten per cent, t depreciation, making £623 13s 3d. The report and balance sheet were li adopted on the motion of Mrs Stead- I man, seconded by Mrs Simpson. b PRESIDENT EE-ELECTED. Mrs Dent vacated the chair, and the s secretary called for nominations for g the position of president for the ensu- r ing year. Mrs Pope promptly nomin- - ated Mrs Dent for a further term of office. The nomination was seconded by s Miss Ward, and there being no further nominations Mrs Dent was declar- v ed re-elected amid enthusiastic applause. t Upon resuming the chair, Mrs Dent s thanked the members very much for the f honour bestowed upon her, which she £ appreciated because she felt that it re- 3 fleeted that she possessed their good I feeling. She hoped by the end of her second term of office there would be twice as many present at the annual j meeting, that the overdraft would bo ( much reduced, that there would be forty in residence at the hostel, and that it would be possible to declare that the ® Y.W.C.A. was well on the way to pros- j perity. « 5 : I The beauty and fragrance of Flowers t make life richer and sweeter. There is a subtle and delicate perfume about "52 Lavender" which appeals to c ladies of dainty and refined tastes and 3 which adds to their charm. c

DIRECTORS RE-ELECTED. It was pointed out that there were six vacancies on the Board of Directors, and the president announced that it was wished that only live should be filled in order that one vacancy might exist to be filled in the event of any lady coming along who might have had experience in the work involved and whom it might be desirable to appoint without waiting until a vacancy was created. The following ladies were nominated and declared elected:—Mesdames Bedlington, Holmes, Harington, Reed, and A. McLeod, of Onerahi. AFTERNOON TEA. There being no response to an invitation to members to bring forward any general business, the ladies and one man present were provided with afternoon tea before the gathering dispensed.

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Northern Advocate, 2 December 1921, Page 3

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YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Northern Advocate, 2 December 1921, Page 3

YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Northern Advocate, 2 December 1921, Page 3


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