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School Committees

Annual Elections

HOUSEHOLDERS MEET The animal meetings of householders for schools in the Wanganui Education Board’s district were held last evening in the city and district schools. Reports of the proceedings of the various committees follow. CENTRAL SCHOOL MR. W. G. BLACK RE-ELECTED CHAIRMAN Mr. W. G. Black presided at the meeting of householders at Central last evening. The attendance was small enough to indicate that the householders were well satisfied with the committee’s work last term, and it was proof that there was not to be an election for the new committee. The chairman’s report (already published) and the statement of accounts presented by the treasurer, Mr. W. J. Fitzgerald, were read and adopted on the motion of the chairman and Mr. Clift. Commenting on the work of the committee, Mr. Kenyon said that Central was fortunate in having men of vision to conduct the affairs of the school. As a householder, he also wished to thank the members of the ladies’ committee for all that had been done by them, and also Mr. Barry and the members of his staff. Referring to the incoming committee, the chairman reported that the nominations did not exceed the required number and he declared thn following elected:—Messrs. F. Senter, N. R. Lecher, W. J. Fitzgerald, V. G. Clift, G. Farrar, F. Hearsey, H. Patterson, H. Palmer and W. G. Black. Members of the retiring committee who did not seek re-election were Messrs. W. Garden, W. H. Brown and P. V. Burns. Messrs. Center, Lecher and Clift were not members of the retiring committee. Before taking general business, the chairman gave a review of the evidence relating to the proposal to form a separate education district, with headquarters at Palmerston North, which was submitted to the special Parliamentary Committee set up to receive evidence on the proposed Education Amendment Act. Mr. Black gave some illuminating figures. He said that in the counties close to Palmerston North, in the present Wanganui Board’s area, there was a population of G 2,516, as compared with 46,407 in the remainder of the Wanganui Board’s scattered area. He also reported that the jjopulation in the Wanganui education district was 109,000, representing an increase of 3500 in 10 years. In the proposed Palmerston North area the population was 93,000, or 5200 more than it was 10 years ago. Taking the six counties on the Palmerston. North side of the Raugitikei river (Kiwitea, Pohangina, Oroua, Manawatu, Ivairanga and Horowhenua), the increase in 10 years was 6000, whereas’the population of the six counties on the Wanganui side of the river had decreased 1600 in the same period. He added that the population of Kairanga, including Palmerston North city, had increased 4500 in 10 years, and the population of Waitotara County, including Wanganui city, had decreased by 160, and yet Wanganui was to remain the administrative centre of education for Palmerston North and the surrounding counties. In answer to a questioner, Mr. Black stated that if the Parliamentary Committee considered that there was insufficient evidence to warrant the establishment of the new education district, Palmerston North and the surrounding districts would remain, as at present, part of the Wanganui education district. Mr. Kenyon then moved that the householders’ appreciation of Mr. W. Garden’s long service as a committeeman bo recorded, this being seconded by the chairman and carried. At the subsequent meeting of the newly-elected committee Mr. Black was re appointed chairman. Mr. Farrar was re-elected secretary and Mr. Fitzgerald treasurer. The monthly meeting was fixed for the second Tuesday, and the chairman and Mr. Lecher ivere appointed to represent the committee on the School Committees’ Association. Mr. Senter was appointed to represent Central on the Palmerston North Dental Clinic Committee. Mr. Black was re-appointed to the Milk in Schools Committee. COLLEGE STREET SCHOOL At last night’s annual meeting of the College Street School householders held in the school, Col. J. H. Whyte was voted to tho chair.

The following biennial report wa3 submitted: —

Tho revenue amounted to £BSB 5s 5d as against £7ll Is 7d for 1934-36, while the expenditure was £689 0s Id, compared with £599 0s Id during the previous two years. The increase in expenditure is mainly accounted for under the heading of wages. The credit balance at March 1, 1936, was £173 10s Bd, while the credit balance at February 28, 1938, was £342 16s. In this amount is included £243 0s 5d under separate account for the erection of an assembly hall. The children’s ball was held each year, netting £B4 5s Id for the funds. The net financial result shows an increase of £5 12s 8d over the previous functions. The committee records its thanks and appreciation of the services of the ladies’ committee for its work and attention to the children, to the teachers for their efficient training of the children for the dances, and to the parents for their support and donations for the supper. The school picnics have proved a great success; the parents were well representd and took a keen interest in the sports programme arranged. Each year in December a varied programme of school sports was decided. At these functions the attendance of parents and their support have

been very pleasing. Owing to the withdrawal of the subsidy and lack of finance to proceed with the erection of the building without a subsidy, the assembly hall has had to be held in abeyance. The total amount now at the credit of the fund is £406. Due mainly to the efforts of the ladies’ committee, th* funds show a net income over expenditure of £133 35s lid. The ladies’ committee has responded very willingly to all calls made upon them and we cannot speak too highly of their efforts on behalf of the children and the school generally. The thanks of the committee are due to Mr. Plank and his staff for their loyal co-operation, also their help in raising runds for school purposes. The grounds of the new school have been kept in excellent order by the caretaker (Mr. Gush). The annual report and balance-sheet were read by Col. Whyte and both were unanimously adopted. The election of the new committee was then held and resulted as follows: Messrs. E. Persson, E. A. Sliackleton, H. Christmas, J. Creighton, n. G. Mills, E. L. Cruickshank, C. C. Aitken, W. R. Taylor and L. M. Paddy. The new committee all returned thanks for their election and Mr. H. G. Mills extended thanks to Col. and Mrs. Whyte for the work they had done for College Street School during their terms of office. The headmaster (Mr. L. J. Plank) in a comprehensive survey of the school’s activities, reported that there were 547 pupils on the roll on December 31, 1937, and the school population was steadily increasing, the numbers for tho past three years being 455, 522, 547. The children and staff had worked well during the year and earned commendable reports from tho Departmental inspectors who stated that the efficiency of the school had been raised. Col. Whyte on behalf of the committee welcomed the Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mansford. Mr. Mansford, in reply to his welcome and as a householder, congratulated Mr. Plank on the success of the school, and also tho committee and staff and the caretaker for his work on the grounds. The headmaster’s report was unanimously received, and Col. Whyte, the retiring chairman, on behalf of the committee, said that relations between the teaching staff and the committee had always been very happy. Col. Whyte also expressed thanks to the committee of the last two years for their loyal co-operation and also to the ladies’ committee for their support, and added his personal thanks to the caretaker and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gush, for their work for the school. Col. Whyte also commended the good work of the dental committee. Mr. Mansford, on behalf of the meeting, proposed a vote of thanks to Col. Whyte, who was retiring after six years of service as chairman of the committee. TERRACE END The biennial meeting of the Terrace End {School last night attracted between twenty and thirty householders. There were 12 nominees xor the election of new committeemen and the successful candidates were Messrs. E. G. Bennett, H. C. R. Blackwood, H. L. Cunninghame, E. C. Donald, J. Fyfe, L. Gardner, H. D. Milne, W. B. Tennent and E. Wix. Mr. W. B. Tennent was elected chanman, Mr. 11. C. K. Blackwood secretary, and Mr. H. L. Cunninghame treasurer. Appointed delegates to the ManawatuOroua Combined School Committees' Association were Messrs. Tennent, Cun uinghame and Fyfe, while Messrs. Cunninghame and Fyfe were appointed visiting committee to the school before the next committee meeting. It was decided that the first Tuesday in the month be the day api>ointed for committee meetings. The chairman, Mr. W. B. Tennent, an moving the adoption of the annual report, made reference to tho fact that three members of the school staff had (retired during the past two years, and also three members of the committee, Mcsssr. J. Davidson, li. Luke and J. K. Patou had retired after many years ox useful service. In thanking the headmaster, Mr. A. W. Thom£>son, and the members of the staff for their support and co-operation, Mr. Tennent remarked that credit should go them as muen as the committee that tho school had been graded excellent in each of the last seven years. When eulogising the good work of the retiring committeemen, the chairman said Air. Davidson had been a member of the committee for 21 years, which included the time when £I2OO to £I4OO had been raised for the erection of the school baths. His service as a committeemen nad been unparalleled. Mr. Luke had been a member for ten years, seven of wiucu he had been secretary. Mr. Pat an. although on tho committee only five years, deserved credit for the fact that he had been immediately ajopointed treasurer upon becoming a committeeman.

Mr. R. C. Donald supported the chairman in stating that the services of those retired from the teaching staff were outstanding. Aliss M. O’Donni'J had been associated with the school lor. 37 years and her good influence would make its mark on the character of every child who had been under Ler care. Fine service to the school fiau also been rendered by Miss K. Billens for 27 years and Mr. D. C. Pryor for eight years. The headmaster, Mr. A. W. Thompson, thanked the committee for ..ho conrplimentary remarks made about the staff and himself and expressed the wish that the happy relationship would exist between the incoming committie and the staff as had existed with "he previous committee. HOKOWHITU’S PROGRESS The chairman of the committee, Mr. H. W. Cox, presided over householders at Hokowhitu School. The balance-sheet revealed a credit balance of £34 11s lUd for the year '1936-37 and £3l 10s 6d for 1937-38. | Commenting on the financial position,

tho chairman said it was necessary to raise £IOO in addition to capitation received from tho Education Department, to meet commitments. The headmaster, Mr. A. H. McLean, paid tribute to the efforts of tho committee to provide better facilities for the pujails though handicupped through lack of funds. The outstanding innovations had been paper towels, the creation of an infants’ jalayground out of a rough strip, the installation of a radio set, the purchase of pictures for the corridors and rooms, and the provision of library oooks. Extra sports material had been provided and Mr. McLean said he was indebted to parents for co-operation in the introduction of the house system in school sports. Swimming and life-saving had received much attention. The work of the ladies’ committee had been a decided help to the staff and school. The free milk scheme was working smoothly and was of great benefit to the children. Mr. McLean also spoke of the benefits of tho new educational system, which was giving teachers more latitude in their work. The chairman eulogised the efforts of the headmaster and staff both inside and outside the school. There were 31 nominations lor the nino committeemen required and the ballot resulted in the return of the following:—Messrs. H. W. Cox, P. E. Crowther, A. W. Green, H. S. Harrod, H. J. King, J. E. Larsen, G. A. S. Melville, L. Robertson and J. B. Stewart. A resolution was passed recommending the committee to transfer £2O in the bank ear-marked for an assembly hall back to the general account and re allocate it for extending the playing area in either bitumen or concrete. It was felt that there would not be the same need for an assembly hall when the new intermediate school was established and classes were lost, and in any case a hall was too ambitious an undertaking in that it "would take years to collect sufficient funds, and when the hall was built it would not return sufficient revenue to meet maintenance. A vote of thanks was accorded the retiring committee. RUSSELL STREET At the annual meeting of householders at Russell Street School last evening Mr. N. Hansen presided. Mr. J. A. Grant extended a special welcome to the new headmaster, Mr. J. Connor, expressing the hope that his period at the school would be a successful one. Owing to the withdrawal of the nomination of Mr. F. W. Coombs no election was necessary. The new committee is: Messrs. J. A. Grant, C. S. Trask, M. N. Doig, M. McArtney, W. A. Boniface, R. McDowall, M. Laurenson, A. Haines, E. A. Christensen. It was recommended to the new committee that admission of children to the school ball should be rree. An instruction was given the incoming committee to take steps towards the erection of an assembly hall, the money already in hand to form a nucleus of the funds necessary. Rapid growth of the school was referred to in the annual report of the committee. In five years the roll had increased by 100 and now stood at 307. To meet the demand on floor space the large new cloakroom was improvised as a classroom, affording temporary relief. 44 The finances are in a very sound condition,” the report continued. “By reason of the increased roll and the supplementary incidental grant which has been made during the past two years, the amounts received from the Wanganui Education Board were £l4B in 1936-37, and £194 in 1937-38, against approximately £92 per annum for tho preceding four years. This has made it possible for the committee to meet the increased expenditure, and have in hand £33 13s 6d in the general account and £194 3s 6d in the special Savings Bank account. “In view of the increased size of the school, the time is now most opportune for some definite effort to be made towards the erection of an assembly hall. This objective can b' obtained only with the united support and co-opera-tion of parents and householders. 41 The proposal for additional playing area was endorsed by the Minister of Education, when he paid an official visit to the school, and negotiations were immediately commenced for tho acquisition of the land. The board mado the necessary recommendation to the department in August, 1937, but despite (Continued on page 2.)

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Manawatu Times, Volume 63, Issue 88, 14 April 1938, Page 8

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School Committees Annual Elections Manawatu Times, Volume 63, Issue 88, 14 April 1938, Page 8

School Committees Annual Elections Manawatu Times, Volume 63, Issue 88, 14 April 1938, Page 8


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