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Householders ’ Meetings

TIRITEA. There was a fair attendance of householders at Tiritea on Monday night and the outgoing committee was re-elected as follows:—Messrs C. Fitt, (chairman); D. J. Lynch (secretary); EL Knudsen, E. Haslock, R. Kibby. The report for the year was presented as follows: — Annual Report, 1929. During the year much work has been done in the improvement, of the school surroundings and for your information, I propose to give you a statement of what has been done. The following arc the items:—Wood has been cut into lengths and there is now a good supply for the coming winter; basketball posts have been erected; rustic work fence has been erected; the whole of the grounds have been plough drained and drains cleaned; the culvert at the entrance has been renewed and metal spread there; with the generous assistance of the householders and friends a car shed has been erected for the teacher’s use; a gramophone has been purchased for the school and a supply of records provided for; the school windows are now in good repair and the lire place has been attended to. The annual school picnic was held at Ballance Bridge and proved an undoubted success. We wish to place on record our thanks for the generous support given the committee by the parents and friends in regard to this picnic. Last year Miss Minogue resigned from the position of teacher and her place was taken by our present teacher Mr. I. N. Loot. The school roll is now 20. The committee expresses its thanks and appreciation to Mr. Lect for the efficient manner in which the school has been conducted during the last twelve months and for tho assistance he has at all times rendered to the committee. The balance sheet shows a small credit balance of £4/16/2. Our thanks are due to the parents and friends who havo so loyally supported the committee during the year; to Mr. G. H. Bennett for donation of a picture for the school; to Mr. Lovelock for the use of lorry for the picnic; to all those firms who donated trophies, etc., for tho picnic; to the press; to Mr. Lynch for loan of his tractor; to Mr. Kilsby for use of saw bench and donation of tin of lccroscno; to Messrs. Fitt and Haslock for gift of records and lamp. Wc wish to refer to the state of the fences which will require Attention and also to tho need of gravel for tho playground.

RANGIOTU. On Monday evening there was a fair attendance at the annual meeting to elect tho school committee. Mr. W. H. Gimblett was voted to the chair and before commencing business requested the meeting to observe a minute’s silence as a mark of Tespect to tho memory of tho late Mrs. A. Donaldson, mother of Mr. T. C. Donaldson who had been chairman of the school committee for several years past. The secretary presented his report and balance sheet for the past y® ar - The general account showed a credit ot £B/19/7 at the end of the financial year, February 28th, 1929. The special account was in credit to the extent of £2/12/30. The report showed that tnc school had had a very successful year. In the matter of examination results, athletic sports and field games the local school had earned a proud record. The children had compered at Lulls, Sanson and Fcilding Athetic meetings and had moro than held their own against keen competition. At tne Caledonian Sports, too, they had gamed further successes. Pupils oC the sehoo bad won both the championship gold medals. On the playing fields the f,nls had won tho Thomson Hockey Shield, whilst the boys had been successful in winning the junior championship seven-a-side contest at Palmcisto North Tho proficiency results had been most gratifying to parents and teachers alike there being no failures in• t o large class presented. The. committee, on behalf of the parents congratulated the teaching staff upon the success of their’efforts in school and on the fields ° f T!ie attendance at the school was at present somewhat depleted owing the new school at Opilti -his as unfortunate as ere long there was danger of the loss of an assistant toucher whose services could ill be dispensed "^tk'school Ground Improvements.

SS/Sa?W,- * h „rfs is finished. ' the* school-ground ar m a very much improved appolnco teidos making tho appronch committee for tho ensuing year: Messrs T C. Donaldson (chairman), H. Simmons, W. H. Gimblett, E. L. Russell and W. J. Nairne. At tho meeting of tho new committee it was decided that Mr. Walker again act as secretary and treasurer and that the chairman and secretary bo author iscd to sign cheques for the committee. It was resolved that the matter of procuring a supply of ±uel be left in Mr. GimbJett’s hands. Mr H. H. Simmons was deputed to interview the secretary of the Manawatu Power Board re cost of installing electric light .in the school residence.

CHELTENHAM. Messrs. A. B. Shannon (chairman), C. Dormer, W. Ward, C. Anderson, R. Christensen. beaconsfield. There was no committee elected.

OROUA DOWNS. There was a very poor attendance at the annual householders meeting which was held in the local school on Monday evening. The annual report and balance sheet were read and passed. The expenditure amounted to £7l/6/10 and receipts including donations, capitation, subsidies and entertainments £IOB/4/4, showing a credit balance of over £3O. Great credit is due to the retiring committee on the successful year they havo had. The present roll numbers 75 and the average attendance is 58.7. All pupils who entered for proficiency were, successful which shows great credit to the headmaster. The rc-electod committee are Messrs. W. J. Witton (chairman), W. Caithness secretary; H. Proctor and J. Gray; Mr. W. Gordon was elected in place of \V. Marehant, retired. LINTON. Tho annual meeting of householders for tho Linton School District was held on Monday evening in the school, there being an excellent attendance. Mr. T. Lynch -was voted to the chair. The balance sheet, headmaster’s and committee’s reports were adoptod. The question of county childron receiving dental treatment was discussed at length. On the motion of Mr. A. Paget a hearty voto of thanks was passed to the outgoing committee for their services. Seven nominations were received or five seats on committee. Messrs. T. Lynch. W. Croueher, E. Greer, J. Aitchcson, and F. Lash were declared elected. At a subsequent meeting of tho new.' committee, Mr. Lynch was elected chairman and Mr. Croueher, secretary and treasurer. During tho year the school buildings tvere renovated and painted. A plot was dug and filled with spoil for a rose garden, which has been partially planted. Planting is to be completed during ensuing year. The school piano duly came to hand and is now in uso and the committee desire to thank all those 'who assisted financially and otherwise. Resignations from the committee on account of having left tho district, were received from Mrs. Jeffs and Messrs. Jeffs and Galpin. Messrs Lynch, Aitchcson, and Croueher filling the vacancies.

Aliss Alurdock, probationer, left at enu of year for training college. A matter for consideration by the new committee will be tho question of providing swimming baths for the school. The Board’s architect is to report thereon at an early date. Tho tennis court requires immediate attention to save it from breaking up. With reference to tbe ’bus from Ravenswood, tbe Board advised that the grant would have to be reduced on account of falling attendance and the committee were fortunate in making satisfactory arrangements with Air. Lauridsen to carry on. The usual breaking up ceremony waa held at tho end of last year and. a concert was given by the children in conjunction with tho prize giving. As usual the residents were most generous with their subscriptions. The school picnic was held locally on Air. Akers’ grounds, on February 22nd, the day being beautifully fine and a most enjoyable time was spent by everyone. The committee attended a meeting of the Palmerston North School Committees’ Association with reference to the children of this and other country schools receiving treatment at the Dental Clinic, and tlio committee agreed to give their whole hearted support in furtherance of the proposed establishment of a clinic for all schools. Tho Minister of Education is being interviewed in tho near future on the matter.

The committee desire to place on re- . '’cord their thanks and appreciation to Alias Blake for the - time and trouble i given by her in making cocoa for the . children during the winter months, i The balancp in credit at the bank on February 28th. was £36/9/11. r > ASHHURST. The annual Meeting of householders was held at the school on Monday eyen- | ing, tbe chairman of the outgoing com- . mittee (Mr. W. N. Brewer) being . voted to the chair. ■ Nine nominations were received for the committee and an election resulted in the return of tho following:—Messrs A. D. Bauckham, W. N. Brewer, H. Bristow, A. McKinlay, J. H. Sumner, 1 M. P. Wilkin, and H. J. Woodroofc. Annual Report. A report of the year’s working, pre- : sented by the outgoing committee, was 1 adopted along with tho balance sheet. Tho balance sheet showed the finances of the school to be in a sound state, ' notwitht,sanding the fact that a large amount had been spent during the year on capital improvements. A consider--1 able sum had been disbursed over and above the capitation allowance yet no direct appeal had been made to householders for financial assistance. The report stated that a septic tank service had been installed during the year but unfortunately had not been very efficient owing to the lack of water. However a new well had been completed which it was believed, would provide an adequate supply. The school had been fortunate in having an additional class room erected, allowing a separate room for each teacher, which should be conducive to greater efficiency in the school. Tlie roll number last year was 145 and was now 155. A temporary re-arrangement of the staff bad been made following on tho transfer of the headmaster (Air. R. G. Hutton) to Futaruru. Tho duties of head were at present being ably carried out by Airs. Orgias with Mr. J. Orgias as relieving assistant pending the appointment of Air. Hutton’s successor. Miss Ransom had been appointed substitute assistant for tho year. Tho inspectors reports

on the work of the teachers had been very satisfactory and the examination results very creditable. The children’s fancy dress ball and annual picnic had been held as usual, both functions being a complete success. To those who had assisted on both these occasions the committee extended their thanks. A swimming carnival had been held at Terrace End baths and in this connection the committee expressed their indebtedness to the Terrace End school committee for tho use of tho baths and to Alessrs. Wycherley Bros., and other car owners who had provided transport for the children. During the year tbe committee had lost the valued sorvicos of Air. J. Borrett who left the district. Air. H. Bristow had been appointed in his stead. The report concluded with an expression of thanks to tho staff for their loyal support during the year. Mr. J. A. Fraser sought information concerning free dental service for tho children stating that it appeared that country schools were not catered for in this respect as were the town schools.

The chairman said that ’he country schools certainly appeared to bo at a disadvantage, but as far as the local children were concerned, tlioir parents had been given an opportunity of taking advantage of the scheme and had failed to do so, with a few exceptions. Rev. F. AI. Kcmpthorue then moved a hcarlv vote of thanks to the outgoing committee, paying a tribute to the work they had accomplished during their term in office. The installation of the drainage system had been an especially fine action and one requiring a great deal of caro in arranging the necessary finance. Air. Kcmpthornc leferrcd particularly to tho work that the retiring secretary (Air. G. R. Taylor) had accomplished. _ In seconding the motion, Rev. F. JParker said that they now had a' school to be proud of and ho assured the retiring members and those who were carrying on for the next term, that they had tho confidence and backing of the householders. Tho chairman then moved a hearty voto of thanks to Mr. Taylor for his services as secretary, stating that niuch of that which had been accomplished had been duo to Mr. Taylor’s active interest in tlie school’s affairs. Mr. Taylor replied, thanking the householders for their kind expresisons and suggesting that the new committees consider at tho first opportunity the provision of a new horse paddock. At a subsequent meeting of the newly elected committee, Air. W. N. Brewer was re-elected chairman, and Air. H. J. Woodroofe, secretary. P OH ANGINA. At the meeting of householders held here on Alonday night the following were elected the committee for tho ensuing year: —Messrs T. Sinclair (chairman), J. Moar (treasurer); Gi Passey, W. Miers and F. Wagstaff. BUNN YTHORPE. Tho retiring committee consisting of Alessrs. W. J. Maxwell (chairman), W. Eggleton, R. C. Powell, J. Scheldt, L. Pascoc, It. Sinclair, F. Burton were reelected at Bunnythorpe. Mr. Maxwell presided over the meeting and extended a welcome to the acting headmaster. Mr. Mills. Tho chairman expressed thanks to Air. Dixon, who had donated pictures and shelves and also mentioned the valuable services of Mr. G. M. Ranson as auditor. To the latter he also expressed thanks and to the ladies of the district for their general assistance at functions. He also referred to the shortage of the staff and said he thought, the school was still entitled to a pupil teacher. The balanco sheet showed tho position of the different funds as very satisfactory, all showing a credit balance. General Fund: Receipts £ll2/1/4; expenditure £lO5/3/2; balance, £6/18/2. Special bund: Receipts, £9O/8/5; expenditure, £4B/10/0; balance, £4l/17/11. Expenditure on repairs amounting to £sl/8/5, and school library £9/4/6, were the main items. The reoort and balance sheet were adopted on the motion of Air. W. B. Duthie and Mr. J. W. Clevely. 1 The dental clinic was consulere'l, especially tho cost of travelling to Feilding, and the meeting was of the opin ion that such expense was too great. It was decided, however, in view ot the good work being done, that they should carry’ on* The matter of a pupil teacher was considered and it was decided to make a request to the Wanganui Education Board that an assistant pupil teacher be appointed to the school. A vote ot thanks was accorded Mr R. Sinclair for the trouble he had taken in reierence to the supplying ot cocoa to ™ children. The chairman explained the school baths proposal and a I»lan _ was submitted and all necessary nioima tion regarding the cost. Tho latter i estimated at about £659/10/oaxid it was decided to leave tee subject in the hands of the incoming committee. 1 On the motion of Mr. A. O’BonnoU ». hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the committee and staff for their services during the past year; a so to tho caretaker, Mrs. Turner for the verv satisfactory way she bad earned out her duties. There being nine nominations for the committee, an election was held: WHAKARONGO. The election of the committee resulted:—Alessrs. M. E. Knudsen, E. Jolanson, W. Wood, A. Horrowiiold and J. Hodgson. At a subsequent meeting, Air. Wood was elected chairman and Mr. E. Knudsen secretary and treasurer. It was decided that further grounds improvements bo taken in hand during the coming year. The report of the chairman of the School Committee to the householders road: —Tbe first item of interest is the attendance at the school which was 65.5 at the end of the previous year and at. the end of this year CS.S, this being the average attendance. The inspectors’ reports show that the school

has done good work, both inside and cut, in fact, several remarks have been passed on the improvement to the grounds generally, among which are the following:—A quantity of drains (much needed) have been laid, 1200 lield tiles in all, and a plan of these drains has been prepared for the future reference of committees should further drains be laid. Another improvement to the grounds is the extension, to the tennis court or drill area which has also been top-dressed with tar and sand and new wiro netting erected at both ends. This was only achieved with the generous assistance of the Tennis Club who donated £ll/17/3 to assist in this work. A further great improvement is that the school and other buildings have been painted; also a new shelter shed erected and a wood and bicycle she'd formed out of one of the old sheds. This was done by the board after united efforts on the part of Mrs. Eggcrs and tho committee. The sum of £l2 was raised by the fancy dress ball last winter which proved more than a success, both for grown-ups and children. This success was almost entirely due to Mrs. Eggcrs and her assistants. On March 9th the Eeildirig sports wero held and some of the children competed and some were successful, carrying off three firsts and three seconds, including certificates and los. in prize money, a good result for so small a school, but this might possibly be improved if some one would volunteer to coach the competitors in time for next year’s meeting. In December last through the generous donations by the ’settlers, the sum of £lB was raised for the annual picnic and prizes and just prior to the holidays a very enjoyable afternoon was held in the school grounds and all tho children received books. Later on, in February, the annual picnic was held at the Ashhuist Domain, this was a very enjoyable day for all, particularly as tho weather proved to be exceptionally line. Last week Dr. Gunn visited the school and examined most of the children and imparted a lot of valuable information to parents who wero present regarding tho health and more especially the teeth of their children, which subject brings us to tho fact that this committee has attended the meetings ot the Combined School Committees Association in Palmerston North with the object of assisting them and all schools in the forming of a central denta clinic, so that all young children in all tho surrounding schools may participate in the benefits that only the children in the town schools have and. this committee in giving their views were heartily in favour of the being extended to the country. Before closing I should like to personally and on behalf of this committee thank our secretary for the able and efficient manner in which ho has carried out his duties, not only as secretary, but also for his valuable assistance in the general school improvements. Resolutions carried were as follow.--(1) That the Education board be written to re overcrowding of school and requesting considertioan for a new school, the present one being an old building that had been moved L to.represent site many years ago. (2 I That this meeting of householders does not consider the introduction of junior high schools as being in the best interests ot “tS.” weic' .eoorfed the auditor. Mr. E. B. ; pfennings. IN OTHER PLACES. SANSON. —Messrs J. W. Masters (chairman), H. V. Bond, H. Oppatt, T. A- TE d ARAK.URA.—Messrs H. Bennett ( chairman), A. Morris, W. E. Jiomas, F. Carr, T. Hansen (secretary and treasurer). The balance sheet showed a credit of £24 10s. Votes of thanks were passed to the headteacher, Miss Bailey, and to the assistant, Miss Oatterwood. There were also votes o*. thanks passed to the retiring cornnii.tcemcn, Messrs J. H. Bennett and JBULLS.—'There was an attendance of 24. Mr. J. Campion presided. _lhe following were elected: Messrs >T - Campion (chairman), F. A. Holland, \. Ed house; J. Ellery, C. H. Thorby, Bov. White, 8?. Hodges (secretary). GLYNEATII. —Messrs W. J- «uy chairman), G. Langdon, E. J. Amon, i. W Field, W. Carter (secretary). PARE WAN Hl.— Messrs D. Anderson (chairman), H. Holland P. Lo ™ U > Young, R. Young, M. Anderson t sc 16 BAINESSE.— Messrs H. Millard (chairman and secretary), J- ,' bcgg ’ „ Crammer, T. Robertson A. Thessna NEWBURY.— Messrs E. V. Collins (chairman), J. Linklator James Cheetham. C. Woodley. John Chcctham. AWAHURI— Owing to the paucity of attendance a committee cou d bo elected last evening. ... STANWAY.— Messrs E. Christian (chairman), R. Cockburn, A. > S ham N. Anderson and L. Dormer. CLYDESDALE— The following weic elected for the Clydesdale, school committee: —J. Powell, C. C. Cameron, John Hill, P- B. Teague (secretary), and u. R. McKenzie (chairman). greatford. Tne meeting of householders was disappointing only a few being present for tho purpose of electing the now committee. The balance sheet was adopted and showed that though the committee commenced the year with a deficit of 3s, , the credit balance in February last was £7 11s. The following were elected for the year: Messrs Geo. Lewis (re-elected chairman), A. Anderson (re-elected secretary), Bishop, L. Rink, V. Lister. REWA. The following were elected: Messrs Arther Lano (chairman), Eustace Fairbiother, Andrew Harre, Victor Hansen, Wm. C. Watt (secretary and treasurer). The year started with a credit balance of £22 lls Id and ended with a credit balance of £25 Os 4d, everything about the school and' grounds being in good order.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6887, 17 April 1929, Page 4

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Householders’ Meetings Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6887, 17 April 1929, Page 4

Householders’ Meetings Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6887, 17 April 1929, Page 4


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