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m^gt^^^^^^^m^m'■ ■ *s Ri^ys secured by -hating the be tth -t' '■' |i^^^^^^^SSs^,. ■'^^^8 SUffli&iihtMzJ&M f ronr mean* will .allovr You to eat nnd 'rJrink. K^RllW-fsTfl^^^> ■ -''JP'SBHHH''""' TIGER TKASJwiII satisfy An most'fastidious'- . ,; il^^^^S^^M

That " Next".'Morning " Feeling. VT7HBN the next morning . . comes you feel like kicking yourself for a fool, but an acrobatic feat of this character will not rid you of that awful ache in the.head, or remove that nasty nauseating taste in the mouth. If you want to "look good" and feel light, take Blue ]|r^-v^ Mas "BlUr^ Liver Cure iREG|3T£R"]\J A teaspconful in water on arising will ensure a clear heau -and aciivt) body for the day's work. It's worth knowing CHEMISTS AND STOKES, ' 2/6 & 4/6 per bottle. \ TBB HEW SEASOn "X" JAM TS now ready, and is as pure -*- and good as ever. It's a little higher in piice, becKU«e it costs mor> to make an absoluteh pure jam like the " K'' ihan the low-prictd adulteraied socalled jams. "X" JAMIs PURE. S. Kulpatrick acd Co., Ltd , NELSON.

XOKDCM ■■UKNT'U, ■ STOCKWELL BUO&, DENTAL SURG KOjS S. X\7S beg to announce that we have entered into pirtnership an:i have removed from our old stand to new and up -to • date premises in W ALDfcGIiAVE'S BUILDINGS, the PAINLESS Extraction of Teeth without either .aas, chloroform, or sther Every known method of English and Am»Tii3>iii Dentistry practised. We also administer gas by every reputable method FKKS MODERATE, Established 1872. Carter & Kawstron f ' Wholesale & Betaii BUTCHESS, THE SQUARE, ABE still selling MEA.T of the PEIMEST QUALITY ONLY. Eing up Telephone No. 19 for your orders. SMALL GOODS AND POULTSY A SPECIALITY. EKED. ATTFIELD, (Late of Parkins and Attfield) A NNOUNCEB that he has saken over £\. the business lately carried on' by J. Collingwooa, butcher, Main st.i'Oit, aad trusts by atrioS at'.ension to usirse*. o merit a coniinutnco of the auppuit -\ocordad his pradpoaasor, Sonw bu; the Oest quality meat supplied. Tc?^rjor«p to tend m any yauii: an ksA. npproved saonruy <;t tees* oru'xont rates, BELL, QDLIiY As COOPSB, Bfininters ac 3 Solieisoue.

. i.- JV&Koij A All ? TAILOH, T\ESIKEy to ictimate to his old cus-■*-r tomers and tko public generally that he has re-coniraenet'd business in Pdlmerston. , . A. new stock of TWEEDS :-.nd SUITINGS has been opened up, aud is now available for selection, in the premises recently occupied hv Mr Att wood, nost Coles' Music Warehouse and opposifo Commercial Hotel S. GLARE & CO. I "OEQ- to announce that they hays IJ3 purchased the COSMOPOLITAN DINING BOOMS, in Main-fltreet. Luncheons, Afternoon Teas and Suppers a Speciality. Fresh Cake 3, Pastry and bsss Broad duly Catering in all its brp.nchep. Horse Covers and/Hogs. All Sizes and Best Qualities. SUITRAOEHORSE CLOTHING. STALLION OUTFIT. OLAPHAM HORSE HOLDEES. C. W. TOEStLEI & SOS, SADDLERS, &c, PALiviEK^TnN N. C. a. WALDEGRA.VE, iNSUBANCE, LAND AND 001'MISSION AGENT, • Taa SQOiBB, Palmhrstow . N'oetb. ■P.l *"i OiM\ To Lend on Mortgagf aOA.J,UV/V at 5 BO r oan* Vte* hoicl Boonritv.

MISS A. J. CULLISG'S CLASSES. MOERAKI CLUB, Opposite "Working Men's Club.Cuba-st. Breathing a speciality. Massage treatment in connection with Sandow exer cisc for curvature of the spine, round or stooping shoulders, flat chest, large abdomens, wry necks, difference in height of shoulders. Above are only a few of the deformed conditions amen, able to this treatment, which will be given any day or time appointed, Wednesdays excepted. Particulars and days of classes on application. Terms from time of commencing.

•/ j^^^^^^^^^k I** '\«^W' /^EskA "IT comes with a rash; so fierce is its attack that you are nearly |p j <^'•'*^^^^^^^^^^" / / \ll»>«fe*'V^^itt' " knocked off your feet! It appears in your thigh, burns like || Is/ iL^ / lfi»<!^^ 4k a re^~not iron* and drags away at the tendons until you feel that || <«il */» WP^^^ « ' you'll go mad. It does not always attack the thigh, but often! pi'; ' ;^^'^^^^i'ili^^^ \t fcfy'fi W^ if if comes in the foot or ankle, sometimes in the great toe, and, often, % \ Ww^^^^^MSl^^^'- \?W/fo I m^ \ sft'9 the heel begins to ache and throb'until you wish you had wooden | j '•'^M^^^^^Sm^'^il &tf\w/ftm^ / m^ \^&-s ' 8*- Yes > the same Pain attacks women also, but you, in your i"| "''^RBSlfflßlw' W/MWrniM JP. /M&P' different occupation, get it the worst. You may be'a Bank;'* if' ■'••^^MJi^lllyl^mf *'/''li^!t^^l>- %fflWi Wss7%* ' or possibly a Miner ;no matter, Sciatica is no respector of persons, ||^ i.yj "—~~ : — i—' ~V* ■' and you are "laid by the heels" with it." "'. \ . ' jp *4|! "Yes, Doctor, sometimes I feel as if my leg* would come oS"; many a time I have wished it would. >The \& i| pain is terrible. Ido not seem to get any relief. A" friend of mine told me that your method had cured .him, M II in fact, he said that the first application gave him relief. Can you do anything for me?" i;|» II " Yes indeed !Do you see this metal disc in my right hand ? Well, as you will observe, it is attached to the battery in this j! || wonderful Belt. It is so constructed that when you have the Belt on, the Electrode can be applied to any part of the leg. It was # $j this disc, aided by the Belt, that gave your friend the instant relief he got. It carried the Electric-Current down his leg—'YES, || II WE USE TWO WHEN BOTH LEGS ARE AFFLICTED'—and the invigorating current of Electricity stirred up the sluggish *J • circulation, pumped new blood into the Sciatic Nerve, and strengthened the tissues. The Nerve, having received nourishment, |1; | immediately stopped its drawing and pulling effect, and the pain then ceased. A repetition of the applications eventually renewed &|. the life of the nerve, as it will do in your case." "\si these letters cokie from :! Pr,^ MeLaughlin? s> Electric B^lvK & H! CURED PEOPLE fl ' "^" "vrc -5^ *^v v^7 vrsr^^T^^v^^^v^^^^TC 'J^- -^v" ~ ~?^, ; -^Lri •• ii IS NOT A "CURE-ALL." I* is not recommended iadiscriminately for all coai- -.ftR J Lumbago ana scia«c^ EgToN • plaints, only for certain ailments that have been conclusively proven to be susceptible lB 1 •mj^fyF^^^S^l^t^^^ZZ '•■ tO itS influence- Ifc g^s you Electricity, and ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. ji %\ no? en in fetter lioiilth this last ten years. As for my . ■ v Bjo i.J Sciatica, it is gone, lind I have no pain, thanks to your ' .^ " BB Eiectnc Beit, which i got from you after eight months Electncitv, properly applied, is a Certain, Sure, and Effective Remedy for all Oft iW of intense suffering. I can never be thankfub enough- ' t>i. • /-« , . ■ ... ~ _ . r . . , IW m for the relief i have got. iam not wearing the Beit ■ Kneumatic Complaints. It cures silently and speedily. Its infusion into your body Ivl at] constant now, I have only used it once a week lately, „. . ~ •.."■-.•__ -, T•> -~ "-.r j tit i BH ?»- ana i will make it. known as much as possible for the ' guarantees the generation of New Nerve Life. Over Men and Women have Bf X good it has done me. I have been at work this last two ' T,,,~_ _. _ a cc> • j.- i -^ Vr ut • i i J j. •/. HA ,B months working in water every day, so that will tell you ' been cured of Sciatica by its use. Nothing else can be compared to it. BSKET how I am benefited by the Belt, which I am very thank- ' ~ HH g-y ful for. Yesterday I walked eight miles and did not ' . SW g£ feel a bit tired, four months ago I could not walk across ' T^o-n nil nisniwipTiß #vF +V»» "r«Jt>T>xrr>iic: Cvctntn 'nrf>»lrvimec3 T n«« nf Fnnnmr S^m gfj 'he room without assistance, and lam quite sure it was ' rw all "ISOPOePB OI me JNePVOUS Sysiem, WeaKHeSS, iuOSS OI energy, mjJK §& your Beit that eurea me. i have spent a considerable > or Ambition, Weak Back, Indigestion, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Liver am fl wfflt^u°SSy alS!SS,?^^S^^^s| ltot - and.Kidney Troubles, Insomnia, Blood Disorders. Asthma, Rheumatism. g& &i william knight. Sciatica, Lumbago, Painful, Swollen, or Stiff Joints, Varicocele, etc., it |J» ffi apokga.w^garei, January 2nd, 1905. E IfLJ? 10 Sf e A tf "I^° V"^' xt will S^e relief after using a day or two, Bf Lfg Dear Sirs,-1 must apologise for not answering your , ana Will AnSOlUtely CUPe. .-?.'■ ' ■!■, §X letter enquiring as to my condition.' lam happy to in- ... ' ■B»il gß> form you that I have been able to return to my employ- 1 * ■ Mts? J&r ment (one which necessitates much walking over rough . - . ■ . ~"™~"~" , ——-^____^___ '■ B ii lXSSSSthtai^[iSSi fiS?^Si!S ;■ DE. MCLAUGHLIN'S ELECTRO-PLASTIC TRUSS IS A CERTAIN 11 teits; nearly six months from sciatica. . , ■ " ____ *«_^«__«™ ».____ __»__ . bH You can publish this if you think fit.-Yowrs very S ANT) SPEEDY CURE FOR RUPTURE. IS =J<il truly, N. T. CAKRINGTON.. > '•■■''. \\S A Marvellous Cure. ' .'■"•'•• Hii <iS TAHEKE, HOKIANGA. • ' ' . ' IV jaw Dear Sirs.-Blany thanks for your kind lettero of m■< -0"^. -rf T«Vnit wanr fn o- P f tvpll tVincf » eA lw Sg inquiry. Several years ago I had a fall of 17 feet into * fl -e!>» I «■ J.F ■ YOU Want get Weil JOU mUSt USe tt« somerocks, which gave me a severe shaking ana injured '■ B «j W^/a/« J"^,«»«llk HV^^ TfieotTir-irv WTJTW nr OATT -F^t- <-~-,,- RH 1% my back. Nervous prostration set in, and I used to ' ffl S t^fiK I ft 10 B l^k • iMcCtXlClty. WlUlJl Or <,A.L,L, IOT Our lC» tt ui?^-iia^reiKri££J : ■■■ A^^Vl^e.; :-BRK^ BOOK, expounding its uses and l| |, ES^S«J£;n^ I """ -"-"" " """ -■ ■ the result by it. It gives. £| £\" Neuralpa ana fearful Headaches from a chUd. I just .', . . Full Information, and COSTS NOTEING. EHj |W felt that hfc was not worth living, ana was always wish- ? x , - -r, .- c ~ T n i - j 1 - < , ,"; -^ . . -. " ■» Kts ing i could aio. One aay a friend drew my attention to : it is iJeautiiully illustrated, and snows practical methods^of applyinor lElectricitv in all Mb •«}» your Belts, tnd advised me to get one as he was sure it ' i • j c rw. * A*i i. r. ' • i < < "• ' ' BUS gg would do me a lot of good, i aian't like the iaea at first Jcinus oi L-lironic Ailments, snowing exactly how the^ location of the trouble is reached, ml |! 7^^ 0!- > We Will make you a WRITTEN DIAGNOSIS, EREB, or if you can call'we shall be Hf ?| Lofa'SernigWs Se^h^fhaf^f^y^n : S^d to give you a FREE TEST and FREE ADVICE.- We will explain our methods, Iff 1 i a± '■ and show y°u exactly how to use Electricity in your particular trouble/ If we cannot If I l^oSne' road r^ofe^&eighttelrs 'd° y°U %o°d> We Wi" be and SSV SO- CAI^ OR, WRITE. AT ONCE." "' 'Li i^' of suffering. Getting the Belt was the best thing I ever *'■■ HK i /ffi?ffi^iSStSW^SSSsr^--.::- OPEN EVERY WEEK-DAY from 9 a.m. t« 8.30 p.TO. ' 19 pi for the advice and kindness I have received, and hope , * • Km RK you will still prosper and do as much for others as you , t~*-*-* w^. — — — -m..*. ... E<S | iJFhe Dr. McLaughlin Co,, , »™sffi&. |

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 8052, 1 April 1905, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 8052, 1 April 1905, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 8052, 1 April 1905, Page 3


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