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Mr T. T. Kersluke left for Wellington, on route to Ecgland, this morning. He will be a passenger in the Turakina failing to-morrow.

The secretary of the Manawatu South African Veterans' Association bega to acknowledge the donation of a chequo by Oapt. McKeona, V.0., towards the fund's of the institution.

The P.N. Band has decided to hold a general meeting of supporters to decide upon steps to liquidate its liabilities and the Council has granted the use of the Council Chambers for the purpose next Wednesday night.

Speaking sfe a meeting in Ghristchurch Mr £.11, M.EB, said he thought there should be a stricter censorship of the plays produced in the colony. One play that had been suppressed in Manchester, England, was given in Christchurch without hindrance.

The late George Evans, whose death was the result of an accident at Terrace* End, had. been in the railway service for thirty years, fifteen of which he had resided in Wanganui. He was a bardworking industrious man, and very popular among his fellow employees. He leaves a widow and three sons and two daughters to mourn their loss

The Palmerston North Public Library benefited to the extent of £17 from the Parliamentary graot of £3000. In addition 395 similar institutions received monetary grants. At the Council meeting last night the report of the Library Committee, recommending an expenditure of £20 on a better class of book than the ordinary fiction, was adopted. The Dunedia poultry demand for expott exceeds the supply. With the view of drawing further supplies, a Dunedin firm has increased the export prices to 3s 3d a pair for boiling fowls, and 4s 3d for ducks. These are the highest prices offered there for this class of poultry since export in this industry began. The prices mentioned cover railage.

" Who is the Municipal Eatepayers' Association, anyhow," queried Cr Essex at the Council meeting last night, when the letter froni that body was read. " I haven't the slightest idea said the Mayor. ' Cr Johnston moved that as the Council was not aware of the constitution of the Association the letter be not received. The motion was carried, and the resolutions forwarded were consigned to oblivion.

Although the Te Awaite district is being searched by the police, aided by station hands and some thirty dogs, the whereabouts of Ellis, the alleged murderer of Collinson, still remains a mystery. The settlers in the locality, says the Leader, continue to be extremely scared of Ellis, and hare made a practice of not carrying arms when in company with the police.

The contribution of the Borough Council to the Hospital Board, under the increased levy of os 6d in the £1000 totals f 213 Os sd, of which £173 9s 5d will be collected in two equal instalments. The Mayor, with a fine regard for the finances of the Hospital Board, was proceeding, at the meeting of the Horough Council last night, to pass the amounts for payment, but was hastily and energetically arrested by the Town Llerk, who pointed out the amounts were not due till May and September next.

The Borough Council last night decided on tHe motion of Cr Essex seconded by Cr France, to pay the Mayor £6, being his expenses to and from Wellington in connection with the selection of an engineer for the borough the journey having been undertaken at the request of the Council. The motion was carried unanimously, and at the same time the opinion was expressed that the travelling expenses of the Mayor should not be paid out of the honorarium voted him.

Cr Jack objected very strongly at the Council meeting last m S ht, to the proposed sub-division ot the Royal Hotel without provision being made for internal brick walls. Cr Tolley also considered a fireproof ceiling should be provided for. The Mayor considered the internal arrangement of the hotel was a matter for the Licensing Committee to consider, This opinion was shared by Ors Esses and Goodger, who added that all the Council had to consider was the due observance of the Borough bye-laws as regarded the alterations. Eventually the recommendation of the engineer with respect to the building was adopted. The Chairman of the Fire Underw.r"ers*™oßiation, speaking to a toast at he Wellington Fire Brigade dinner last week said that daring the firat two months of Bhia year the companies baa lost 10 the colony over £60.000 They should noc expect, because we had had a was unquestionable that while fire brigade appliances were good here and there on the whole they were m an imperfect condition, and the water supalv was very inadequate.

..The past twelve month, haya proved disastrous for many of tha country settiers throughout O tßgo . Last winter waa one of cbe severest on record, and now this sutnmec settlers in many caaos have hsd their crops ruined through t&o recent floods. The report on the fowl to stock throneh last winter's snow is jast to hand, ft shows that the amount or loss vanes, according to the siza of the holding, from £30 to in liva stock alone, pnncipally a h Qep ; tho total amouotinor to about £7500 ( w i,h a i arc , e number of cases yet to be inquired into) It has boen lefs to the Minister of Lmds io decide as to the form relief should

This does noc. oome from America. Plums 47 feet acros3 and upward can be seen in Palru9r3ton. Brophy has them.*

Cycles £2, Oceanic covers 12s 6d ; Freewheels 12s 6d,' fitted.—Clarkson's, Colemaa JPlaae.*. To-morrow (St. Patrick's Day) sports will be held at Sauaiai and Awaliuri. A brass band will be in attendance at each gathering and both should be liberally patronised.

The editor of the New Zealand Health Journal aays : If you suffer from headaches give up tea. For a few days you may feel worae, bat in cases -where tea drinking was the cause, you will find the headaches will disappear.

The committee of the Manawatu Poultry Association met last night, Mr H. J. Hanson presiding. It was resolved to hold a show on August 3rd ana 4th. The snb-commitcee will meet on Friday evening to draw tip schedules. According to a statement made by the .Premier, the State coal mines will shortly be vvoikicg, and Cabinet has resolved to supply first the State's requirements, than to give the. British navy what it needs, and then to sell to the general customers at roasonablo prices.

At the Police Court this morning Charles Bridge was charged ou remand with doing bodily harm, to his wife on January 25th last. Accused lias been remanded Erom time to time owing to the serious "condition of iiis wife who lias been in the hospital. Owing to tais no evidence was available and the bench dismissed the case without prejudice: A first oft'enx) ing drunkard was dealt with, as usual. Messrs A. D, Thomson, S.M., and P. Mowlem, J.P., presided.

The bicycle thief continues to flourish at Christchurch and to his illegal operations must be attributed a large proportion of the nunibar of machines reported by their owners so be missing. Last week. it is s«id, ten bicycles mysteriously.and suddenly disappeared. Thero is much specnlation as to what becomes of these stolen bicycles, but a more impenetrable mystery envetooeß the manner in which the bicycle-thief escapes detection. One suggestion is that the machines are stolen by hard-ap Australian visitors, who 6h;p them to the Commonwealth.—Press.

The clerk of the Xairanga County Council, Mr W. Butherfurd, "yesterday, intimated to the Council his intention o£ resigning from the position, his principal reason being that the work had increased to such an extent that it was necessary, to do justice to it, that one man should be entirely employed on. county work. The Council decided to make an effort to retain Mr iiutherfurd's services, and appointed the Chairman to endeavour to devise with the^ clerk some scheme by which the difficulty could be overcome. Consideration of the resignation was deferred m the meantime.

The late employees of Mr W. Reed entertained him at a social at the Post Office HctsS last night. Mr J. Follas presided and during the evening presented Mr Eeea with a nicely-worded illuminated address as a token of the good feeling that baa always existed between them. The health of the guest of the evening was also toasted. " Success to the new firm. Messrs Carter and Rowstron," was drunk, Mr Treweek suitably replying for the newcomers. Altogether a very happy evening was spent and the gathering will long be remembered with pleasure by ti?oso who were present. The address is a particularly fine pince of work and is from the brush of Mr I, J Watkin. ' '

At a meeting of the Hastings branch of the Farmers Union last w ee k "Mr JJeatson protested against the Premier's statement at I>awrence, in which he inferred that the Farmers' Union was opposed to the present system of land tenure^ This statement, Mr Beatson said,% aS untrue. The only thin? the Union asked ror was that leaseholders W lt a Ye. *{»» oPPMtunity of acquiring the freehola of their holdings when m a position to do so. It was decided to ask the provincial chairman to commun.eate with Mr Wilson, president of the Union, expressing disapproval of the Premier statement, and asking him to chaLenge it through the press of the

At the meeting or the Eairanga County Council yesterday, it was decided to grant the Palcierston Borough Council permission to erect water pipes across the bndges on the Tiritea providing they agree to pay Half tlie maintenance of these bnoees. Accounts totalling £1359 i a Wu rf T* SS% dior P^ment. Resolved, that the Inspector inspect the road, past the reaerve on Richardson's Line and report a 3 to cost of the forma- ■ tion at next meeting. The Inspector was instructed to call tenders for filling ? n I formation asked for by Mr Oiborae For work on the Pahiatna-roaa, the tender of J. Shapleski was accepted *£hwweeh c cnm? ! d3oUrn.? d Wl March

Speaking at Lawrence, the JPremW said that, in his opinion, the CoTsJ vative party would nev ; r re £™ se£ P°^, If there would be a change fc would be by the-incoming of what £ dnually pu-ting thSJSS onX™ something to pull. One's hand? son? times became blistered in that opSa never to «o faster than was conSstent Governments legislation had turned out a mistake.

Si IV £ laker t? n.{Mr Cooper), claim Stevens, QSr Cooper), claim £2 iof fo? 5£ IWaSh ard" Plaintiff's house ckim i andl°r?' defendaat, and the &J T7 kdone plaiDtiff at ET^^r Cooke'?. JoLX " cron nf^ r f M?° re\ °lalm M COst Of a on P»- b°, U-hfc- and £i ditm^S^s on account of defendant laiim* to VUintjft tor £6 with costs £2 Ss. J. B •J. i.uhe was misprinted '*S.lanc"

Warren gent's cycles, £11 • 12 months guarantee—Olarkson's, Coleman Place.*

The Premier has slated that there will be reconstruction of: the Cabinet the recess. V;" ~ .' . : .•"

Fifteen out of sixteen homing pigeons were found de«d iv Mrs "Warren's lofc at Hastings having apparently been poisoned by Bouie malicious person.

"During the month of February 0(52,1231t>s of milk were delivered to the Awahuri Dairy Factory. The average test was 4.0. The price paid for butter.fat was'B-M per Ib.

Mr Justice Den.niston (says the Christchurch Press) was assured by counsel that a prisoner charged with theft bad not the brains to be p criminal. His Honor replied that, in did not require a large modicum of brains to be a criminal, although it might to be a clever criminal.

«.uThB Premier uas stated, according to the^ special correspondent of the Otogo Daily Times, that the Government steamer Tutnnekai is now lying idle, and may be chartered by tourists desirous of cruising round the Sounds or other parts of the coast of New Zoahnd".

No previous shipment of fish ova received by the JNew Zealand Government from America have turned out so well as the 300,000 salmon ova (QuiHnat variety) just placed on the Government salmon station. Lake Hakataramea 990 per cent of which were hatched out. The million "white fish" ova. as previously reported, have only hatched out iairly well Half a million of the ova were put iv Lake Kanieri {West Coast) and the other half million in Lake TeKiipo, Canterbury.

Sir John See, Premier of New South W ales, in reply to a " Post " renresentat)ve, said he did not think Japan's complete success in the present war would prove anything of a menace to JNew South "Wales, which was not an attractive country for the Japanese. There was a greater possibility of their going to the extreme north of Queensland, but, oir John thought the Japanese would -lave enough scope for their energies m developing Corea and China, should they prove the victors in the contest with. .Russia.

Mr G. Witty, M.H.R., who visited Victoria Park, Christchurch, last week, i-Dfonned a representative of the Press that the memorial stone to the late Hon. W. Roflestda has been scribbled over with flic names of thoughtless visitors. Other vandals have interfered withl the letters of the inscription on the stone, and have gouged them out. Mr "Witty thinks the sto^e should be cleaned and the scribbling, with which it-is literally covered,' should he t.hliterated.

A -writ claiming £501 damage* for alleged libel has been issued by Mr P. B>. Dix, theatrical mannser, thr.xjgh JVIr T. M. Wilford, against' the proprietors of the Otago Witness. The alleged libel in question is contained in a paragraph that appeared in the Witness or the 17th ult, making certuin statements as to the treatment of the members of the Dix Company in Auckland, the manner in which plaintiff disposed of certain properties, and how he is alleged to have obtained certain moneys from a member of the company.

A correspondent wires to the Gisbnrne Herald from Wellington :— "There is every indication that our dairy farmers will heneßb considerably by the interruption in the export of butter from Siberia caused by the war in the llast. The fffeet, perhaps, will not be immediate, bur. during the winter months when Siberian butter usually comes largely on to the Home market higher prices Kay be expected for the JS'ew Zealand product. It may be noticed that even now, in anticipation of this, the market is stronger in London than it has been of late. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good."

Two men belonging to a haixllabour gang at Wanganui made- , a bolt for liberty yesterday -afternoon. The escapees were a Chinaman named Ah Sing, alias Ah Wong, who is serving a sentence of twelve months for \heft of a suit of. clothes, and a white man James Atkinson, aljas McKenzic, alias O'BLalloran, alias Sweeney, •who is serving a sentence of thrco years concurrdnt on several cha.vges of breaking and entering. Tho two men we»e found /by a. donstable hidang in the grounds atitached [to the Girls' School. Ali s-ng, »ays the •Chronicle, looked A^ngerous when he saw the constable, but the latter averted possible 'trouble by producing his revolver, at the sight of which »ooth men threw up their hands and confessed the fame was up. That the revolver was unloaded was a circumstance wMch Clouston did not ttenk it worth while to meti-^ tion until he had thoroughly secured the prisoners.—Another escape occurred last night, wQen a Maori prisoner who was neing taken to. Wang-anui by (train to serve a month's sentence, jumped off the train just after leaving Ofctoia.-

At_ the Kairanga County Council meeting yesterday afternoon reference was made to the additional span the Borough Council is erecting at the Fitzherbert Bridge. The County Council is r contributing body to the work and thus has an interest in its execution. The chairman said no bank protection had been done, which the two Council's in conference had agreed on as being; necessary. The Encmeer said he understood the protective works had not been included in the present contract as it was the wront? time of the year to plant willows, fhe Chfiman ml Cr Green-aid the timber being put- in the new span was quite rotten Cr Nathan supported their statements. It was a disgrace to any lonal body that such -tirabrr should be put in. Cr Greer added that there was three or four inches of sap on the timber. Cr ]Nkthan : " A.ncl I hear are no specifications." The Engineer : " There were «ome specifiations but I believe they have been lost." This in«ight into the Borouph Council's '•business like methods " was the cause of eon* d ;rable comment. The Chairman explained th.;it no reflection was made oa the contractor. Fie did not supply the timber, but only did the labour. The Borough Council provided the timber, and the workmanship was not complained of. After some further discussion as io the question nf sheathing the new piles, the following resolution was carried:— "That this Ccunc 1 protests against the rotten timber placed in the work at the Fitzherbert Bridge and (he unprotrctrd state of the approach from the Etzherbert side."

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7791, 16 March 1904, Page 4

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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7791, 16 March 1904, Page 4

Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7791, 16 March 1904, Page 4


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