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_—« ■ Preparations are being made for tl-e anniversary tea-meeting in connection with the St. Andrew's Church, to be held on Friday, 24th inst. ,-\... The balance-sheet for the Gasworks for the year Piiderl March 31st *-vhs presented! to the Borough: Council 1a..-t night. It was arranged that this, with the Borough : balance-sheet, . shovild be considered at the nexi meet ing'of the, Council. ■, ( Watch "The Express" between norr and/Monday. 'It-inll contain some interesting information -about Hair.s special .salo.-r-Advt., . , i An Auckland telegram says that, tlie sum of £300, belonging. to the Railway Department, which was being sent from one of the small st'a-i tions: between Ohakune and Taumaruhui for banking disappeared. Cash and cheques were in a v box,, which on arrival at Taumarunui was found to be empty. Tiyo'•: Guineas,. *or ■ four lines of; poetry! Read Tonking's ■ Linseed Emulsion intimation every •Saturday,! amongst news items.;—Advt. •/y. "".'.[['' The transaction between the , : Cor-. poration Jind'Mr J. A. Leslie for: tho, purehaoe of a-strip.of lr..nd at the ;>'iv nor of Alfred 'Street-'and Grove Road for street-widening (purposes was.oum':.pleted! at the meeting of the Boro:ig|i Council last' night,; the final doc iments beinp; iorwnrde'd by Mr W. T.. Churchward. : ''■•-:•':. Don't miss Monday's "Express!;' H. F. Ball is going to let you kinjW i the date of .his special sale on th>itdate.—Advt. ■•■■■ : . f:.::':'-: A resolution w.'is ■i.ina.nimo-usly-passr' eel by the Borough Council last riiglvn I to the effect, .tbiat,.-in to-day's deputy i tion, it be "made *i recommendation tho Postmssttir-Goneral to allow tie Post Office to remain on the presei^t | site, and to inform him of the co:ni i oil's belief that, in making this request, it wias voicing the desire of th(j j gieat majority of the lvsidentsl of ' he town and district. Without affirming any preference, the Councillors, as a whole express&d themselves as favoring the , High Street reserve as tbo next ,best site in the event of tlie Post Office being removed. ' > ■H. F. Hall will teiryou something, ■'interesting -on'-Monday night. £Je.-i ■ "The Ex-pmss."—Advt. ; The total of the progress payments made by the Pelorus Road Board t^ the contractors constructing the W-ai-rau bridge near "Renwicktown is £3550.- In a letter received by the Borough Council last night the Secretary of the Board -stated- that tiio work was proceeding most satisfactarily. The yueji-ter part of the ni.iterial v.'as on the ground; 180 piles had been driven, a eonsider-ible amount of timber work ha<l "boei> •done, and the istructure Was now h'.^'f way -isoross the river. Two stotie groynes were being erected to prevent tho encroachment'"of the river on rbe' southern bank. The Council passed a 1 contributory payment of £256 os. . ' :' At McFi : ,rljMie',s—Men's wool and tweed shirts' 4s lid; wwrra pants 3s.— AdVt. ; ~. . ■_We are asked by .Messrs Sain.el Poach and Sons, The Looms, Notting-' ham, to say that those of our reado'-s who desire to .be furnished,-■post-free'-'■«ti ?' ■^? py of llieir Publication (^ Ideal Home Decorations,-" should write direct to them in England ' .1 hey. point, out. that this interesfci-ip-. uucl informative cainlogue [is a com" ptete illustrated guide in tho matter Gl; jngh-grade linens, table damask hosiery, blouses, laces., ilaco curtains ■applique curfeuns, Madras muslins' casement curtains, . .-md household eqijipm^nt in general. A post card will bring the book., Messrs Pea.-.h and Sons «dd that suggestions, advice and samples are frwly given, and bb-j. it wquldbe jnst us well" for those -ommunicating with them to Indicate environment—that .is, what .'their oth.,r ■ftomj deoorr.tive surroundings ar&.- ■ ' McFarjane r,nd Co., da'apers intimate b^ln,r over-stocked; consequent theur Avmter srllo will be.-hold earlier this .year. S«J e starts,Monday.—Advt, hard, of. R ai Valley, v. Henry Bennett was continued before Mr R. S Florance, S.M yesterday afternoon" Tlio claim ivos for £36 12s 6d, tho >u<lanoo 01.-s.n j;cfount alleged to be vvTgw y M-n ?^^nf Tlit a V^-tner of it i A"M«'in n butchery business r.t S 7 °"xt!f ffro»^.th«t no partm»rJh p existwl Av.'jon the debt w4 menrholhf +¥ o]iUl? n f)y mutual oon.sp.n-. J^ns ta.koa phoe. The evidence of Jor the <JoreTi<J«.,rt; wcsS-eXnmirvHl •>"_ vv. Mi Is, ni the event of his ho'i'th go jnto the witness-box. M 'n^! nnfOf gi:"f€S is snmetimes iluS'f of eyoache, or the'spectacle.- ---• T-/ i! tj>lfll «g matter can & sTNDSTT fvCOrrOCt,f K COOTE * hAWIiSrKIN, Lnmbton Quay, Wellington. Neglect of trifles niov -io velop a more tvonbleeome complaiut bvvvy modern pla-?i, tl>e finest equipment., and. 10 years' practical expenenco in correcting defective vision are placed entirely at your service. Deo,----to)-s' prosirintions accurately dispensed.—Advt.

I There is n. serious epidemic ci mumps in Gisborne. It is not .o'ifined to children, mi: ny adults being : j itilso laid up. .' ' For chronic chest complaints— Weods' Great. Peppermint Cux-e. ]s ] 6d, 2s 6d.—Advt. . i ■ ■ I Three Judges of the Supreme Court • i were sitting in different civil cases in Wellington on Thursday, namely, the' ; Chief Justice (Sir Robert Stout), Mr Justice Cooper, and Mr Justice , Chapman. The civil list, .which look- \ ed iormidablu earlier in the wtfk. is . now rapidly -diminishing. You can keep cool and fresh on zhe hottest day by drinking Martell's : Brandy and soda.—Advt. , interviewed at Gisborne regarding the political situation, the Prime , Minister .said: "If defeat should ( come, as son-e have prophesied, it only mo'ns two or three upheavals, and will he the beginning of a pro- • ress that will lead to an appeal to ': the country, a contingency which I would approach with the fullest an- . ticipation of success." ; Be sure you get rid of that cold! Take Tonking's Linseed Emulsion <-.nd make certain. Price, Is 6d, 2s t*d, , 4s 6d! per bottle; at chemists mil , stores. —AdVt. ; Permission has been granted by the Wellington City Council for the Dominion Boy Scouts to use Newtown, Park on the afternoon of May 30th for the reception to Lieutenant-General , Sir R S. Baden-Powell, subject to the superintendent of reserves con- > sidering that the ground is fit to be used, and also subject to the district commander making' good any dam- i age caused to the ground. " : Kirkealdies' have arranged for their gentlemen's tailor >.to r-ay another visit to Blenheim for the purpose of giving a personal fit on oi garments. The firm have a choice lot of materials to select from, wnd gentlemen requiring a well-cut -*nd good-fitting, winter suit should call at th© agency in Blenheim and reload material. —Advt. The residence occupied by the Rev. C. O. Bottomley in Picton, had a narrow escape from destruction .by fire the other morning. A small log, left in the dining-room fire-place, had evidently rolled out during the night, and burnt its way through the flooring. In the morning, Mrs Bottomley was astonished to find a room full of smoke, the wooden fender, hearthrug and linoleum smouldering, and a hole, covering the width of two boards, in tho floor. Moral: Leave no burning logs in the fireplace on retiring for the night. We can fib perfectly any figure from tho young jgirl to the matr-n, in Warner's famous rust-proof corsets, and guarantee every not to rust, break, or tear. —W. B Girling and Co., Ltd.,—Adrt. - Some- -knotty problems of professionalism were raised at the annual meeting of the N.X. Rugby Union on Thursday evening. Mr M'Gr'ath, a llawke's Bay delegate, stated that'his union hhd disqualified some ol its vice-presidents, among them the uu'inbei for Napier, because they had presented trophies for competition j by Northern League teams. The chairman and other delegates opined that tlu> was altogether too drastic. ' Mr Dixon lidded, however, that anyone who undertook the organisation of Northern League football would piesumably incui disqualification. Children's whooping cough or croup quickly cured by Tonkin&'.s Lin&iys-' Emulsion. Advt. The following report on the weathor ajtid th.c pustuies in Marlborough for April has been forwarded to /.the J>e-. partment' of Agriculture:—in the Sound.?, \ Kaituna., Pjelorus.',: and Pai portions of the district" good raias have fallen during the ' month, sn-d the country generally looks well; i>".t over the remainder of the district no rain fell until the 25th, when heavy showers set in, accompanied by snow on the higher altitudes end .very .much: colder weather. The dry spell gave &■ set-back to-pastures, and delayed farmers in ploughing, owing to i;\v ■ hardiness of th©. ground.. Frosts ;in.H generally wintry weather has how sex. ji*x.";' ;,;.■■,, ■■-;■'• './•■;;: ■'-./■ .-. ■'■-■■,' -•■,' '':'.. ' I People from every part of the ; province speak in the highest -term^' ; >qf "NAZOL" : .as a- remedy for colds, coughs, and nasal catarrh. It .'relievos' «4nd cures more.quickly than anyjthiu:* ;else. Price, Is 6d.—Advt. ", \;.:. :>-:''■ -• In prefacing"; a tasteful: little brochure entitled 'Telorus Jack," Mr ijames Oowani. the author, says :.—"So many f inquiries reach New " Zealand about 'Pelorus Jack,' , the solitary white dolphin which frequents the \yaters near the French Pass, and so much curiosity is displayed by travellers in this strange creature of the sea, that this little book has been written in order to place on record sQm© facts and folk-lore about the famous fish." In addition to the story of .the fish there are some legends told to Mr Cowan by Kipa Hemi Whiro, who claims to be "Jack's" rangatira or chief and owner. The brochure is generously illustrated with views of the Sounds, Picton, and Havelock, and x forms a welcome addition to the series of New Zealand booklets whichMessrs . Whiteombe and Tombs are publishing.. The splendid-full fragrance of davl: and aromatic! leaves" is blended m MILD DERBY PLUG;1 - It's a fine medium' smoke. Try a- plug.—Advt. For che time of year the Arawa, which arrived in..Wellington on Wednesday, brought 4 a large' number of passengers to New Zealand. Her company lumbered 2-57, of whom all but 30 travelled- 'third-class. Of the total 66' were booked to' Wellington, the numbers booked to other destinations being:—Auckland 108, Lytt-el-ton 34, Diinediri'l3, Bluff 11, Napier 9, Timaru 6, Nelson 5, "Greymouth o, West; port 2, Gisbcrne, Wangariui, find New Plymouth one each. The male immigrants included a considerable proportion of farmers and ar- j tisana. There, were 67 assisted im.migranis, of whom 17. wore children." ■ 'The adults among the number were 'all women, either wives coming oxit to join.'-th.'-iir husbands or domestics. Them weiv 23 of the latter.'.1 7 CHRONIC ' RHEUMATISM EFFECTUALLY CURED. No matter how Idris; you have suffered from Rheumatism: no matter what other remedies have failed, ; RHEUMO, if given a fair trial, will; effect a cure. Thousands of other j sufferers have been permanently cured j by RHEUMO, when all else had' been \ tried in rain. Many had spent large j sums of money at Rotcrua and ottifer thormal springs, but it was RHEUMO thiat eventually effected a cure. 7f , you nro suffering from Rheumatism, \ or from Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, or I ■ kindo-ed compUiints, give RHEUMO n ! fair trial. It has cured others and i will cure you—and ."tt little.cost.. Alls : chemists and Stores, 2-5 6d arid 4s 'id ■ ■--Advi " \

The minimum temperature recordec! in Blenheim last- night was 44 degrees, ■ Inspector Mitchell, of Dunedin, will succeed Inspector Cullen at.- Auckland, and Inspector Dwyer, of Napier, will succeed Inspector Mitchell at Dunedin. . An outing is not complete without ' Martell's Three Star Brandy.—Adsvt. Skating enthusiasts will have another opportunity of engaging in the fascinating art on Monday, when the Town Hall rink will hold its weekly sessions at 2.30 and 8 o'clock. For Children's Hacking Cough at night—Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d, 2s 6d.—Advt. ■'. ■ On the. recommendation of the Professoriai Board, the Victoria College Council has awarded the Jacob Joseph Scholarship for 1912 to Miss H. M. Jenkins and Mr P. W, Burbidge. Mi&i, .Jenkins is a daughter of Mr R. W. Jenkins, of" Blenheim. Napier, July 21st, 1911, NAZOL, LIMITED.—Your note re "NAZOL to hand to-day. We hare heard grant praise from each person we ha;ve soVi it to, and can speak highly of it ourselves, knowing what it has done m our own home.—Yours truly, Deuholm Bros.—Advt. ~ The new budget.of star subjects will be shown for the last time to-night in the Town Hall, and picture-lovers who so far have not witnessed the screening of the current series should: not miss to-night's entertainment. The British Picture, Company's patrons at Renwick will have aii. opjiortunity of viewing these pictures on Tuesday ! evening .at the Renwick Hall. .___ Smokers! Attention! If you" re I looking for a. decent mold smoke, why I not try MILD DERBY PLUG. It is. a delightful blend of dark and . ardmatie leaves.—Advt. ' Mr Geoffrey Horton, second son of Mr T. Horton, of Blenheim, who has been away from Now Zejilanri for the Ifiht twelve years,- managing mines in Rhodesia, arrivee in Wellington on Wednesday by the Arawa, and will come over to Blenheim to-night. Mr Horton has only six months' leave of absence, and after1 spending about six weeks in New Zealand, leaves for British Columbia and England, before finally returning to Rhodesia. Colds in tlse head, soi-e throat, au*l' coughs are , promptly relieved an-1 cured by "NAZOL." Tnhaled through a Nazol Inhaler and taken oh lump sugar and allowed to slowly dissolve in the mouth, the fragrant, healing qualities penetrate to the seat of the trouble. 60 doses, Is 6d.—Advt. The annual meeting of the MarlbiM'bugli branch of the Fanners' Union was held this morning, Mr A. Mackay presiding over a large attendance of members. The annual icport and balance-sheet, showing a substantial credit balance, were read and adopted. Mr A. Mackay was re elected president. The question of the erection of a public weighbridge was discussed, nnd it wr.s decided chafe a deputation from the Union wait upon the Borough Council, and urge upon that body the desirability of a public weighbridge. A full repo.t of the meeting will appear in Monday's issue. No man who draws solaoe from a pit>e should to get acquainted with MILD DERBY PLUG. It begins well, ends well, and is good all t»ie time.—Advt. At the annual meeting of the New Zealand Eagby Union on Thursday, on the motion of Mr T. Parata, it was resolved to make it a recommendation to the management committee,, .that the 'rules be printed in Maori.?. The mover ' explained' 'that many Maoris were unacquainted with tke rules regarding professionalism. It was decided to. adopt the same course as last year in the matter of sending North and South Island country teams on tour. It was resolved that the- North v. South Island match be played on July 13th. The location of the gai'ie was left to the management committee with a recommendation that, if possible,, it be played, in Wanganui or Hawke's Bay. It was decided t«. ask the : ruling of the English Union as to .whether any union has power to make a by-law authorising persQns, other than'the referee, to Veport ivugh ' play, etc. ; It was adopted as a recommendation, to the ■manageniont' committee' that an. effort be .jnade to send a. New Zealand team to America in the near future. Oh the motion of Mr Mason a recommendation to unions was made, to the effect that tho rule allowing a game to be played in four spells of twenty minutes each should be put into force only when in tho opinion of the, referee the weather conditions warrant it.".-: , ■.; ■■■•■■"■■■.; ..;: :;■ . ■■■_.;■ The naval maaiceuvres in WeymouVn Bay. with 120 warships massed in j* comparatively; small space, and with his Majesty the King in commaml, have been an sightPerhaps th© most'important •' feature w*is the hyd'roplaiic, and' thismachi-ie appears to be <& perfect its perfection is in no degree greatei" le"-; latively than that of Crescent Te--.-. which is of superb merit, and suits nil palates. Sold in three grades—ls &1, ; Is lod,.«uid 2s.—Advt. '

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Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 120, 18 May 1912, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 120, 18 May 1912, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 120, 18 May 1912, Page 4


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