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The Marlborough Express PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. Wednesday, April 14, 1897.

Lord Cjiomsh's Eeport on egypt is Egypt m 1896 chows thai 1896. there hap beon no pause m the good woik which haE been dene en the Nile under British guidance m the lust fifteen years. From everj point of view progress has been co marked as to make the change whioh has come over the country a veritable revolution, ll would be difficult to say whether the im> provement h&B been greater materially oi morally. Finance flourishes, co that whilst indemnities have been paid, conversions effected, and other operation?, amounting m all to some fifteen million?, have beer carried out, the Egyptian debt to-dsy h only Borne three millions more than it wee m 1883. As a matter of faot (he debt ie now being paid off at the rate of over threequarters of a million sterling a year. What has been accomplished m the Army and tVe judiciary are patent to all. It is Sir John Scott's toast that corruption haE practically disappeared from the magistracy. Whilst the country benefits so much as a whole, the peasant benefits m particular. He has been emancipated from the corv6a, and last year the Government made an experiment m State loans when hae warned the Greek usurer that if his demands for interest are unreasonable, the Government will enter into Eerious competition with him. As with the retrospect so with the proopeot. The outlook is eminently satiefaotory. It will be noted with interest that Lord Gromer anticipates a highly prosperous future for the Egyptian Eug&r industry. " The most marked developwooL'GßOwinoi ment m wool-growing m m Australia during the last Australia, dozen yearß hss been the inoreaeed production „of oroes-bred wool. There was gooi reason for this," says " Bruni" m the Australasian, "as the cross-bred sheep yielded Buch a heavy fleece, which often vied with the merino m value per lb, and there was , besides the increased value of the animal, owing to its greater weight. Large areas of our finest grazing country have become co rioh from many yeara of stocking that they are unfitted for raising healthy merino sheep, and naturally they were stocked with orosßnbrede. But m other localities, where the pasture land is eminently merino country, orosß-breds have bosn introduced on a large scale, and this, I think, will prove to be a mistake. The production ot longwool and oroEB-bred wool hae, during the last dozen, increaeed throughout the world at a very much greater rate than morino wool. In Argentina, to judge by the reports, there is every probability that the merino will shortly disappear. Should the production of cross-bred wool m Australia increase m the future as it has done m the past, there is a strong probability that the ,'supply will exceod the demand. Those who have sound merino country should hold feat to the merino find seek to develop the high qualities of the animal by judicious breeding. Though stud- breeding has gone back m many races of our domeEtio animale, it is a safe thing to say that there hoB been no degeneracy m our leadicg merino atud flocks. They stand higher now than ever before, and the sheepbroßdcr of to-day has advantages m the way of improving his flock that were undreamt of by the old ebeepbreeders of Australia,"

LOCAL AND GENERAL HEW*. » Ball —The Mttilbosougb La^n Tcnn's Club purpose holding a ball at the cud tithe present month. Meteorological — C&pt. Edwin wired at 1 p.m. as follows :-" Northeast to north and west gale, with rain ; glass fall." Assault. —A Eerious assault on eeveral Salvationists has been committed at Bulls. One of tbe c fibers had his bead severely injured. Tbo effenden ara to be prosecuted. ' Holiday?. -The business premises of W. 13. Cloueton, Levin and Co., Fell Bros, and Co. aod the Loan end Mercantile Cotr pany will bo cloEed from Thursday evening until Tuesday morning. Posi poked. —Tue sale of work under th. v auspices of the Churoh of Nativity Sewing Bee i as been postponed till May 6 h, en account of iho date previously fixed dashing with the date of the Horticultural Society's Show. A further announcement will bets ade. Litbbaisy Ikstitoie. — Mra Carey, the Librarian, requests us to inform Eubicribers that the Institute will not be open on Saturday, but will be open as usual on Tbureday evening, when a double allowance of books may be obtained. Railway Ri turns. — The railway returns for the last month of the finanoial year were of a very satisfactory charaoter, and it is confidently anticipated that the total revenue will exceed that of the previous year by fully £110,000. OtTBiOH Fabmikg.— There was a large attendance at Mr Geo. King's reeidence at Burwoad, Chrißtchurob, last week, when ihe birds belonging to the Cantcrbuiy Oatrich Farming Company were submitted to auction. Out of the eighteen oßtriohes offered for Eale only one pair wob Bold. The prioe was 40ge, and ibe birds will go 1 to Auckland. Habd Up.— ln the annual report of the ' Wellington Education Board the following paragraph appears:— "To erect EuitabU buildings worthy of !b.3 name of soboolß hat , been' quite out of the question. Mere Ehells, without peitit or liniDg, have been aa mud 3 aB the Board could manage m Eeveral instances with its hampered finances anc bank overdraft." Posx OFFioes.— On Good Friday all porj offices will obs.rvo a close hioliiay. Mail usually closing on Friday will olose' the previous evening at seven On Eastei Monday poet offices will be open m al " branches from 9 to 10 a.m. <nly. Maili 1 ueually cl .sing after 9 a.m. will close aj ' 9 a.m. There will be no delivery by lettercarrieis; letters may be obtained at the counter between 7 and 8 p.m. on Tbursdaj and Saturday. 1 Wabship.— The Lizard left Piiton yesterday morning. The übiquitous boy m the street said eho only oame m to eeo if there was room m the harbor for the fleet " 'cause why ? They wanted paintin', " la all probability there will be a man-o'-waric Port for the regatta. No one really Eecm- ' to know why the L'zard oame m, nor why ehe went away co euddenly._ Possibly she m«y hive mistaken the date of the regatta. ' The Pbbmikr's Toor.— The Premier and Mrs and Miss Seddon, and Mr W. Crow (private secretary), are to travel from Wellington to the Manukau by the Government steamer Tutanekai, leaving on Thursday ; evening, and will oalch the R.M.S Alamedj, which iB to leave Auckland for San Fran> cisco on Saturday. It is possible for the t parly to reach London on the 19th May, , but the journey will probably bo broken al San Franoitoo and New York, m which : case they will not arriva at the British capitel until the first week m June. 5 TELEGRiPH Office.— The telfgraph office , will be open from 9 to 10 a.m. and 7to i p.m. on Good Friday. All other offices wil : be closed except those which usually oper on Sundays and holidays (-cc Postal Guide) On Easter Monday all telegraph offices wil 1 be open from 9 to 10 a.m. Those effioet ' which are open on Sundays and holiday; 1 will re-open from 7 to 8 p.m. On Gooc 3 Friday the telephone exchange will bo oper. * from 9to 10 a.m. only. On Easter Monday 7 the exchange will ba open as usual. Union Bank.— The Union Bank shows a profit of £48 837 for the half-year ending 3lßt August, 1596, after applying £10,00( towards depreciation. I.bia is £10,00( t better than either cf the two previous half years. A five per cent, dividend (£37,500] ia paid, and the other £11,337 goes tc ' increaEe the available fund?. The Ucior now boasts that it has £4,641,000 m coit and bullion, and ever £3,000,000 m readilj realisable securities, against liabilities tc the public of aJi^tla over £20,000,000, ec , its position looks about as strong as it wel oan be. t Bowling. -The Thorndon (Wellington] j Bowling Club propose sending over thret teams to try conclusions with the local Clut t on Saturday afternoon next. Play will be commenced at 2 p.m., and it has been } arranged (bat gentlemen shall only t»e , admitted to the grcund by oarde to be , obtained from some member of tbe Club. , In tbe evening tbe visitors will be entertained by the President (Mr J. G. Trevo?) and members at a Bocial to be held m the i Masonic Hotel. The following local players , have been selected to do battle for Blen- . heim:— Bull, J. M, Hutoheson, Paiohett, [ MoCallum (skip); A. D, Wilson, Macey, , Stuart, J. Hutcheson (skip) ; Hall, Buiok, Fred. Adams, Snodgrass (jbif), Tbe names of the Thorndon players have not yet been received, but we understand they are all first -class player?, and the local men will have a struggle to hold tbe laurela gained at tbe last contest. Cycling Cldb.— A Committee. meeting of . the Cycling Club was held at the Royal Hotel last evening, m connection with the propoEed eports to be held on the Queen's Birthday. A draft programme waß drawn up of Eome nine or ten events, including a Maiden, Mile, Queen's Birthday Handioap of 3 mile?, Flying Stakes of J rnilp, Marlborough Cycling Club Handicap of 5 miles, Ladies' Race of £ mile, and two or three amu:-ing novelties. A vote of thanks was seconded to Mr A. D. Wilson, who kindly gave various estimates m connection with the propoEed track. The Captain and vice" Captain were added to the sub-Committee appointed to make arrangements for a Buitable track. The ReJcord Reign.— Preparations for the celebration of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee are all the rage m London, and ihousonds of loyal subject 3 will assemble to do honor to their aged sovereign. Those who cannot afford to make the trip should pay a visit to T. Fmale's Wairau Store, and oelebrate tbe occasion by purchasing a " Warwick " Bicycle or a " Standard " Rotary' Shuttle Sewing Machine. Both the above articles are the best that money can buy, and ore really th<3 cheapest m tho market. Esey torus for purchasers. Bankrupt Bale of drapery still m full swiDg. The Darlington, Wis., Journal saya editorially of a popular patent medioine, "We know from csporienoe that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea \ Remedy is aU that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and poßßibly saved us from an untimely gray?. We w uld not rest easy over night without it m the house," This remedy uudoubtedly Eaves rnovo pain and Buffering than any other medioine m the world, Evory family should keep it m tha house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. Foe sale by Frank Shaw, Medioal Hall, j

JouiuViU tij. — "*.-: r.ta n nrvuii. of thi dr-t iscu-i cf ibe I'llv.-ra. GoUn'-.:d Stwe, pub'i-hec! at Mi»b?e- B:r, W.i., piiucipnllj m ihe inur-cßts of gcldmininp, &i, Mr A. W. Watson and his partner, ih*! proprietors, have rpared no j.ainß to turn out a cieditab)e Bbeet, there being 13 columns of inter* eeting reading matter, besides a goodly thow j£ well-displayed ade. The sheet is printed neatly on excellent paper, though water is evidently a scarcity m the office. Thccritical tone of seme of the pars is very independent, and provea a sincere desire to advocate the publio interests, We congratulate Mr Watson (who, by- (he-bye served hie hiß time en the Expßsrs steff) and his colleague on their enlorprhirjg 'venture, and hopo they will have the success the publilicatian deserves. Asoatio3.— Groat interest is taken m the pra.titing cf the crews for Easter Monday. Many of the Fie.fen folk go over t> the Reseive ucd watch the boatß from the lower ■ rack. Tbe new Queen's Drive crew look a likely lot, and share ibe popular favor with the Port Chalmers' crew. The Wellington Starß end the Cowli&baw Brothers, as well a3 Cbai man from Little- fiivcr, and ell the Picton crewß were cut yc 6terd&y, Yeoman, of the Queen's Drive, is here coaching the Dew crew ; he has also taken tbe Fioton Maiden crew m band, and hopes to lick them into shape before the event. Ike want cf Ecicntifio training has been the dr&wbaok m Picton, but the boys have go and pluok, and -batter still— are willing <o learn. The Dumber of crews for the Cham- • pion Fours, hare dwindled down to five. / f, Rcgby Union.— The annual meeting of the Matlborou^h Rugby Union was held at the GroEvenor Hotel last evening. There were present Messrs H. W. Horton (n ths ohaii), H. Smitb, F. Bui', W. Houldswortb, C. Fulton, A. MoCallum, R. F. Priddle and A. i. Fisher. The officers eleoled were as follows : — President, Dr Cleghorn ; vicePresidentF, Messrs F. K. Robinson, E, S. Rutherford, ond H, L. Jackson ; VicePresident N.Z. Eugby UnioD, 0. H Mille, MH.R. ; Treasurer, R. h. Priddlo; Score tary, A. J. Fisher ; f eiior Selection Committee, A. Burnee, J. Bull, A. McCallum, snd H. Horton ; Junior Seleotion Committee, J. Witbey, E. S. Ratherford, and F. Dodson ; delegate to N.Z. Rugby Union, .F. VV. Carey. The annual report and balance sheet wee read ani adopted. A letter re the use of tbe football ground was rece.ved from the Cycling Club, and it was resolved that they ba alli-w-id the use of the ground for the first year for 10 per cent, <Jf the groFB takings at the gate, tbe further use of the giound to be arranged for. > Wixter Jackets and Cape?, m seal brown, fawn, g oj-, and blnck, m beavfr oloth, t curlrolotb, and plain, with Velvet cr Fur Collars. Wo will guarantee. tbeEe gcods a:e Ices than tho wholesale prioe, 7j Gi, 12s 3 9d, to 17s 6d. Ostrich Ftasberp, Frecoh r F.owers, Feather Mounts, 6(1, 9 ',-1? ; these goods wa don't keep, and are eimply throwiDg them aw-y to clear them. Ladies' Black Straw Hat=, the largest almpep, a11. 93 i eaoh ; worth 2 3 9J. Laces, from four to 12 j inches wide, all at 41 yard ; worth Is 6i. — R Allan. •

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 87, 14 April 1897, Page 2

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The Marlborough Express PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. Wednesday, April 14, 1897. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 87, 14 April 1897, Page 2

The Marlborough Express PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. Wednesday, April 14, 1897. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 87, 14 April 1897, Page 2


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