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The Marlborough Express Published Every Evening. Friday, August 9, 1895. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS.

Abt Union.— The drawing of the Marlborough Poultry and Dog Association's Art Uuion was held at Ewart'a HhII last evening, there being a large attendance. The winners of the four principal prizes were:— lst, dock, Mr Berry ; 2ad, lady's dressing case, Mr T. Watson ; 3rd, chest drawers, Miss W. Bimmonds ; 4tb, diuner service, Mr Cr. Cheesman. Tbe drawing was con' dueled under the supervision of Messes R. Harding and J. Armstrong. Meteorological.— Captain Edwin wired at 1 p.m.:—" South-east to south and east heavy gale with heavy sea soon. Glass fall with rain, and oold weather oontinue." Mb Ziman. — Referring to this gentleman'B mining operations, the Greymouth correspondent of the West Coast Times says :— I am told tbat finanoial aolossus and politioal genius, Mr Cecil Rhodes, has a fioger m the pie, wbioh promises to be of huge dimensions. Fitz3EßALdb' Circus.— Messrs Filagerald Bros., tbe well-known oircus proprietors, who left New Zealand some months ago for the purpose of picking up novelties m America and England, expect to return to the colony via Australia before tbe end of tbe year. Football.— For tbe Banner Competition on Saturday— Marlborougb v. Koromiko, at Blenheim— the Marlborough players will be:— Bartlatt, Carter (2), Conolly, Robineon, Ball, Bowman, Moore, Douslin, Miller, Dodaon, McOallum, Fitzgerald (2), Bath* bone ; emergencies, Smith, Young, Murphy, Bobinson. Boferee, L. Griffiths. MrG.P. Browne will referee m the match between Awarua and Waitohi, to be played at Pioton.

TiDEBS.— The Oraaka Road Board invite tends for sundry road work required m the etriot. Partioulara are advertieed. Cuical.— The Church of England inoaminoy at Beefton being vaoant, it has beenresolved to requeßt the Bishop of Nekt to appoint the Key John Dart, of Brußerton, to the vacancy, or failing suoh Bppatment, that the name of the clergymamroposed be first submitted to the Beefto vestry. The liabilities, inoluding the Sood BBBesßment, have now been reduoeao a little over £50. A libutk or Praise.— Our epeoial oor« respoSens wires that, m the House last nightppeaking on bi9 ezperienoea*duriog bis tri with the Tariff Commission, Major Stewal referred m terms of warmest praise of thequaUty of wine manufactured by Freethiand Co, of Mount Pleasant, near Pioton* He oould af sure members that they flould btain almost as good wine from Freethind Go as they could get m any part of kußtralia. BalUi Sheet. — A correspondent of the Lyttelto Times aeka the Editor the following oeetion :— Do yon not think that it would b<well if m addition to the collection of' annul statements called the Budget there wb inoluded a complete balancesheet of he finances of New Zealand certified by tie Audit Department, giving the total liailities classified, and the assets I matehalld and classed m their order of "liquidngs? 1 Magistbiaii.— At the Magistrate's Gourt this mornog before Mr J. Allen, S.M., the following justness was transacted. D. H, Pattie v. I P. Mo&llister £2 15s B<] amount paid by pontiff for defendant for a premium mbs Ufa policy. Defendant denied having givn authority to pay the amount. Judgment waß given for plaintiff for £2 153 8d and ooss 6s. Fowler and Molntyre v. A. Bremmr £3 13s, judgment by default and coats 6, and W. Litobfield and Son v. J. Walsh £', 7b, judgment for plaintiffs' and costs 69. leveral other oaseß were with- | drawn or oobfessed. Obitoabj*— We regret to hear of the death of Mr B. HoJgson, of the Telegraph Department, which look place at Hastings laßt night. Mr Hodgson has been a viotim to bad beUth for years, and it will be remembered vas seriously ill when looated m Blenhein. It was hoped however, that by his remeval first to Eaikoura, and later to Hastings, a constitutional improvement would remit, bat this was not to be, however, andthe poor young fellow passed away as above mentioned. Many frienda m Blenheim where deoeased was well-known, will respcot bis memory. He leaves b widow and one child, with whom there will be muob sympathy. Mining News.— Our Culleneville correspondent wi:eß to day as follows :— " Mining matters here are slow aud disappointing. The King Sjiomon Company have not had sufficient witer to drive the wheel continuously, having to stop work when the higher claims are Blnioing. More water was being brought on from Branoh Creek, behind Oliver's Hotel. The fluming for this was about finished when further stoppage took place, the king bolt breaking. The manager is now taking up gear m ordto to strengthen the foundations ; if the job stand this will take about a fortnight. The delay !b annoying, as the manager, who was prospeoting from the Golden Gate shaft, bad just washed out several pisoeß of the right sort. The Bibernian tributors, after a stoppage of many weeks, are getting a little gold, but not sufficient to pay wage?. Davis and Garr tributors, Lucky Hit, Te Ore Ore, and Wairarapa claims are not yet pumped out. Prospecting m White Pine has been resumed. Old Settler Gone. — One of the district's beßteeTtlers" has joined the great majority m the person of Mr Charles MoDiarmid Fulton, of Bohally farm, Springlands. Deceased had been suffering for a short time past fro a an affeotion of the lungs and passed quietly away last night. Mr Fulton wbb a native of Perthshire, and came out to the colony m the fifties, landing m Nelson, and arriving m the Wnirau, where he has resided ever sinoe, m 1852 or 1853. He was engaged for some time m sheep farming at the top of the Wairau Valley and took up the agricultural holding on which the homestead now stands, over twenty years, settling contemporaneously with Mr A. MoOallum (whoso sister he married) Mr MoLauohlan, and other old residents. Mr Fulton was successfully engaged for a number of years m the flax industry. All through his long residence of over 40 years m the distriot Mr Fulton was widely respected for that sterling strength of charao> ter whioh carried him so well through the trials of early colonial life and settlement, and for his kind, hospitable and honorable nature; and many friends will regret his demise. Deceaeed had also a long and honorable conneotion with the Presbyterian Oburob, and his removal as an elder — a poaition whioh he oooupied for 10 or 12 years— oauee? a gap whioh will not easily be filled. A wife and family of three sons and eight daugbtera (one of whom is married) mourn a loss whioh is irreparable, and Ihey will have general sympathy m their bereavement. "Mr DaBTOB."-We wonder how many Blenheim tradesmen oan re-eobo the expressions of a correspondent of the Gisborne Telephone, who writes as follows;— "I do business m a email way, and I went to the races the other day, not to see the raoes, but to admire some of my debtors. At the raoes I observed 69 persons who had ever three months owed me amounts ranging from 10s to £5, making a total of £200. The papers say that over £2000 went through the totaiisator. What a fearful gambler I have beoome. I reckon £70 of that was my money. I have watohed the playgoers, and by my calculations I reckon that Mr Pollard must carry away at least £32 of my money. ' Gross extravagance ! you exclaim. Yes, Bir, I plead guilty, but I couldn't help it ; the money was spent for me, not by me. Within seven days I counted over £100 going ' pop ' while I have to worry along week after week, pinohing and oheeaeparing m my domestio affairs, with ever a dread that Borne day I may have to interview the D.O.A. Ob, yes, I enjoyed the raoea and the playl Very muob I Wouldn't you!" The Spoils.— The Mayor of Ohiosgo, at a Oivil Service reform dinner, said : " Every day einoe I was sworn m I have had from 700 to 800, and perhaps 900, people at my office on one errand — patronage." The ' Outlook, ' commenting on this statement, cays that some of these importunate visitors were persons of the very highest sooial consideration, and (m the abstract) friends of Oivil Service reform, yet already to join m Borambling for spoils so long as there are spoils to be scrambled for ; but the editor expresses a hope that the mayor's graphio pioture of his daily oallera is rather an instance of extravagance m after-dinner speakiog than a sober statement of that officer's duties. Wb have just received a splendid line m Silk Plueheß, m cardinal, maroop, myrtle, mose, green, navy, old gold, brown, fawn, all the above shades, m plain and shot color, 3s 6d yard ; usual price 6s 6d. Velveteens ia cardinal, black, marooo, navy, light blue, white and cream, 1b yard ; usual price 23. Liberty Silk, m cardinal, maroon, light blue, oream, white, light green, navy and fawn, Is lid; usual ptwe 3a.— B. A&U», Market St.

A Tariff Grievance.— A freetrader has lately got into domestic trouble. A flying visit on business to London, a fortnight m Paris, a week at Spa, and a few days dalliance m Italian oities (says the Age) made up a pleasant five weeks' sojourn m Europe. The sharer of his joys and sorrows bad vainly urged her desire to accompany him, but the freetrader protested every moment of his time would be taken up with business. Ad a solatium he promised to bring bis wife the besl sealskin jaoket to be bought m London. This wbb done, and the jtoket Bent on with his baggage to Brindißi, and duly arrived with tbe owner m Hobßon'B Bay, Victoria. How to avoid the dnty waß the question. The freetrader had been paying muob attention to a young lady on board. Would the wear it ashore for him ? Delighted ! She would call on Mrs F. T. and leave it. Tbe programme was oarried out, but the f mupgler saw the young lady no more. He, however, received a letter from Sydney:— "My dear eir,— Your kind present of tbe sealskin jaoket has proved very useful, aa I find these June nights m Australia obilly." Equise Ferocity.— While riding into Gore tbe otber day Mr T. Tilson was savagely attaoked by his 6tallion Roueer. Tiieon was at the time rding a haok and leading the stallion, when the latter seized his owner by the leg and puled with suob force 88 to drag him off the back he was riding to the ground. While m this popition the man had his back severely torn as well aa bia leg, tbe muscle 0/ which was partly torn from the bone. The haok, which bad also been brought to the ground, tbe moment it regained its feet made off at full speed, with the infuriated stallion m pursuit. This alone saved tbe life of tbe disabled man. Tbe two horses were evcn'ually caught aod taken to Gore with their owner. The Btallion bad never previously shown any disposition to ferocity. — Tuapeka Time?. Lobbhng.— " Lobbying" is an ugly word for an ugly thing. Perhaps it is an inevitable accompaniment to representative institutions, at least m this pre-millennial era, but it sometimes becomes particularly frequent and offensive, resembling, so far, mumps or measles. Viotoria has it badly this session of Parliament. The ezoiting cause is tariff revision. Members of the Lower House oomplain they oannot go from one room to another m Parliament Buildings without being annoyed by objeolionable remarks hurled at them by " strangers" whose interests have been adversely affeotod by members' votes. The Speaker has had to give epeoial directions to the attendants for the parpose of suppressing the nuisanoe, and the Argus threatens that if the praotioe be oontinued it will publish the names of the offenders. The " New Woman."— An amusing incident was witnessed on a Wednesday m June m tbe Bloomsbury County Court. Seated m a public gallery was a lady attired m a oloth golf cap, blaok reefer jaoket, stiff linen collar, and frilled shirt front. Judge Baoon, looking across the court to the Bpot where she was seated, exolsimed, " Take off your cap, there." The cap was not removed, and he repeated his order to "you man there." A man's voice from tbe gallery: "It's a lady, your honor." (Laughter.) Judge Bacon, leaning over bis desk, and straining his eycß : "Isit a woman ? Why does she dresß like that ? ' (Loud laughter.) The person referred to seemed quite ignorant of the fact that the fun was &t her expense until a friend informed her, when sbe seemed highly amused herself. A Stobekekprb'B Error — An amusing ooident ooourrad not far from here, (writes the Brightwater correspondent of the Nel« nnn Rtar> rphQ»nKp n nt»».l.«.|»»»'« ouuiutuut innocently tendered to a oustomsr a sheet of Oheurioal Fly paper when asked for a Porous Plaster. It transpired that upon one side of the Fly paper, the Porous Plaster appears as an advertisement, but the error was not discovered until the patient was about to apply the preparation. Persons of Dbmcitb Constitution, who are obliged to abstain from ordinary Coffee, should try Crease's Tabaxaoum or Dandelion Coffee, whioh is reoommended by tbe highest Medioal Authorities as a very valu« able beverage for those suffering from weak digestion, flatulenoy, nervousness, etc. Not to know is not to have. The Sun Baking Powobb eclipses all others.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 194, 9 August 1895, Page 2

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The Marlborough Express Published Every Evening. Friday, August 9,1895. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 194, 9 August 1895, Page 2

The Marlborough Express Published Every Evening. Friday, August 9,1895. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 194, 9 August 1895, Page 2


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