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I i.he /iepiedatlo.'t* til ri'|> haw ( .Hh-ed | lo>j.s i.o the {'Vdding Aceliniau>a:i:>n Society, .*iml they have !*•<l in 1i 1 !i' .-ill (heir I roil 1. (if ti'JOU fry in the pomU the eeb (.k'^ii'oNc.l about La If. S'.art lin;; to Sinok* r.v.-~ The Antidote C'audyiie l : ipe~no more nieoi.iue inhaled, heiu;.', ul'SvOilm d in the i'uwi; Miiohes very <.N>oj :j11• 1 i.-, a n-dtdiy-iinish-'d I'ipe. Smoked I»v dort:»i> and throughout the Dominion, who k\ uM'y highly of iis make. hi ali tot* (o.U'e : \\ . Dawkms, Ha irdi e:---t r Jim! 'J ohairoJii'jt. .Main Streei. —Advt. At I in- C'ciriu-in'i oi ihe h»-arir.\>- of ill'* i-liaij-'f in' murder against lledley Xye ai i'oMoii ;!ir other day ditliruiry u;j:4 exprrmmvd in aefiis'd i;» answer to tin' trading *»i the thai, tiu- cuiiri proposed lo commit him tor trial. His lipavit wrob- on iln* printed form, "I ri'scrw my (li'i'cinH 1 ." )/in the l:»y r«')u ed a)io-| <»elht r to -J;;!) 11. katcr on, however. (If pdiee prevailed on hi in to name, uhi'h h«< did in the m;>uj i<• r: "Trinee Jbdiey of Cornwall and York." Til':-! 1 who uuiiid wed in ihe State of Washington nn'-! iir. i >hov\ that ilm-v -re in tU health n» perform the dmie.. of mat rim-my and parenthnod.; I'nle--. koih parties ptvhi-e ,-:u ; i,;-.tory | -'i : ri 'li'-iito, til' 1 repjUl'a r wiii, not eranr *h.• 111 a Man;' count; ie., have ili>eussed pro-1 );os;jl.-> for t;i" prevention of tlm pro-! cTCiitu uvf dog;< aerate ivpt !mt V r ! J '! bablv tht> law whieh sanv> »u-o toree in WnsSiiimtoii the other week is tlio tirst ■erf !lir- hind that hay ever been actually enforced.

"As far as 1 nau—sno ihototvii water is oulv (it for eonkiii'".';' w> one would uash Villi it." f'i M.-Uniit>.all ni hist i night's mooting "I ih» HoriHiuh C'.>nn-|.-il. I Lot tort. <>f adiiiini '• !.iUoii ot tin. t:s late of Andrew Spiel Into <>l Uifcrsdale, deceased, i.:.•... 1..-, i. cram !e..l to tin. deceased - ..i.i.ov l.y II:liull.jr Mr .111-til.■ \\i Ham- a i |llte..lo. I "Il liio .•iii|,ii.-uli..'i .-. .'.!•.-.-!.- \". a. '.. | and llnsuin. j Suits to iuoat-nri'. ■■'■■ t<> <U-. 'I »> :->' j Suits are not iaaoi* ■::, l"ii .n - in. hy urn-own cxjiurt vm -i. nn-l v..- ;: ii,i, ■ anl.'o g'Xid tvork mil |ii-i-|«ot lit: "a>il l-attorus to i: :i. I'. 11. ;.-i-..u and Co'., opposito I'"- (Mi 1,... An o.\t,.nilod ui«ltt <■: Mi- I ..tii..-.l.\^ • .p l; ..\iis.i.- «• »s h.-ld in i'..o 0.i.;.',.ii..,,,' ! ital! last i-ioiiii..-. .1 .on I!.-.- »a. a ! iaryo attoiithnn-o, ■'.-'.I ;;:..i'-;: 'part. The lllllsie Mipohod l.y an or.-11. - ! ii-ii oonsisliiiK oi Mi-- C.i-ii-i...ii 'pianoi i.ind Alters C. \\. 'l'avii.v Hi..lnn a:,.1 i.i. lii-lirv (oiariolioli |.,i- all ilia: .-.'llil Ifo do,il-od. Mr ({. i.i. lo.i aolo-l .. i ,M.(.'. At a Miiiahle mil ivn-o,i|. | mi'iita noiv dislit-iisoi! :: id an i njioaiil. I -...rial teriiihiiili'd at L : in. I ■• I would hl-.o n to :.- kiHoui ||v." >;, id tin- Alavur -: ias: „l-!u': \ i.i.-.-tin;; of Iho Horoiijia I .iin.-il, --il.a I ll!,-'sl'ip|,|v ~l oill-l'i'-llt 'nn-wllllV Vi-.h'i: ' aroo.i-i of the main--. 'I li.-ro i, am i alM'illill of pilHor." (I . ( iii-|.,L!.- : ■■ I )»-.. -ol liali' a dozen ei,,i,.m.-i-, .n Ma,-. jStioot e.Hild oiiofgy 1..0 sitpplioil ilioi.-'- | The Mayor : •• It. won't do to nuilo ] taili pri)iiiisi'.s in ill.- in. aiiiniio." "l liirtli lmirUs, Mini., sti-ikiir.. and .-mil Ivory peculiar, Irerpiently i.-.p--ar o | ellihlrell, lull it not olt.-ll I >a: |. iu-1 | of tin- iiiplialiut are piainlo ill a lu-ui.-f nl.le, still l.« the 1011,-i- d.- ; ;-iial infill |.-uniallie of llie fanlilv. Theio i, a jll-ISI Olio ehild ill W.lll-al!!:; «!(..-,- pill [outs -hoiild hare no dilli.-iMtv m t.•<•,.; i niMii- it alioiild ovor ,1,0 oiroiiiiistnne.

-i-iso ulioi-ohv iis idol,;!!-.- diould i..- in ' douht. The Imhv ha- tin- loiter- ; • W.N.," the latti-r 1..-H1- the In-t lettor of lin- siiniatiir .a it- : plainly di-eeniil.lo ~,. i,- 5.-..1.,-. l-'.vory y.-ar .j()0 ton- ol i.-ntit.r an , .'Miniated In o 0 to waste in tailono... Mil-Pliers' shops, hontliiak. i:,' .-.'nop-, and oilier places in New Z.-al.-in I. Oi .wir . UnlloeU'.s hid,, and slioop's -d-in, \7 po'r; , colli, is said lo s° '" "ai-io in ounior! sora|).s and ]iie,-es. A ooinpai.v 1, nm, i heiiiK lloated in \V.--11in;.. 1 0,i ... utili-l' this waste prodtiut hy couiliiiiinn it tmli i vilUlier in a wi-w malerinl i-alii-d haili.-r. | | rnhlicr. lor which a ;0.-al ,„|-i.-lv of | jll-os is ..laimed. 'l'll., l.ii.hci- ami I, lo tlioi- are eonihiiiei! in varioit.- prn|H>i(ions for dill,-rent inainii'aolur.- I.»- a patent pioee-s l-el-ollllv invi-tltorl ill All-- I tralia. Il i- claiinod that tin- ; t-elie-i j is moiv diii-ahh- than the oidmarv leather or i-iihhoi- goods-, and ~,,„ 1,,', ,„■„-i dii.-ed and -old at a i-m.-idmahh- r.-du,-. > lion in piiee. An Australian eniupany j is alreadi- at wnrh, and il is expocled that Iho X™ Zealand company will he liianiifiioluiiii", loath, i-ruhbei six month*. Ale will a ( iiliuiioiiaal Travell- : ilesirou- ol making a siiecessfui u,p maximum results, minimum w,u-r\ .- I'hoii f »ot into touch with the .\e„ /i alaud l'-:.v press (..'., Ltd., and voti'ie on I the road to success. They'll clear your | samples, deposit dniv. transmit yotir] haßgage from phteo i<> place thi.i:i._!i.,n: ! il>.. Dominium, pioi idin;; ~ i ea-h i mn i npleridid, coiivmiiei:!, ,ampl,. rouiii-. j Ollleos th ;.!li.ll| the I ),,|i,m !.,||. 1 | The :,.,!!i. wiiat 11|,|1,-|, 1.,.-| w:,. ,li,- ) closed at Knm.slen Can.iv l.airt I hat j sewn In-othei-s po-.-e-s ,|„'. ;„„,. < '.,,.„. j linn mime (says a London paperl. I'.-| I'.ilV the emiit v, as an : polj-:: | ion |.v J William Harris, late of lac: \l--l -, -J and o ' the -.(,,:•, ~( Mr William H.-.i ! lis, the ••saii-av.e tii.-," i:,-.- In-, ,!.. i .■iiar;.;.. from 1.-, ukrupi. -•- .Ml Ho'.v.-il. 1 llie (lllici-ll lieeeivi-l-, -'aid lha! the! e'ehtoi- v.-as known a- William liarti-i No. I. Thee Here s.aen iu011,,.,-.. all! of whom wei-e named V,'il|ia;i.. ami ili-rl we].- di.sliu-tiishe.l 1.-. ;. :i1i.;,.-.... I (L:il|e,hle|.l -■ N111u1.,.,- (j.,.." «„. a,-! lll.illy pail ot the deleo,-':. ::.■;•!l,.. The I |-,-!is,o.rf.„- live'veai--.' ' j •■Success," says Jo.-'i !'„!l.!i;.-..., •-,!,. n't | eoiisisl in novel- nuikiiio lilundei-s, 1 nil j in never ma km- the -.,.,„. ~i i(. | v . „•,. " ! Voit will make no mi..take. l-.„«.-v.-r it i y.,11 eIKI-tl-t the New Zoaiaiul L\| iv-s i Co. with your customs and raininc ! Hiuk. lieliahleness I,a, over hc.-n paia-j in.,11111 with them, win iliei- in rciuovin./ I furniture, pa.-siii". entri,-, .lis! nhulin;; | colisieiiiiionis, <n- foiuaniiii:; 0, HK 1,. . •■lVaee Ol ~„ peace. I'd !„,,. eie.yl man traiiie.-l i„ arm-. Ii ill,-,,. »a- I never to ho another lio-hi. I'.i dnlll everv male ihiiio. I!v 1.,-al-e. I d haw! universal mihlaiv sen a- ~, H,awo,."j Thus Dr -Miller Mii.e.tili-e. ii,o faumiis! Army ,-oacli, n, Mr J!:,l.en i;iai.hf.,i-.|, ! the Socialist lea,lef. Mi l;:.,l,-i;l',„,l i- : of much lii, -.-line epaii-.n. He ~ r. ,d : in the Ai-inv l-ei'ore In- tool, i., i,,uii,-,l- ■ i»ni and made hmiseli lamou-. and 1,..; Is deeply impiessell Willi ill,- l-olielit- 10l he derive.,' Irom inilitai-v irainii,, . 11.-I « files eluivimdv 11, a .Veen, aII !.-!. a; j oi a so|d'ie|-." l --'i;;"1"..,i : "!n.,nl: 1 ,'.'1,m-j l-ecalne soldi,,-.; hi.Vs Mere ,l:n i„„ ,| ; I into men. In ,li,uo i„eio i-ai.0.,-:! : :h.-ou.o|, l'::,-kh„,-sl ..;,„. a m-a, oi ,-a"!.-! '-"■-I w it .aeamii.iaa.. In 5ep:..,,,-, her I In-,. ,-a;;am„ii;.i- »i,|, ;.,v, n ',„,p! ami town slollch, 1001 !„, ol.a- <•!,■;,„. | wclh-r ,„.,!, alert. ,1, lamil,,-. t0:,,,-.;! .-ohlie!.-, iwiii lir.iii/ie.l' I ~■,... imisciilar j l-hu-ouia;.;,- local iudu.slri,-. Ii is! m.-n. rally admili.-.l Hint any 10.-al in-I dustry ilia! employs a niiinl,, r oi ii.inii-, 1 is a ere.-i! factor louanis: the,- ] , of a. 10w.,. T. Cie,,, and (, .\ ~. . i mine ni.iv he .-hi-sc-i as „;' ,!„.,,. „,- , dustlios. A knee niiiiilier „, hamls mo employed in and ahoul the mine, together with horse.s and earl-, aml I'm ' niuolhiy pay-.'ihoels re,irc.seut a eon- , sidei-ahle sum of moiiev, all of whioii is spoilt, locally. T. lav™ ;,,,,| ( ~. del.v-r coal at oreaily-rediiced ];iice, ni an; J ,|iianliiy. Hath iptiiliiv and iinaiitilv! i are ouai-anlced. ('oni ruetK f aken a.i'd i . inick lots sent to anv sidima; on li-.-i , lino. Orders left or sent 10t';,.. Itlalu.l . Hill rcecivo prompt, attention. Iciophouu 8-I.—T. Urcuu and Co.—Atlvt. . Men's Society was held last eveiiiti:.; in liillljs' 100111, the l.'ov. 0. lienev 'pre-si-linf;. Mr L. (.'. Siiiiili ,ieln,-red an iiilelestiio- addle.,:, on '■llie la-v m o . relation hotuoou Master am! lie, i an, ' i'lle ,-,l|ll)ei-| h-ine ~) u .,.y Hid,, ,_,.„!„. hiu! nf necessity to h,_. :; „ m . ndial oui--laded, and Mr Smith emlmed hinisell id ils more y.,m. raily kmiuu pha-e,. file duties oi' 1 in- mailer to the sen ailt ill. .-crvaiii to the m-isi, ,-, ■,!,,. lespo.oj sihilitios of each, the reasons uhv thej -no or ill,-oilier coiiltl or could n„| sue-, iced in an actio:,, at la» , ami ii„. W0,:,- "'•-, t'oii.jieusat Act v.. .-,-, with other mailers, explained and illnIratetl hy exliacls from imh-moui ; do- I inoi-ed in the ennris of' KuVlaml audi uie Dominion. The aimosphci •■.lrv! as dTlst " ill the lecture «;,, oonspiellolo. i hy Us ahsciice in Mr'.-. remarks, j winch were much appreciated liv hi,! aitclience. I

'I'll" local :illl h.jlil i, - who appl, ill" '".its 1.1 aliens ail.Wolls li> dllfr .\"W Zealand had !l novel MlbjeM I, P .|.-;il will, ilir „iI„ T ,| :n . Til- lieu 1.-ays l|„. -.New XvilLi.ll.:'l tti,., ~ • tiinly .lapancx . :il„mt i'r.v I", i. hi hde.lit. who arrived lr.,in London bv tin- Witkaiiui ;i.~ ii member ol th" slew'.. aids' slab. .No restriction "I- |"ll-la., is imposed "it .Japanese, lull, tlicy. lik" ill luii i;;ii'.-I--, iiic compelled to undoi\e,o a strict reading iiml writing li-sl. in "it" KIII-DpCllll lallglUlgO. 'l'lli, JjlMtli-:" spoke rhiglisli IliH-iulv, iiml he Mated tl':il ll" Was prepared t.i lllnli'i-j.-,ii all education I"..! ji, Ktiuli-li. ficim-m. r'rcuel, o, Spanish. U" pas • .1 t|-c i .1 in Kiiiilc-li. Tli .«-c>mci- 1,1,-i :, - ! appearance, and hj" performed lii: dine(in board ship in an "\"iu|>!ar\ manner. II" has travelled in all corner. <,l the globe. Wb-ii ill,- lii" rs «.i Hi,- Southland Hospital Trllsl uric exprcsiillji lilatiliuli- at receipi .if a donation i"|>r.-,i-„i----"il liy tli" value <>i sis shave, in i InSouthland I'll tn.-r,' ('i-rip.-niiivc A- • •• elation in Monday nuhl's M lim-., .Mi-' l-linclicv iiit'litioiH'rl lliat lie held Chi, i which lie proposed to hand m-it n. a | donation to tile hospital funds. The i (position, lie explained, n. that a en- : - I Miner had handed into liim .-. tlUn-.n iiii mist-ik" I'm- a CI I.if which aide- "!",,".,■ had 1,.-,.,, ..ilea. Tin- in.t,-| ''ta.l hi,,, i;.-,... 1,,,, ~■:■, ,-i,ii,.: iii'unrvi h;-l - ■ far hilled to iv-cal tie- oaner. | 'I ins is where the>i'...l coin. ■: :n.i The incident reminded Mr Hamilton . ■■ '! half a sovereign which iuip.l-.'. iuiilnri." '■ h.- employed. Ho hadtonnd it en tl.ej tk-ov of iho hank, and had I'-inh-i r i into ■'Olio of the. fellow-," mr >ah-lcerp- I ing ag(iinsf Mich lime, as the riehtful | on tier asked for it. ' i

• TJk«-o ilitf'nV,tpd ni 'the draughts maid, 10 l.r played iit Riv.-is.laU- t.»- I morrov. .:;-.-1,l hetweou a team It'oin . Ooto and the leal rlnh an i••qurv.t»><l 1 '. • '■' ■ :>■- -. -lie--. Vol 1.'... v tlldei'- ' slabic,- !••! it,v"isdi.l Wedll.wlaV :,< I a,30 i- ■•! !'!.•■ < ..-.!■ ilut„..: ( ."li'l,l-'.il,, I i \l| ,1. ~;:',. . .up! • lui.i...- I■■ Pi I'l'.w I .; (>:,:,. ...II Til.' <■■!• Hal Il ( ollUcil ! i::i'.e ihtii Cited I'. a|.p.-il a- ,i pally. I- -.! will 11.11 'II. ■>. An i..1- i. 'hi . '• i' lolao-al -I. Mark's I illll.-11. !>IW!V..|(l|... ! i . c,,011,0i. i- li-ll til.' M-..- it. v. 1)„i r.Mi,.,- illi-hop N, nili mil .mv.-il ~ t.lMe, 1., til.- IM.-lli.H. ,„ ll„- |„|.. M;, I i.inlv liavlr. win. lor many war, w„- ~, , a,vest Worker ».V til, ehlHell „: thai district Mr.-. Havhs .1 ~,..[■ a I war l,;o. and ill. lilliiot >. .-i.-.-1.-.i 1.1 I',, memo, i.v 1... ii-lsl I a,-,.! j.vm-hlel. 'Mi.. M.-.-.ii.,.i- i-.i.s lii <-li.i.i : :t- |„r i 1,,. hj, ;;.,-. hut <„:,. new,- U0«.5.a„.l at ;'!%;'■!''"-com"i'-ii fiUo and'' sti;.i,« V.'k' Men's Sundae Idaio KM P-|i v Ualmoi.i], ai. I-. I'm: Men's :'i -u.; Win;.T !',;..!, 1..-1 ntiJ 1..» ,'l-iVs anl i !-. a, 1 •„•*'(>.!.- I). Newman, Mam '< \i .;,. | :l ,i i in. .. of 1 hi- Ouniil | raiai-i-s' I'liin.i i- i- ...ll'.lMiiji ;..-Mtli- !,,„.„ were ..I.Ti.-l I . ..Hi.-., thiniiji the ; n-aiiii": v.-,ii : Mi A. Wayl.-, ehairI, 'l'viail'ioo 'l'l-11-l-tl'lJ > t M.'-s-r", Alohi-i-ald. 1,..;.. m.. -!•!-. Kahorl-ol:, all.l It. 11. iwnn'eov. in.- last-n; -il proiiiisino , , . ~.;,,| a paper mi lil.- lalior ipicstioil a: ihe ~..x . ~,.,-ii,,-. 1.. 1... 111-Id -HI ■ '.ir-ii,t 11. I In- llliauclal report -hotv- .|, :' ;1 i-iv.iii i.iiiaiin. <.r !.;i -'-. "j Ai !;,,, i,,,;n'> mi. .i.i.;; ..I tin- (...iv " i •: ir.,::.,!! I ..unci! ( r. liuiiotls 1....L ..,--

■:;-,, .11 In (-..;.! Uli Hi nil lilo |.m,,| illlllllill;.:ill V , |'"«.T <.. I!,C I'tllst (i()IV limits. . Ik- May,,! (Ml' A. A. M:;< (Jil.lit.lll v;ii(l - ,"!;„''i-n-'i'/ 'Wilill ..l-iii'l ;i I'.iiii I'") Kn-l in-,.-.'' nslo-i 111.- .Mil-..!' t.-m.i-il ~|v. " \<i. u- il-ll't Utllll .1 101 111 ill ■ ■':,-,' (...!,.," pi.illipllv IVsjlolKlrd III! •■.:•. 'l'll- nniti-i- I 1 i 1..- in .piiivil nil-, i.y i In- Cnilllimiir '..,■;, ~ 1!. i...l in ill.- MiiUma liv.-r. mill !'.''1:"....'1,.!i 1.-',.|lv. In ionm'-.' \.".v> ill".. :,:,.. ..lun'.s li-.-n .. pi,-ill.lill s„ppk -.1 ,:,..| ~i, ili,. I„i„-ll In-lmi llir i.lilnin 1.ri,1",. 1,,:- ih,. iir, -W ~l ill,- |..«-ii. I,ii' ..I I.u.- ih.- sin-lv iris Im-'-i i in-. .',.,;•, ;,.;.| !l;l-. 'li'm. pi':,l-l l"l,lh :i- -■■!. \<V,,1,1,1!"K 111,- 1.r.1l -Lli. I-. 11.iv.. III..! ! , "... !.i,-ll'i..|- ',.H..».|. :..|.| l;iM 111-11 l ll»I !'■ n-,.|1;..1| C.i 111,. i! "1., ill, -,l ill. -1,1 |.-III>ls- ! ~- ,:, 1,, i.-i'ki- ",r. in! 11, .ill lli.- :■'• il!i. ; i ~-.,..., :i! i-,\ p.,- nil,;,- v.,1,1. !i !■ .!■.,,.,- !.| 1',,1,1 I lli/- will vi«J.I :. ■■....•! -,->. .-iiii,.. .ill,l (lull 11 "ill 11u- ..!...-,• 111.- ~-,,-H". II„M' llH'l IH ..I I II II UK./" ..p|"-l ,i,ii.. inn,. i,,i ;i." 1.-i'iii.-lun,.. ..I .i 1...1...1-j.u-iv j.u-iv ill" pr-s-nl fs;ii.| ii .-.pinK.-r ... ~ 1,-,-. 1,1 111 "..III.;. in ( 1n.r.1.111,,i1| .-•II..I i.v ih.- i>i-;\.-=--• r i. aii .... i- ):':■ Imimiil.,,! lii.-i- »;,-. : "mi" I--I----|,i-' ..! tm.--.-jn.-.- -. Tl." »...:-..'i,' v..-i •! I 1..-'.-illlllll" I-, 1.-1111-" lll.l! Ul" 1.11..-l:.l i 1..,!„,r nil.inn-- in u'lM.-li ih. '. Im.l h.i | I pln—l 11.-ir ln,,i. 1.;,. i Im-.-ii i. . 1 i-iilin- . 1,i.i...i- .-.,n1.l 1,.1 - :,.'!il: v, ■! )'-' I'iiV.ii',- i'l'iii , iiv l .'':ni,l' -:..,i,i,|' mm 1..-'." j:,- i, «-,,-. in A,,---,!!,. a,... li-lilii.;!, I 1...-,-,-. 1,-., nil- i,:,iliiii : ... n..1.p, ml.-,.! ..I |.:..V o!II,.,|" nislstnll-. 1,11,1 ... illlil, ,:t..\ ; , :,', ~1 ih ■ i-. ,ii. ~1 p,m, i. Willi ii..- ! " p.-l-i.-1.,-,. HI li,.' 111 " 111.-111. 111,- 11.-V, 1.:,!...1' piil'lv 1V..111.1 I'l.v- 1.. • i'.-,..1 li..- in,,!.,!;, . ..', Hi.. pn-i. I. I '.ml,: ,- ,-l;,-v. nil iilli.iii," . :,i..| - ~,-, !;,-.|,i ~-lv 1,„.|i,1-.|- ill" pl-.|;'." "I l-,..:'11'-.l'. 'lli,. 1i1.1'1V1.111.-l'l 1111, -I. vis. ll 111-11 - 11.I 1 .- :-, lin.-l 1... ni.,,1.. Mll.s-rsi.-11l l.i til.j :.:■-,', -is ..I 111.- pails :i- :i ivllol, . in:.] i•" 1:,.-.1|1,.-l- 1..,i11,1 I, :i11..u..,| 1., iiiKo i""i.-,- 11l illiv Cn-i-l-i'liii 111 |li:it Mil., jin H1.1.v i.Hiip,, --1 -I 111-liil.-l's ~1 Ins | --.'.'l l pm-iv. ■I- ( iiri-.i.'iti'iivii .-..'ul hi ;i iMi-iii li-.-lii--... i..,r;.-.r,il i.'iiii-liiii.-ii!. Whi-1.-i.-i- sain- | ii- i-'Hi'-' ■-' I'"''!.- I--''' p.----.i. |H null ,::-,lv 1..- ,-i.-ini,-i l'ii.: H |- ::i.I l-.„ .11.-,-■;.. in iii-mi-in;. i, li.-i.llliy i; l..|ii-;,1,i- ',, ',.:.- 1 i:il.-.| .111 ..pilli.,ll' |il- n ~|„.i:.-.-l ;,;,-,li.ii .-. I!.- :,,|i), .1 iln.i lii i.n:;.ii: i" -:.!•] 1 1.; Im.-iyy i-i.-h----i«" »■:,> t!,-' i-.i-li.t: il It..- j.-H.-.l ! !••:,, ii- <.\. : -.|,-,| !- •...»!,!. pi, |ii, ■,,■!■ inn- I-. i.'.ini-'i :,i nil.;l: lo'i'i"' i-t.'ii.'-'-'.''l'ni' 111- i-;i-i'«f ; ] -,;ii-l,!ii.m 1.-.- nitl-iiii". iiin.ositi.iiis. it ;v::-,,,. ~, li,,„.|„|-i1,.i;.. .-iii'l liml in .!.-,.-1.-.i,:. in!l.|..||.-- on Ih.- Ili.-llii.l i.-.,.:,10;.-. I'll., "0.-. i.. 1-1- 1 -v" :o ;: !!..i'i".l'i ' i-.'.-.! V;:- ,' ili'l'.i ;'i:', 'mil iiilii 1,-.- i . I:,. ~-.„i-.i,-.l i,. .!,,- -Ini.iou oi !-.. .in : ,::i I p.-i-i- ,;,---.I !-., I.- ,-,.. !:■:■-■-:.-.I :, • i,-:.-V,\ 1111.l H.Ki-i-ls ol lllltll j pupil, mi I !,:,!■!,.-!■.. ' '-li. II pi...-.., „!W |-Ollllll'V hi,.- I ins 1 so'! Will 1,.-..,- 1.. ,-.-;.,|| ..111 l,„- Miiil-k-ls. 'i'lui lli- l'mii'i,- .'-Lip t.-i-s ii l.i" ti.-M ■ii «>ii-|. io .-xploji vo.ii- i lik-Is mi,! i ■■i..,.iiiT, . c-iii-l MrTli.l.niiil. num..-."!' ~l ! ih- liimi.-r <!, pi.nin.-iil of lli- St-.iil-.-j HUH Oi (lill.l. ii.llpil ,111,1 (',.. |, I.IIM- : r. ~,,.!„•, ,„ .„ ii„. I'li.-ifn- >l..p-. uln.-li. !:i1.i,.11": 01111-l- I 1.1t0.5. i-xpolls lii'twivll ''!),! I'11..IIPI) ;,;„1 ;,ll.7l|l|l.l|ll| |,.,.| ~| (||-,.. ("■HI lll.llllllllv to 111 l pnri, ol 111- V.-ll.i. ', v.1.0 ~ „„„■ in Von line,, i, im-itr .„, <..',-»,.u „,.u. i.,,.1 it ~ i,„is,..i .''''i.iil llml 111 l ;i,|,!1.-lull ,1 .lilli is (ii l.i----'-■l-ni-.-.l oil 5!.,,,, |,.i, L . t l,s. it i, ....,..■ -.. yon ,-an'l |o--p (liv;.'..n o.'i. ll ;:-i.-.s <.i..r\wli.-iv. 1.,.-iiii..!. ||-s wiii-ii-.1. ll I-,, .-i ml mmliii, , v.1,„-l, K- -|. it 111 il.-illillnl. lis V..111- 01..1 lili I". In.'.'- All 1i.i.1.. i-s Inn-,. t l„,,- „-,.5. iiinl <'-.'L.-,n :• .--p-c-iil.. Von in.v i pm ."-!r.. .lulv .it ,i Tlint -..i1l in.i I'fl'l.'i'. V.:n:- (i.....|-i.l,„.in ,„. 1V p,., :, i '"'!-■ lilol.' I-l-1111. . 1,111 x,,,l i,„,| v..„,-s jtlill !.::.. lor ii. | ~v ,-„, ~,,,,,'h.a, i:.—.'oii. I-,,:mi- ~„i|. nirliit—|.. ...11,1 'niilil-is Know win,i i!i,. v ~.,,, ( |„ vu ,|, j, I s„y VOII i.|,,-ll|,| 1,,,,-,, ii ~, ~„„,,.,.,.,. ■■•..lll' o.VI, ■ ,„,,( |i,„1,,,-. Tl„. I'll.- -I ''"'»• l-ii'ii'i lor-si-, Ims ~1,,.;„1v 1.,-.-ii . ■In::. Is ill! 1.11 l ,|.,1i... •""' " ! l-:.-l -.1 .-I pin- i.. ~,,1 Ml '"-"l'i-l ,'S M ivils. (l|-,..0,,|| v.lli ||..|„ '■■•> '" '"" " i' lor-si--. ll :-.,-, t„ -''l l'l"'l- "t l|„. ~,.|.|,| \,,, v Z,..,!;,,,,! ■■■■■" i tilli- ll"" -IllllV. ■' I' "llo.v :ll l,::i;:,oii, 11„. ~: h,,•',!,, v't'|„. i l ' '"' '• •>:::"""" <.i" i>S -.lii.-l. 1 ~.|- % -.- fii'f'". t l -'.""'. M '"'" l :! !'". '"' '""'■ " , ' ,,,v " 1 :i I:;..- ~,.--...-Mi I, si I .',,','",'i','"'i| ! !."" I Li':. , |' !"'.'M'K-I ll- (0,1,.,,,,„..,„ ~|l (ll, |,| ;il ,„.,. lo'i.-'io. -, l.i:i'l.:»iii ~,-ii-.,,,.., ,„ ~,„;,.„ I";"' i" ' oi .i-i!.i,ii„„ i.y ii„. ,-i,i,,,i----.nnl.' Ml .inn:,-.ii, ~, i:,,,,. Hi,,;,,,, |,, i'l- iiiimit? '...... - ... i;„- i;,„p„-,.. \\,,i, I .I- Until,-! HI i1,,1i„- 1.-|„.,•,.,!, |1„. Hlilrr !'-;•!. .fl-1 1-.:- »...!l,| 1,.. :,;, Hi,,,,,,!,,,!,, ['"l--'-- .!'' t.-1111.-s, -il-I i-.ill, 11,,. imiuH-. i'"-' ""III'! '|l'i. >.U ■':.,11,1 i, ~;„! |i',l'„,' r I'""' "''J-; I'"::'!- !!l-ir tl"!-,„!,i -Ollill- ! ■ ".'■'•, '■!'< -"'-••I ■■■•i-i'i .liny ..„ j !.-=:,■ 'u,v. Vlx"-".';,. ■..„":';,;;; i '. ,, t: , JX ."'..'.'''('..s!;.' :•;»■ ' >;i'i. Ii '-<• 1.-".i-ri!ii,,-i)i nji-lii tie,.in |.l.',ii',ii.l.', tli- ~uii,,v on ,1„. pi,,.,!,! ( j1.!i1..),Ui«l ~,-..-,..-. «„„!.| l„! r,.,;,,,,,.,] j il-I lli- pi0.1i,",-,.-, „.,„I,| l„.„. (;,'!,.. ~, !;1.1)0,'1,!.;iii ..i,.,:,!!,-. ilir„ii-ii' lilt- '"' "'•' ' ' I'''' 1 u.mi. I ii- Hiit-r, in ■'oii-lti- p-im.-i it,.,, v.,Hi t h.. I- 1 ' - :-'i---i li- lloin. in.itk.-i, I'll""- ■■■' -■'■•;> v.,. iiia-N u, .Imp i„ , f1..... .'.- |.i ! i. 1i,,, |, ~;,„.;, ;i| ';;, ', H1.'11.l VMMII-l lU-..M ~ ll.s, 1,. |||,. pio.i.K t 1 ■'i '-i,i!'.,i..;-J", •'.'.■!-a :-... 11..,',.|.V1,-1!i;,,. (tIKI.

At this time of the year the accumulation of ends of materials is a noticeable icaturo in all Departments, in none more so than in the Furnishing Department. The bulky nature of the ends, particularly of Linoleums, accentuates our desire to be rid of them before ccktakmtj. The prices we put on Lino- , I .Him and floorcloth Hemnants are alI ways so little that we have never to complain of the quantity left after the sale is over. The offering this season is ! much larger than usual, especially in j the bater qualities. When visiting our Sale bring along the measurements of my small room you contemplate coverI inn and we'll find something to suit, and without any extra charge we'll cut and match it for you. A short end sufficient to cover the Scullery or Bathroom will cost littlo. It will save labor and ?<M to the appearance and comfort of your home. MACOI3BON AND CO., LTD., The Main Street's Busy Comer.

A ic-cord "price tor rabluukint l<»r th* ] nouiiuion na* been obtained liy Mr Alexander Allnxiti. *lio libs, Iwii Ili* ' winter labliiMiaiimiiK • m l/ocnindorli J sliltieli l.,:its 'rlllllin Ff(H> rie»|.'l Hereceml> I "'.iuHl the tj«biel>d leiiirn ill :tl!.| per lb Wlli'.ei- doeJ.klllf.. .\ leierd 111- 1 ».--■* i i"l' Up In llie '.'we.ill, lm I..mi iin.ii.l hi ,i.e liwller el ■■•':•: iin... tin.'., i.nii. and s«iiitiuv Uv% ...r tie. '■ «elv. i ,- ending Maieli U lii-,1 i'lie I.aUIK-e-aUeel<i«, t lul .ill uioucit. diu lite Board in the divet- ■ i.'h indicated were collected and bauk- • . ei' ei 1.. Liu llie liiol day oi t»<" litianciiil year. Tile lulul aillouut ol i ..i... ...lleil.-d »\a, t.V.M l;k .'id, ti|K'li iiineli the (i.ivcrnmcnt remits tho lie ud •„'■-> per cent, io Mi I{, I'aitll, . 1. 'i 1. ;md tl edit due ler this |>erturiuanre.

mi error which, passed tmlelined ni id., time. Mr Clcmcut LWragm Die eminent a»trononier aiid i.iete.Hel.w-l, who iwcntly vlait«d (<<iie. uiis imide t<i sa\ in an interview uiili a representative ot the Eimigu' i hai a lirhi-elawi weather mhw rould 1... i-ial.liNlied iii the Dominion lor a inil.-l aiiiiiial viileol CVHKI. The tigllte »* <.i.\ inadeijHiile mid >li.inld !"•• >i L-JIUHI. In a characteriMie 1.-lier Mr Hias-.' say» : And let llie a 14 tli.l! tin ry eulild luii !»■ bet let -pcm. Dieadneughts' may be all very « II in I hi-, particular civilised »|4e ol the Km it h. lint a i;mxl ■..nice with :i reasonable vote i» of cipiiil. it not /.renter, importance t.) 11n-, ".r.niinn cutitrv. I repeat that tile seni. -.11.11111 elnl-laee a Mllilv ol SellMiiial leteeasl-. daily forecasts l«>r all parts ol llie eoast and in--1 1 districts in iicoorilaiieo- with physical eeoeraphy. and enjax-iallt a ilioroie.'.h study ol climatology or (oc»V cliiiiale in agricultural, pnntoral, tolir-i-.t ami hygienic interest* by ptiriis"! ->st- in ind inetliiHl—ii matter of vital inip.irlaiiee. The data now r<VM>iv«d by your Heather olliee n hould bo ample. il accurate, lor the epeoialmod foreeasts iiUoe relerrxl to, and {iropvrly inteipretc I It in absolutely essential that all oliseiMis at ollt-f,1atlOll» ahould 1., jiroperly trained in tho ttac at)d .eatia-elllelll ol ihcir irwtrUUlellt S (iihentise seiiiitis \itiatuitl ol utatiiticK i hoiiud to iciili. And regular in-.-peclioii ol stations i> ..I iiiouielitoils inipoitauc... jiinl the director ol the organisation, \vlio.\et he may In., inust Know In, in.'u and study their errors ol p.'.-onal e.piatioii. I.'atelv 1 vwite.l l.'ueeivtowH. an aeki|.ittl«lp;.sl heallli ami lonri.i where a properly.•(pupped i linialolojiic.-d slatioii eeltainly should be. and yel the only oiti'iut tlicinioiiiei.r lh.r, is a eoiiiin..r

lililp", COitill;' klnuil In M. SlM'll iiimv '■>.-\r a la. ,-,,„. ,„„| ,t„. „.«,),„ K n ~l Midi J..1- wii'iinlic r |iai'is<in mi-.' iii iih ' a'lie ulint. \,■!-. Hut tln-ri' ih ii line -taid.-nsl iiiei.-miiil lialoindcr «' (,liiociin|ouii liy (..Nclla. ..I ijHldlnt. ulil.ii in utterly mil nl J.liii-i- ami oiinlll i.i I- I run to (In- co»i,t. himl tlic i.,.-i.i||\ in ,11 o\ii|ii,c.| in l)». cist,.mi Una it in iiii|».NNili|c iicciiiiitrlv t,. H.ljiiNt i:." Mr Ui-i.».... conclude, will, „ (,„••- (ions iiniwiiy nhcilict- tin- |ii-r.N,.ut ,|ircct"i' ot I lie I) ilium's nictcoiol.Mocal vivt'c in nu-ai,. «,| this lad.

Ild'oi.. the ofliciiil iiMij.Mi<'<- ol lltm .-liii (Mr \V. S. Ki.-Jn-r), ii HH'ctiiiL' of .-.cliioi-, viin l„.|.| o„ Monday in (N.H----lI.N-1101l Villi. tllC "lllllkl-111.l .-NIHtC <l| i" ii;,.. Knilici, ol Dmiiiliit, tiiiancml ■i;ri-nt. I(inilii'ii|ii's liiiitnciiil (HiMiiion hi,n N til |..,| 1.,- 1,,,,, ,„ |„, 11S lol'.hh; .. i tt-.vciiic.l ctcdiloi.,, i-;jH." 10s S(J. „n. -■•ln, 111!. Hallkilipl llliulc till! IllllolVin); Maieim-nt : '• In I.khjj, „|„.,i 1 went ..'ii ol liiiNiiit-.-sN, ii.m owing iiiiytliiiiK, I -■lticll .ill my p|:ipertic. on mv WllV. In l*!U my tvitc ,!,.•«]. leaving „|| |„t oioji. rty tu lui several children, «klin in.- ititi-rc.Ni ki iiiyx If, wijli Midi (Mmoiio Work till' CNlilt.. || n 1 lllOllgllt hUi-IS-Jl'.lc I (Mis ill llial I Mil,- I. I.ill Linker lia.l 1«...,. wotkino I,c ,-nUI.., I <li.| ict-v v.,.|| 1,.r Mini,- vents until

i.iv liooKkeepet deal..(l out „| tlli> colllluv ..v.iti- in. «\,.|- t-IKHt. Tliis eon--i.lei.iMy ciainpei) inc, ami a ten Vcarb .ilt.HMiiiK ,\ii li-iym- culled ii meilniK ..! In, erclitor,, aid I lost l.v linn «vw '.•yi»iu. Si,i,-e ilicn I |iavi< Imxii in ; leal ttollliie to curry oil my iiUMIN'NS,

ii..- (.'lenoriliy properly st|eliiu K tinMe'- 1.1.M..1 ~u| „| , U( i. I lom at lenst '-■.(l'.Hi iv nit I hut piopcrlv. Willi lilt. :. -..slali.e ol my lilolllcl-, Mr )). H., ol <;.irc, to v. I.oiii I oho a very I'.i-e sum, I ni;iiiaj;ed lo curry on. Tlli> (...miiienial I'ropei i v anil I'iiianee (om-|-'iiiiy. "I'll vvliom I i|j(| a very lin-fie liiiniiicn-., iiiilorluiiatelv Weill into liipii-! '!■ "• .'ii'l my liiiniiicnn .m, practiciilly i-.iiin-l. Tin- l.iitii, iiiNistcl,-hi- in-, oiciil.ali, ami niv lit-oilter .-.nii.l LlMil .luriii;; ilio lasi your u» . -1M till- 111 .ll.lll;; NO. | alll lIOIV ill II

i»>iiii<iii <n ikh li.u iiik any money, j wis n::xl<- lijitikrii|it hy iH-iitmn Mirny mi i, iv ci< iliinis r.liiM' to i-luiui, liim«iiim I liaiv mi .-stall*. I iiui, however, mi this tiosition : I June u |jfo inti'll'M mi li.v . liildn.n', ..state, hihl tlnv »iii' .ill iwllni;: I hat I -h,,,,!,) Uv . t |,ij ) <>r iSm li.'iiflit <n my ci-i'dimi-s. Kvcry (■••Ml I "i■•' i "f tins «ill (ai t<i u fund in |..iv my, and 1 feel satisfied I'i'U uitliui ill xt. i«» years I will '•■■■ 111 ;• |.MMli,.|| |,, j,„y V\vr\ CIUIUI ;>pilii-.t 111.-."' Allrl- I'X'llniliat ion lillllk«"ift -.ii'l Ii- would In- ulili. u, p«v 2* mi ill.- i' 'in.) li.i.-it tin. lii-it year wit* ■ •ill, mi.! dm in- i!i)> ii.mi yi-ai- In- would i' :, . v I'X'iy ilii«'<' iiilii» just as mucli ■l- l.i' oi.tll-l. Willi ill,. HDSisUllt* of ii- . hildi.-u 1... 1.,,)).-.! L.i lie ]>iur-tjottily ■l«i! at tli.' t-ii)l <.l two years. MnitT .Inn,'-. mi-11l lu-ipiMii nliii-li would etiil'l.- Ill]]] til Ji;iy everyone sootier limit t' ili.-ri' «;is ill.. possibility «l n ;.;--.;n.v. Hi- iviiiiii il his dirf'harui'. Ui« 1n..1 li.-.ii ."(I m ai-, in Dun, dm, mid, a* they ktii-ii, Ins w.idl had alwars been lii-. l.'ii.d. Th.. iliM-liai-n.. ot these ol.liMillions would I.), a nuitt<>r of honor -.will liim. 11 Miis .-v.-iiHiall.v decided, •Thai tin- .reditu s recommend Mint W Kstlu-. In. iiiiiiii' ilisclniioed .'null l.aiikrii]it)<v."

l-'uiii ot lad- Mr, Suiilli .Hi Wi-d- ---■>|.-'. O.i i. an. I-, i.H,il (i ,|| i„Ht,-li :.l Wyiidliam h.-uioit„h . •>>' C:.«"« V..'11 ll',.- n ~.-.,,-.-l ,11,,.il.-.. 11l (Jlll-I'. lin i.liny, i-t" i-,1.|,.| ,m Si. Mark's Cliui.'li. Kivi', to-iiiiiri'Dw-. I!. H)a.-k lia, . ~j,nj„.„, ,h] busil.i'K, as M-.-ksl.litll. Di.i;.- 1.-av.s (o.r- lor di'MHidils iiial.-li at llii-i'i-sdiil- mi Wi-dui-sday. l!.-l!'.'„llll. 11l llli'ii's ;,||,| Ikivs" 1'1t.111..-, i-.i ill.- N.Z. Cloiliin;. I'a.-Uiry. (im.- HainiTs run Irom fi.iiil>atli'i> slaljli'. '«>-in.u'roi\.

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Mataura Ensign, 20 July 1909, Page 2

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 20 July 1909, Page 2

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 20 July 1909, Page 2


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