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1 It" may ;■■■! ;j MirpriM' Vl' l 'I lie troupe ol ••a!..i|-i;;iiia| % " who '''ll I"!' 1 nel" Sam'.- lami last v.cei, H ere dressed in Ihe hi'i;.'hl of faslcon, Hith ;;loV"s and uinlin'lla.s and sticks. 'I hey will certainly astonish the Americans ii liny walk up lo .i hnr. draw oil' II Jjjovo. and ask tor "a ,;las; ol hi'ouii sherry,'' The iiuioiint ol land I lint liar, 'n ill settled diirine I he past lew .iioiilli- lias liccii a si a,'.".',e re r." remarked tlu- Acl-inir-.Minister lor I,anils lo a \\'< llim^.i->n rt porter. Mr ISii'.ldo added ill.if he would take an early oppnri ilni' \ o drawing puhlic utteiitiou lo the li^uns.

In the coll i>,e ol hi;- i eiiiai k.s ,i, ihe opt nine ccn iiieiiv o| ihe liau ior, Show lasi ivc,.|< tile Hon. T. .MaekeiiV.i'' iriciilt'lltall.\ staii'd I hat New /onml annually iim«irl"d !; Ls| .(Kill unit I. oi Iriiit. iiieluditie '::',U,ti(l(l won I ol apples and mn.Ol't) worth ol tiuiii'd Imit "Surely." he said, •■fliere i« no icasor, why this I init should not iie grn in I lie Dominion.'"

Sniiie buniorisi lias sued i • ;'c '(■ rev Hiver Argus' that ihe (-i " Harbor ]ioa ]•< Is lie;; dredge slioli].! be' (.died The •Diedi.'ienou-htinstead <.t '!.« "Dreadnought."

Soil)!' lail'ly e\teji.>i\'e u I j ,i|s -.ii North Maud .Maori and Kur«>i" in boys. Inon to lo Hi vats ol a;cc. li\ l .o.( in ilpcre.xtjjie; laels. At 1" '.".its ♦ !»{•

)>akeba boy is lalh'l* tliau his Alao/i coii:<Mnpor.iry. but i,s lighter, lictweep ]o and Mi the brown grows more (pijekly liiMi ihe wlii'e. ali«l nt they are about the same The Maori look .i the -Inrdier yuuih at ibis time, but it IM'obiible tle.o, in tl»e po\Y<T «ti' resistance i (l disease the Maori is much inlerior to ihe European.

The t rlb te-'s in |!,e estate ol' the bile Mrs Elizabeth Knox, ol Auckland, re■entlv 'icciilcd to nay over one-hail of le«-i.;iM«d's w to charities. I'be - omu! o'er in nvclvi- nmrnhs' rime. The pav!l!j; <|| oi!"-b;dj of ihe bc[jUes|s uiil ueau (be of C.lo.linil, the uancmal aiii-ann. of which are: Hniuc or 1 o<-nrab!es, iMi'l: Deserviho; '«' or. A rostra w. ; Ni«;h! Shelter, 'h.'o'i; I>b n•! !n.-ntute. St. darv'-. Homcs. ()tahnliti. CoOt): Dr Har--011-do', H'Ull'--. 'JoOil. Tb, jit J t |<M |* !* ede- .0 the !)('•' oarnc! •;- ali'cadv adei..ed •y Mr \\>a".'je. i s n-nv a!^'«-tii" r n«-ari«-he v.;t-• I• ■ Doniiuio!!. The wind-- will u 'I: shiit to liorth-UeM. and ther---tT«'-r ;o we t i»'i,| ~.,iitli, Much fioi U'i som ■ Hop'iir-z expected, wi'h and sh" i I !»<•;• in the moro southm 'pans. Tin- '•-•"aI kr is \ erv bad ver tb- 'I - 1 - nia five da'.--ill i'!a|M.' bekiry 1 C'ibb" cuasea tu porate.

IV all tla- kaU required in Now Zealand were made in this country employment would be afforded for nu ad«lit tonal 600 nun, said a speaker at Cliristchurch the other day. A boy named Alfred Young, who claimed irom the New South Wales <"«iveiiimont C2OUH lor injury caused to liis «-yi'M;:l't through an. ae. dew. duricthe tin-works displav mi t !l»* night "I the an>". ;d *»t tin .\ lm« : : '•an fleet, wa« aw :i I'i I< • 1 L' 1(H), A rt'iom ineudiitiou who in s*«l * ■ dial I"* i>-m-mv(\ until lu- !»•. « ' <,t ;•

Suits to measure. *o-» \<> ;iu. 'lhe-o Suits are not factor* -ein, hut are cut I'vourown export eiMfer.nnd we jiUsirantee good work and rlll fir; ."»«?:I pat terns to eltoofce Item.-- I{. M. Scott and Co., opposite I > <"! Oihce.

Touching <»n dm < hum r-.i m s-ivaul i»]*'>idoili in til'- «•) : i jeclui o a! Christehureh the Ket . W. J. Mover., is conduct Jim I *■«• |' 11 ;J t 11 nil' i hiougli New Zealand oi hoys Irom Dr liiirnardo's honie.s. si,,ted dmi he Ited -.dent who hud ih.ii a number <• I girls tilted im- domestic serried should ho soul out to ; hj«» Mr Mayers said that uo> «»tilv was il imto do so. hin T iiey \\,-r<' lllinhh' to fully supply the t».r ■i'lU at llnnn>. "W\- t. on nil aver* «'W applications daiiy ai Home tor uirU for si'i viee." added t!m- ---• jM'uUei . It is reporieil i11..i ;;ohl has tmm-)i UMiud in Orepnki, a reel ; ii'4 looatod at tlu* foot of the Lontiuoods, ah<>\it Sour iuiK-s nori !j-» in a direct line from the township. It has hceu exposed forveat-, hut the evidently did not. know whin a n-d tor. illation WW*. All lh«- in'• • <arrie> a mineral s.uhstnuec w"u.«-h the miners i-ould not uiif.'crstand as it would noi with silver. They thought it was gold and took i: to the smelling oxperl. Me declare* that it i' uohl and that in some parts the prosjieei i. very rich. The walls of tin- lode, so far a> ean lie seen, run north hy it t}i-< ast. and claims h.ive been >1 out, for nearly three miles. Are you a ConiiUeiriiil 'lra\eii»T de .siroitb of making; a su'-cexdul irip--inaxiniuni results, minimum worryr Then into touch w ah t!ic .V-tv Zeahnid Express C., Ltd., and yon'iv «n> the road to success. They'll dear y«»ur

«amplo.s, deposit duty, transmit yoiu haggago from place to plae-.» ihrou-'hor.j. the D<stuinioiu, providing a' ♦«;*• {» \ >\\n splendid, conveniont, sample n»om.s. (lti'oijjihoul the Dominion. I

It will he welcome new-, to New /ealamiers thai tln-ir potatoes ate better than those Australia. The aceiiraey <»t Ihe new . js vouched ior l>y n<» frss .mi anthorily than the Melbourne which, in a brief paragraph on the sub. i*«ct t sa> s; - been made by r» |>rcsenla t we-, ol companies owning ocean-gojiig sie,unships thai ii is uu loiiiot possjlile lo use Australian or 'I asmanian-grown potatoes as ships* .slore.s. It has been found that the tubers this .sea-on will nol keep, and on ilial account it has become necessary in .some instances to draw supplies irom \ew Zealand, mo only ;tt laical inconvenience, but aUo at enhanced cost. 1 *

I' seem- to be a popular inisconci p« doii that j»aw nbroker.- rely lor <»t dnui business on the very poor and the "wastrels" of society (says the ' Lyitdton 11me.-* in an article dealing wiih the unemployed and pawnbrokers). Ac. cording to dwir own accouiil, liowevnr, lilis ii (pule opposed to lite laets of the ease. *• We don't live upon the poor." oiH' ol them said; "We live upon t ho>>e who ha\c a little properly and a little ;_'o m them. The poor don't lidp tln'm. selves; how can they ke.-p ih!' It ipeople who want spudl sinus for husihess purposes dial keep its. The business may he small, but it is important those who are concerned in u, ami our assistance olten leads to greater t hings, bringing, perhaps, independ- ' MCC, il Hot allltletice. We j'.i'.e good money, winch is often iim>led to great advantage. We are die small man's banker, and we don't know what he would do without us. Time afier time we pay his rent. It n wa- not for us, he would often ho 1 ill ned out into the •\trccts ) and he and his familv would be I :oti;;hl face to face wit Ii ' hardships whmh are hardly r<'a!ised now. Tho money thai is obtained from us ami spent ih drink i> absolutely trilling. Ihree per rent, of the business dom» u n,, ld iihire than cover thai kind of diiug. U e don t encourage that soil of business. We don't want it. It is no u«e to its. and we would be much belter plensed if it kept away."

"Success, SIIYS .losil Hillings, "d'Ul't consist in never makino lilundcr.s. 1 ini 111 never lilakili;; I In' ii) 1; > - <llll. 1 wice." ■l i'U will inaKo no mistake, however, if villi oiit niii tin. .New Zealand Kxpio.* Co. with vour cii-i it in | carrviuu U'Ht'k. ltl']ial.l.'l)l',s> if;. |>\ ~|' ""'"MI «it li till 1 !)!, whether HI li'ltn'. ViII :• I hmli urc, | cut I'll.-,, di.-.i conswnnicuis, or tonvardino floods. Anion;; illl' wreath* deposited ai Cullorlcn recently was < niacli' <>t ivy from lilt' 111 111.-- 11l I'lean Ca-tic. where M ,||ie (il IVince ( harle-,'-, lui'ii I'oiiud slii-iicr before ami ;s1 t.-r tin. I,utile, ol I'ics11>11lialis ati'l l*';ilUirk. In the inlialiitr'l pan of (.'asile is a c:.m of tin. I'l ini'i' s t arc taken alter his ilialh, and -Mine nf liis liair. The \ - i tea 111, soni l>v Mr MeU/.le-, ol Mell'/ae-tell, Was lIIta■ ri l .l"J j„ ineiii.iry el :;nn ~| |,j s „ who Ml liL'lil inji till- Sent |»ih| and l'i inn. ( harlie." ' 'l'l I' ale] (t. ('.impair 1 , |(M s. \ I 1111 11' I, I In. 111'..1 I 'j l|;;i i\ il w -,i I llavel lui;; lo ii Italia oaiTvni;-, lite Marconi :i |i|ia la | n-, reached I'i rina ii 11.. ( 11; .lulv The in-l I'll niOD 1 lia- a i a n;;e el U:,(t lail"-. Durin;.'. the \. >.. . i.-ra I >.i iiaslleil III!'-, .aeach (lay. all'l M llell ihe mail sil'liltlei' emerged i'l'om |ilel!e,| • s ''a llle lir-J vessel* tjlcclcd were tun •I a |-a lie-e merchant steamer , \\ Inch Were -Mires el ini'i's eni et anil which Mien an l,i;;.'li.h luau-o-nar prnnlin;; ;i in 111 I llle shallow-. ..I' til,. Seychelles Is. iaiiils .eni hack a licariv t.ii-iiie : /.like iiH'•' -a;_|.. Heincrii 'l'i 11 ii iri ii 11« J |\,|.| said |;a:--,eii;.'ei's sent ltle-sa-i'- a -liiile In ti'eii' Irieiuls, It was a ninelty, uml ■ ensliiiii. nhoul Is per wol d with a nt ill iiiin ti i el,ai't;e lit lis, fill, g lie luxurr u a- larei'ly availed of.

Kllci local illdlljll Irs. Ii is generally admitted tlial. any local indtislry that i■ iiij)l<>\s a iiiiiiilier of hand' ' ' V 1 factor towards the prosperity el' a. tmvu. T. Crceu and ( o.'s: eoai- " mine may lie classed as nne el' these in - duslrics. A munlier ef hands ale '' employed in and ahout, the mine, (<>- ;;ciher with horses and carts, and the <nnot lily pay-f.licei.s represent a cini- , siderahlc Mini of inoii'.v, all of which is , Spent local!. T. (.'icon and Co. deliver , coal at great!;.' reduced prices in any j quantilv. liotli ipiahty and quantity I' arii ;j,tiariiiilccd. Con tracks taken and truck lots spur to any .sidin;; on the line. Orders lett nr si-nt to the liialto Hill receive piompl. attention. Telcj phono 81.— T. (ireen and Co.—Advt. Olympia lioise show held leieiilly in i I.iiihloii richly disserves i lie ii mi "in-i ' lei-national." Il was a record in I lie ■ quality and value oi the animals, and the of the decoration., anil Mahlc liiniishin;'-. \iiie iiiindied liors< - were stahled ill iickeiirc, ;ni<i luanv liundicd.- more had quarters dose I'.v. Ihe insiiraiices ai l.loyd'fire and accident totalled upwards ot a quarter ot a million sicilin;.,. .M.-mv of the animals tu-re valued at fIOOO to : !.':.'t)ll!l. The "fiirni-hing" <jf the a pa ri men t,- nl the .\mcricnii horse- ' as the hcielii o| i-UtgatK-f, llot'st'S 1 never lieiore knew sncli siinoiiiidings. The 1(1 Vaiidcrl'ihs, which h id a place I at tJlynipia, were ranged in ;m aionne ( of hennt.ifnlly-jianelleil stalls, set in a .1 color scheme of red French and\' V.iiitc enamel. Here lmiKnilicent 'horse- I i necked a I lancv-priced feed, or passed I; tin- t line reflecting ii|«in the glories oi their fatiKui- compeer', whose picture-1) adorned the viall-. I'p ihe middle] i a\ellttc ot t ile-e Slllll]ll noil- equine qllal* - ters -tretclicd a length „| snl't-pilcJ I I iirke.v carpel, u ii h a ■siirrouiid" of I ::rc> felt. .1 Meore'- Is hor-cs had I i • hi estimated value oi : t'titt.OttO and were! I i nclosed in white plasicr-work Mall*. | » divided I iv ('orint liia n coliinni-. Mar-in onti <-nt'i'it ns uviv in li>H' t tjiura-i ! .| iiL r ,aih>i iln* pur«- uliiic <>i ihr vialls. | ;j liU' Horal (k'corati<»n> in liicuisdvo I <'oiiiiiiam]('(l tin 1 of ihe |>ul»-j S( <tt t !ioiis;ui<!> 4,{ )iow ci-jn" i j, lilanis inui ami [Ki lin.v r;j mi i a |»io|n> M » it ~i , .|J,, r <>; (.}• the 4'i]4>rmou> iiaH. j |i III" weather looks like a c:i;m-|. lor j -t til-.' h..tier, hill oiio never know.-, and itl elln- time, of ilie year il is alwic s i s in II c to have coinfortaMe and stroie; t.witwear. Moil's Suinlav Glace Kiij Derl v w Balrnoruls at 18s Gd: Mtii's •, Winter Hoots, heel and tee ,ilatcs an] T nails, at 12s 6d.—l). Newman. Main Street. I : rr

The Now Zealand Tunea stale* that tko report liv the* Chief Justice (Sir Koberr Stout» and the Chiof Judge ol the Native ij-.inil Court (Mr Jackson Pahm n 4 'H i¥«♦• « "iiMilM.itK'n of the law relating to M;i"Ji Imid h agmnat carry, ing out cousolidndon u|khi the ordinary Ii»i»•>» lollowed in e«m..».inciting the eenr.

, •.! * of New /,e;i 1,111(1 Many I? tM '-.MrJili.. -I.» 11< Hi. .lleh'l in- ills which a»e «»b\ mud> desirable, an'! moditieutions wind) would make the pres. tti >t more workable. The i* "111 Ha| .(V, i 11: M, die <io\. •M-iiinwn will prohahly hate to Hear up the complicated maze «.i »onti adk ioi \ by enacting ,i measure eomploteIv embodying its |x»li<-v and it-pealing 11i• • largo number "I Acts nou in operation in connection with Maou land.

At a 1 ; («1 Snriugston iaiui-<-r., at rhe Islington Worlwj Mr C- T»">cheniaUvr, as a farmer ami .» piomef. n.iid that he did not know iiou the {aimers would without the } nidusny. lie leitu nii-« red the nine, iielore :ite industry was into when he was :;la-I to gel Is C»\ ami orid for "tip-top" sheep. The juice now '•vi nt up so 1-s and I In. " Ifou'i ship," hf *-at(l t(» the assembled UniUi'l's. when In- refi-ried to the way of <»t ilien produce. "Sell. It a k»tter> ship, li is like a ticket in TaUer•all's. Ii y-.u ship and not a protit you

'«• tortunate. 1J von sell you ■ady money, mid yon ale on a hllsi■ss hasis.

I' "ill kii.iu ii 1.1 i iinnor-, i imt .tn.'l llli, 11. I' 111 fi 111 Ii: .11.; i till lioknl iii titcsr .' ai M\ji)lo\nii{i 'ii'lti. A I;it ill).i iii-jir St i ;iilord rrr.'Ht- ■' 10-l ;i CIIU illlll 11 urtilli to its

niiiatura! nppi'tite. He lielil n tyistnortetii .'Miniiiiation mill diseover.-d li lt ill.' eini liiiil riiii| v e:! Ili-i ,i.|j ui .111 'i'le ill mi 11) suiilloh the -l.illl ill' liiinl. I IlK'll -lie llall {lH'lviM i lip in ill,. pi,tj. loel;. 'llli- liin.-V I'll- liones oil tin. Jinli i till ei>u IS rather peculiar, hut Hot I all iim-i'iiitiimi. A cow mil -.otmihi" I houi . in ii. I,in;- e|ie«■ ;| '"o . "I'l'ie 1ie..111.'- ..I i 1,,. . >n ,. 'lien I |ia hue I'V H|||"l| .li,' nial l.e

: i'f M'f< Mi \ ('lf It'i 1' f r;tny»l Ik i)j m J o s,s, i iSir nrtil- nlii"li wcin ilumii in l)n----•:I f iit |'i iiv.iihi u \t js i Hi" nm\ ' • t'Jllil I t lie I'lr-s J ;tr»- ctiijnn^ •» li.Jll "siIDW ;t|j/ t li;t I n..H.Mlf|s l t;u„U ' ,;|Vr \n I l|.. I:M I dial :!, ' v \y llic viPiinici' J, t ., i'liiih. hiilctf |o t hi'il" .\t tlh'hist IhJTtiuj; ~i tlh' 'iviun !h>,hi|, ill,. >».-r»'i;uv iiii*i M'wr;.l So.hml- ,nhs j, a ,| I '' niralt-i' t■ i |t;i\ i hcif iairs.. jj„. .niHiuiii. T.i Siirii hail nr\ I'i't'i 11: ih I I . Inhi (thf MClrn;> t. 11-- M.I . .1; i, ln-s |.. iinr|,i|>i,n„| •ir \ ,ilnri-i .f-itri a I •- n ;is<nj loi In- : >Ot K hilt, <»i| f<H*ki«»*4 llilo tho 'Mli in- tonii <1 i!h' voliiiKui a I ' l y «»**•'. I lit- h'l I i'l's IH»ll> Vin^, \ •» illr l'-( »r|M»J a | i»J the o| i<- vatrs had urvrr ifarlu-il him, l»i|l rl.iw n with tin- IVn^mii.

(old days and e«>hl \miml, ))hiv hav«H* w M h the delicate ,kil» ol ladie v The can be protected hy the apphea'"m "t a little f{ed 'hnimeni rubbed j-.ently in. Wind won't chap, and rain won't dm if treated in this fashion. Kor a!! -kin allociions in winter--chanpod hands, du'lhhiin-.-- m.o •• !(*-(! (*r.'"-'» ' Hintim-nt lr«-ely. \«> oiiitiiifin heab- and s<.«,dm-, • inite so well. All grocer-, and chcm-

I lie llf jar!nr-( M'llrVii I <>! Hospital , I 1!'. V aillillllc, had itin- to r» . ►mi dni;; Ihe traiiim;; <il mil'*).-, wlicn "I" 1 " 1 1"' <|U"Mii>ll <>(' ! 11111)11; 11 • imill! V- ai Ihe HI" <4 > 111, \u,-|<_ land H. and ChauTaUc A/,I linanl < -Salt's I! ■ ■ 111 -lal-l 1 "Tin le K ho '"ii'llmi." lie -aid, "i1i.,1 ~1:1 st M>'ln <i|' li'iinih;-. nurse-. iia-- ali-nlineiy tailed lie, eau-c \ M . I<;u h tin hi aiiytliinn annul ee<HHi|||y. |' 4»r tlll-i reason Iho r. era;m hiiim- 1 - a i.ry had hoiis,-

[! ' i |ii r indeed. Aianv nt !)i.-ni have not i'U' idea <>t cchntiiy. I wcti! ili'n ill" '1 111 ol a hospital ihe nllier day and limud a 'dl,. l.iat \\ei;.:lini:; | 1 al' a |>< >ii ii-1 ~lk.ii At a lot iler l' ! " piiai I I.nun! 111,,1 t|„. i.iiantiiv <,l :i: Ilk deliicicd (MM- (lay v. a - a };a|l,,ii *''' l l a-liall slkh i~f u 'nal tlierc >liotl]<l -lime It,-11 ami uliat uas dial led." li 1-. hceau-e llity iliin 1 have t'» pav t,>r 11. said a in,.m1.,-r <>l 111,. linard. in--1 ru lit 111 u Dr. Valiniine. "Ii i- 1,,.. cau--e nur -v-iein uioul:.' replied the Mucin," I in- jti^|><-<-■ 1 >r-(• <-1111 jil -.aid 11, a 1 llnllld ->|le(-|allse ill V.-U'iollS sanitation as Hindi as jit i I>l,. and that 1 In- i|iialilicati(iii- tSn \ |i,i-m-s»i-iI in these -1; rcct inns should l„. taken into nmsiderat inn u li,-n promotion* Here made. At this time of the year the accumulation of ends of materials is a noticeable feature in all Departments, in none more so than in the Furnishing Departnient. The bulky nature of the ends, particularly of Linoleums, accentuates our desire to be rid of them before ocktaking. The prices we put on Linoleum and Floorcloth Remnants arc always so little that we have never to complain of the quantity left after the sale is over. The offering this season is much larger than usual, especially in the better qualities. When visiting our Salo bring along the measurements of any small room you rontemplatc covering and we'll find something to suit, and without any extra charge we'll cut and match it for you. A short end sufficient to cover the Scullery or Bathroom will cost little. It will save labor and add to the appearance and comlori of your home. M/>Cf,IBBON AND CO., LTD., Thu Main Street's Buiy Corner. I.ady's bicycle fur aic, D.slelided cvcniiiy. Dchl.i I liiadl die Avcmlily <lll l-'ndav. Wn;:ln, Stephen ,en and Co. ~|| ;ir i acres 1111111 Inly '_'| I!"di"-I mils in iai|c| lie; ,;i (' ||.,«- \'.H; 111. I•' Jll ■•■ I, -n|, j,„,| .. || |,,.|- -c, ni, • I illy HI. ( .Mclilll. r. 'I ;|v!„| J <•„ |, ;IW . |„,_ (lf .1. 11. WIAOII anil,,nil. ( ll|l( lie |, j | putcliay-d .Mr .1, Cin-\ ti-1, -Imp

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Mataura Ensign, 19 July 1909, Page 2

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 19 July 1909, Page 2

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 19 July 1909, Page 2


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