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' Business in the consignment of product' at Frcsliford, tin*- present traffic terminus on the liivcrsdale-Switzers railway, is brisk, and daily linlf a - dozen teams arrive nt tlie station to deliver Llieir loads.

Crops in the C'liatton district have yielded very well tliis season, oats threshing out at about (>■" to 70 bushels per aere. Wheat, and turnips give excellent. returns and tin* potato yield is particularly good.

At, this time of the year it i.s necessary to have a warm, comfortable coat. We have a largo stock of Men's an I Bovs' lia in-proof Chester Coats, and at the prices ivc are offering them no man or boy should bo without one. Boys and Youths', from 10s (kl to 2os; .Men's, 20s, 2")s, 30s, 355, up to 00s.1.1. H. Scott and Co., opp. i'ost Office.

'l'illle and again we have suggested to local farmers thai, it would be both advisable and desirable Lo have a dairy factory in our district (says the 'l,alio County I'ress'l, and daily we are becoming more and more convinced that

our ('(intentions then ;ind no>v were and are in thy rgtht. direction, .bulging by tho excellent results obtained in other districts such a project uould give .1 decidedly good return.

The annual bachelors' ball at Kaiwera last Wednesday was a great success. The night was beautifully line and there was n large attendance, all enjoying themselves thoroughly. The music was principally supplied by Mr A. Jjalhmtyne (violin), and combined with a capital lloor went a long way towards ensuring the success of the

('veiling whilo the catering, which was in tile lialitis of Messrs Hopgood and Herron, left milhing to be desired. Mr I). A. l'urvis made an etticient M.C. A redeeming [mini in the recent depression (said a speakei ill ii North Auckland gathering of farmers) line! Jhtii the stabilityof the dairy industry. 'Mm ta 1-jiht lit*)rl iin unfortunate position; lik was bumped every time bumped liy the dealers, !lu 1 11:1 n kei,-, a till ii legion of inspector-. Dairying whs the only pursuit tin? farmer was making anything out- of, and to fostothe industry tlm farmer slumld put his liand in his pocket and improve Ills grazing laud. The "Dreadnought" Question and New Zualand's Offer is exciting considerable interest. Still another matter of importance to tlm public of the Dominion is that The New Zealand Express Co., Ltd., undertake to forward goods and parcels to any part of the globe, to pass entries for traders, provide storago accommodation and sample rooms, remove furniture, handle baggage. To traders, travellers, tourists, and the general public they offer a service guaranteed reliable in every department. 'i Bel'oro delivering bis address tr> the volunteers at yesterday's service at the (tore Congregational Church the Ifev. !<!. Hervey spoke to the children of the congregation on the meaning of Empire Day and tho reason for saluting the Hag. The speaker impressed on his young bearers that tlm action of saluting the Hag was a recognition of it ::s tlio emblem of tho greatness of the nation. He mentioned some pf the heroic deeds which had been performed , in order to keep that hag flying and ' painted a word picture of tlio defence of Lucknow which brought memories , of ibat. gallunt deed forcibly home to the adults anions the congregation as ; well as to the children, J

A '-utter factory in the Stratford district ivhioh was ottered 11 Jd for its bison's output but declined to sell figures out its loss at about £SOOO niicl the directors had nothing to make a surplus out of to smootYt the ruffled feathers of their suppliers. Our rabbit export trade is going oft and ivill continue to do so unless there is ;iu immediate ill liie prico paid by- llie cx|<orters (says a eonc*poiident "I tin- 'J'tiapeka I lilies't The rabbiicr now tinds t!ie skins more valuable than tlio carcase, and as it entails le** w «»rK to deprive the rabbit.* of their coats than convey them to the )ioinl- hlicij they aro picked up by the carts, lie is not likely to undertake this additional labor without a i|itid pro <|iio. Just at- present. whilst the cjtirrtu>!i ! of naval seniority looms .so largely in the publico eye," the fact that, (..'rent Britain has a torpedo steered by wireless methods eannot fail to prove o! genornl interest, li is certain that the Orindell-Matthews torpedo will revolutionise naval warfare, and make the biggest battleships of little .more serried than nil ordinary gunboat. It can lie worked by one man, ami directed with unerring Mirencss against the object of attack. Since the introduction ol the new regulations requiring candidates for a coastal master's ccrlilicatc to have a knowledge ot Morse signalling there has been feverish cut Imsiasin in practising with tile signal lamp at. all hours in and out of season (according to tin' 'New Zealand Times'). A certain collier which has the reputation for la-,! steaming recently caught up on another vessel which had been given sevo. ral hours' start. As the male of tinlatter vessel peered through the darkness "(hit dash" came the query from the collier: "Have you been lis'hing.'' The reply was one long "I) !" After deliberating for about an hour ill tlio case against May Halle! heard in the Wellington Supreme Conrl, (Injury returned to coun with a verdict of "Not guilty." The accused when Injury came into court stood motionlesprobably breathless —but. when the \ ■ r diet was given she bowed forward wiili her head on her hands and, interim', a sob. ill her endeavor to regain her equilibrium leaned backward so far that but for the panels of the dock she would probably have fallen. In a moment she recovered herself and composedly walked down the stairs. Tliei" was no demonstration when the vi-nl■ was given; but. some twenty minute* later, when Miss Hallct was escorted ;o a cab, the crowd which bad assembled cheered her lustily as sho was driven awav.

"No one. wisln-s to dispute the ui!e of Madame Melba to rank among ih« greatest prima donnas of the day (*;•>•* the Stratford 'Post'), but jl i> very doubtful whether in a comparatively young country like .New Zealand, wtioe the majority of music-lovers iiiuloul;i• tly belong to the working classes, it i> not too big a tax to expect the people to cheerfully part with guineas and half-guineas jlis.t for the pleasure rf listening to n couple of her number.Some professional ehargt s—more particularly'doctor' and lawyers'- are to a certain extent regulated liv lan ; -it any rate, the lawyer's hill csm hi taxed, and the medical man might In: i it necessary to seek the aid of a court to collect liis account where there is a possibility of its being reduced. The professional singer, however, eanch.uge what he or site likes."

"The present stringency is caused chieity by a heavy and sudden increase in imports with an equally sudden drop in the value of exjHU'ts and the tact that these factors are working on an impoverished market (says the 'New Zealand Trade Hevicw'i. The volume of imports is being steadily rcdmed, thus helping to restore the equilibrium. To increase the volume of exports i> not quite so easy though quit** ;i" important. What is required for this purpose is energetic and efficient steps to get the unoccupied lands «>f the Dominion brought utid"r oceupaliou and jm<*(i!able production. This involves not only a live and intelligent land policy ).m a plentiful supply of money to assist ;h* process. Kor lie latter purpose v, •.a'ever tends to drive away capital shoul'i be amended and measures should le taken to encourage the int roducl ion of fresh capital or !•> increase very largely the supply of money at the of the Advances to Settlers Ollice." The fact of discarded .New Zealand rilles being in the hands ot dating iuJl tribes of North-West India is ton a cheerful thing to contemplate when one is aware of tin* continual watch which has to be kept on hardy malcontents, who have never la-en brought into subjection, and who take advantage of the .slightest relaxation to raid the fertile frontier lands (say-, the 'Dominion'.). One of a syndicate of geutlemeu who purchased most ol the arms offered for sale by the Dominion Defence Department nearly two jeais ago states that in connection with the transaction nothing was done that was not -itt accordance with the conditions of sale. "All the arms purchased on that occasion," he said, "did not leave the country. The Lee-Remington an i some of tiie Martini-licnry rilles are still here, and I could show voti a siae* of bayonets in this town that belonged to the Sniders. 11' something has happened that should not, you may take my word the fault is not at this end." f A somewhat peculiar case will .shortly engage the attention ot the Awarua Licensing Committee. i'he facts arc thus staled by the 'Winton Uceord "When the last redistribution ol electorates waM decided upon the township oi Woodlands, in which there is a licensed hotel, was taken into Mataura, a no-license electorate. 'I his house is now being closed without thu people oi the district voting on that question. An attempt is being made to remove tins license Irom Woodlands to the ex-hotel at Waikiwi, closed six years ago. when reduction was carried in Awarua. The building is about two miles and a-half Irom the Invercargill post ollice and .just a little over a untie from the boundary ol the two electorates on tln* main thoroughfare leading into the town. At the last local option election the voting was not iii favor of reduction and the '•allot paper does not contain an issue lor an increase, so continuance throughout Awarua was carried." It is stilted lhat those attempting to get the transfer intend to appeal to a higher court i! the committee's decision is against t hem.

* * » really have no idea how completely photography and tin* kodak hat o overrun the earth (.said a recent viMtoi* to Wellington). A tow yours ago good Moslems would not bo photographed - would noi submit to any style of portraiture. To-day good Moslems a:'carrying kodaks on their pilgrimage to Mecca. 'I he photograph* of Mecca, tie* spot regarded as most sacred in all the realm of Jslam, are taken h\ orthodox Moslems ; and the cameras are made in Rochester. Xetv York. 'Dure is no sp«»t on earth in which you shall not lind the kodak to-day. It lia.s penetrated the most inaccessible fastnesse* ol Tliihei. It has heen as near as any man has trod to Im>(li tin- Poles. It has heroine so widely popular among the Chinese that makers hate heen compelled lo open ii big wholesale depot in China ! There is scarcely a spot on the wide earth where it. has not d;me its \tosk i Ytm can liny it in KeUjavik or Yladtvo- ' .'•tok just as yon can buy it in l.omlonj or lierlin The kodak has taught die \torld more about New Zealand than all your advertisements, h-etuier., an I hl.te-books have done."

I'ased entirely Upon the lushest seie'.l ' tiiie authority within tresources "I iho i)t>ii]i 11 to 11. the existence or nonexistence of petroleum oil in the Wiialalntu district, tin- scene of exicnsi'. •» operations over yoars ago. will li" clearly demonstralcd by the veil tbit 1 is now being sunk by I lit' Gisborne ("I Company (says tin- Poverty l!ay Jieald'l At. tlir formal opening ceremony tli:- Hon. ii, .McKonzei (Minister !'o" Minos anil I'ublk Works) said miner tl oil luid become a great source of powei throughout the world, bat tlio supply .was greatly taxed bv the American producers. It would be a great tiling lor Xcw Zealand if they were to strike r.d in payable quantities, worth mole than all the gold ilieir mines had produced. Tlio people of Gisborne were deserving of tho country's tluniks for tlicir enterprise, and lu« hoped that their venture would be successful. '1 ho Governim-u; was paying a great deal for geologti-il surveys for the very purpose of giving assistance such as this They had one of the best zoologist j in tin- world in | Dr. Hell, and it was a source of sutisI faction to tlio Government and to himself that his assistance had induced the people of (iisborne to make a fresh start. It is intended to bore to a depth Of 2000 ft.

The next run of the Gore Harrier* i& to take place irom the residence of Mr E. A. Pigeon. Canning street, ou Wednesday alternoon. Member , ate icplestcd to av-cmble attho Pi,.,1 t nil' i at .i.lo ,harp. Ihe leading c\ -i, -lea . , ~| I una i n ■'ale d.eMed ~ „) pan* as trim 'he til -i ,-t ii-a; in..nili, this I ■ ~i i tile la le«i aw aid :i;j- ■; m,_ : heir i•a |c " l'p to Saturday i h. r.uaiititv .ii grain carrie-l over tit.- Southland railway* wa* I'J'i.iKHi ks. 11,,. talli. * tor the last three -lav. ~| lit,, w.-.-k wore IKM.HMI. (IS.IMKI a'liit bti.UOO respectively. Ihc daily average ol yntn in shed ami outside at all the Millions lit Southland has been about 1 I.Dun -ack*. ih- "teal bulk ol which ha* been m s |n d Ihe tvphol'l ep|i(eiin,. continue* at Alexandra, tour tin t her <;,*•* hat ing been reported. All were *enl 1., the Dllllstan Hospital. The ease,* are tllo*e ol three men and a gill. nine veals old, the lastnained being a younger ,*is!er ol a girl who contracted the lever at the beginning of last week. Altogeiher -.j cawes liave heen repitried *inee ihe epideiuic broke out.

(iraiu carting it, *nll dra"Mii" on In a hall-hearted sort ol May, the great majority of grower* either .'-tacking only selling a portion ol their grain (writes our Kelso correspondent!. Prices are somewhat disheartening |.,i >ai* and anything under Is lid i- not met with much lavor. The |iriee* ruling here al. present for (-'artoiis ar.- as lollow A grade. 1.-, 'id; 1! made, I* -Id. with Id less lor S(iarrowbills and "Jd les* lor Danish.

"If New /.calami coal i* t., hold its ou n ihe cost- ol product ion mu*t be reduced considerably," *,aid the Hon. .f A. Millar in a speech at \\'<-*t |m., t. Day after day all im-rea*ii;g amount el Newcastle coal wa* coining into i lie D< minion I only the o'liier day lie ha 1 heard I lia t arrangements had been made tor a new line ol *ieaui-'r* to bring coal ..ter ami 1.<1,e 1.a.-k Kaipar.i timber. He thought that they emil 1 produce mole coal, and lie wannd *ee fliem working ihc maximum niitpui before any coal was imported r, 11., country.

A person selecting .-ummei loot wear at Newman's enjoys many advantages that other store.-, cannot ollVr. lit sides the great number oi Hoots and Shoes, and tin? many different materials and combinations, you have tins sviwcc> it an exponent" d slioc-hiter, w\> ) understands t h<» individual needs and :#*• qUireiuents of each pairmt, ;tnd you will receive quick, polite, and pleading attention. You can also nty mi getting ,V(iUi Uepau- nc,i;!y an' pioj.ipily rained out.—D. Newman, lioo?, Main street, (Ioi«> • • A'h i

The prevent shortage ol wheal Mipplie.s in Kttrope indeed, in the whoje world- is much mote serious than has been experienced for many years past <>av* lite London correspondent of 1 li*» <'hri.stchurch 'Press'*. The ptihia<\ cause was the tailuiv of the Argentine crop, which was very much rcdiieed by '•evere fiosts in December. Almost all the other grain countries have lailed t< * greatei or less degree, and tho<-»« New Zealand fanners who have put in more wheat this year ilian usual will be :* :i p ing the heuetit of their foresight duiio,j lit** next few mouths. It is stated thai there is an evi Ilent market in the Wairarapa j jc.\« lor all classes o| dogs suitable for rabbiting, and many oi the dogs put :<> death in the lethal chamber at Wcllington would be readily purchased at iair tates if they were put upon ihc market there. Tanners and si n t < «.-ow o< rs have resoj'ted l< i the rabbit picl..- ligi.Ml

;is a nii'iius « I tin* jih f. ii-,. i>> ralrbils tliai laKcn phi'.- i)irui'.;:liout the jialts <il tinPoisonihf.'; <i[ii'ralions lta\>* Im-cii cmiih'il '•ut on an r\i' , n k «.ivo *ca!«* ai:'l in :• t system;!!i<' ntanniT, Inn .'i\ • i tu lib- i|uah(ily "I aM»i poisoning lias isisl .»■> « (h-i lt\" as ii ua> in |»»« \ i«hk .va^<»u>. Spi-aKinj-: hj» an Au«Kl,"u«l puv-s r«»|)r«'.^r!itati\r, .Mr I'. .Martin, «»i^.in»S«T iur tliv l!» rniHla^lr.J Hio a!titU'l< <»l llial |iart\ with tin n\titudo *il (jit* niin'iit ;m \aivnis Mv Mij-w ainl .Mr Ja-. \!- !«'i» liad vtjoinilv plail'ortn 1114* tjiiivi irainiii;; <•! <»u!" youili>, l»ut Sir \Y;ml and Mr 11, .McNaii uliilr acting; ;tN tor Drtoucc uould lit it tao tin- «|ii<-s- - latn-r was now a most v.l'lroim* ciinf-rt, 111 •■! 11 n H't n-m-liHunt |irop<»>.al~ j M i,i,T. fin r I*? i:o Ci\il S- rvier, (*>ntiuiud Mi Martin, had oponrd tin* «»!' ilnpuMic, lor it t'n- I'riinc >!:iii«ii-:! ! in itic I'Mdii «.i a yi-j!!' vvitln»i«i nupainn;; i' .'tlifioin-v tin- -v, jvii-i- mn-t !t;iv<> U, o\»M->ialV«M| in tin- pa^t. llciii'fil Hy Om Kxpcrii net-.- Tim yoars of exjicrit'iKr po.-M-Nxd l»y tinN.Z. hxprcss Co.. Ltd., are at yf»iir disposal oithcr in tin' ma(l»T of r«-nio\ - iny; fin nit im- quickly and sufVly, io ( and parc<'!s to any part ol tho passing Custom's i*nti!«^ for town and country trader., or H'w'w. i»K liandling sainpli^ right tliroui;li tin* Ooininiou. If you want ndiablo, valuaMr in-lp in any ol Hm ahovo dirortions. in Umrh with tlu« Company at oinc 1 Ilk not mv";imim! 'lkm :;j, ,in,r. « • Mat(» cinplovi'i's should IM- ,o Now Zealand in connection a\;{}j »'i,pfCM'i vat ion oj ijs l'nr« i M.s, l»n| h sihh* thai ion-- inmii' • tnadc t;> (Jicck iln* uh"'' 1 ah- d<s:nn'ion ol hil-di uhii'n i»t'tcn <«'i;t - unncrcssarilv follows l!n* o. sett lojijcni and in iI! i n j_c an auihjM'itv imi forotrv in tin- 'l)'nnjnion ). My svstcm of dri\c. through th' Ncu Zealand torcKtv h Jnr inilliu! l , could ). t - «-\tr.(-icl without causinir anv »natrriiil J-ihians-t'• the rcmainiiur lujsli. Tin- vouu-.n trees Would tl'iiiri'di a-v Jiie old encswciv leinovcd, .m-i t!ic |»t|sf| v\.)iil| l»c tor timlier w ,.|} M ;

oilier pun-oscs until a distau; future instead o! being doomed, as mom in I'CUl's to he io :i t- •)}! pa 1.1 {i V'« 1 v earlv e\t inct ion.

'Maiiv people n, ( a 111 (»!IIl;i had „,i ! idea t!Hit \eU Zealand was jiM Mj habited I stock. ( alttoi IIi:* s labor i uho is tr»ui 1 lii» Doiviniou. in a j speech :i i Auckland, but In l had i<'(i11<j if pretty <-iviliM <J and a good deal demistieat ed. "You may no: heaua.. o| ii, but yon jK-opJe aiv romuiandin;!, \t ««rld-w .ilo attention," t ■«- said. -| hate vUiied uearlv i-viv .! centre s.l" I'lfiriipf and a good deal of ih.. Orient and wherever I Jia\ <• had a ( < «.p----unit \" ol <|i-rn^sim;; labor with iixiiilicis ~r Cabinel, <dfirj-,K. nv Others illlereste I ili tij • {Teat -ori-d (|H»-vlion>, of I It.' f!av NV tt /<-; i |;i ||t | f [|v be,mi invariably <|iioi«d, making I Jim 1 I lh> ] ><'<»!>]<• of th,' world hate had their eye-. on 1 his country and ili- « orkiii!.:- 11l iN v.iiioii- ;r<n <-i'lin>«>uT - ;hhl |>iv>lilrniv .in'! led :i <li-;i! Nt ciU'ioMtv Mini iitlnv-t nij_r jt s pin. HIV.-*. 'MI li;.\f '.,1 ill,. ivoiM till|i;iri- m. Hill"ll si, ihii! tin. I •n\ «<nn>r ■ | Uu State lic 11 u'< I ]«•! j Im>mk< "a\f u -j , [>> : opinion I)). 1 r New Zealand had ' n "j M, | j '"if- c:i|i!t il

Wc hold a little sale n( Flannelette Blouses this week—just about thirty in the lot. They are a small colleciitn from the various qualities we have had in stock this season. As the assort- j ments are broken we are anxious to clear those that are left. The qualities and colorings are various—none sold at' less than 5s 9d before this new price of! 3s 6d was put on them. They arc I mostly dark shades; all are neatly made I and trimmed. They will be placed on' our counters to-day. Wc are just now I (jetting ready a little line of Woollen Blouses which we will offer you next week at a pt-ire that should croate great buying interest. You'll profit by watching this ad. space for other specials to be offered. MACGIBBON AND CO., LTD., The Main Street's Busy Corner. Hoard uanti-d. Cole Killed l;a[| on Mav 1:0 A. A. A'hiln- li;:> liiiiii', to! Karnwr-.' t'.>-o| skiti sale <m i7lii. Kiillto -.kill Ulul liul.. :li * - <>n TlitUSd.iy. T- (11 (-(•:, ulul Co. M!I lIMI-1.-iiiihil I:III !, at tli" Hi,ill.. im'M Saturday. •Mrs Hcnislcy lllinul (.on- on Thursday next. •I. Ward and Co iiaw- a latin ! , I Waikaka \ all.'V ,\!, 1 ty unit', till UVdmsday. St-i-iire oiu. ill tin- ■>> . icn.-it ,at till' X.Z. Clotiiini; Factory. Matalira Mounted KiHi lull on Jmm 8. .Jas. iiisiTt* untie* i». accounts. .1. F. Wat:-.!, and C> an I Wright, SU|ilitiisoti an ! Co sell ,t«U at Vtukaka on May I'S.

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Mataura Ensign, 24 May 1909, Page 2

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 24 May 1909, Page 2

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 24 May 1909, Page 2


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