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j Drauerv and ' Genera! Merchandise. *" : "p? NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FAGTDMiI "VTT 02 beg respeofcfully to announce that we have now opened up our Winttr Stock of, -\; V Men's Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Merdery and Hats. I We have -the! largest- Stock of: Clothing ..and Mfercery/itf-Gb^e, s$ tj\»t, pji|t<jmerß cia^^j depeDd on gettin|;.a good eelectiqntoichbpse fioiaj are;Q^ '^^ MAK^^^% : and we oan off«r; customers a better quality SiOd superior finished article at a^lower pfid^^^l tban any other firm in the colony, ' ' ; ' I Men's Suits, . „ i ; Youths Suits, i - . • ■-, , ,' Boys' Suits. « 1 All our own make. Colo'hial tweed in all sizes, % \ •MqU'S ..Tweed Gyfcrcoats, , •-.-3M'. -v» ! Youths' Tweed Ovefooats, 1 ? -- ■• > «,*./»«»#« j r ■ . . „ \ Boys' Tweed Onvercoats, % ■ made from the '• best Colonial Tweeds " in all sizes, styles and shapes at factory prices. ga Men's, Youths' and Boys' Trousers, pnd Trousers and vests, iv all sizes— our own make Jwf « Men's Oilskin Coats— los. 6d,. lis, 12s 6d, 13s; . •■"WH ■ Youths' Oilakih Coats-lOs, 10a; 6d >: •< 6 J > •;, * Jf. ( f -V -%y : V s Boys' Oibtin Coats— 9s, 9* 6d ; superior to any ever sold in Gore *; " '*^v «*■•> "•■ a. Men's Waterproof. Coats, all sewn. seams, in ail sizjs, our own make, from 35s up i !We beg Customers specially to notice that if we have no patterns in rfaiy-made suits'; M tp please tbeir tastes they can choose their own' tweeds, and. get oidin^ry Sio,ek.Siz6B at the ' \§M usual price f«r r«iady made. • •;■ - ! j • ... . r . : : . • _ Zy-y , •.. . ffi| ,We have a nice assortment of COLONIAL TWEEDS always in Stock. Our 2s 6d, 8s ™ " 6d, and 3s 9d tweeds are really wonderful value. " '■■», ''. ''t l Xss&'% \ Men's, Youths' and Boys', a'l pool, Crimean, Union and Cotton Shirts mall e«es a ) Factory | irictsi • '.:'■.:,.... . ■■.'■..■ ■' -.•?&' i Men's Colonial FUnnel, Under-Shiits and Colonial Plaiding Pants at factory prices • ' ' '&";.'. ; Men's and Youths' Mosgiel L.VV; Shirts and Pants -"' '''"•* : •■'■^i i , j Men's Youths* and Boys' White, Regatta, and Oxford Shirts in. all sizes at Faotory. m| prices . . , . '^f Ties,' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sox,' Braces !hi r , Hard Hats, Soltjbais, Tweed HatSj Tweed Gaps, &c. by the dozen at Factory prices ..Jp[ We give Special valut^ in .Colonial Blankets, Shirtiug. and Flannels 1 . Come and inspect '%% them. * " ' *"" '• ' % ' •"• ••••'■'••' ' .'■ ' -A . y '. We make to measure JßTatermoof Coats, Tweed Overcoats, Suits, Trousers and Trousers and Vents, «ie„ &c. bit .Guaranteed ; over 200 Patterns to choose from. - ■; TEBMS— Strictly Nett Cash. No abatement, as . all our goods are marked in plaio- - figures and at the lowest pos^ble price. 1 l „ -■ -.' ;.' 'j, s, : y &A"'. ' If you want any article of W.earng Apparel ctmo to the '* : *f% NEW ZEALAND :CLQTHISG F^CtUIt a j MAIN '.STBEET, GO'BE., ....;/ / » -,^ t . • '' ; WILLIAM DOMIGAN, Managec. r „ . :. , ■ ZEALAKDIj JjQJJ^Mti.,,',^ ■% STkAIOUT *holl L«Wfi»(Wi^rt|| A LARGE QUANTITY OF '■ -t i . 'J BtQiKdZS COVER MATERIAL ' ' Direct from tho Manufacturer, . . „ ? . ; HAVING had tnen at work for a long time MAKING UP, lam how prepared to execute Vorders to any extent. Patrons who have used my covers for- tbe last nine years agree thai for Fit and Durability there is nothing injtbe market to surpass them. Such a tribute is better than a*. Third,Mehtion 'where there is only three exhibits. , . ' Now is the Time to make your Selections* ' Please note the prices of my best qualicy Horse Covers— ' From Navy Boiled, Anchor Brand Canvas, Draughts from sft din, to 6ft lin—l6/6 From Navy Boiled, No. 2 Canvas, sft 4in. to 6ft lin.— ls/6 -. ' < - ... 1 . fc JS No. 1 Horse Head Brand Canvas, sft din. to 6ft lin.— l4/6 ■* •-'"• No, I Horse Head Brand Canvas, Hack Covers, 14/. . • -,. l : l/ '> ( •* . No. 1 Bleached Canvas can be made up ( to order at per cover— l 7- ,&-. i In sending your orders give net measure from wither to tail, andthe length of cover will be sent correct. .. . " . ' . • _ ';/ P/V • " Cow Covers made to order from best American Gotten Canvas, guaranteed waWl tight, at 13s per cover. In ordering give eise— large, medium or small. V • Also Covers for Stacks, Waggons, DrayS, Engines and J Mills; Waggon 1 Tilts? ' Canvas Tanks, Biding Aprons, Belts f«r tJhaflEcutters and vJalifornian Pumps, Marquees floisting-r tackle, round botiom Canvas Buckets '„.,. i ...,.'.."■ AtL MADE TO ORDER ON SHO'HT^^'Nd^iWV^* 1 o ■ ...... Alsorope.Bpf various sizes kept in flax and Manila, Plough Lines, tents and Flies. . Large stock of patent dressed Oil Coats -ahd -aggings, suitable; for 'outdoor ;woikr kl winter at 15s 6d each ;' Colonial make at 9a. :■ , ' ' IJJZ I am glad to inform my numerous, cubtomers 4hat: owing to the large •inoreasaiOf patronage,: I have been compelled- to •. enlarge my Drapery, Boor,. ! and:. Saii-iptakinte establishments, and bave now my atock replete with Drapery, Boot*, Waterproof Coatw and Stationery of the very. best qualities. . ; ;.. " • '•/:-' .j .• lam sorry I cannot advertise a cheap sale with sweeping reductions, as I hava made Hi no provision. My goods are all marked in plain figures, at smallest ..possible profits, mi motto being " Small Profits and Quick Beturns." ,. . jafe AGENT FOB MoCOBMICK BB\PEB iND BINDER,' AND' W^ GA&INER*»Mjff 'AA y\ , .-, y IMPLEMENTS, MATADBA. , „ ... .M ; '« J Sole Agent in Gore and Gordon for 2iEALANI)iA BobtSj famous aU ovir %\ { - tHe Colony.. . , ' t .. Z^,.,, ,. %^ .. JES. CIIRISTEMOIV - „- Prop](letoiv: ; ;^ SEEDS I SEED! SEEDS I 1 LOOK OUT FOR THE NEW SHIPMENT. "'*!' „".•'* \.- ' " . NEW SEASON'S SEEDS ' : ' • M to anive per ship Langstrang from Glasgow. " v ANNUAL STOCKTAKING AT. THE , GORDON fTOBS. •.» , ; , v sto|age. -Ay : -\ Storage, for. GRAIN at -Lowest Current Sates.';' '•'* I J.MacaiBBQN & SOS# : : I To Meet tlie„Tiws;r EBDS SB^ ! SBED^ A WM. LAWBENCE,'99 Blaydon'Street,' XJ AS opened a Shop, next, the Fire be I Waikaia, bees^to notify the inhabi-: *--»• lower, for the sale of eeeds,'&c. '■ *"* ' Tj tants of the district that he has resolvod to * *~~ -''''"■ v sell all goods kept by him at the smallest; Liberal Discount to Market Gardeners^ and remunerative profit for cash. Every article ■ , 'othew. i -- ; ' " - l "■-■■< ■'" is of the very best quality, and that com-: • -_.£_ ~ZT~ ' v ■ -y i bined with a fair price, must ensure; SEED POTATOEB*>.< j, -y ,-,<» * satisfaction. . . ' All hand picked . aud true ito namp.J ' § .. ', .-• • Kidneys.— Ashleaf, Yorkshire "Herd, j*iuke». # HIS STOCK CONSISTS OB 1 - . , and.Ldpstqne, :, ' ,'. ..>■'•":;?;? ..% Flour, Oatmeal, Pollard and Brah : Ko "° d aD,i °^r varieties.^ew; Magnnm '*i Tea, Coffee, Sugar, and other Groceries . "°f. vr n? h /' e : * le phant f Q^en.^ihfe f. Kerosene, Fancy Goods, Patent Medicines, « - V', ,? riy . E H S ®»..» Bruce's .Prolific, I Nails. Tinwire, Cros-kery, anH an ex'ten- ; : ?P ar P 6 Victory, Derwents, ko.^ . LV" .. || < -sive .assortment of Stationery and School „„;.„' . .... "Tr 1 " ■ - .'• . •"'.„. i: "\ iequisites, . '■ ' ' /• . PEAS.-Anticipatioo, Lightning, , William, 4 . " " Hurst. .American,.. Wonder,. S'tratagab, v Agent for Ot»go Witness Public Opinion,! • y^n^ J *—^ &&W |- : and Matauba Ensign, extra copies of haUoi9 WioOniohs, ' Bhubarh^roofe 1' which cau.a ways be had ApppmteH f 4s d( zen> Faria J riM i^IHE ' agent for Neil's and Kuglemen's celebrated. Tree SetJ(lßj Fl(iwer Beed g F 2B 6d'?££an Medlcmeß «. Cabbage and Cauliflower. Plants, P9tPladt^ LICENSBD TO SELL STAMPS. , Bulbs, Boses from 10a to 15s per dozen. . , ( lrees, Sr.rubs, and Fjuit.Tiees. ' ; ' ' •'" * y^ Note the Address:. , GEORGE SMITH, GOKB. Beween the Cool Air Chamber and . -. , fgi5 q . ': the Garden of Eden* : ' •'■^il-? ■ 3 EABBITSKINS ANP. POBSEHAIR ] BLiJEKp : jjf pu.chased in largejar small quantities:, SBED-MEBCHANTS^ •"'.*. .'." : '^ ".' '^ '• HIGHEST PBICE GIVEN. 259q : m , , „ Dy N EI)IN, r» ____. ; u_ Topped the Becord nt the New Zealand and \ ; S^CdS tOF SatlC. S ° Ufch SeaS Exbibi,ion seenring; •/-•* ] ' •" . OO 'TWBMTr-TWO ATVAItDS'OF I^^. i — — .~ && Fmax Obdeb op Mebit. SPARROWBILL, Sutherland, Tartarian. \w. n» w . It 'v 4. f^ BnA n , ln ' ' : GRASS SEEDS | c . cwry. stocks of all? y -^ andDunOatr. CLOVKtt SEKDS l van etie», of best quali- ; : -ATuscan, Velvet, Bed and Purple Straw. KOuT SEEDS I 6 8 ' »»d our prices are ' -y^ ■„ r ] reasonable. Whsat. ' ! ' ■ • : _ ,' ttf £ „ ; : . . ■'>; lUdlM^wd Kjegras,. Timoth,, ta. VIGETABM^EKD.I I ]^^^ .'-,.;<; 530q ABCH. A. AUCUI6BON FLO WEB BOOTS ( th^ ,e adiq~g/ jaH^. ,! ; , J ties .Qf.bgst st»ijM, : ;; yy '■ Fo^Sale-CSieap, * over 200 acres) • SEED PURPOSES. a^ C^K^TeiJ«^^ . O Horsepower : Po«taJ>le. Engine in first- J oqay^sks for theriu y- yZ?y% O K class order, Apply „,. jOataioeraesFM^ : ZyyyyZ\ ' ' : 'A .V '•■'■'■'■.••• ■ . '?{''.'■' -.-, Ay. yy :^4!£yj}^

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Mataura Ensign, Volume 14, Issue 1009, 29 August 1890, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 14, Issue 1009, 29 August 1890, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 14, Issue 1009, 29 August 1890, Page 3


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