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FIRST DAY. President, W B Girling, Esq; VicePresident, G W Riley, Esq ; Judge, J Ward, Esq ; Stewards, H Dodson Esq, MIJR, E Paul, Esq, W Earp Esq and C Redwood, Esq ; Handicupper. P Rush, Esq; Starter, B Ward, Esq ; Clerk of the Scales, F Redwood, Esq; Hon Treasurer, W E P Clonston, Esq ; Clerk of the Course, J Page, Esq; Secretary, A Redwood, Esq; Official Timekeeper, II Hears, Ecq. The fates were decidedly propitious yesterday in regard to the weather for tho summer meeting of tho above Club. Had it been specially ordered for tho occasion, it could not possibly havo been more suitable. Tho genial shower that fe” two days previously rendered tho turf soft and elastic,, a beautiiV’y clear atmoslierc gave a good view of tho different events, and a cool wind tempered tho heat of tho day. The attendance was large, and passengers found their way to the ground in many and differently designed vehicles, from the modest sulky to the more ambitious fov-in-hand. The attendance diving the height of the spoit could not havo numbered less than one thousand, which compares favot ’ably with previous meetings. The course presented a very animated appearance, and several improvements that had recently been ’ rnugurated greatly added to the appreciation of the sports. The arrangements s> - rounding the totalisator were greatly improved, and the recently erected+elcgraph board was much appreciated. It is ov y necessary to add that tho various officers | were at their posts and attended strictly ! to duty, with the resr’t that the events succeeded each other like clockwork, without the slightest friction or delay. Tho various events were keenly contested and closely finished, show Eg judgment in tho handieupning. arul ir is pleasant to relato that the*stewards had not a single protest to adjudicate upon. An objectionablo featr ■(: of the gathering was the number of “ the fraternity” that obtruded their wishes to know “ who wanted to bet on this race.” The marvel is where these <>vnth-men come from. L’ re the wind, they come from where they Tst, and go no'man knows where. It is gratifying to i. -u.w however, that wh’le they picked up sundry foolish half crowns, it is doubtful jf they found tho game worth the candle. The other branches of the “profession” wore fr !v represented. There was tho innocent-looking monkey that operated unon the lottery box, and there is no doubt about it that it looked a more noble':! thru its biped corLdcrafes ; them wos a skittle alley "and a shooting ga’lery, where there was a decent show for holiest dexterity : wheels of fortune and misfortune weie there, and tho public were in-

A vited to take part in the “fairest game under tho sun,” which they did to a limited extent. It is satisfactory to know that Iho manipulation of such instruments huve no abiding place with us ; like the snow-flake in the river, they are “ a moment seen and then gone for ever.” Leaving this unsavoury ■abject, it is pleasant to turn to the more intellectual one of music and in this connection the services of the Hibernian j Brass Band, under the leadership of Mr J. E. Nanoarrow, deserve acknowledgement. Considering its recent formation and the difficulties incidental to the establishment of a new band, the members made a very creditable appearance on their first attempt to cater for the public, and their performance is decidedly complimentary to Bandmaster NancHiTow. Sergeant Scanlan with a p sso of police was on the ground, but the orderly assemblage did not render their interference necessary. Messis Maher and By ion and J. O’Sullivan had the first and second booths respectively. Mr Marple bad ;■ refreshment booth, and Mr k Corbett sup i 1 c: oe'lent lunch. One of ■ theintor st, ug items of the day .was the “music ’ of a number of Maoris, whose demonstrative antics, it is to be feared, 1 were dictated by a too free use of the waipero. A detailed report of the various events will be found below. Huedle Handicap of 40 sovs; about 2} miles. 62. J. Leopold’s Kangaroo, list 71b (Wintringham) 1 63. H. Satherloy’s Oceola, 9st 131 b (Tettley) 2 29. Prior’s Long John, 9st 71b (Gravestock) 0 Gentry’s Jim (list 51b) was scratched. After a little difficulty tho horses were sent away on oven terms, Long John first Eising the post, Oceola a length behind, ngaroo 50 yards in rear. In going over tho second hurdle Long John, came < te grief, and Oceola cannoning against it also came down. Neither men nor horses ' suffered, however, and tho latter were j quickly remounted, but not before Kangaroo had obtained a lead of 100 yards. < Ocoola put forth an effort, but failed to ] overtako Kangaroo, which won by about , four lengths. Long John again came r down at tho last hurdle, the rider and g horse being severely shaken. Totalisator, j 154; dividend, £2 4s. Time, 4 mins 8 r secs. t Hack Huedle Race of 10 sovs; about 1} ( miles. i 30. Prior’s Kauri (Gravestook) .. 1 ( 25. Hathaway’s Farina (Blanche) .. 2 17. H. Dodson’s Cassandra (Tettlor) 3 t 7. Mowat’s Orina .. .. • • 0 1 35. Roro’s Sweet William ... . • 0 j Sweet William was loft benind at tho start, and was never in the race, although q ho was considerably fancied. Orina left j tho course, and thus destroyed any chance j it had, which was small. The horses £ jumped well, never refusing a hurdle. t After tho horses sottled down Kauri was <] never seriously challenged, winning by g two lengths, Cassandra a bad third, the others do where. Totalisator, 120 ; divi- j dend, £3. Timo, 2mins 35secs. a

Maiden Plate of 25sovs ; miles ; for horsos that have nover won a race of the value of 25sovs. 40. H. Redwood’s Sweetie, 7st 12lb (Vaile) 1 113. J. Leopold’s Cupid, Bst lib

(Doig) 24. H. Satherloy’s Miss D’Or, 7st

121 b (Herd) 3 27. A. Peter’s Johnny, 9st .. .. 0 His Highness was scratched. After wo or two false starts Mr Ward got tho horses away to a splendid start. Sweetie assumed the lead, with Cupid in close attendance, Miss D’Or following three lengths behind, Johnny whippingin. This order was maintained till near tho entrance to the straight, when the favorite made its effort, hut failed, and Sweetie camo In first by three lengths, hands down. Tho win was a most popular one, and was greeted with cheers. Timo, 2min 49sec. Totalisator, 204 ; dividend, £4 11s. Marlborough Cup of 200sovs; distance, two miles ; tho winnor of any handicap race after tho declaration of weights of tho value of lOOsovs to carry 3lb extra; of tho value of 200sovs 51b extra; of tho value of 3008OVB 71b extra ; of the value of 400sovs or more 101 b oxtra. 204. P. Martin’s Silcnco, (Ost 4lb) (Clifford) 1 40. A. Peters’ Smooth, 7st (Peters)... 2 49. F. B. Gentry’s Jim, 7st (Vaile) .. 3 39. F. B. Gentry’s Barosma, Gst 51b... 0 71. 11. Redwood’s Her Ladyship, Gst 81b 0

As the time for depatching the big event of the day drew near, the excitement ran high, and as each horse came out of the saddling paddock it was keenly criticised. Most attention was of courso paid t> tho favorite (Silence), which strippol in fine condition, and did not show any signs of its recent knocking about in reaching Blenheim, which it did only on Tuesday forenoon, and it looked fit to carry its heavy penalty. Of the local horses, Her Ladydhip was most fanciod, but Jim, who had been reserved for this event, had also many admirers.

After a couple of falso starts, the horses were sent away well together. Smooth •was first on its feet, with Jim and Silence olobo up in the order named, Barosma whipping-in, and in that order thoy passed the post the first timo. Smooth then fell away, when Jim took command, Silence a length behind. Prom thence a grand raco ensued. Silence, howevor, gradually overtook Jim, and came to tho front at tho entrance to the straight, Jim being second, and Smooth third, less than a length separating each. Coming up the straight, Silence had the raco well in hand, without distress, and Smooth caused considerable surprise by making a rnsh and taking second place, a length behind, a similar distanco separating the others out of it. Timo, 3min 41seol Totalisator, 403. Dividend, £1 15b. "

Shearers’ Purse, of 15 sovs, with a sweepstake of 1 sov added. Distance, once round. Winner to bo sold for 25 sovs, any surplus to go to tho race fund. Tor horses that have never won a raco of the value of 20 sovs, and are not entered for any raco of this meeting, hack races excopted. Post entry. Minimum weight Bst. 76. Prior’s Kauri (Vaile) .. ..1 43. Satherley’s Fisherman (Herd) .. 2 15. Blackbird 3 19. Rayner’s Waipero 0 6. Hammond’s Satan.. ... ..0 8. Shaw’s Terra 0 After a lot of trouble, Mr Ward got the horses away evenly. Kauri was first to show in front, and that position ho maintained till tho finish, winning by a length hands down. Fisherman and Blackbird looked dangerous at one time, but when the latter were placed under tho whip coming up the straight it was seen that the favorite was safe. Time, 2min Ssec. Tot, 167. Dividend, £1 19s. The winner w«° c terwards submitted for sale by Mr and bought in by the owner for Flying Stakes, of 30 sovs; threo-quar-ters of a milo. 102. H. Redwood’s Sweetio, 7st 10lb > (Vaile) 1 42. F. B. Gentry’s Barosma, 7st 101 b * (Hord) 2 '53. J. Leopold’s Cupid, 7st 121 b L (Doig) 3 Martin’s Silence, Sathorley’s Miss D’Or, .find Prior’s Long John wero scratched. Sweetio got tho lead at start, and maintained it to tho finish, winning by a length, despite a game attempt on the part of the others to get in first. Timo, Jiuiu 18sec. Tot, 197 ; dividend, £1 14s.

The following are the acceptances for to-day’s HURULE HANDICAP. F. B. Gentry’s Jim, I2st Leopold’s Kangaroo, list 71b Hathaway’s Orient, list 71b Satbciiey’s Oceola, 10st Blb Peter’s Johnny, 9st 101 b RACING CLOT HANDICAP. Martin’s Silence, Ost 131 b Saunder’s The Shah, 9st 31b H. Redwood’s Her Ladyship, Gst


Per Press Association,

Dunedin, Feb 22. Tho first day’s Dunedin J.C. Autumn meeting was somewhat marred, so far as attendance was concerned, by the threatening morning and rain falling, but the afternoon turned out real fine. The racing was excellent and the finishes exciting. 1 Gipsy King did the Cup distance in 2 secs faster than heretofore. The following are the results: — Hurdle Race, 100 sovs ; second, 10 sovs ; lj mile. Daly’s Garibaldi, list 21b (Cotton) .. 1 Vallance’s Mac, 10st 7lh .. ..2 Butler’s Secretary, 10st 21b ... ..3 Five others started. Won, after a good race, by a length. Dividend, L 3 5s 6d. Time, 3min Of sec. Champagne Stakes, 250 sovs; for 2-year-olds; six fnrlongs. O’Brien’s Carbine, 9st 3lb (Derret) 1 Butler’s Manton .. 2 Butler’s Adulation .. .. .. 3 Four others ran. Won after a good race. Dividend, LI 13s. Time, lmin 19sec.

Dunedin Cup, 700 sovs, second 100 sovs, third 50 sovs ; two milos and a distance. Stead’s Gipsy King, Bst 41b (Huxtable) .. ... .. .. ... 1 Webb’s Springston, Gst 13lb(Williams) 2 Butler’s Artillery, Bst (Holmes) ... 3 Tetford, Quibble, Snapshot, Torrent, St Clair and Brower also ran. Gipsy King got off with tho start, the rest being well together. At the front of tho stand Tetford took the lead, with Gipsy King second, and Artillery third, Springston lying fourth, tho rest in a hunch. On rounding the turn Gipsy King was pulled back, and Quibble took third place. Opposite the stand, rounding the turn into tho straight for tho last round, Quibble took second placo, Springston third and Tetford fourth. As they camo up the straight Springston took a lead of half a length, Torrent, Snapshot and Brewer a length away. Rounding tho turn, Springston increased his lead, Quibble drawing away from the others. At the back of the course all wero hard at it, Quibble, Torrent and St Clair, with Gipsy King handy, drawing away from the rest, and closing on to Springston. The latter was shook up, and drew away slightly, appearing all over a winner, hut once fairly in the straight, Gipsy King camo through his horses, St Clair and Artillery lying in third position. Gipsy King steadily overhauled Springston, aud 100 yards from home was on level torms with him, with the race well in hand. Williams made a determined effort on Springston, but Gipsy King was too good for him, and won by threequarters of a length, Artillery, five lengths away, third ; St Clair, fourth ; Brewer, Snapshot, Quibble, Tetford and Torrent coining in in the above order. Time, 3min-51sec. Dividend :L2 tickets, L 4 15s ; LI tickets, L2 10s. Selling Race of GOsovs, ono mile and a distance. Rutherford’s Derby, 7st 111 b (Williams) ~ .. .. .. .. 1 George’s Mazurka .. .. .. 2 Kell’s Ironside .. .. .. .. 3 T«*o other horses ran. .Derby vron comfortably. Dividend, Ll 10s Gd. Time, 2 mins 5 secs. Publican’s Handicap of 200 sovs, 2nd 20 sovs, 3rd 10 sovs ; 7 furlongs. Goodman’s Silvermine, 7st 71b .. 1 Stephenson’s La Rose, 7st 91b .. 2 Rutherford’s Tornado, Gst 81b .. 3 Shifnel had tho worst of a bad start. Silvermark led, and then La Roso, but Silvermark camo again in the straight, and won comfortably by a length. Divikend, Ll 15s Gd. Time, 1 min secs. Maiden Plate of 80 sovs, one mile and a-half. Pilbrow’s Wakatipu .. .. .. 1 Turnbull’s Hatia .. .. ... 2 Hon Robinson’s Torrent .. .. 3 Won by a neck after a gooc race. Dividend, Ll 13s. Timo, 2 mins 46J secs. Selling 2yr-old Rucc, 100 sovs. Stephenson’s Chic, L2OO .. ~ 1 Stead’s Matamata, Ll5O ... ..2 Doley’s Ficuretto, LIOO .. ..3 Won comfortably after a good race. Dividend, L2 10s Gd. Time, 1 min of secs. Stewords’ Purso of 100 sovs, 6 furlongs. Lyon’s First Lord .. ~ ... 1 Stephensons La Rose .. .. .. 2 Twohill’s Cinderella 3 Won by a bare head. Dividend, Ll2. Time, 1 min 19 sees.

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 310, 22 February 1888, Page 2

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MARLBOROUGH RACING CLUB. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 310, 22 February 1888, Page 2

MARLBOROUGH RACING CLUB. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 310, 22 February 1888, Page 2


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