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The monthly meeting waa held on Wednesday last, 28th inst. Present: Cr* J. Cockburn, A. McCaughan, H. Birley, J. S. Collins, G. D. Baird, J. McMullan and W. McKibbin.

Mr Cockburn was voted to the chair in the absence of the Chairman, Mr W. Reid, who was still too indisposed to attend the meeting. Leave of absence was granted the Chairman in conformity to his request. Cr McDougall also applied for leave, which was granted. Before proceeding with the correspondence the Clerk (Mr J. W. Fraser) expressed his thanks to the Council for the bonus of £[s which was granted to him last meeting and for the kindly manner in which he had been treated since he took up his position with the Council. From Mereweather and Son, London drawing the Counoil's attention to its chemical fire engines and other chemical apparatus and offering other information.—Received.

From Messrs Nimmo and Blair, Dunedin, notifying the Council that they had been appointed agents for the " Aome" stone crusher.—Received.

From Messrs Anderson, Limited, Christchurch, notifying that they would be pleased to quote the Counoil for a " Fowler " road roller, 10 ton compound, 2 speeds, on springs with governors, 1801bs pressure. Any further information would be supplied if necessary.—Received. From Messrs Gordon and Gotch, Dunedin, stating that they would be prepared to handle the County advertising, thus saving trouble in checking accounts! etc.—Received.

Copies of several applications for water races and for branch races by Jas. Hamilton and others, Arrowtown, were laid before the Council as same affected the County road leading to Crown Terrace. Cr McKibbin said that a number of the settlers on Crown Terrace depended on a portion of the water for domestic use. As long as enough came down the creek there would be no objection. In the past the miners had, however, always been very good in this respect so that he did not think there could bo any objection. The Clerk said that it was only inourabent on the Council to see that their roads were not damaged. The Court would protect settlers in other respects if objections were entered.

It was resolved that the Council offer no objections to the water and other races as long as sufficient water is reserved for domestic purposes and that the conditions regarding the County roads be observed.

The ordinary meeting was here closed and a special meeting held, when a motion was tabled to pass and finally deal with the audited balance sheet for the year ended 31st March last, and to authorise the Chairman to sign same. The motion having been put and carried the acting Chairman declared the special meeting closed and the ordinary opened.

From the Charitable Aid Board, Invercargill, stating that the application for relief for Mrs Maria MoKee, Pembroke, on behalf of a boy named Henry Collins, would be dealt with by the Board at their next meeting.—Received. A circular was received from Dr Valentine, Inspector General of Hospitals and Chief Health Officer, regarding legal powers and responsibilities of local authorities under the Health Act. It was stated that at present all the responsibilities to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and the sanitary inspection of districts devolved on the local authorities and the Health Department and now amended legislation under the Hospital Act, 1909, the Hospital Boards could act for the local authorities for such of the purposes of the Public Health Act as are considered desirable, with the consent of the local authorities concerned. The Council was therefore asked if it would adopt this scheme and waive its responsibilites to the Southland Hospital Board or whether it would make other arrangements to carry out its duties under the Act. Cr Baird said that the Southland Charitable Aid Board was not very keen on the matter. He thought that it would be better to leave things as they are at present. There were very few oases of infectious diseases in this district. The Clerk explained the position to the Council. He said that if the Council agreed to hand over the control to the Board then they would have to pay half the salary of an inspector and other expenses. Up to the present it had only cost the Council £1 or £2 to conform to the regulations regarding infectious diseases. Cr Baird said that a lot of the Boards would not take over the responsibility. If the Southland Board agreed to do it then the Council would certainly have to contribute to the cost of administration. It was resolved to ask Dr Valentine where and when the conference would be held and that Cr Baird attend same if convenient for him to do so.

From the Superintendent, Electric Lines, Wellington, informing the Connoil that as the Department was now making use of the telephone line between Arrowtown and Arthurs Point for communications between the Queenstown and Arrowtown exchanges and for other purposes, it had been decided to close the account and to cancel the bond furnished by the Council.—Received.

From the Mines Department, informing the Council that the subsidy of 8s per week granted to Mr P. Moran had been extended for a further period of three months from Ist September. From the Public Works Department directing the Council's attention to the following unexpended votes and asking the Council whether it was intended to proceed with same:—Ben Lomond, 4200 j Cardrona-Pembroke, 431 15s; Greenstone river suspension bridge (42 for 41), 4100 j Martins Bay to Kinlooh, 460; Paradise to Routeburn, 475 ; Bees river road, 494 16s j Routoburn Valley, 4201 9s, From the Mines Department, in similar terms to above and enumerating the following unexpended votes: Maoetown to Reefs, 4100; Skippers-Stoney Creek, 4100 f Shotover Valley road 4100. Cr Birley said that the Council had asked that the Paradise-Routeburn Valley road be carried out by day labour but the Roads Department would not agree to this. All the works in his riding were very necessary and should bo carried out as soon as possible. Cr McKibbin (sarcastically): Seeing there is so much unexpended money in the Greenstone Riding I would suggest that permission be got to transfer some of the money to the Arrow riding. Cr Birley declined to accept the suggestion. He said that he would like to see the Martins Bay grant spent at once as the Government proposed to place a building at Lake Howden for the use of tourists. Cr Collins said that the grant for the Shotover Valley road was being held over till the Inspector of Mines saw where the road is to be made. The Skippers-Stoney Creek road would also be dealt with at the same time. Cr Birley stated that in regard to tbt Greenstone suspension bridge the Public Works Department was going to under* take the work. The Clerk was instructed to write and urge the work on. The Inspector was asked to proceed with

all the other woi ks at the earliest date. The Taranaki County Council asked the Council to approve of a resolution agreeing to the By-laws Bill introduced into the Legislative Council by the Hon. Dr. Findlay, and to forward such approval.— Referred to Mr Eraser, M.P., for explanation. Cr McDougall telegraphed, under date 5/9/09, stating that the Matukituki bridge was greatly damaged by a recent rain storm and asking Inspector Powell to attend to it at once. Cr McDougall also wrote stating that the matter had been reported to him by Mr W. A. Scaife of Glendhu.—The Inspector stated that he had visited the bridge and had it attended to. It would now last for many years to come. Prom Arthur S. Burns, secretary, Lake Wanaka Ferry Co., Ltd., stating that the present wharf accommodation for their new steamer would be too small and asking that 20ft be added to the wharf with a T piece at the end.—Decided to ask Mr Fraser, M.P., to see the Hon. T. Mackenzie, Minister in charge of Tourist Department, with a view of getting a grant for the work. From H. D. Were, Cecil Peak, Lake Wakatipu, applying for the £5 which was granted by the Council on September 15th, 1909, to himself and A. H. McLean for work to be done on Cecil Peak and Half Way Bay tracks. Writer estimated that another £lO would have to be spent this spring and he therefore asked that the Council would undertake the work. Failing this, writer applied to dc the work himself on approval of the County Inspector. Cr McCaughan advocated that Mr Were be allowed to do the work himself. This would relieve the Council of a good deal of expense in the way of camps, etc., for the men. The Chairman thought it would be better to employ one or two of the roadmen on the work when they could be spared. Cr McMullan considered that it was more advantageous to allow the settlers to do the work themeelves as they would do double the amount of work that the County would get out of hired workmen. The matter was left in the hands of the Inspector, and for him to put two of the surfacemen on the work. Cr Birley again brought up the question of a vote for improving the tracks in the Eglinton Valley in accordance with a request made by Mr Gerrard, manager of the Te Anau Downs Station, but the Council were opposed to giving any money for the purpose as it was stated that there was no great necessity for the work. Mr Were, owner, Cecil Peak Station, asked for a reduction in some wire rope offered him but it was decided to adhere to the charge of £2 for one rope or £A for two. From H. A. Wicks, Lower Shotover, stating that he had purchased a piece of land from Mr T. Houston for his hotel site and therefore abandoned his applicatkn for a portion of the roadline. —Received. Messrs E. Monson, F. Fitzpatrick and W. McAlister, farmers at Malaghans, drew attention to the bad state of the road leading to their properties between the Arthurs Point main road and the Captain's Creek. Half way up the hill the road could be straightened and more evenly graded by getting Mr J. Cockburn to remove his fence. Writers also asked to have the hill on the left hand side of Captain's creek excavated and conveyed into the creek. The Chairman, (Cr Cockburn) said that he had no objection to his fence being removed to straighten the road as long as it was rebuilt on the new line. He recognised that the road could be greatly improved by the alteration. He also agreed that something should be done to improve the road at Captain's creek. Cr McMullan said that the request was a reasonable one. The road was used by the majority of the public. He thought that the matter should be left in the bands of the Inspector to attend to. The Chairman stated that the alterations would cost £5 each. It was resolved on the motion of Crs McMullan and Collins—That the application to have the road improved at both both points be granted, the Inspector to attend to same. From Mary Neilson, Lower Shotover, complaining that Mr J. Brown had erected a fence which blocked her from getting out on to the main road up the gully; also that Mr Brown had erected a gate that was so clumsy and heavily hung on the post with wires that it was impossible for anyone to open it.—Left in the hands of the Inspector to see that a proper gate is erected. The County ranger sent in his monthly report of wandering cattle.—Received. The PuUic Works Department asked to be f urukk J with the average monthly return of men employed on road works in Lake County.—The Clerk to attend to same.

From W. King, Timaru, sending testimonials and a drawing regarding the Lightning bird traps. Writer asked the Council to get the opinions of the Geraldine and Levels County Councils and Temuka Road Board on the traps.—lnformation to be obtained. From the Arrow Borough Council stating that it could not see its way to assist the Council in the matter of the small bird nuisance.—Eeceived. Inspector Powell asked the Council for an increase in his salary from .£4 103 to jBS per week as he had very little left after paying travelling expenses. Cr McKibbin thought the Inspector's request for an increase of salary was a most reasonable one. Considering the amount of travelling done by the Inspector his present salary was inadequate. The Chairman thought the Inspector was underpaid and when a parson was underpaid there was not the encouragement to carry out his duties so satisfactorily. Cr Baird thought the Inspector was worthy of the rise from what he had seen of his work during the past twelve months. Crs Collins, McMullan, McCaughan and Birley also favored the increase to £O, which was carried by resolution. There were several telegrams and letters bearing on the Blue Slip trouble, which the Chairman said were scarcely worth reading now. The committee appointed to deal with the trouble visited the slip recently in company with Mr Mcintosh, Inspector of Mines, and the latter conferred with the Skippers people as to the best method of removing the slip. They (the committee) had done their best to carry out the wishes of the Council. The following telegram addressed to the acting-chairman was now received from the Inspector of Mines : " Consent use water, but stipulate under personal supervision of Inspector Powell to carry on work on lines agreed between us and expressed to yourself last Monday." The Chairman said that the Inspector of Mines would visit the slip should anything unforseen occur during the process of clearing it away. Cr Collins said it was necessary to procure some hosing so as to guide the water over the top of the slip. The work should be put in hand at once. It was decided to leave the arrangements in the hands of the Inspector. The Council expressed satisfaction that the Inspector of Mines had decided in favor of giving the water a trial. It was decided to write to the contractor of the Lower Shotover bridge informing him that the term of his contract exired on the 26th September. him to make some arrangements as to the current expenses of the bridge. From Hon. T: Mackenzie, Minister of Agriculture, stating that he was looking into the matter of the Injurious Birds Act in Lake County and would let the Council have a further reply later on.—Received.

From T. E. Bryant, W. C. Prior, W. A. Grant and Christie, Glenorehy, asking the Council to put a culvert on Section 2, block 3, Dart Endowment, for the use of the travelling public. Mr Groves, the present tenant of the Endowment, had erected a fence across the present road which had been used by the public for the last 25 or 30 years and this fence had put them off the present road about 3 chains lower down. The writers asked that the Council put the culvert in or to arrange with Mr Groves to put 2 gates on his new fence.—The roadman to put in a culvert.

W. Fraser, M.P. wrote forwarding copy of letter sent by him to the Minister of Public Works regarding an application for an additional subsidy of £IOOO for the Shotover Bridge. The Minister of Public Works wrote in reply stating that the contract price was £7530 17s 2d, not £BOOO. The difference in the two amounts was made up in preliminary expense?, which are not permitted to be paid out of Parliamentary grants. These were borings for foundations, advertising first year's interest on loan, salary of bridge inspector. It was decided to write Mr Fraser, M.P. asking him to try and arrange to get the money.

It was resolved, on the motion of Crs Baird and McKibbin—That the Council purchase birds' eggs at 2d per dozen and heads at 3d per dozen.

Cr McKiblin said that he did not think that the Council should purchase eggs that were gathered in the boroughs but the Council did not see that it was possible to trace where the eggs came from. The Council decided to purchase several forms in the Foresters Hall for 5s each. At the instance of Cr Baird it was decided that the Chairman, the Clerk and the speaker wait on the Bank of New Zealand and endeavor to have the rate of interest [on the overdraft reduced to 5 per cent. Cr Baird remarked that the Southland County Council was only paying 5 per cent, and he considered that Lake County could offer as good security as that body. W. Meredith, roadman, Arthurs Point, wrote stating that, in reference to the dispute about gravel taken out of Kelly's paddock for McMullan's contract at Arthurs Point, McMullan got Kelly's leave to take the gravel. Writer tried all he could to get the McMullans to shift to another section of the contract until the Inspector came back but they would not shift for him.

Cr McKibbin did not think that the Council should interfere in the matter at all. Kelly, of course should be paid for the gravel taken from his pit, but he should not look to the Council for this.

Cr McMullan said that it was a matter foi the Council to settle. As far as he knew, Kelly arranged the matter of the gravel with the roadman. The Council should now find out from Mr Kelly what he has got to say about it and then they would see who was telling the truth.

The Chairman said that the Council were perfectly justified in finding out who is responsible fcT payment of the account.

It was resolved, on the motion of Crs McMullan and Collins that a copy of the roadman's letter be sent to Mr Kelly and he be asked to explain. Bbidge Inspector's Report. The report is as follows : Gentleman, —The work on this contract is being satisfactorily advanced, and will probably be completed by the end of December unless something unforseen eventuates. The contractor has had difficulty in getting cement, the demand in New Zealand exceeding the supply, and he has notified me that he has bought 15 tons ex Tongariro, at a price in advance of local rates. Falsework for the second truss is now in place, and when pier b is completed and sufficiently set the truss will be placed. The contractor, according to the specification, is bound to make good any defects in the work that are apparent, before the work is finally passed by the engineer. I hold a sufficient sum to complete the contract and cover all probable risks. An early pronouncement concerning the road on the west end of bridge (which is higher than the five feet mentioned in the endorsement on the agreement) will oblige, as pending your decision the road work is delayed."

Cr Cockburn said that there was not the slightest use in going into details regarding the third pier. He had visited the bridge with Cr Collins and others and he certainly was not very well pleased with the progress of the work. However, they had their inspector there and so far they had not been able to discover any flaw in the foundation of the piers.

Cr McKibbin said that as far as he was concerned his hands were tied. It would not benefit the Council to talk any more about the subject. The matter then dropped. Accounts amounting to £1244, 3s 7d, including .£596 3s 8d for the bridge, were passed for payment. The treasurer's statement of the County finances to date showed that the receipts were .£lO9l 8s 9d and the expenditere £666 148 Id. The debit balance at 28th September was i>l9ll 15s 6d which would be increased to J82796 when all accounts were paid. Inspector's Report. To the Chairman and Councillors, Lake Council Council. Gentlemen,'—l beg to report that I. visited the Greenstone riding and found that the roads were being repaired after the very wet weather they had lately. I put an extra man on with the surfaceman to repair the Scheelite road and Mr Reid is also assisting by carting metal when he can spare his teams. Very severe damage occurred to the Matukituki bridge by the heavy gale about 3 weeks ago which necessitated my having to stay there till I put it in good repair. It is now well screwed up and twenty new hangers put on and other repairs effected which has made it steady again and it will now stand for a number of years without giving any trouble. The track to the Wilkin river has been repaired and is now being used for horse traffic. Other repairs have also been done to the track between the Albertburn and Wilkin river. The bridge over the Cardrona river at Cardrona requires repairing and I had an offer of some blue gum of good quality at 15s per hundred. It will take 1900 ft to renew it which will cost about £lB. The length of the bridge is 110 ft and 3ft wide. I would recommend that this timber be got as if it is not repaired it will cost twice the amount to get timber from Pembroke to do it. The grader is now being employed to round up the roads and as the weather is suitable for grading I intend to do as much as possible. The very severe weather we have had lately has made the roads in a very soft condition, but they will soon be in fair order again. Several slips have occured again on the mountain roads and are now nearly all removed. James Powell, Inspector. The Inspector thanked the Council for the kind consideration given him in raising his salary from date. The Inspector's report was adopted. It was resolved, on the motion of (.rs McKibbin and McCaughan—That it be left in the Inspector's hands to put 5 chains of gravel on Tobins track, the cost to Council not to exceed £4. The following tenders for working the grader were received ; D. Mackie, .£1 14s (accepted); P. Jopp, £1 15s ; gravelling at Mclntyre's: E. O'Fee, £1 18s per chain (accepted); D. Mackie, £1 19s per chain.

Where's the best place to buy your new seeds, garden manures etc. ? At Lynch's.

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2787, 4 October 1910, Page 4

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LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2787, 4 October 1910, Page 4

LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2787, 4 October 1910, Page 4


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