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The annual meeting of the Arthurs Point Sports Club will be held at McCheaiiey's hotel on Saturday,' 10th November. Very wet and somewhat cold weather has b=en experienced in this district during the last week.

The next mail for the United Kingdom and Europe via Bin Francisco will close at the local post office on Monday, sth November, at 7.30 a.m.

Mr C. E- Gudgeon, auctioneer, disposed of " Douglaavale " farm last Friday to Mr G. D. Baird for the sum of £8 per acre for the 355 odd acres.

The annual meeting of the Quren-stown Caledonian Society takes place next Thursday evening in the Mountaineer Hotel. The Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Bill which was put through its final clauses on Saturday last has a clause added to it empowering Councils to proceed against any persons wilfully allowing water to run to v. aste. This clause was suggested by the local Borough Council to the Municipal Conference and Mr W. Fraser, M.H.R., urged the matter on,

The summer running of the steamers commenced yesterday as ma)' be s«en in the amended timetable published elsewhere. The additional steamer to the Head of Lake every week should enable a closer adherence to the time of departure from the Head of Lake thau under the winter running when the steamer, through haying so much cargo to take on, frequently left the Head of Lake an hour or an hour and a half late.

The Dresden Co.'s pianoforte tuner, Mr J. H. -Maries has arrived iu Queenstown and those requiring their pianos tuned should leave their orders at once with the local agpnt of the company, Mr A. Boyne. Perfect reliance may be placed in Mr Maries' work as hehas had very considerable experience in piano building and tuning. He was seven years with J. and J. Hopkinson, London, and was concert tuner for the late Sir Charles Halle and Lady Halle, Watkin Mills, Ada Crossly, and others,

The annual appeal by the Salvation Army for the Eelf denial fund has resulted very satisfactorily this year. Last year the local corps raised £42 10s in this district and this year a similar sum was collected. This amount would easily have been exceeded if the local officers had had all the facilities for travelling around the district. Besides this one of the officers had to leave for home on sick leave before the fund was closed. The effort may therefore be considered very gratifying. The supplementary estimates which were brought down on Saturday night provide donations of £IOOO toward* relief in the 'Frisco fire ; Japanese famine, £IOOO ; Veeuvious eruption, £250 ; entainmeiu of guests at N.Z. Exhibition, £IOOO ; expenses during the visit of the Right Hon. "R. J. Sedclcn to Australia, £579; grant to Prime Minister attending the Colonial Conference in London, 1907, £1500; National Memorial to late Riiiht Hon. R. J. Seddon, (£ for £ subsidy) £15,000; Exhibition grant for expenses, £64,500; housing Dr Hoeken's library, £3OOO.

Through the rough weather of last week thediscomforts of travelling on ourlake have again been brought prominently before the public and two letters appear iu our " open column. " on the matter. In regard to comfort and convenience it can be truthfully stated that the Ben Lomond is sadly at fault. We find, on inquiry, that this was paiufolly noticeable on one of her Kingston trips last week. There were some 60 sheep besides other cargo on the fore deck, which made it impossible to move about. The roughness of the lake of course made things extra disagreeable. The passage of the same steamer to and from the Head of Lake on Thursday was also unfortunately a somewhat stormy one. On leaving Mt. Nicholas for home matters were made to appear worse when the Ben's boat partly broke away from the davits and had eventually to be cut adrift. Notwithstanding these experiences the Ben Lomond has had much rougher passages and has come through safely. She and the other steamers are perfectly safe—so it is stated by those who ought to know—but the main thing to be studied is the comfort of the passengers and this is decidedly lacking in the Ben Lomond. The Antrim is, on the other hand, a paiufully slow vessel and is only fitted for cargo trade. Of course when either the Ben Lomond or Mountaineer is laid up the Antrim has of necessity to be put into commission and this is where the shoe pinches. We do not for one moment put any blame on the captains or men. They work the service to the best advantage and then sometimes under very trying conditions. It is really high time that some move was made to bring forcibly before the proper authorities the necessity for a more up-to-date boet to take the place of two of above steamers. The Government spoke about it long ago but nothing beyond the "plans and specification" stagea seems to have been reached. The local bodies might well take the matter up and get the member for the district to interview the Minister on the subject. At the last meeting of the Otago Land Board consideration was given to the applications by John Edgar, jun., J. C. Mcßride and L. J. Lynch for licenses to cut firewood in the Five-mile bush. Lake Wakatipu, but as objections had been raised by the Railway and Tourist Department the Board decided to refuse the applications. —An application by Isaac Hurring for a 'license to cut flax on sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, and unsurveyed land adjoining block IX, and on sections 1 to 4, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, and unsurveyed land adjoining block I, Martins Bay district, was referred to Ranger McKenzie for report. The annual report of the Tourist Department states that a pamphlet entitled "The Southern Lakes Guide" and a general publication on New Zealand are now in the printer's hands and should be in circulation very shortly. ' As rabbits are now getting very scarce on stations (says the ' Dunstan Times') it is dillicult for trappers to make even small wages about this time of the year. It is rumored that n number of the rabbiters at Morven Hills Station left Inst week as they could not make anything. The Emperor of China has issued an edict promising constitutional government when the, people are fitted for it. His Majesty saya :—"Since the beginning of our dynasty there have been wise Emperors, "ho have made laws suited to the times. Now that I'hina h-i3 intou'ourso with all nation*, our laws and our political system have become antiouttted, and our country is always in trouble. Therefore, ii is necessary for us to gather more knowledge, and ('raw tip anew ode of laws; othcruhe we u hail he unworthy of the trust of our forefathers and our people." The invitations for the opening ceremony if th" lutrrnnti ■ual Exhibition at Christchurch next Thursday are enelosa 1 in an rnvelcpp. with one corner in mourning as a mark of respect to the hit- Kt. Hon. li. •). Seddon who, during his lifetime, was President of the Exhibiti >n. It Dazzlks t:ii<; Woki.h. No discovery in medicine lias ever created one quarter of the ir.leiest that has been caused by Dr Sheldon's New Discovery for Ui ughs, Colds, and Consumption. I: has brought relief in the most hopeless cases, when all else has failed. For sale by L. Hotop, chemist,

We notice by the 'Obinemnri County Gazette' that Messts L. B. Grimstoce and J. A. Algie, one-time residents of Queenstown and Anowtown, respectively, have bec me members of the Paeroa Bowline Club. It has been decided that ladits be admitted to membership of the same club with restricted privileges if necessary.

The competition which the proprietors of Tiger Ten are at present running in. order to induce everyone to sample this favourite lilnul of tea is, :\e understand, proving a great draw. Particulars of the Competition are advertised in this issue, and it will be seen that very little trouble is involved in competing for the valuable prize offered. All contestants are required to rio is to pica on two words which best describe the qualities of Tiger Tea, add them to the incomplete sentence which appears in the advertisement and attach the number end of a packet of the ten to ahow that a sample packet has been bought. Anyone can have as many tries to win the prize as he or she likes, the only stipulation being that the end of the packet must Accompany each completed sentence sent in. The" editor of the Uuuediu ' Evening Star ; has set what he considers to be the best combination of words and anyone picking on the same words will win the prize. In the event of a tie the prize will be divided equally. The proprietors have adopted this method of inducing people to try their tea, because they believe that one trial packet will convince anyone of its superior qualities and economical use in comparison with any other brand.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Compang. Ltd., have received the following cable from their London Office, dated 25th October :—Tallow.—We quote present spot values for the following des criptions of tallow :—Fine mutton 35s 6J ; good beef 33s 6d ; mixed 31s 9d. Market tirm.

This was one of the examination questions set recently for standard 3 : " What is really happening when we say, 'Oh, there'll be no moon for another week ?'" A little girl wrote : " We will be wautiug to go to a party." A delightful and thoughtful answer to the ambi«uous question. Mr Munco (Chief Executive Commissioner) states that, as far as ho can judge, the total sum required to " run " the exhibition will be £150,000, and the net result to the colony depended almost entirely upon the gate money. Up to the present time the Treasury had advanced £73,000 ; and, as power had been granted in the Exhibition Act just passed to arrange a bank overdraft in anticipation of the revenue, it seemed probable that the State would not have to find a further supply of cash. Dr Crosslaui's Noxol w«s so rapidly curative in the case of D. Smith, Ahuriri, that he sent two bottles to a suffering friend, who had indigestion. If you suffer get a bottle to-day and get rid of your troubles. 2s at chemists and stores.

In concluding an address to the Synod in Christchurch, Bishop Julius urged the need for progress in the spiritual life of the people. "It did me good a while ago," he said, "to see the clergy, choir, and people of a city parish in procession through their streets. I wonder how how many of my clergy have ever preached at a street corner, In some respects it is the best training in the world, and does it not suggest a lesson which we ol the Church of England have much need to learn ? Put effyour Sunday clotlus. Put on your working dress. Get out of the pulpits aud into the streets. God help us all, wc are too respectable." Wc have to acknowledge receipt of the Official Year Book for 1906. It is a handysized volume, and contains an enormous amount of interesting statistical information in reference to the colouy's industrial progress, finances, etc., and, to the person who wishes to be thoroughly up-to-date, is a veritable vade mecum- The annual report of the Agricultural Department, which has also come to hand, ia a publication from which a great amount of useful information is to be obtained.

Feel tired when you get up, eh ? Do you cct out of bed in the morning feeling "all played out," dull headache, no energy. A sure sign if you do that Noxol is required by your system you need only take a few doses to get good results. All those who take the great remedy praise ; t. Start to-day, 2s at chemists and stores. Commenting on the Public Works debate, the 'Lytteltou Times' says:—" For the most part, members betrayed provincialism nothing short of disgusting in the nostrils of self-respecting citizens, but somehow this spirit seems to animate newspap:rs, and even business men, in many parts of the colony. Otago, we are told, is complaining bitterly of the treatment accorded her in the Public Works votes, ' despite the representation of that part of the colony in the Cabinet,' and meeting-* are being helJ to protest against her ' Shabby treatment.' It will at least redound to the everlasting credit of the Premier and Messrs M'Nab and Millar that they did not use their position in the Cabinet to secure excessive votes for the Southern districts. But we have not the slightest doubt that they will be severely criticised by some narrow-minded people of their constituencies. The day will come when the Otago Central Railway will warrant an expenditure of more money, but if the Otago people are not blind they must see for themselves that the line should never have been started, and that it simply would not pay to cany it further at present. What signifies who bakes the cake? It's "Phoenix Thick Peel" makes the cake, It's " Phoenix Thick Peel " takes the cake, And so say all of us. Sold only in packets branded " Phreaix." A sequel to the turning on and off of the water service during the tires at Wellington last week had a disastrous effect on a firm named R. Hannah and Co., large boot manufacturers. It appears that an employer on the top flat of the factory in Lambton Quay endeavored to get some water from a tap, but found it cut off. He apparently did not shut off the tap again, with tho result that wheu the water was turned on the whole four storeys were flooded. An immense amount of damage was done to both the imported and locally-manufactured stock, as well as to unmanufactured material and machinery. R. Hannah aud Co. hold stock valued at between £60,000 and £70,000. The lowest amount of the damage is fixed at £5 000, and the head of the firm believes it is nearer £7,000. The insurance risk did not cover the damage aud the firm have to bear the whole of the loss.

Wright Stephenson and Co., Gore, notify that they have for sale or lease a good dairy farm of 218 acr.s, in the Mataura district. MERIT REWARDED BY COURT OF JUSTICE. The acknowledged good qualities and aacßtss of SANDER AND SONS' EUCAY PIT EXTRACT have brought out many imitations, and one case was just tried in the Supreme Court of Victoria before His Honor Chief Justice Sir John Madden, K.C.M.G., \IU Honor, in giving judgment, said with regard to the genuine Sander and Sons Kucalynti Extract, that whenever an article is commended to the publio by reason oi its good quality, etc., it is u,t permissible to iiniratinuyof its features. He restrained the imitators perpetually from doing so, and ordered them to pay all costs. We publish this to afford the public an opportunity of protecting themselves and of securing what is proved beyond all doubt by skilled witnesses in the Supreme Ciurt of Victoria and by many authorities during the hut ISO years, to be a preparation oi !.! neral merit, liz-THE GENERAL SANDKIt \ND SONS' PURE VOLA'IILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. Feci tired and lanquid when you rise in the morning? tongue furred, nasty taste in the mouth, constipation perhaps troubles you. Ever tr> Dr Orossland's Noxol. It is the coming medicine. 2* at chemists and stores.

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2651, 30 October 1906, Page 4

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Untitled Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2651, 30 October 1906, Page 4

Untitled Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2651, 30 October 1906, Page 4


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