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, An ordinary mooting of above body was 5 held iu the Council Chambers on Monday 1 last. Present—Messrs J. Fox (chairman), f F. M'Bride, T. Muirhead, B. Rogers, A. f Fraser, and J. Reid. j Minutes of previous meeting were read and ] continued. Outward correspondence was read and , approved. 3 Inward correspondence read and received , was dealt, with as follows: , Back Katks.—W. Torry, Upper Shotovr, wrote enclosing amount due for arrears oi rates and a-ked ;o li ive his name put oil the I County Electoral roil if not too late. He ■ also asked for information with reference to ; the propei ty be was rated for. A3 lie had been living in another place. Tuc Cletk explained thai the mine had ■ been put oil the Kill. The arrears of rat - i spoken of dated hack several yea is, and the peiiad had expire:! for legally chiming ih.-in. The wiiter had. moie >\er, raid up i'h, current rates, which made him eligibly foi the roll.—Action approved of. Di:i:r Ckekk Chair.—l. S. Collins wrote stating that, he would a! t: nd the Cmimil re the Deep Creek chair hauling line (lis; ire Mr Rogers made a few remarks on ihi-; matter and stated that he had seen the order for the hauling line, etc., but the Chairman ruled him out of outer, as he cou-idend that the dispute in question had been linali\ settled at last meeting of Conned, and he thought that, to brine it up aga 11 would serve no good purpose. Information Wantkd.—E. A. Cameron, writing from Nokomai, asked to be exensi d from the meeting and stated that when buck in Queenstown he would do all ill bis pow> r to make up in some measure to the ratepayers in his (Queenstown) riding for the time he had been absent. The ivr tcr asked if am thing had been done towauls s'ar'iTg the dray road between Queenstown and lk>hs Cove, round the side of the lake. lie a!-o requfsted information with regard to a £4OO grant was ro be available lor this work and also in regard to the proposed deviation at 2.3-mile hill.—Ordered that iulo: nation he fore.aided. A Disputkd Okdfr.—w. Murish f irwarded a letter from Macahster Bros., solicitors, Invercariiill, who stated that the Cleik would have to give up a certain ord» r which had been handed to Muiish from Diiiilop. The Cb-rk explained the reason why In- did not give up the order, and he awaited instructions from the Council. After hearing the explanation the Council agreed that the order he returned. The balance-sheet of the Southland Charitable Aid Board was hid oil the table.—Received. A Request.— D. Maider. for F. R. Ellis, wrote asking to bo allowed to erect suing ga'es on 'he Waka'iiui-Te Anau road recently formed.—Application granted on the conditions. Road Rkpaihs, Gm-norcii v. V«lpy Bros and G. Watson, mine manager, Schc. litc Mine, Head of Like, asked the Council to do something to the read up the Bu klerburn Creek, uhicli leads to tin- former's claim and the tseheditn mine further on, so as to make it passable for drays, kc. Mr Fraser said he was in favour of helping a little in repairing the road—say to the extent of £5 or i' 7. Mr Muirhead considered that the Council should not entertain the application as they were not in funds. Mr Rogers suggested that a subsidy i f .1'! be given by the Council for every ±2 contributed by the parties mentioned. A proposition was su'•«;>{; uently passed to the. effect that a subsidy of JJ7 be gi\en provided tiiat £l4 worth of work be done first by Yalpy Bros, and the Scheelite Mine proprietors. Co UN lIKS As.-ociation'. —A circular was received from the Hutc County Council, Wellington, stating at a meeting if the Executive Committee of the iN.Z. Counties Association it was deemed not advisable to hold a conference tni- se-sion, and the Parliamentary repre-eiitativcr- holding sea ; s on the Commtttee were n (|nt'»ted to wateh proceedings in ihiiliam.nt so that a conference might be at: once convened if considered necessary. Should no conference be held the subscription for lb'JU-IDOO will netbe re iiiired.— 11< cmve h S'Tsioies on Rates. —Copies r.f enrres- ; pnmh lice nlitiiig to the ou stinn almcting' subsidies ou rates v. as f awarded in circular form by the County ( ouueil of V\ < stiaud.— Tiie Council cxpie-med tiltir sympathy with the movement. H. D. Atkinson, inrv, N.Z. Cunstiej, Association, asked the Council to forward their sul'.sciintinn for the year end. d 01-r May last.— Uidered that subscription be paid. Thanks. —W. Fraser, Assistant Chief Inspector of Stock, wrote thanking the Council for the use of a room temporarily in the C lined Cham be is for the accommodation of the local Stock Inspector.—Received. Telephone to Giuesto.v.—Jane s Leslie wrote on behalf of himself and others re. the telephone at Cibhst.-n. As this matter had been put off before to allow 'lie dredging industry to develop, the writer considered that suiihhmt prog;ess had now been made with the industry as well as the coal trade to warrant the lino being erected. The local people, t :e writer st ited, were not prepared to guarantee any money for various reasons oiven and besides the n 3id,-n!s had a light to demand the telephonic communication at the public expense as provided iu oilier districts. Mr Reid a-!id thai the lire would not cr -t very much and the pi • pie w ere entitled to it. There never was so much n ed for it as no v on account of the dredging. Only wares woul t be wanted for the line as the posts were already there. It was resolved to wire to Mr Fras-r. M.H.R., asking him to approach the I'o-til Department in Wellington, ami point oat. the growing importance of the district, with a view to inducing tiie Government to erect the line. Various Items. A circular was lecehed from the Commis-ionrr of Taxes y< tiie payment of sub My under " the Local j Bidies' Act, lh-md enclo ir.g form of | deeiaration to be sigmd,—Attended P>. Balnice sheets of ihe Bluii' liarhoar hi ir.rd ! and S.II. and C.A. Board, were laid on the 1 table .or penis til. W. F-rgus-on, secretary, Wellington I Harbour Board, wrote staling the.' in eon- j s- fjin me of the act a •!: t n hen '- V tiie va ; I el - 1"C il bains and \\ i ion cton liai 0 in is■ •rd the mOit obj-e'ion iide ieaoir; s oi • ~. i ; Contracts Bill have been stiuck out,—Re-1 ceiveti. f Cn.wia Reseuvi: From R. A. .Tnhns'oii, Lands Department, DomViiii. enclosing a letter from W. Han i-, v. I: i a-bed ior c -iiipeu- | sation in the event i-1 the C> aiieii rem'dug one acre |..r e. a -v, ! in: at ti • • t i • t t... Lake. Tim w:hi r . hum i tl, it he had SI cot s' me CI-'it' "0 the ci in o-hi- h tiie i gravel ]itv hi site V and : lie i r t-.01-; : m a latg • pi IC ■ I the, in ut.ig-, and ■ .am I w.thin abo!e ■, ; I.: Ibu -io ■ . AI. - e | f,, rh;: Oil- tV. , ; -1-ioyl ! | i; , • nl o a "tl:; ;■ apnac ' i a I ) toe s- c! on j hut to:- wool 1 O- .0 pel li.i: i settle::!' lit of t: o i: - rv. in .pe--o- o. The ! Boa rd also ask*, il it : oe i : v.- e-1 o i not ••• j lliaoo si) to, to oc e--ioo ma- » , ! matter had alreaiiy o. en atteo-.c'i t > l-y the ' j'higin. it. I ( \'r M' I) d: here I -ok ids -e :t. i [ I'll •Titittool. Wan i 01». F. d. s. I'co la:', j Ath 1, v. ro-e 0.0 t iig rites an ICO hn tie' : ( me Ito do tioar iI , to pae -I 11„ : I ;. • aer. -s ihe lart r-a •uis p a -oil : j lore put to a i ut tr--!ib!- :-ai ■; t-, ao 1 . ! 110 Oil the to- a n hip. doo writer hol In r-n . ; ; by the - -ao-1 m 1 10.-uiii. r Us.ii toe So.; ihl o;d C.-oo- 1 i - whim _ tip . v to" , ha'if c.-st of w hat l.ngnl bo g:anted lor tin: job. St. s ai- a' v.r • • d.a o, h .. ::<! o-a ,J1 ; , same m it'er. Me th-.t C 1 ■. wo lilt do; eN•: y• a ; ily ! • I : i. : , a! o h i'. e to j oai ■ o the m,i t. r < it her i-\ petition or by co-am: the roads wireh pis- , I ill oogh idle S- etions, tail - en-,. : .10 - : iio I 1::- ( -C' ! : ,'- ' ' ; - -

The Engineer said he had visited the Io cality and after looking over the site fonm that £1,") the amount; decided on for the bridge—would not be manly enough. Resolved that Southland County Counci be approached witli a view of getting thai body to increase their share towards the erection of a Liidge. EscaxrEit's Report The folbwiug report, as read, was adopted : (piecuistowii, g.trd Sept. The Chairman ami Councillors, bake Comity. Gi:xrLKMi:x--l have the iioncr to report generally u] i. o.\ a • ,\nii 'i'li.Acas. —Tle.-e genera'!;.' are in fairer iler also li ne ! i::0 t'ae sea-oil i-i i.iinrahie the \aiioas la.oar ae- r-ihtraetois are pioeeediii 0 ' to put theii leiiei lis in older. 1 ■ i Ito iii.'.eiioAcir.mNT.—Tliis weak was starlet: I t-' y-e-i. oi.o. r iio'iii.-ii.ii s r, reived at last meeting. finishing Xo 1, aa 1 will tiieii pr-jeei.d wi:!i Ihe -..nd -•. !i ai. toiei' \v:u;;!i a f.ti.h ge-vi ro:ui i--r v. In . \- i I nolle v. iii l,e e-tabiisiiud he! .'.a-eii Waiilil i;m Aooiv-iii. Kinwa Po o\—Tiie contractors for tiiivoei; are po.e'i,oliy iim-li.-d imd lire in .reel in uahiug the d- vi.oion imni the iimlii l'-'ie! on to the lite:' 1 o a ; in permit of traitie being opened ou tiie Mmia.i.-s;.— I Tile contractor has its am d worh hui \i ;y -illie p: o-la -s em :ie in ule on account of tiie la.maiiic.ii ui I."o to tiie pie-eut I here is iceja. j iIS In me d Oe e>i arrieai of ti.e c.iMetroiii and until they arrive very little mere can Fuel cemoK, Atiiol. —On inspection of the site of Hi pio|n.i.-ei.i 1.,0;i,rM:,c at- Athuifor v.'iiieh a sum o." e1 '> «... m, ti,;; (i, |...0f will ell Io he jiai.i !c, Soutir and 0 am: i, 1 liad iii- -mn i; :ire iri:i■ I*. ipiate as ill,; ijmii i- lU.I feet and a foolhri ige to sair ilie requirenei:ls e.mnni i-e iieilt f-the stun autlioiised. K.vw.n:\v lip.m-,;:.—Tlii- bridge will require re--'.mkingat an e„rly d 0 e ami I noil'-l ask tiie C'oum :ii t 1 imtiioii-e me ro jmiciire the nece-sary tinnier. Ci.vaitN-iKNr Votms. .Severnl «urveys for ex'rendinre ef Ooeiniuieiit vnt s are linisiied and as soon aiiej'iaosare aypio'.id the voile can lie i>roceeded lilii, and it. i-" my intention to start next- week' with lie survey oi the road along the Lake Wakatipu torn rd- the Head. Uo.u>, Mt. I>ai:n"n. —ln a-.-eordance with itistrueions t Hie! Mr .N'oncau with ref. rencu ro taking land .ir a rea l hailing' to ait- linker from I'cmbroke, but >;uid tliiii tiie sti]ei!.oions as to where the road houi.l 1 e ialien iv. re such that it va; not practicable e make a I'o.i 1 l-herc and v.'.ei a much steeper grade ban e miii he email i 1 on the surveyed li' 0. I have r.ele a plan on the !a! ter hue and would ask you to i-iruet me as to whcilier the work soould goon, tiie ••»t 1 Istimate at giet). A Co.M! , r.AiNT.—Mr M'Doug.ill stated that 0, etmeeo in nee of lb.- 1 road at- .\i r Rarker not a ing piocecihil with it, wi'S a fair block to lie people. It had been banging flic for a oug tunc, and nothing short of tenders bong c died to havtj the road proceeded with, timid satisfy them or himself, lie had rerained from pushing the thing before on .■■count of the impecunir.sity of the Council. Ic now thought th it reasonable treatun lit houid be nuted out to the raten iycrs in his idino. After s one discussion it was resolved to all tenders on the Em iocc-i's plan, same t i ■0 dealt -.villi at next meeting* of the Couuil. Kawatim" Rp.ii.iiK ili'r.Ußs. —Tin: En-tm-er was ii:.stm:cred to at.end to repairs oil Ri:i'a]:;s To IIOAi*. ilr aJuiiiieaii asked bill toe imlio !■:: ;mm Cunt 1 actor's attention ;; called Io ccitaiii repairs on road rutin ins; hl'"ilgh sections -t ami block 4, Nokomai. -!irdi rc-i to l-e iit'eu.ied to. Aiiiio'.v h'At.i.s Co.—As no reply had been cccived from ibis company jv damage to loiiniy read it resolved to tebginpii to lie niaun.ger, InvercargiU, and insist oil a rely by ,'i o'clock in the afternoon. Pjokini; Runs.— j. .M'Ccorgu was grunted 10 urn of tiie bo-jiig roils on the usiiii terms. CoNs'i'iirigrnoX of Rv-W'a-h.ks.—J. Ma tin, lanagcr of Arrow Plat Co., Arrow town, Tel ■ it-king permission to construct several y-v,ashes fVoin the Company's race across ic Ariow-Miici'tnun Road.—Tim Engineer as instructed to fir-1 go over file locality i' h the manager of the company and then ih!i pi t ais po:; to the Council. chums!.aw Ti;ack. ioser, th-- i'ligineer st ited th;i- he would, i a fortnight's time be going on with this 01 k, to be ihint' by ilay isoour. ilr Reid drew the nUmiti ill of Couir il to 11 angle in j'obin's track', oppo-die iloulian's w Inch was very sloppy ami in hood, order t lO'e-'l'l t. Tim r'mgineei' slated that this on c.couni oi the sun bringing the frost out, u; it w-c-dd .-"on lie recti ti - d. C.'iiitoiogA \' Road Cn.vF.nT.—Mr I'll ugidi u-keil, as the timber was on the loumi, tiie culvcit- on this road be ri c■■ 11"d with. It von very much needed li account id the j "lilug timt Vehicles got. Tile l-higinm r s till iue work could not be u ith mi a.'i'iaiut of too frost and Ro as toe timber was not the proper length, a 1 til ' wo: 1; wouid lie pr-cccec-i With as aim e. ■; ]i 's-i ido. l'i Mimiovi: Wiimu'. —Mr M'Pougall icn:ioiiedi that a sum of money had hreil •it mn the Mstimites towards Pembroke I dmrf, and a-ked the Council to allow the mgirmer to sutiervise the woi k when it was Ibe lione. TueV.'mk v anted was an ex-m-ioii of ilie wliaif as the steamer could not olue lie ir to it at tin -i ut. The Coiiiii il eere pui o agrrcab'e. CaiiiiFoiv \ \'.\ Road. —lii conseiiein ei f tim iu-u eso tr • iii:- on this r- ad p'ough -leiigiig o: erations, ilr M'Douail nmVMt the tol owing moiion, u hicil was :ct luted by ilr ilTbide ami can ied— That la Engineer, as puickly as possible, arrange a' an improvement of tlm ups and downs jetiou ot the Caiilron i Valley road. EruKiisT'.e. ilr Fraser, inember for recns'.one riding, took tiie opportm ity, as would b-; his l ist im eting in the Council, t thanking the Coairmaii f-o tiie kind way u hot beell tie.ted bv llitll and the e.iimil doI log i,is term of oiti am! the :p.dole manner in v. hich the Chairman bad jediiete ; tin: bi!»>!iCSS of tin' Council. Mr Rogers s .i.I ic gave him pleu-ure in nd-using tlie v.: e\i ins speaker's lem trks ami e suggested ilia: a. l'eeold be put 111 tile dilutes with la lereucc to the marked i Pm'iioii that the (d -irtmui h tdi alw.,ys II eu I-1 ilm bmsiuc.-.'j id tbe Council feu' hirt e vctirs t ■ ion oi i !ilc ■. He had ul w -<\ t ill -aim: with Vel'V good idulily uml • -- rved tiiis expicssiou of i pinion from til" 'mum: 1 . Tee (. Imii'imoi thai k"d til'i tp'.'d-.-us for leirvii'y kind icumtks and said tie was ln:ivs gal tod) io,- lm-t fit' th" county eie-r.-llv ami in-lemedi an abler iiieuier wimldtahe his jm-im when he retired ■•-ni the- pi-ioeii. in iir Fras r, the :e;;l;ct' imn ,i hei'g the Council were losing go councillor. iir il 1> ': dd eiiite ro lor-md li-i.l c u said, an : m-o-immd that if the i'liair j :: li u a e I a om ■i s or e: : or.- ho h -1 «; ;.!tl I I,u: t.iiviiio.vm, : e ami lor ti." Im.-r. 'I ~, 1 ilea!»>.•:• e e' d m-o tin- Council j <i e 1 .:ng a g 11 nicii in ilr I'd user. The (di :iiuian ami Mr Fra-er thanked Mr 1' I itm gai I for his rmmrtks. The latter 'w.t - e oisidere-i ill' il'llougal! as a most io ,!.!•• in 'in and |,r was Witliout iioubt, the ! ia AM Ac. nop i aomuiitiiig to 1T.70 io■ v Itt.Sdd alter im-dm: i.e-mints cm -1 r, A' i - Ci.: —" ,\ll min g ~i 1 I v.a ;!. -mi. ■iomio !e ive the matt: l* in J aims I-i the i e: 110 ol ami i'.ngli eel' to see j lit i', be s•i: ,e. ; i : I i 1 11. The u :ml coiii'te-y to tiie Chair teriHinritcd j iic Incut 11; J. j I I i,d v i'h 10. 1 :!■: : ' mis at In: iu: i'Um. 1 lAihi'-;: on, A:n-

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2280, 29 September 1899, Page 7

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LAME COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2280, 29 September 1899, Page 7

LAME COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2280, 29 September 1899, Page 7


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