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[From Our Correspondent.] WOODEND. ' ' A special service was held in tlio Woodenc! Mofhodist Church on Sunday morning; to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the war. There was an excellent attendance. The pastdr, tho Rev C. B. Jordan, nreaehed an anproor ate sermon, special hymns were epng, and Airs Jordan sang; a solo, “Sweet Peace, tho Gift of God’B Love." ASHBURTON. A meeting of the directors of the Canterbury Petroleum Prospecting Company, Limited, was held on Friday aitornoon. Mr W. Wilkinson presided. One hundred and ninety-five additional shares were al.otted, bringing the total up to 15,447. The manager (Mr A. Joyce) roported that owing io tho difficulty of obtaining casing work had been stopped for about six weeks. A eunoly had now been scoured from New Plymouth, and is expected shortly, when work wd be resumed. Tha works manager reported that tho 6 inch casing was down 1605 feet, and drilling down to 1656 feet. Indications ci oil were first made at 1363 fed., and habeen in evidence ever since. At a recent meeting oi the Ashburton Wnr Relief Commit os it was decided to write to Mr H. M. Jones asking him if he would appear before the Executive Committee cr.d substantiate statements regard’ng the pocioty mado in a letter published in a local .ajor. Mr Jones has written to the o rnmittee stating that ns tho matter is a public one ho doclines to moot the committee privatoly, but would meet on the public platform, when) tlio public who eub,vihftd to tho fund could participate u (he

debato. Ho suggests that a collection be takon up, and after paying expenses the balance be handed to some patriotic fund. I Mr E. N. Jphnstou, Health luspcoior, reI ported to the Ashburton Hospital Board yesj torday that ha had inspected tho Fairfield ' School, and had found that there were eixtyone pupils on tho roll, whi'a the accommorlr.tion was only sufficient, foi fifty. He had reported the matter to the .District Health o.tvC6 A-meeting of the Ashburton branch of. tho Red Cross Society was held on Saturday, when Mrs K. Galbraith presided.' The credit balance at the bank was reported at £IO3O 16s 4d, and the expenditure for July was , £747 7s. Reference was made to the death of Bombardier Watson, and a vote of sympathy with his parents and relatives was pawed. At the request of the British Red Cross Society, it was decided to discontinue I making bandages in the meantime. It was iceolved to ask Mrs 11. 0. Barrett to give ; instructions in shirt-making. Lady Jekvll, 1 of . the S.t John Ambulance Stores, London, wrote acknowledging the receipt'of thirtyseven cases of Red Cross goods during (he past six months. It was resolved, to ask tha .Mayor to convene a public meeting m con- . neutron) with “ Our Day ” Appeal. It was stated that an oi-dcavour would be made to collect £4060 in the Ashburton County. The Ashburton Hospital and ohan .ab o Aid Board mot on Monday; present—-Messrs 0. Raid (chairman), J. Cairns, 11. J. Harrison T. Doherty, W. J. and T. W. Watt. The treasurer -reported a credit balance a, tho bank of £614 Cs 6d, and that the receipts since last meeting had been £1203 10s. Lbmedical supcrinto'.iuoiA g'porteu tha, on Julj I there wore- in the liosoiial twepity-fi-e pa*tients. Nineteen had been admitted during the month and twenty-two discharged Ravin" twenty-one remaining oil July el. ineie had been six operations. One death had hem iccordod. The sanitary mspec.or s -eport showed that only a few cases of -'H' ctious diseases had been reported or the whole district for the month. The Hon G. V>. Rusell having advised Jha. tho action of the board in investing the sum of ~\M of .lw hospital funds in war loan ponds was illegal, the matter of realising on tbo bonds was left with' the chairman to arrange. Accoums amountinr to £535 IBs 9d were passed for payment. ' A sum of £SO towards the hcsmtal ' funds was received from an anonymous donor. . ROLLESTON. A oommitteo of young people held a » tainmeut in the Rolleston bciooiiort.hepurpose of raising, funds for A tor' the district soldiers a. ho front. A Copper Trail was responded to nberalij, and the of £ll 10s was given m n«>iiey and gifts, An excellent., programme of musical ‘and other items was contributed Itomotborna, Crosaen, Alley, rnomp..-on, ■ Maim and Pearce (3), Messrs Pe*ce Thompson Marshal!, Blov and Mann, -and Hewn Cross and Alley (returned). Supper was provided by the Red Cross ladies. TUAHIWI. A very successful "long night” in conneci7, &m i ? . bv Mrs Andrews &nd iVii . .. . v iL evening musical items., were .n >uiLed assembled at tlio scTicolroom. to parco.l up snA r g-e-sn* st promptu dance indulged in by lho 5 0111 b member*.

SOUTHER! DOE. . Hare shooting parties organised 3J M-r.--H Piper, chairman of thj o i?;s r s™** ft S„“ *, ret Z oh .;"*s h pi“i &«. s .S,. fall'up towards tho kills would have caused large numbers,of hares to c.m, down-from tho high country,, but they wore not nearly go numerous as when a party .of haif ib number shot between seventy and eighty on Oakleigh somo six weexs ago hMI’s party ' conprned ab.ut twcntj-ci^h^ of £4OO has been voted for the purposes of technical eciuca.ion at the Southbridge District High School, and Mr Pemmgton, architect to the Canterbury Board of Education,. is now preparing plans lor suitable buildings. KILLINCHY. Private W. Weavers, who recently returned from the front, 5 was accorded a public welcome bourn by the residents of Ktlimchy m the Hall, and on behalf of Ms friends Mr Simcock presented Private Weavers with the district’s gold medal. Fine weather iaveured the function, and there wus a large attendance. Members of the Chappell family p>a\ed for the dance, end several songs were given. ; • . , A sum of £lB 10s was raised by means of u concert and danoe recency hc.d at Kidinchy ill aid of the fund for providing tho soldiers at the front with Christmas pnrcols. There are twenty-two Killinchy men at The front. DUVAUCHELLE. A meeting of the committee of the Peninsula Horse Show and Pastoral Association. was held at Duvaucholle. Tho programme for the next show was revised, al .orations being made in tho cattle and sheep olasses. The officials for the different classes were appointed. A motion of sympathy was passed to the relatives of tho following deceased members :.—Messrs ,W. Hammond/L. G„ Kearney, J. Knight aud S. 0. Leliovre. LAD BROOKS. A pleasant fune.ion took place in the Ladbrooks Schoolroom on Tuesday aftornoon, the occasion being a send-off to Miss E. E. White, who for noavly three years has been mistress at the local school, and who is leaving to take up a position at the Ashburton Borough School. After a programme of songs and recitations had beon' given, afternoon tea was handed round. Complimentary speeches were made by Mr F. Bundle (head master), .and Mr J. Yea yuan (chairman of the School Committee), to which Miss While suitably responded. BROOKSIDE. A social was held in the Brookside School to farewell Private William Wnebbourne, and to welcome home Private A. M’Gregor. The •chairman (Mr J. Cunningham), in making the usual presentation of a money bolt and wallet to the denarling soldier, mentioned that Private Waskbourno was the sixth member of tho Washbourne family to respond to the call of Empire—a remarkably fine record. In welcoming Private M’Grc&oiv the chairman said that tho rosidents of.the district were hcartil- glad to coo him back again. As a tokon of appreciation of services faithfully rendered, he askod the soldier’s acceptance of a gold medal. Opportunity was taken to present to Mr and Mrs J. Bong, juiir., a medal designod for the late Trooper J. W.'Boag, who died of wounds in Palestine. The late Trooper Boag, tho chairman said, was well known to the whole district as a fine, promising young man. His death was a severe lo3s to the district, and the sincere sympathy of the pooole was with the parents in their bereavement. Mr Boag acknowledged tho tokon in suitable terms.

KIRWEE. The' rainfall for July was 4.20 inches. Rain fell on fifteen days, the maximum fall being 2.17 in on July 2. The fall for the corresponding month of 1917 was S.Olin; 1916, 4.70 in, and 1916 0.56 m. The total fall for the seven months ending on July 31, 1918, wae 14.90 in, and for the corresponding period of 1917 14.?2in; 1916. 20.80 in, and 1915, 10.15 in. Tho heavy drifts during the recent snowstorm have been a source of trouble to those in char go of the Malvern County water-races. Somo of tho races have been covered to a depth of from 2 feet ; to 4 feet, with snowdrifts, which banked up against the gorse

fences, thus completely covering the waterraces oil the south-west side of the fences. When this mass become frozen it took some time for the water to work its way through. AMBERLEY. Tho rainfall recorded at. “ Rivorsloa,” Amberloy, for the month of July was 576 pointy. Rain fell on ten days, the maximum fall being 417 points on July 2. v / 1 ■ ■ i MAYFIELD At tho annual meeting, of the Mayfield Red Cross Society Mis 5’.. Brown prodded. The credit balance showed the substantial sum of £179 12s' AJd. The report, which tm adopted, stated that in addition to the work done at the meetings a considerable Amount of knit tin- and sewing had been done in the homes. For the year ending July 25, 601 varments had beon sent to tho Ashburton centre. Officers were elected as follows: —President. Mrs John Brown; vice-presidents, Mrs T.‘ Corbett and Mrs J. Burgess; secretary'and'treasurer, Mru W. B. Del'.ow. A commit,tee' consisting of all the mombers w»3 appointed. PLEASANT POINT. The Pleasant Point Tpwn Board met on Tuesday evening;. ptesont-rMessrs J. Maze (in the chair), G. Saunders, W. J. Barker, J. O: Voight, W. Qborq and C. Smith (clerk). Tho Acting .Prime Minister wrote enclosing resolution with reference to. the. fourth anniversary of the dec.arafion of war. Oil tlio motion of Mr Darker,,seconded by Mr Obcrr., the following resolution was carried unanimously: “That this meeting, as ,representatives of the Pleasant roinl town district, confirms the aclion of, tho,New Zealand Government in carrying .out thiß war in co-opera-tion with England and her Allies." Mr A. Budholt wrote with reference to the or ecu reserve. It was decided to call tenders for tho lease of the reservo for a crop of oats. The Works CommiUee reported that an . inspection of the roads showed. 'that' several were covered badlv with gorse. .It.was agreed to inform the offenders that, failing the removal of the corse, action would be taken. The :bank balance showed a credit of £;-GO. Accounts amounting to £2B 9s 10d were passed for payment. ■ ' . . New season’s lambs have made their appearance on the Tipper Waitohi, Torauka. The threshing of c over and is in full swing in tho Pleasant Point district. On Monday evening, a representative gatffi eriug of the congregation of the Pleasant Point Presbyterian Church met in the church ball to sav good-bye to Mt Wallaco Nortotii, who is leaving on active service, and, tc weloome home Messrs A?new and Honney well and Laurenson. The last-named soldier however, wa-s unable to be present. The ear ’ part of tha evening was spent in games, and songs wore contributed by Mrs Chapman Misse-s Laurenson and Mrs Bishop,, and a humorous recitation bv Mr Bishop, sen. Dnring an interval the Rev G. King, who presid cd? extended a cordial welcome to the returned men. and oh' behalf of the' congregation presented- the .departing eoldior with a pocket Testament.

AKAROA. The weather for the past few days, although cold, has been bright and sunny._ The snow is slowly disappearing from the hilltops. On Sunday evening heavy rain set m. and fell for several hours, clearing up on Monday morning. There was another slight fall of enow on the hilltops. ' On Sunday special services , ill conneo’ion with tho anniversary of ' the declaration of war were he.d at St Peter’s Anglican Church. Tho vicar (the Rev A. H. Julius) preachoa both morning and evening. On Monday a combined service was held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, at which there, was a large attendance. The Mayor (Air G. Armstrong) presided, and was supported by the Revs .A. 11. Julius and J. W. Hayward arid Messrs 3. D. Bruce and E, X. Lelievre.- > Special hymns were sung and addresses given. Tne Empire 1 resolution was moved hy the Mayor, seconded by Mr E. X. Lclievre and carried unanimously. • The directors of the Akarea butter factory met on Monday;' present - Messrs A. J. Purnor (chairman). H. 0. Dicrck, F. Brochcrio, D. Curry, S. M’Nab, P. Cimningham and Judd (manager). It was resolved , that the chairman and the manager should attend the meeting of butter factory representatives to be held in Christchurch on August 7 to decide the' question of extra cool storage for tho coming season. It was decided . to increase tlio manager’s salary to £3OO per annum. It was reported that the plant was being overhauled in readiness for the coming season. Tho Akaroa 1 Advisory, Oommitteo to the National Efficiency Board met - at Dnvauckelle ; present—Messrs I J. R. Thacker (chairman), J. D. Rruce,'G. Armstrcug, L. X. Lelievre, \V. Dalglish,. T. Stewart and C. B. Thacker. Tha Commissioner at Christchurch w-rot-i regarding the late snowstorm, stating that the board would assist anyone in dange? of losing stock. The chairman said ihere was not much los3 of. stock on thePeninsula; Pigeon Bay had suffered ‘ most. The Military Service Boardwrote, stating that it was imperative .that''..the' minimum number of men should be left on the lanu to keep up the production of food; also that it was the duty of the committee to appeal for men necessary to the district- A [dug discussion ensued ao to exemptions, tho Prime Minister’s statement that the last man on iho farm should not be taken being quoted. Rnd finally it wss resolved to ask that a re-hearing be granted in one case, and'that the Commissioner's attention be dia-vu to three cases that were on all fours with that of a reservist who had been exempted. Mr John Pettigrew wag elected to the committee in place of Mr E. Hay, who had resigned on going into Five applications from people wanting farm labour wero received and dealt with. The Loyal Good Indent Lod«e, M.U., met in the Oddfellows’ Hall, the N.G., Brother C. TY. Leete, presiding over a modern o attendance. Four claim? for sick pay ivero granted.' 'lt was decided to send greetings to all lodge at tho front. The receipts for tbo evening, totalled £7 9s 6d i . : y ; . ,i - GERiVLDINE. At a large gathering in front of the. post office on Monday, the Empire resolution, regarding tho war was moved-by the V-l’-yo.-f .Mr B. R. Macdonald), seconded by Colonel Mackenzie (chairman of the County Council) and supported by Canon Hamilton, Dean Bowers and the Revs C. J. Tocker and G. P. Hurt and carried unanimously. , Tho annual • mceteing of the Home and Empire League was held in the Presbyterian Hall, ’iho-president, Mre.'Hisiop, presided over a large attendance. Tho report, which reviewed in detail the work' of the year, and the balence-sheet, were adopted, taiourab.e comment being marie 0., tue small amount of the expenses, which totalled only £ll 9s $d on a turnover of: £300) 'Officers were elected as follow:—President, Mrs Jiislop; vice-presidents, Mesdames J. M. Tripp. Turton and Bamiebr; secretary, Jlis3 Logan; treasurer, Mr Bannahr; executivo committee, the officer?, with the Mayor and chairmen of tho County Council and Geraldine and Mount Peel Road Boards ox officio, Mesdames • Barker, Logan, M Loii ana -liacgxegor, and Dr Hislop. Reference was made to the Parnassus to Invercargill Copper Trail, and it was stated that Geraldine district’s quota Would be £1450. A great variety of tho garments', etc., made by the members was an exhibition, and the excellence oi the work was much appreciated. HORNBY. The electric motor pump which has recently been instat ed at the school was, connected up yesterday with the Lake Coleridge transmission line, and a. pure supply of artesian water*was soon available for. the pupils. This will be a great boon to the school, and the parents greatly appreciate the committee’s tkouyhifulness in the matter. Commemorative services wore held in the three churches on Sunday, and appropriate sermons were, preached and hymns sung in connection with tho fourth anniversary of the declaration of war. rangiora. Yesterday the Mayor .' (Air - C; T.l 'Joinings)! mado an appeal to the fanners at tho raai*-'. lxet for contributions towards the "fund”" toT

provide Christmas parcels lor New' .Zealand bluejackets, and £lB was collected. This will be added to the £lO collected lor the same object at the' patriotic moeting on. Sunday. '

' SPRINGSTON. y. On "Wednesday evening the Rev W. Retd? visited bpringston for the purpose of giving his well-known lecture. 11 The Story of ray Life," but owing to the wintry weather, conditions «hly- a email number attended, and it wit. decided to postpone the looturo until a later date. ' ■ .•>:'■ • ■;'* v . > > On. Saturday" evening a combined meeting of tho Ladies' and Men’s Red Cross Committees was hold in the hafl. Owing to tho Rev W. B. Scott haying left, tho district, it was found necessary to appoint a chairman, and Mr I. Andrew was unanimously elected to the position. The meeting was called • principally for the purposo of discussing a circular received, from the " Our Day * Apnoal” Committee. After discussion it was finally decided to make the' district annual Bed ■ Cross appeal about the; middle of September and to make a donation (according to the success of the district appeal) to, the “ On* Day” movement. It, was resolved that the effort should be on tho same lines as in previous years, that is, to canvass the district for donations, in, cash or produce, etc. and to hold a concert , and sale in September. A committee- was set up. to Canvass the various parts of the. district. .... ■ ~.' cheviG't.: - At a public meeting held in the Cheviclt Town Ilall on Monday afternoon i n connection with the declaration of war Mr T. Stevenson, in the absence of . the county chairman, moved the Empire resolution, which was seconded by Mr Dyer supported by Mr G. W. Forbec, M.P., and carried unanimously. : ■ouruhia; There was a large gathering of friends at a social and dance on Saturday evening to welcome heme Private and Mrs E. H.: InwootL During the proceedings Mr W. P. Spencer, chairman of the'Social' Committee, presented Private Inwood, and Mrs Iriwood with a set cf carvers suitab’y inscribed as a. wedding present from Ouruhia ■ friends. Ett'.osiitio*speeches werei delivered by. Messrs W. P. Spencer and J. A. Brown and the Rev. T.„M.. GumoWv- .and- songs- were j|tmtributed by Messrs Blackburn® and Mlri/on and Miss Rhoda 'Wo' ton* and" a reeitr-Dbn by Miss A. Brown. Miss Wotton was the pianist. During tbe evening a number of articles were auctioned'for the benefit, of the Belfast- Forth oopper trail, which will net about £ls. KAIKOTTRA. A meeting of householders in the town school area was held lo consider the position ;B"ising cut of the continuance of diphtheria. I; was decided, that the sohool should remain open, but., that, in the event of further cases arising among school 1 children, ihe commit..fee would be justified in re-closing tho school. With provision for cases in the cottage hospital, it was held that there should bo ineie'once of their transfer thereto/where practicable) "and of precautionary quarantine measures. Tho following motion .was unenimouslv adopted "That in the opinion of.this • meeting, quarantine regulations in connection with diphtheria have not. been properly enforced, in .Kaikoura by the Health ..Department ‘ authorities,, and this meeting respeotfully requests tho Education Board f•> confer with the Chief Health Officer to the end that, quarantine conditions shall bo properly enforced in future.” CULVERDEN.' j’ /. ’ , . A meeting of the Hurunui Rabbit Trustees was held at Culverden on Saturday, there being present Messrs J as. Douglas (in the choir), G. O. Rutherford, W. W. M'Rae and Inspector Muniro, Leave, of .absence was granted to Messrs T. G. Bobinson and Thos. Chapman. It. was stated .that oat, stoat and weasel skins were quoted on a Dunedin sale list, eats skins being, is each. It was con--tended that these animals, being the natural enemies of the rabbit, ■ should' bo protected in accordance with the Rabbit. Nuisance Act, and it was decided that Steps ho taken to point this out, to tho Department of Agriculture. In accordance With -notice of motion given on July 18, it was resolved: “That a rate of five-sixteenths of a penny per head ->n sheep, and five-eighths of a penny per head on all .cattle is• hereby struck throughout the. whole of the H.urunui Rabbit Trustees district for the, ye ay ending December 'll, 1918.” Accounts were passed firhpuhtto £lO3 is Cdytind cheques signeq ih'xAvment. \.; K ■■ ' ‘

' SHEFFIELD. .' There ra t well-attended meeting of the Pa'riotic Committoe last .Thursday; ■ Correspondence from tho Red Cross, regarding the Copper Trail, was dcferrccTuntil next meeting. A correspondent wrote regarding .an error made by a canvasser at the late Queen election, and on a. recount being taken-it was found that Sheffield headed the poll. The treasurer gave' his quarterly report and also submitted a statement showing ■.• Scripts and expenditure since the inception of tho committee. Several accounts were passed for payment, and the treasurer 'reported tbqt so far the receipts from the lato ball totalled £l4l 6s 6d. It was decided to hold a progressive euchre party.aud dance shortly. The following committee was appointed:—Mesdarnes M’Millan and Miller. Messrs Black and Sandrey and Miss M'Millan, Messrs Black and Gunn were appointed to arrange the dance. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Johnstone for tho free use of his hall. On the Anniversary of the war on Sunday a ohurch parade took place at the Church of England, and a large number of Cadets and Territorials turned out under the command of Lieutenant J. R. Cullen. The Rev J. Hughes gave a stirring address. •• At the Presbyterian Church the Rev j, Johnston spoke on the war, aud at t'ne close of the service read the Empire resolution.

KAIAPOI. Tho Waimakariri iiaroour Board mot. at Kaiapoi on Monday; present—Messrs W. Doubieday (chairman), J. IV. Barnard, L. Edmond, E. Keeticy and J. H. Re ay. Tho chairman’s action m disposing tf’basket willows :for-£3 was approved.,- It was decided that the matter ol re-insuring iho Harbour Board's buildings should stand over till the revaluationiof tbe borough took place. Tho IV orbs Committee reported that the No. 1 willow-cutting contract Jjad .been completed, and the Works Committee was anthonred to dispose of the firewood. Tito harbourmaster reported that there was Bft Bin to ,9ft of wator on ihe bar at high title; The southerly gale during the montn had taken away a lot ol the foreshtrre above Kairaki. The financial bUtemenl allowed receipts £16,13s 4d, bank balance £lO Gb >l. Accounts amounting to £7l! 6s were pasted for payment A meeting of the Lady . Liverpool Fund was held' in,the. W.C,T.H. rooms yesterday afternoon. Mrs . Barnard presided. A collection taken At, the doqr, in aid of , the Sailors’.Christmas Parcels Fund amounted to £3 lOa. A camisole top given by Miss Shepherd-realised 27s and was won by Mrs Kissling. Musical items were contributed, by Mrs Or aw thaw, Miss Thorno, and recitations by Mies Brqchrio and Mr Hirst. ,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17862, 7 August 1918, Page 10

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COUNTRY NEWS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17862, 7 August 1918, Page 10

COUNTRY NEWS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17862, 7 August 1918, Page 10


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