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JUNE 28~Assa*Mr,«tioTt »♦■ R«»i« T0 of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. , JULY 28— Declaration of war on hervift try Austria-Hungary. ' , AUGUST l—German declaration ot war on Russia, , . _l_ m AUGUST 3—Germany declares v,nr on F AUGUST 4-Britieh declaration of war on G AUGUST declared w lr "AUGUST 15-Japancso ultimatum to Germany. Surrender of Fort Boncello. at Liege; General Lem'in captured. xtrii^h AUGUST lft~The landing of the British Expeditionary Forco on French soil comP tuGUST 30—Germans occupied Brussels. AUGUST 23—Japanese declaration of war on Germany Fall of Xamur. German -attack on the Allies at Uoai begin*. The British engaged for the first time. AUGUST 2&-Togolaud surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. „.• „ AUGUST 23—Naval battle near Helgoland. Three German .cruisers and t\ o Oerimm destroyers sunk. No British veseels ■><)—German Samoa surrendered to Expeditionary Force from New Zealand. AUGUST 31—Russians defeated at usterode, East Prussia. . " SEPTEMBER 3—Lemberg occupied by Russians. Austrian* routed with enormous SEPTEMBER 7—Germans reach the extreme point of their advance in France. Battle of Marne opens. V „'„ M „ SEPTEMBER 10—Germans in J'lanco re-'"Vpf-EMBER 11—Australian expedition captures "German headquarters for *«w Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago Protectorate. . . SEPTEMBER 12—Russian victory over General von Auffenberg's army ill, Galicia. SEPTEMBER 17—Russian official report* record utter rout, of ♦he Austrian army in Galicia with losses of 250,000 killed and wounded, 100,000 prisoner, 400 guns and flags SEPTEMBER '22—British cruisers Aboukir, Hogue and Creasy sunk by a German tubmarine in North Sea. . , OCTOBER I—German invasion of district Russia, checked. Germans repulsed at Suwalki and Augustovo. itr„, tarn OCTOBER 3—German invasion of Western PoLd develops in force. Russians retire to Vistula line. »„♦„,„,- OCTOBER o—Germans occupy Antwerp. OCTOBER 11—Germans defeased in Masurian Lakes district East Prussia. OCTOBER 18—Color-el Mantx, «■ ooex, battle on Vistula (Porepulsed from War"OCTOBER 28-Outbrcak of "*•£>"> ij Orange Free State reported. De Wet ana Beyers lead rebels. t,„.*;i. acts OCTOBER "30—Turkey commits hosti.e a^a iur«.iri»t Russi«. « rjhile NOVEMBER I—Naval action off W»>» coast. British cruisers Good Hop* and Menmroth wink; Glasgow damaged. NOVEMBER 3-Sangu.nary Rattle in Flanders. Germans repulsed from J P"»> W^OVEMBf« ght 7-Allied fores capture T XOVEMBER 9-Oerman cruiser Emden totriSl bv H.M.A.S. Sydney, off land " Russian, defeat Austria*, at Sando'"nOVEMBER 14-Earl Roberts died at St Omtr, France. , Rusaian NOVEMBER 16 _ Repulse oßus^ force bv Sermana on VistlUa, """" ie NOVEMBER 21-BattV develops bet-veen Vistula and Warta '(PoUwl). _ ■ NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2-De Wet. Boer rebel ■ > captured. Austrians occupy B'W • d irilian and New Zealand comingeius hj D feWR, Falkland Islands. German trM■« , ber(r horst, Gneisenau. and sunk. Boer revolt supposed. leader Beyer- drowned. ...„ e llcd from DECEMBER 14—Austrians expeuea Serbia. _ bomprotectorate. Khedive deposed fnn aein nominated Sultan of Egypt. limMi DECEMBER 25-Sqven British aeap supported by submarines and *« j raided Cuxhavon, dropping mar »m DECEMBER with Demow, Poland, repulsed.«ith I . t feat of Turks, under Emer l asm, Serykamish. Turks at J\NU\RY defeat urns Ka'riganf after battle lasting three d.,-. JANUaRV JO—Zeppelins iajcl towns Norfolk coast. xtnthn checks GerJANUARY 21 —General Botna cniv.»= s fit&sss sreg^Sg. H.M.S New Zealand participates in the fif J h \NUARY '35-Austrians develop new advance across Carpathian P*«»"- g PPRRTTAHY fl—Turks advance on su" IbßftUAfti *— d Isniaiha. Canal; repulsed at lusum ?"" commencing Eebrua.ry 18. FEBRUARY ' ft-Russians cross Bzura, Poland, aft«r heavy fighting. _.„«. FEBRUARY 11—House cf Common! passes vote for 3.000,000 men. in FEBRUARY 13-Russians defeated in battle in Masurian Lakes district. FEBRUARY 19-AUies bombard uar danelles farts. , „i™«i * n AuFEBRUUtY 20— Russians retreat to ah gustoro; 20th army corps cut up. FEBRUARY of Jar danelles forts continued. Warships enter " FEBRUARY 26 Russians beat back Germa is at Przaanysz T v,nrfli ß .inks FEBRUARY, 28—Steamer Thordis sinus German submarine. -p«».;. AURCH 3—Fighting near Ahwaz, er!IRMARCH 6—Greek Cabinet resigns on war '"MARCH 8-French capture Vauouoia, near Varennes Smyrna forts oombarded Rus■to.defeat Austro-German 8 MARCH 9 Despatch of expeditionarj force to Dardanelles announced „._«„_j v v MARCH 10—Neuve Chapclle oaptured by MARCH 12— Auxiliary cruiser Bayano I "MARCH 14—German cruiser Dresden sunk off Juan Fernandez. . , MARCH 15—Allies declare blockade of Germany. , ~. , . T „ • . MARCH 18-Britis.i battleships Irresistible and Ocean amt French battleship Bou"et sunk in Dardanelles.

MARCH 20—Fall cf Prsemyal. \CH 22—Russian victory on Alezo U&-borcz-Bartfeld front, Hungary. Raid on Suez Canal repulsed. ' MARCH 26 Fronbh capture Hartsmannsweilerkopf, Alsace. MARCH 27—Passenger steamer Falaba torpedoed; about 100 lives lost. German defeat on the Pilica. Poland. APRIL 7 —Fronch advance at Les Eparges. APRIL B—Great battle develops in Carpathians. "".'■■' , APRIL 12—Austrians attempt to envelop Russian left, wing on Carpathian front APRTL 14—Turkish attack on British positions north of Basra repulsed with teavy APRIL 17 British capture. Hill 60, tonth of Ypres. Submarine Elo wrecked in Dardanelles. APRIL 22—Germans open offensive in Flanders, using asphyxiating gases. Canadians lose heavily. APRIL 24—Blighting continuous and severe in Flanders, Canadians showing utmost gallantrv. ~ APRIL 25—Expeditionary Fctcc at, Dardanelles lands. New Zealanders and Australians in action on Peninsula of Gallipoh. APRIL 27 —French cruiser Leon Gambetta torpedoed by Austrian submarine in AdriaAPRIL 30 —Australian submarine AE2 sunk in Sea of Marmora. MAY I—Germans1 —Germans develop attack in Western Galicia. British destroyer Recruit sunk. Two German torpedo boats sunk. Germans advance *o Shavli, Baltic provinces. MAY 2—Russian line broken on Biala. MAY 3 Russian retreat in Gahcia comMAY" 5 First New Zealand casualty list from Dardanelles published. ... MAY 6—Russians retreating on front MAY 7 Sinking of Lusitania; 1100 lives \{AY 8 French offensive in Artois opens successfully. "Destroyer Maori sunk by mine. Heavy fighting at Krithia, Galiipoli PeninMAY 12—Battleship Goliath sunk in Dardanelles. Russian victory between Dneister and Pruth. Great battle develops on San, Galicia. MAY 15—British success at Ric.hebourg I'Avoue. MAY 18—Turks repulsed by Australasians, Sa'ri Bail- front, leaving 2000 dead. MAY 23 — Italy declares war on Austria. MAY. 25—Battleship Triumph sunß, Guli


wf Ssros. British Coalition Cabinet announced. MAY 3<s—Battleship Majeitio torpedoed, /Egean Sea. MAY 28—Itaiian advance f.o Ipouzo. Battle in proftroFs on San. Mine-inyer Princess Irene nlown up at Sheeincss. MAY 20—Italians occupy Ala. Trentino. MAY 30—French capture Ablain St Nazaire. JUNE I—Zeppelin raid on London suburbs. Great batt'o on San-Dniester-front favour." enemy, * ' JUNE 3—Austro-Gorman fcrcos recapturo Przemys!. JUNE B—Resignation of Mr Bryan. American Secretary of State. Germnn submarine sunk by Brilish; <rew taken prisoners. JUNE o—Russian retreat from San continues. Heavy fighting in Flanders and Artoi«. JUNE 15—Austrians occupy Zaleszeziki. Allied offensive in France progressing. JUNE Ifi—British submarine sinks Turkish transport in Sea of Marmora. - JUNE 21—Great British war loan announced. Do Wet found guilty of treason. Heavy righting on Achi Baba heights, Dardanelles region, JUNE 22 Lemberg evacuated by Run- ' sians. Italians successful north of Tolmino, on the Isonzo front. JUNE 28—Heavy fighting at Krithia, Dardanelles region. Austro-Oerraan advance develops between Vistula and Bug. JULY 2 —German b.itt'eship Pommern torpedoed in Baltic by British submarine. JULY 3—Naval right off Wiudau. German cruiser sunk JULY 4—German cruiser Konisberg destroyed in Tfufigi River. JULY s—Turkish attack at Krithia fails. JULY T—ltalian cruiser Amalfi tornodoed. JULY B—British occupation of South-West Africa oompleted. Big battle develops south cf Lublin (Poland). JULY IG—Germans advancing in Courland (Baltic provinces). JULY 17—General Russian retreat in Northern and Central Porand. JULY 19—Italian cruiser Guiseppe Garibaldi sunk in Adriatic. JULY 20— Crisis develops in Polish struggle. Battles on Narew front and south of Lublin. Italians commence general offensive on Isonzo. JULY 23 Germans force pafsago of Narew. Violent general fighting in progress for possession of Russian position on the Middle 'Vistula. AUGUST s—Germans5 —Germans occupy Warsaw. AUGUST C—Colonial troops assume offensive on Anaac sector. AUGUST 7—British force landed at Suvla Bav. Galliuoii peninsula. AUGUST B—Heavy fighting along new front from Gaba Tebeh to Cape Suvla; British and colonial forces advancing. AUGUST 9—HT.J.S. Lynx sunk by mine. AUGUST 10—German auxiliary cruiser sinks British patrol ship and is blown up. Austrian submarine Ul2 sunk in Adriatic. British auxiliary cruiser India sunk in Norwegian waters. , AUGUST IS—Zeppelin raid English towns; twenty-nine casualties. AUGUST 16—Gorman submarine sheila towns on Cumberland const. AUGUST 17—Transport Royal Edward sunk in -Egenn; 1000 lives lost. Zeppelin raid eastern counties, forty-six casualties. Germans capture Kovno. AUGUST lfi—Liner Arabic sunk by German submarine. AUGUST 19—Novo Georgievsk oaptured by Germans. AUGUST 20—German battle-cruiser Moltkc sunk by British submarine in Baltic. Fighting in Gulf of Riga. Russians claim to have sunk two Germnn cruisers and eight smaller warships. British submarine wrecked on Saltholm Island and attacked by German destroyers. •AUGUST 21—Italy declares war on Turkey. Cotton declared contraband by Britain. AUGUST 21—British naval attack on Zeebrugge. AUGUST 26—Brest Litovsk occupied by Austro-German forces. '• AUGUST 28—Auslralians and New Zealanders advance up valley to Buyuk Anafarta, Gallipoh Peninsula. SEPTEMBER I—Russians open counterattack in Galicia. SEPTEMBER t—Turkish attack on Anzac position repulsed. SEPTEMBER rt—Russian victory, Tarnopol region. Czir takes command of Russian armies. SEPTEMBER 13—Heavy fighting on the Upper Isonzo. SEPTEMBER 13—Germans strike at Molodetchno. threatening line of Russian retreat from Vilna. SEPTEMBER 17—Great battle develops in Eastern Galicia. SEPTEMBER 18— Germans occupv Vilna. SEPTEMBER 22—Russians get clear from 1 Vilna and open counter-attacks in Vileika district. Great struggle developes west of Dvinsk. I SEPTEMBKR 23—Bulgarian mobilisation ordered. SEPTEMBER 24 Greek mobilisation ordered. SEPTEMBER 23—Great British advance between Lens and La Baseee. Loos and Hulluch occupied. French advance in Champagne, after fierce general engagement. SEPTEMBER 20—Further French and British gains roported; 121 German guns captured and 25,000 prisoners taken. SEPTEMBER 29—Important British advance on Tigris. Kut-01-Amara occupied. Italian battleship Benedetto Brin blown up. SEPTEMBER 30—Germans admit loss of forty-seven submarines. OCTOBER I—Russians claim to have stopped German advance, and to have the initiative in the, fighting. OCTOBER 4—Allied ultimatum delivered to Bulgaria, demanding dismissal of German officers and a definite statement regarding Bulgarian intentions. OCTOBER s—Allies land troops at Salonika. OCTOBER 6—Greek King dismisses M. Venezeloa and summons M. Zaimis to form Cabinet. Austro-German invasion of Serbia opens. OCTOBER 9—Germans occupy Belgrade. OCTOBER 11—Bulgarians invade Serbia. OCTOBER 13—Zeppelin raid on London; fiftv-six killed, 114 wounded. OCTOBER 15—Russian success in Eastern Galicia. British submarine sinks enemy destroyer in Baltic Sea. OCTOBER ,19—Recall of Sir lan Hamilton announced; Lieutenant-General Monro to command at Dardanelles. OCTOBER 21—Strong German attack cast of Rhoims repulsed. OCTOBER 22—Bulgarian coast towns bombarded. Greece declines to act with Serbia. Italians open general offensive. OCTOBER 23—British submarine sinks German cruiser Prinz Adalbert off Libau. OCTOBER 28—French Premier, M. Viviani resigns. King George injured by fall from his horse in France. OCTOBER 30—M. Briand succeeds M. Viviani. Serbian Government abandons Nish. . NOVEMBER 4—Greek Cabinet defeated. M. Skouloudis replaces M. Zaimis aB Premier. French in action in Macedonia. NOVEMBER 6—Lord Kitchener's departure for Eastern Mediterranean announced. Sorbs retreat from Nish. NOVEMBER B—ltalian liner Ancona sunk by submarine. 'NOVEMBER 12—Mr Churchill resigns from Cabinet. . NOVEMBER 16— Heavy fighting on Middle Styr. . , „, . k ~ NOVEMBER. 17—Hospital Ship Angha sunk by mine in Channel. NOVEMBER 20—Italians develop attacks on Gorizia defences. NOVEMBER 22—Turks defeated at Ctesiphon, 18 miles south of Bagdad. NOVEMBER 24—Heavy Italian attack on Gorizia. NOVEMBER .10—-British retreating from Ctesiphon owing to arrival of Turkish reinforoements. DECEMBER 9—Allied forces retreat from southern Serbia. DECEMBER 16—Retirement of Sir John French announced. Sir Douglas Haig assumes command of British forces in the field. Sir John French created Viscount DECEMBER 18--British evacuate Anzac and Suvla Bay positions without loss. DECEMBER. 25—New Zealnnders in brush with Arabs near Matruh, western Egypt. DECEMBER 27.—Imperial Government decides to apply principle of compulsion in recruiting unmarried men. DECEMBER 28.—Naval action in Adriatic; two Austrian destroyers sunk. DECEMBER 30.—Cruiser Natal sunk by internal explosion; 380 lives .low. JANUARY' I.—Allies occupy Jaunde, Camcroons. Sir J. Simon resigns from Cabinet. Russians open offensive in Western Galicia. JANUARY 3. —Austrians attack Montenegrin forts on Mount Lovchen. Montenegrin situation reported critical JANUARY 6.—Military Service Bill, enforcing compulsion, introduced. JANUARY B.—Battleship King Edward VII. sunk; no lives lost. Evaluation of Cape Helles by British. JANUARY 9. —Townshend's force held up at Kut-el-Amara on Tigris. British column advancing to relief. Fighting at Sheikh Shad. [ JANUARY 10.—Total British military casualties to date, 3-10.047. JANUARY 11. —Au«trians capture Mount ' Lovoheu. JANUARY 16.—Turks defeated twenty-five

miles from Kut-el-Amara. Austrian* occupy JANUARY If!.—Russians advancing on 1-lr.zeruiu. , ~ ~. JANUARY 23 Senussisl force sniftered in Western Egypt; New Zr-alandcrs engaged. JANUARY 27.—Military Service Bill passed in House of Lords.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17079, 31 January 1916, Page 10

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DIARY OF THE WAR. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17079, 31 January 1916, Page 10

DIARY OF THE WAR. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17079, 31 January 1916, Page 10


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