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HEHRNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, & CONSUMPTION, Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in Australia. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief, and to those who arc subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects A COMPLETE CURB, it is most comforting in allaying Irritation in the Throat and giving Strength to the Voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where “ coughs ** have been properiy treated with this medicine. No houso should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a complete cure is certain.

BRONCHOPNEUMONIA. Two Severe Cases Cured by One Buttle of Hearue’s Bronchitis Cure. Hr W. O. Hearne. Dear Sir, —Kindly forward without delay another an all bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. The bottle I had from you has cured two of my, children, but I do not feel safe without it in the house. 1 hare also recommended, it to my friends. I lost a fine Httk girl, three yaars'. of age, from infiuenaa and Broncho-Pneumonia. I really believe if I had had your: medicine my ohild would not have died, for the other two, a boy five years old, and a baby sight months old, were suffering exactly o the same way, and it acted like magic onahem; in faot, a small bettlefull eared both of them; so trusting you will forward it without delay, I am, yours meet gratefully, (Mrs) B. D. WARD, C<wtiilis, via Swift’s Creek. Gippsknd, Victoria. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. A Fifteen Years’ Sufferer. At Times Almost Impossible to get his Breath. When he Coughed, Blood cams up. Cured bv Hearn*’s Bronchitis Cure. Mr W. Q. Hcsme. Dear Sir, —I have been a sufferer from Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis for over IS years. Last Saturday I was suffering from a vary severe attack of it. The cough was terribly severe, and when I coughed, blood came up. I found it almost impossible to get my breath. Every breath reemed as if it would be the last. My wife went to the chemist and got a bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. I took a dose of the' medicine, and in a few minutes got great relief. I rapidly improved, and in a few days waa out of bed and walking about. 1 believe your Bronchitis Cure is worth its weight in gold to anyone who suffers from Asthma and Bronchitis.—l remain, yours respectfully, JOHN BLAIR, Grafton Road, Warraambool, ” Victoria.

" I suffered very much from asthma for four years, and tried lots of so-called cures, without deriving any benefit. I got a bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, No. la, last Friday, and a bottle of your No. 2 Medicine, for obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. Since the first doM of your No. 2 Medicine I hare net had t-bt wh easing at all.'* V. CAMERON, " Leongatha,” Riveradale Road, Hawthorn, Melbourne. BRONCHITIS. A Fourteen-Monthe’ sufferer in Qneenelend-’ Caugh so Distressingly Bad, Could not get Any Bast. Oared by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. After other Treatment had Failed. Mr W. G. Hearn*. Dear Sir,—l write to add my testimony to the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for 14 months with a terrible cough. It was so distressingly bad at night that I could not get any sleep. I consulted doctor# to no purpose. I saw your medicine advertised, and seat for a bottle, which has taken tie cough clean away, and I feel a different man. Yoa may depend on my making your wonderful medicine known. I have sent for another bottle to keep by me in case it may return at any time. I am writing this, as I am sure there are a groat many people out thk way that, if they knew the wonderful effect of this medicine, they would send and procure it at any price. Yours faithfully, J. P. BOYD, Contractor, Torrens Creek, North Queensland. W« the tmdenwgned, have had occasion to obtain Hearne’s iironchitb Cure, and we certify that it was perfectly and rapidly successful under circumstances which undoubtedly prove its distinct healing power. Signed by the Her JOHN SINCLAIR, Myers Street, Geelong, and fifty-nine ether leading resident#.

BRONCHITIS and PLEURISY. A Severe Case Cared by ' Two Bottle* of Hearne’s Bronchitis Out©. After Other Treatment Had Foiled. Mr Heorne, Chemist, Geelong. Dear Sir, —Some months ago in Sydney I coffered from a aerere attack of influenza, and was confined to my room for about a week, at the ond of which time, Joaiing somewhat better, 1 got up sad tried to transact my bueinees as usual. But 1 got up too soon, for the very next day I bad a relapse, and suffered tortures, from what the doctor told me woe pleurisy and bron- I obitis. The pain from tbs ' former is ny chest and ahouldors wae frightful, and for four long weeks I w&e confined to my bed under the oars of a well known Sydney doctor, and all the time his medicine gave me but temporary relief. The landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland) where I resided told I me of a medicine—Hearne's Bronchi tie Cure ! —from Victoria, which had cured her of a j bad attack of bronchitis and pain* Is tbs chest, and begged of me to try it. 1 d!d so, and, in thanks and grathiide to yon, tell yon that after the second bottle my cough bad ©cased, but, what it more astonishing, the pains from pleurisy entirely left me, and in about a week 1 wae able to attend to my duties es usual. Your* faithfully, J. BRAHASS, Melbourne “ Punch 11 Office, Melbourne. A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD—A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. Cured by a Bottle of Heorne’s Bronchitis Cure. Mr W- G. Hearns. Dear Sir, —Kindly forward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis Care as soon as possible, as I cannot speak above a whisper, owing to a cold. I had a bottle from you before for my little girl, when she was seven months old. She had been suffering from bronchitis from her birth, and now she is three years old, and has not hod a return of it sineo. It is a splendid medicine for bronchitis or colds of sort.—l remain, yours truly, MRS H. RAMAQE, j Violet Town, Victoria.

BRONCHITIS, f Two Persons in New Zealand Cured by One Bottle of Heeroe’s Bronchitis Cure. , One of them bad been Suffering for Twelve s Months. 1 Mr Hear**- Dear Sir, —I had a very, bad i cough, so I bought one bottle of year Bronchitis Core and need, about one-half of it, ■ which cured my oough in two or three days. > My daughter, who had been troubled with t » bad cough for the past twelve months. 1 then used the remaining half of the luedi- ' cine, and it eared her also. I think your \ Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful remedy. I have lived on my farm at Bombay for . about 36 years. Yon are at liberty to wee this tetter in any way you please. Tours faithfully, CHAS. WOOTTON, Bombay, Auckland t New Zealand. SEVERE COUGH—A’FIVE YEARS’ CASE. -Relieved at Once, and Completely Cured by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cura. Doer Sir, —I suffered from a severs cold on the chest, with cough, for five years, and during that time cot treatment from different sources, but derived no benefit until I used your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me relief at once, and completely cured me. I am delighted with it. It is really wonderfml medicine; does good at once, and can’t i be licked. Yosw sincerely, W. TREMBLLEN, “ Modewaare,” Victoria. E BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. A Twelve Years’ Case with Distressing . Cough Cured by Hoa roe’s Bronchitie and Asthma Cure. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir, —Pleas® send by post to Oopaumharst a complete course of your valuable medicine, for obstinate asthma. The last medicine;you sent to me cured one mu that had a distressing cough for twelve years. Please find post office order enclosed for payment.—Yours thankfully s WILLIAM CAN HAM, Upper Oopmanbarst, Via Grafton, N.S.W.

CONSUMPTION. TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BE©. A COMPLETE CUBE. Mr W. G. Hearn®. Dear Sir,—l am writing to tell von about the wonderful cure your medicine has effected in my case. About three years ago I began to cough. At first the cough wes not sorer®, but it gradually got worse, and 1 became very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain, in my cheat and groat quantities of phlegm. On several occasion* there was blood in the expectorated- matter. I had been treated by a doctor, who pronounced my case to be Consumption, and Various other treatments had been tried, but without benefit. It was at this stage that 1 heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for ■ course ; of the medicine. When is arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, bat I commenced taking it at «uc«, and gradually improved. I am glad to say that the two iota of medicine you sent have effected a ' | complete cure, for which accept Bay very best thank*.—Yours gratefully, 1 i , ■ J. BLAIR. ' Westminster, Bridge Road, S.E.* London. i : • , ■ ; BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. A Sufferer for Years, lanaediate Belief and Complete Cure by Hcarnc's Bronchitis Cure. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir,—l feel in duty bound to express my gratitude, first to'.you for your'marvbHoue Bronchitis and Asthma Cure, next to .Mr Cheshire, Chemist, North Brighton, for having so valuable, a cure in stock. My wife, being , a sufferer lor'years, I purchased cno bottle of your Bronchitis ■ Cure. It gave immediate relief, and, con- > timiing it as directed, it effected a complete care. My wife and I recommend it i to all our acquaintances who suffer with the same. You can use this letter for publication if you wish. : Yours sincerely, F. A. CUTTEN, Elaternwick, Victoria.

BRONCHITIS. A Sufferer 75 Years of Age.. . Thoroughly Cured by Two Bottles of Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. r larmedkto Belief—Effect Wonderful. 5 Mr Heame. Sir,—l have been very ill ’ with Influenza and Bronchitis A friend of ■ mine persuaded me to try your Bronchitis [ Cure. The first dooe'gwre me immediate reJ lief, and after taking the second bottle lam thoroughly cured. Its effect on me has been ! j most wonderful. lam 73 years of age. I * trust you will make use of this statement by j publishing it for the benefit of humanity : generally. . , Yours most respectfully, > THOMAS R. TBEZISB, Reedy Creek, Victoria. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. A Bad Case Quickly and Completely Cured after other Treatment had failed. Mr Heame, Chemist, Geelong. Sir, —Will you please send me some medicine for tho following illness: -—A fortnight agd I had influenza, and it settled on the lungs. I now hare congestion of the lungs; the doctor fays f?o, but his treatment has not done mo any good. My breathing is short and I have a short cough and. a frothywhite spit; my sides are sore to the touch, and painful. It hurts me to lie down. I sum. very weak, and I perspire a lot ait night, and my body and- lungs feel burning. lam getting worse. I feel worse to-day. Please post the necessary medicine to Sorrento, and I will send you tho money, and oblige, ’ ,M. J. BOXBLL, / Relieving Postmistress Sorrento, Victoria* The treatment sent effected a complete cure, as the following testifies:— Mr Dear Sir, —Many thanks for the medicine. I .'herewith enclose postal note in payment. I am much obliged to you for sending the medicine so promptly. It has done me a lot of goad; in fact, I hare quite recovered, r M. J. BOXBLL.

NINE MONTHS* SUFFERING. Bslmvud by One Dose of Hoarue’s Bronchitis Core, and Cared bj Two Bottles. Mr Hearne. Dwr Sir,—4 wish to add my testimony •••the wonderful effect of yoar Bronchitis Core. • I (offered for nine months, and the oough was so distressingly bod at nights, I ; waaoUiged to gut up and sit by the fire. I bad medical advice, and tried other remefiku, without avail I tried yours, and •svm.hud a fitof coughing after taking the Erst doaie, and though I hare had but two* botUuu, I foal I am a different man, and the iaoagh hau vanished. You may depend ■pon' my making known the efficacy of yo«r ’ wonderful remedy to anyone I see gflkltuil Yrnnr faithfully, JAMES ASTBURY, Derghohn, Victoria. BRONCHITIS. A Sydney Stock and Share Broker Ex* frames Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. 'lt Proved a Most Effective Remedy for a-Severe Attack of Bronchitis. Mr W. Gh Hearne. Dear. Sir, —I lately bad a severe attack ox Bronchitis, and, acting on the advice of a friend, obtained a aupply of yonr Bronohitia Cure. I am pleased to inform you it hss proved a most affective remedy, causing me to feel grateM to yon for furnishing such a valuable medicine to the public. May you meet with the success you to well deserve. . I place this •oomuhication afyour service, and remain, 'Bear Bir,ycmru faithfully, HENRY FRENCH, Stock and Share Broker, . ... . 95, Pitt Streep Sydney. •1 an thoroughly testify to the wonderIhl efficacy of your Bronchitis Cure in a ooiwnmptive cough, it 'having relieved me vbon' other' prescriptions had no/ effect whatever.” T. LEWIS, i ' . Kimbotton, via Wellington, l New Zealand.

HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS, CURE - Small -Size, 2s. 6d. Large, 4s 1 . 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors ii. DEPOT: OFFICES 9 and II HUME'S BUILDIN6& ‘-ww ; y WIT A :m. y • A. tj : j • ” r Willis si.. wEiiiNom. - \\l Cj . nFARNF Chemist, ueelongv Victoria. • • V © . H. A A A 3| Forwarded by Post to any Address when not Obtainable Locally.

SOAP IS PERFECTION FOR THE COMPLEXION. Five Kinds :—Premier, Floral, Medical, Toilet (Otto) and Vestal. h WE WHEN EVERYTH IN G ELSE FAILS. WB If ANT TO TALK TO MEN WHO HATE PAINS AND ACHES, who feel run down physically, who realise that the old “Are” and flwrgy, which was so evident in youth is absent now; men who can : t stand the mount of exertion they could years ago. "Wo want yon—if that means yea—to see what we hare done for others who were just as bad off. That’s ear introduction.' If a friend in whom you had confidence presented some eue to job and said, “Jack, here’s Browns he has made good with me, and ■ 1 trust him," wouldn’t yon trust him too ? Ife can give you the names of thousands of people who have been cured by our Beltr—people you know. They will tell you what it has been worth to them. Mon who have squandered years Of savings and tried every known treatment without success are compelled to acknowledge the merits of this wonderful invention. “Why will you be weak ? Why do you not listen to the echo of thousands of .grateful voices raised in thanks to DR. McLAUQHLIN’S ELECTRIC BELT. Why do you go on from day to day realising that you are losing your nerve force,'your vitality, when you see cure within yonr grasji ? Beach for it, takeitto your heart and feel the life blood flowing, jumping, dancing through your veins; feel the exhilarating spark of manly power warm your frame, the bright flash come to your eye, and the firm grip to your hand; the grip which clasps your fellow-man and tells him that you hare found your Mecca—you have regained your strength. It cures all Weaknesses of Men and Women, Neevousnibs, Varicocele, Weak Back, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Stomacu/Liter, and Kidney Troubles. ovmmd wnxr add othsk kemisdies has failed. ‘ e ■ Kirwke, 18th May, ISOS. Dear Sin,—l have much pleasure in letting you know lam well and strong l again, after WMiisf 086 of your Electric Belts for ten weeks, after &U otlier remedies failed. The Bolt it as food as now yet, and it will last for rears. Yon are at liberty to make what use you lika of this.-~Tonrs very truly, Vf. CKOSKELL. Tiey come every day from everywhere. There is not a town or hamlet in the country which hae not cure® by Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt. Kaw, what does this mean to you, dear reader ? If you are not what yon ought to be, oaa yau aak any better proof to make you try it ? Is there a remedy which i* as eiinple, as ••V to mae, as aura to cure, and as cheap as Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt ? I have not ■aaa oaa. Tou must try it. In justice tcjtyounelf and to those who look to you for their future happiness, try it now. Act this minute. Such a matter ought not to be delayed. DDE?O • Write us to-day for our Beautiful Illustrated Book,-with cuts, 1 1 X showing how our Belt is applied, full of good l eading matter for men . who want to be “ The Noblest Work of God”—A MAN! Enclose this Coupon, and wo will send this book, sealed, free. CALL TO-DAY,—If you can, call and see us, and we will show you how you can he cured, and give you a Free Test of our Belt. Consultation TBS Pi. MqLavorlm Co, ‘ Please seed me your Illustrated Book, described above, which I understand vriJ, MBt, post free, to any address. Nami ' Address , gn;»’t»«ugscroß;rgagoarp^.wagßMOTacjuiJi«iAvA The DR. McLAUGHUM CO., 58 amis St., Wellington. J 1 BOYS’ Cambridge Suits, 3 garments, best ’ Dear! I fear I have a touch of livable . procurable in’ town, Kaiapoi v/ fluenza again. Seach me the “ LANCE' 2">. n ® Tlr °“ly 15s 6d. Black, Beattia CUKE,” Mary. One dose always puts m Md Co., High Street, s . ngkj. 4

Beware Imitations CALL FOR WOLFE’S "SCHNAPPS. Does this Interest You? WE THINK SO. ■ ' At this Season of the Year it is the usual practice with most People to spend a * fis Little IM PRESENTS FOR ■ THE3R FRBEMDS. We would Like that “MttJe Extra.” . Your Friends will Like Our Presents. You will be Delighted with the Value you ‘ Receive. As our Sterling Silver and Fancy Goods "Window is on the Small Side, it is impossible to show you Samples of our Immense Stocks in these Lines. Therefore we have decided to Okaatg© ota2° OisjfcSay ’E'W&ry NisKt thin Weak. Try and Find Time to See The New Goods and Take a Note of Oar Prices. We Know what your verdict will bo NICEST ASSORTMENT. PRETTIEST DESIGNS. BEST VALUES. Ashby, PerySi & Co., LIMITED, 217, HIGH STREET. - ■■nrwmiiim'nn ASK FOR Buchanan Blend SCOTCH WHISKY \

WIMMWMW EXCELLENT QUALITY . e ' .' if BRAND MODERATE PRICE MMI 3* NEED. FRIEND !. E LMS LI E. Etc. . ai &i L;f.,. PHYS., E.T.j SURG.; i L.S.A., LONDj, LM, Ifc (Registered bv the Governments of Great Britain, New South Walce , New Zealand.) :- : yNo. IS. WELLINGTON TERRACE, WELLINGTON. rpHIS Highly-qualified Physician, and Surgeon, from the Hospitals of London X an<i fai'us, has, by 25 yeans’ study and research, beoome an export and specialist in the treatment of Chronic, Nottous, Blood, Skin, and the special .diseases,of Men and Women. , , . ~ . _ In his very successful treatment of the chore class of aasee. there » No Experimenting and No Failures.” Consultations are Free to all, eo that * friendly chat either personally or by letter, ccwta nothmcf, and may s»vf you “ Years of Misery and Suffering, eo none need Despair. ’ ■ , , DON’T WORRY’ ANY LONGER, as the ambitions and jots of life will be restored to' you, and my treatment in oases of Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Backache, Lumbago, Insomnia, Failing Memory, Spooks before the eyee, Giddiness, etc., braces up the system ’’a all oases and - ’ RESTORES VITAL ENERGY. New Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of the very best and purest are Honestly and Faithfully used. Moderate charges. Call and see me or write full details of your troubles in your simple, homely language, and I will treat you with the strictest’ confidence, success and fairness. . N.B.—Patien Ja at any distance may ENCLOSE A PEE OP £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate attention and prompt despatch (when possible) o-f remedies necessary for their esse. As my remedies are sent direct from Wellington, my patients save heavy. Customs duties and avoid the inspection of packages. All correspondence is held sacredly confidential. Consultstiori hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. YOtTNa MEN! If you are suffering or weak, or sad, call or write to Dr Elmelie, N 0.13, Wei- • line-ton Terrace, Wellington, as ho thoroughly understands your Troubles and their Causes. He guarantees a perfect cure in every c*se undertaken or ho will make no charge. Strictly confidential. Moderate Charges. Consult* ing hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. LADIES! May consult Dr Elmslie at his Residence, No. , 13, Wellington Terrace, Wellington, from 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 daily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist, and whose up-to-date Treatment gives the greatest eatiefQCt Ladies’ Famous Corrective Tablets, 10s (extra), 21a pest free. Guaranteed Safe and Reliable. Strictly confidential. Moderate Charges. Call or write. SUBJECTS 0E MOST MEADFUL EXHAUSTION CUBED’ AND MADE HAPPY. MY LEAK DOCTOR—I have no hesitation whatever in saying “Tea” in rsplf to vour letter received today, in which you aek me whether 1 am willing to let ihs uub'ic knew the benefit I received at your hands. Whan I saw you upon the recommendation of Mr Griffith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar comulsdnt) I think I wae in about as had* a state of misery and depression in both mind *_j body as anv human being could be; in fact, I thought life was not worth living, ard my future "was a blank. I was an object of misery and despair. Well, I called noon you and vou spoke -some kind, cheering words -to me and pointed out the causa of ,ji these troub’es and the grave character of the follies of my youth. You tcld ms ulsinlv and honestly that you could, and would, cure ' vigours of manhood, eo that I digu'd no longer be bashful and stupid in society, and could Wee ay part and interest in t'>e amusements and sports of. others and have an'ambition in my business. At first “ thought your uromise was tco good to be true. I am thankful to say I tried your treatment. I swear solemnly I feel a different man to-day. I have put on flesh and ;a snun i ■ “1, , s'— wuuww. vou as-your iSeitmcnt u perfect and your chftrse* «jr* wnsll.—l am. yours truly,’ y ° - ' LACHLAN CAMERO3L’

I BEST ENGLISH AR IRON Ordinary Bars - Shoeing Bars - - £3 15s - £8 ISs In Quantities from 1 Bar upwards. Scott Brothers, Ltd., MANCHESTER STREET. Absolutely Our© BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. TORPID LIVER. FURRED TONGUE INDIGESTION. CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS. There’s 1 BEGVBITY ® ARTER’S ITTLE IVER ■ LLS P TOUCH tha is Sure ihey sr§ SALLOW SKIN. LIVER Small Piir. Small Ooso. Small Price. X jay.; & 9JS FREE! FREE! Cut this out and send it to us and we will send you free, postage prepaid, in plain wrapper, a copy of the new edition of our splendid invaluable and standard illustrated Medical Work, which acknowledged medical treatise should be read bv every adult. THE TWESTIETH CESIDBT BELT. Our improved Belt is the most modern and perfect in the world. It is stronger than any other, and is a certain cure for all cases of Nervous Disorders, Weak Back, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach Troubles, Come*and-Go Pains and that tired feeling. It will cure after all others fail. Our Belt gives a soothing, warm, strengthening and delightful current.of electricity into the aClicted nerves and system while you sleep. It never burns the body because it is constructed to give electricity in a proper way. NO CURE. MO PAY. Others claim this, but we are the only ones who will really send a valuable Bolt absolutely free on trial for three months. If yon are cured we know you will willingly pay ; if you are not cured, yon will not have to pay one uenny. Write at onco. I The Dr. Austin Improved Electric Belt Co. s Dept. T, 19 Princes St., Dunedin. Belt Co. I

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 13948, 3 January 1906, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 13948, 3 January 1906, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 13948, 3 January 1906, Page 10


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