There was no business at the Rangiom Magistrate’s Court yesterday. , : , Colonial mails sent from : Melbourne the India on July 5 arrived in London oo the morning of August 4, one day early. The Waihora, from Melbourne and ■ Hobart; arrived at the 1 Bluff yesterday mora"Her mails should reach Christcharefc this evening. i • , A meeting of the farmers of the Ashburton County has been convened for Saturday nest with the object of forming » Farmers’ Union. ■ > The Rangiora Fire Brigade has received a donation of three guineas from. Mr. A. Birss in recognition of services rendered at the Plough Hotel fire in June. The next stock sale at the Tinwald yards, Ashburton, will be held on Monday on account of the Grand I?ational luxating being on the usual sale day, Tuesday, Messrs Friedlander Bros., Limited, have accepted the tender of Messrs Brown and MacDonald for the erection of new offices for the Upper Ashburton Road Board, The siß'for .the^,offices is at the corner, cf West atfd Tuacred Streets, Ashburton. A hand-mirror was brought il&o requisition at - the-Supreme Court yesterday e 4 a witness, in a case. A question, turned on the identity of certain handwriting in a forgery charge, and a piece of was pioduced. This being placed in fgOHl of the mirror the writing was qf plainly visible. N
The Mayor of Christchurch has received ' > subscription of £1 Is towards the coal ind blanket fund, from Mr C. J. Went-' 4vorth Cook eon. i The Heathco-te Road Board intends to declare dock, burdock, thistles, lupiqs, and pennyroyal to be noxious weeds in the district, under the Noxious Weeds Act The National Mortgage and .Agencj: > Company’s Christchurch office reports'hay-_ tng made a private sale- of the‘Elephantpill Estates to Mr Lewis Mathiai The property is within a few miles qi W ai " jnate, and; was sold as a going concern, comprising 6935 acres freehold, 6000 sheep, with horses, plant, etc. Mr R. A. 0. Beattie 1 , advance agent for the M’Adoo Minstrels, arrived in town yesterday to make arrangements for the ieason which opens at- the Theatre Royal on Monday night. Since, the- company was last here it has hi-sn strengthened by ihe addition of two lady artists ironryVmcrica, and at the close of Mr M allace Kings engagement with the Dix Company, he -Will also join the M’Adoos. The Wellington correspondent of this paper telegraphs, that the booking for the Musgro-ve opera season there is prodigious,-. The box-plan only opened at nine o’clock, ‘ yesterday morning, and beiors m.d-day practically the whole of the -dress circle 'and the bulk of the orchestra, stalls nad been feserved. The oldest residents in Wellington' admit that no such rush Las ever beenwitnessed them before. For "Lohengrin, Every seat has gone already. . To-dav will be what is known as the ■ Grand National ■ market at _ Addington ;■ .Yards. It is the general'rule with stockbreeders to send in specimens of the very best stock they can produce, and from What can be gathered, to-day’s market will be no exception to the rule, .as, in addition to some splendid fat cattle from the Amur! district, there will be- fat sheep which were exhibited at the Agricultural • and Pastc-ral Association’s Winter Show, and some early lambs. The Telegraph authorities' have received advice that the French Cable Company announces that telegrams for Venezuela are Submitted to a censor. , Telegrams in code >re only acce.pred for members of the Go-. ■ vernment. The _ British Government announces that messages in those codes which have been deposited at Aden, Durban, and Cape Town may now be for the toliowing . places, in . the -Orange River Co-lony;-riEdinburg, Bloemfontein, BrandJort, Kroonstad and Harrismith, and the following in the Transvaal: —Johannesburg, Pretoria, - Pctohefstrpom, Vere-eni-ving, Heidelberg, Scanderton, Volkesrust, Middelburg, Wakkerstroom, dorp and Barberton.’ Telegrams are accepted only at the senders’ risk, and are delay. ■■••• The monthly meeting of the Waimakariri Harbour Board was held at Kaiapoi on Monday; present-—Messrs Doubleda-y (chairman), Parnham, Keetley, and Daly. Mr L. Edmonds took his seat as one of the Government appointees. The Marine Department wrote advising the appoint* ; Vent of’ Messrs Edmonds and A.,-Winter-bourne to the Board. The fignalman’s report stated that, owing to heavy seas, he lad not been, able to sound the bar. ' The jp/'erka Committee reported that small rehairs were needed to some of the groins, the matter was referred to the committee, flth. power to act. The Finance CommitJet- reported receipts £2 ss, bank balance 367 4s 2d, and accounts amountingto i}l4 6s 9d were passed. Jt was decided/Jo., da-nt -weeping . willows where' reqliired on, he banks, and to send notices to cut wildws : overhanging the river. ; : '-Wu-i-i Among the by-laws , recommended fori> adoption -by a committee of the Ashburton’ Rorough Council at- the meeting on Monday night are the following: —That eight miles Bn hour lie the • highest speed at- whichi>icycles, tricycles, motor cars or engines can be driven in the borough; that no person ihall 'during, the night or day drive' a' .Vehicle or-ride a horse, other than -at a >. walking pace, . round -the comers; of the principal streets ; that no person shall’spit,expectorate, d'seharge, drop' or p|ape; quy spittle; saliva, «xcrementatioris % ..o^* ( .pfiier.,; offensive matter upon any footpath. or loot-' Way; that barbed wire shall not be allowed to form .any part of a fence in the principal parts of the borough; that betting,; book- ■ Jnaking or wagering shall not be allowed in any public place ; that no person shallbe allowed- to play games or skate within the Domain on Sundays. An extension of time-was grauted< the,committee to eftable them to deal with the whole of the by-laws. We learn oh excellent authority-that the reason for the dispersal of, Messrs,'J-iqßal-s lanfyne and Co.’s furniture stock? -is^ n very simple one. They require the Yobm/ for their drapery stocks, which at iprSsenib;' cannot ho properly displayed for want-of Space. The proposed alterations, when oar-; Tied out, ; will be found to embody, a proper dealing with the- difficulties under which J. Ballantyne and Co. have laboured, and the improvements will make this firm’s Cashel 'Street -premises second to none, rendering shopping at Dunstable Rouse a real pleasure. 1085 Extension of premises. Three weeks’ weeks’ sale now on. Further reductions at ,Death and Co.’s. Amazing bargains Twenty-one Ladies’ Jackets, 25s 6d to- 355, to be sacrificed at 4s lid ; 80 Fawn aind Brown. Jackets, 13s lid to 19s lid; all af; 7s lid; 19. G-irls’ Paletots, 14s 6d, for 6s lid; Serge Costumes (coat and skirt), now 42s lid; Pelt Plops, 2s 6d, for Is/; Trimmed Felts, 6s 6d, for 2s lid; Stylish Trimmed Hats, 8s lid, for 3s lid; White Sail- ■ ors, 2s 6d, for 9d; Wings and Mounts, Is ■ . 6d to 5s 6d, for 9d; Childem’s Tunics, 8s lid, for 3s 6d. For three weeks oUty. death’s extension sale. , X 2867 v The Anglo-New Zealand Cycle Company , lave seven ladies’ and gents’ bicycles, built »f sample English parts, for which they are quoting extremely ; favourable prices and terms. Early inspection invited, at; D.I.C. fcfld 226, High Street. . X 1196 | lb isn’t the material which goes into your repaired watch that results in a perfect job, at is the'know how. Anyone can buy the fine kind of material that Clarke and Co. , use, but the most valuable material that tan be used hi watch repairing is skill, and the-bungler can’t buy it. Clarke and’ Co., Jewellers, 148, Colombo Street. X 1275 f Townend's Bilious and Liver Pills—- ■ Keep in’Health the Liver, Stomach,' Heart (and Kidneys, free the skin of blotches, and . purify the blood. Sold everywhere. Price Is. W. P. Townend, 183, Colombo Street. Christchurch.- ’ X 2521 I Good;■ tyres fitted to a bicycle make cycling a real pleasure, Fit Ideal ” tyres : and you have an ideal cycle. Wears’ trial on the Australasian market pave given Ideal tyres a most enviable refutation. ' X 2771 ’ f Sun Brand Chutney.—Piquant, Peppery, M Pleasant. From all grocers. X 2775 I The market is flooded at- the present time iy-itb worthless preparations for the hair,' Vanwof them being injurious as well as’ .worthless, but Hendy’s egg-julep may bs : “ jtonestly recommended as a most reliable (hair-tonic for beautifying and cleansing (the hair. Price, Is per bottle. This elegant preparation may be procured from Strange and Co.’s, drapers, Christchurch, .who are also sole agents for Hendy’s FrizJtairs', or curling fluid. X 2535 | For bicycle repairs we specially recom ? qyclists - Boyd and Son, who are fcombiniag .firsAclass work with moderate „ charges.' T9T, , Gloucester Street, ChristAburcfa.'- Telephone 437. X 2588, Lodestar Carbide, petrol, fcaptba, benzine. Henry Markv>dd, Bowfon’s Buildings. Telephone 1044. X 2775 | We have them! • The new Palmer tyres, jjaew pattern hollow rims, new free-wheel, nnd;ba<:kjpedalling brake, new overhanging chain’ wheel, all fitted to New Cycles; now, without extra charge.-' Oates, Lowry , and Co. /X 1571 I Wire netting; heavy fencing',- inch, 7d per yard.' Fowl netting l|d per yard, by 100 yards coil, 10 yards 2s 3d. Sheep netting, centre strand, 2jjd, by 100 yards coil, i, J, and 1 inch, in stock at lowest prices, Bros., High Street, Christchurch.
The Canterbury Rugby Union has decided to rigorously follow up its new rule providing for the removal -of anyone taking or ranking bets on a football field. ■ The Crown Lands Department has opened for selection, oft the lease in perpetuity . system,' seven allotments in the Btour Village Settlement, near -the Mount Somers coal-pits-.; - ■ , There 'will be no sitting of the Arbitration Court- to-day. The members, liow- ’ ever, will be hard at work all day considering awards in several disputes. To-morrow morning the Court will consider the butchers’ and slaughtermen's disputes. The following readjustment- of the Ashburton Borough Council office . staff takes place as from Monday: Mr H. H. Fooks, formerly assistant town clerk, to be town clerk; “Mr Chas E. Fooks, _ engineer and town clerk, to be engineer; Mr J. K. Loy has been appointed assistant ck-rk and librarian, and Mr T. P- Barber fire inspector of buildings. His Honor Mr Justice Denniston, in summing-up in a forgery case at the bupTcme -Court yesterday, on the mis-spelling of the name “\\ ebster,” ' said tllftt there were frequently different ways of spelling names, the name “Smith, ’ for instance, was spelt differentlj", and frequently people of that name, when they got on in life, spelt it “ Sixty the, ’ The Peel Forest correspondent _of the “Lyttelton Timeswrites: —During the recent, frosty weather a very peculiar accident happened to a ma-re. She was galloping with other hacks, and tried ’to turn suddenly to go through an open gate, -when she slid" sideways into a barbed wire fence and was thrown sideways over it. The strange, part of it was that she had not a single mark. but.her cover was cut-in a perfectly straight line at- the level of the top wire, and no doubt this cover was the means of saving her. The members of the Lyttelton Club have decided to register that organisation under the Unclassified Societies Act, and also- to admit “ country ” members—persons living more than six miles' from Lyttelton—at a subscription of 5s <a year, and “visiting’’ members at 2s 6d a month. Mr T. A. Murphy, one of the members, recently presented a handsome clock to the club, and was accorded a, hearty vote of thanks. Tne club’s annual ball is to take place in the new room to-night, and ds expected to be a very successful gathering. A deputation of seven butchers, representing the trade, waited on the Ashburton Borough Council cn Monday night to object to the proposal to appoint the Fairfield Freezing works as the- central abattoir for the district. Mr Silcock, ihe spokesman, tabled a list of figures in- favour of the treatment of stock at separate abattoirs, and stated that the butchers would decline to slaughter at Fairfield; under the rates proposed. The Mayor; on behalf of the Council, promised to give the matter full consideration, and after the deputation left, the Council decided to hold. a special meeting to discuss the question oh Thursday, August 15; ' ■ At the Supreme Court criminal sittings yesterday , afternoon, during the hearing of the alleged illegal operation case, the public gallery was filled by about a hundred youths. His Honor Mr oustice Dennisto-n commented strongly on the -fact (at one stage of the proceedings. Mr Stringer, the Crbwn Prosecutor, j was talcing ?the evi■'dence of the girl, when his Honor said, iI am very sorry to see that the gallery js ; crowded by youths, who have nothing bstteifd-o do than come here and listen to thesa'-ffiisgustihg details. It is nob -our business; unfortunately, but the Courts arecrowded far too often.” When one ■witness was put in the .witness box to be sworn he seemed to treat the matter as a joke.. The Judge severely reprimanded him, saying 10 Keep a decent demeanour in’ the witness box and don’t play with the Book.” Mr Duncan, Rutherford, of Leslie Hills, has written to Mr M: Miles, Inspector for the. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty -to 1 Animals, on the’ subject of dehorning. He did hot breed any cattle himself, but purchased.large mobs’of store cattle. All cattle up to two and a half years old lie dehorned, and removed about two or three ‘•indies of the tips of the horns cl the older cattle. ' If a beast horned- his mates with the blunt- points, ho did very 'little harm. The writer makes a practice of refraining from doing any dehorning during. May, June, July and August on account of the .frosts, and during January on account of the-heat. So far, he had never lost a 'beast .or seen, any ill effect from dehorning eattle. He thought that the dehorning of ■a beast up to two and a half years old was .pdf io severe ’an operation as the drawing bf a back molar. He had seen cattle horribly go-red and ripped about by their mates, and also horses and men horned by cattle. THE PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. Wien the Duke of. York reaches Canada in September, he will formally 1 open the Plains of Abraham as a National Park. At Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s suggestion the> Canadian House of Commons yoted, 80,000 dollars for the purchase of these famous plains at. Quebec from "the Ursuline Nuns, who have • held possession -■ of the ground for . over two centuries. In 1803 the Government secured a ninety-nine years’ lease of the plains,, and this expires in May, 1902. It was in contemplation to get the leass renewed, but the speculative builder came cn the scene with an offer to the nuns, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier decided to save the place for the..people by purchase outright. All parties in the -Ottawa Commons seem to be agreed that the £16,000 will ■be well spent in this direction. THE ONE THING WANTED. Lord Selborne has recently paid his first official visit as First Lord of the- Admiralty to Whale Island, the home of British naval gunnery. New, Whale Island wants one thing to make it happy—a new gun battery. And as Lord Selbonie made the rounds, plentiful hints were dropped. Then the time came for him to- go. “ The place,” he said, “is perfect, save for one thing that- I must certainly remedy.” The gunnery officers nudged each other. “No wonder you tell me the place lacks completeness,” continued the First Lord. “I see you have ho 'chapel.” And Whale Island prides itself on being a ship on shore, and hariing service on the bit of land known!officially as the “quarter-deck”.!
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12573, 7 August 1901, Page 4
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2,579TOWN AND COUNTRY Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12573, 7 August 1901, Page 4
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