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Medical, F 0E „m COTJGH3 ' COLDS, BRONCHITIS ASTHMA,iNFLUEHZi, CONSUMPTION «fcc,. so. COMPOUND ESSENCE OP UN- . SEED, Aniseed, S.moga, Squill, Tolu, 4c., wilu Onloroayne, J ' COMPOUND, a demulcent esrpscto. t roat, for Coughs, Colds and Cheat Complaints, I KaX 8 COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, ! is equally serviceable for Horsosnnd Cattle. KAY'S TIC PiLLB, a Specific in neuralgia. Face-ache, &c. Contain Quinine, Iron, 40. T, INUM CATHARTICUM PIILS, an agreeable H A aperient, ff I'JAGULlnE.— Cement for Broken Articles. Sold everywhere. Manufactory, Stockport, England. Z 405 ffW t > sy'i J-MPOETANT TO UOEHB^j BAXTER’S ; BOSE.BUD iINIMBHI, ' : HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AS A PREVENTATIVE OP. AS WELL AS A CURE TOB SORB NIPPLES, CHAPPED LIPS. 40r WHY WILL YOU SUFFER FROM NERVOUS and DEBILITATING diseases which destroy iha vital FORCES of MANHOOD, when there is a vomitive SJi?J?SS?? ! i n l? n^J!nro wllic b costs oomparativaly NOTHING? We will send yon, PRES of CHARGE, (nil particulars of the FRENCH METHOD o£ curing NERVOUS DEBILITY and all Evil Effects arising therefrom. Address" PARISIAN MEDICAL AGENCY CO., 415 X Box 7do, Sydney, BOSISTO’S EUCALYPTUS OIL rheumatism, lumbago and soiatica. BOSISTO’S Euoai YPT U S o I L LIVER COMPLAINT AND COLIC. BOSISTO’S EUCALYPTUS OIL glandular swellings, CHILBLAINS I SPRAINS AND BRUISES. BOSISTO’S EUCALYPTUS OIL TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, 4c Beware of Imitations. See that the words Bosisto’s Oil of Eucalyptus " aro on the label, and that the Trade Mark (a Parrot on a Yellow Band) is on the top of bottle wrapper. Of all Chemists at Is per Bottle. J..BOSISTO & GO’S LABORATORY, RICHMOND, MELBOURNE. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand— HE NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. X 355 This elegant preparation immediately soothes the inflamed surface without producing any baneful effects on the infant. No lead or other injurious ingredient enters into Its composition. The extensive sale this medicament has met with, and the high encomiums expressed in it* behalf, justifies the proprietor in terming it an infallible remedy. One Bottle, in ordinary oases, is sufficient during the whole period of lactation. Sold in Bottles, Is 6d o&oh. _J EUREKA I ' CORN ERADIOATOR, I INSTANT BELIEF. PERMANENT CUReJ One Bottle, in ordinary oases, will effect a Speedy Cure. Bunions Removed by tho Same Treatment. • Price, Is fid per Bottle. r -' BAXTER’S DETERGENT AND EMOLLIENT, j ’ FOB clhansikgUsoftbhing AND j BEAUTIFYING THE SKIN. [ This Elegant Preparation will ho found invxW I able for Chapped Hands, Lips, and Anne, and ; Roughness of the Skin. Price, Is per Bottle. BAXTER’S DIARRHtBA MIXTURE FOB OHILDaBSi A Pleasant, Safe and Effectual Remedy. EXTENSIVELY USeETiN THE TREATMENT or BOWEL COMPLAINTS, 1 j Prise, Is 8d par Bottle, , v I If C POB BHEUMATISM AND SKIN DISEASE!! USB BAXTER’S / ALTERATIVE iSLSXIB ah» SPRING '* , MWDIOXSE, j iSiffhly rooommendedfor alt affections of the body arising from a vitiated or impure condition of the blood, os Scrofula, Scorbutus, Acute or Chronic Affections of tho Joints, Rheumatism, Syphilis, Gout, Abscesses, Ulcers, Whitlow (or Epidemic Finger), Blotches, Boils, Carbuncles, Shingles,) Pimples, Glandular Swoilingo, Rickets, Goitre, Secondary Symptoms, Bad Legs, Itohinsss of the Bklc, Dry Scurry, Eczema, Scald Mead, Irritation pf the Scalp, Face Grabs, Spermatorrhea, 4c., fcc.* 4c., and for j i INVIGORATING AND STRENGTHENING ,/ THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. J fia fid and 4 a fid per Bottle, BAXTER’S COMPOUND QUININE PILLOL For tho Cure of H IN NERVOUS AFFECTIONS! i IN THE DISEASES OP YOUTH j IN THE DISEASES AND DISABILITIES OF j MARRIED LIFE!I! ! Consultations by Letter Daily throughout all the Colonies, Medicines (appropriately packed) forwarded all through the Colonies and India. DR L. L. SMITH, L.S.A. 4c., 4c., 41, COLLINS STREET Melbourne. Consultation by letter. Fee £l, Personal Consultations ... £1 Is (Including Two Days’ Medicines), Separate Waiting and Consulting Rooms tor Ladies and Gentlemen, DR L. L. SMITH, 41, Collins street, Melbourne Lato Residence of Bis Excellency the Governor) Correspondence answered by return of Post. Indigestion, Liver Complaints, Wind in ths , Stomach and Bowols, Nervous Debility, and f, the whole train of symptoms induced by f debility and weakness of the organs of dlges* Mon and secretion, I The almost unprecedented and daily Increasing demand for these Pill*, and tho high enlogiuma expressed in their behalf, hoe far exceeded tha most sanguine expectations of the Proprietor, and ho feels more confidence than ever la recommending them. A very brief trial will prove that, lUNLIKK many of the Quack Nostrums of the day :(pretending to cure all diseases and CUBING iNONS), Baxter’s Compound Quinine Fills are of ißtsrling.Worth. 1 Their success is entirely attributable to their jTcnlo or Strengthening Power. They Assist Nature to do what, through weakness, she cannot jfio unaided. They increase the energy of tha Stomach and appetite, facilitate digestion, thus reducing healthy nutrition. of ths body, and Restoring tho Patient to Pristine HEALTH AND ENERGY, h Boxes Is 63, 8s fid and 6s fid each—Bent Poet ! Free for 19, 43 or 80 Fenny Stamps. t BAXTER’S I APERIENT AND ANTXBILIOUS PILLS. h These Fills will he found a useful -Family j [Aperient, eminently adapted for both sexes, being gentle in their operation, and effective in their {results; Persons subject to bilious attacks will [find a dose of this medicine taken at bed time {(occasionally) ward ell tha unpleasant symptoms i and to those suffering from Billons (Sickness and IHendaoho, their operation will act as a charm. KThey are quite free of tho griping properties earn* {Eton to most of the pills now sold. I In Boxes, Xa, la fid and 2s fideaoha Letters answered in German, French, 4e. M EDI 0 A L E XPERT! Thirty-seven Tears’ Public Practice in Melbourne XI The only Legally Qualified Man Advertising. OH, WHAT A BLESSING! THAT THE FARMERS* CO-OPERATIVE, THOMAS TAYLOR, T. H. PAPPS,. KINCAID. And all the Other Stores in Christchurch, and every well-established Store throughout the Country Districts, DO KEEP ONE OP THE BEST REMEDIES That have ever been sold sines the Creation of Man, and one that every Man, Woman and Child can depend upon it doing thorn good. IT HAH NEVE a FAILED TO CURE . A COUGH OR COLD, X And Never Will Fail. Do not Mistake the Name, but get RAINBOW’S ' SUPERLATIVE COUGH MIXTURE. We have Hundreds of Testimonials to Prove this statement. X2OO A GENTLEMAN WHO SUFFERED STOP THE EXHIBITION Of so many Quack Medicines for the Cure of all Evils, as most of them. axe nothing else but disguised turpentine. BLESING£R’S RHEUMATIC HALS AM is the only Genuine and Scientific Preparation for the Cura of Gout, Rheumatism, Sciatica, 4c. Thousands have testified to the curec effected, (bee pamphlets.) SLESINGER’S HORSE, CATTLE and DOG MEDICINES are approved of by all Owners of Horses, Cattle, and Dogs all through New Zealand and Australian Colonies. Every person who used them was pleased, and not a single complaint made these forty years. Sold Br— J, S, COOKE, Chemist, Cashel street; C. S. HOWELL, Saddler, i. ashei street; KINCAID, Q.1.C., Colombo street; W. PIRIE, Farrier, Cashel street W. H. TRAVIS, Saddler, St Asaph street; WALLACE 4 CO., Chemists, High street: , All of Christchurch. s. slesTngee. VETERINARY SURGEON. DUNEDIN. X 123 BAXTER’S ALTERATIVE OINTMENT For Skin Diseases. , This Ointment, used according to dirootlonsJ (Will he toned a powerful agent for the removal o£ nffections of the skin. Inmost oases BAXTER’S Ah i jSBATIYE ELIXIR should be used In con* {junction with tho OINTMENT, In cause of Cats Stud Bruises tho healing properties of thia Ointbnent will soon be seen. Itchiness of the skin io (quickly token away by the ueo of thia valuable mug neat, Ac a Family Salve it cannot be excelled. (Try it, and prove for yourself these assertions. 10 [tins, la eaoh. To be obtained only of the Projpriator. BAXTER’S ANODYNE LINIMENT, For Chilblains and Rheumatic Pains. I Immediate relief. Speedy Cure. A Soversigh Remedy for Rheumatism, Sciatica, LumlmgOj Con. (treated Muscles, Stiff Joints, Swollen Kneeo, (Sprains, Neuralgia,, Feeble Circulation, Pains is the Hide, Loins and Back, Cramp in the Stomachs Pain in the Region of tho Kidneys find Liver. ; As a Pain Exterminator it cannot be excelled. ; n.B,—A teaspoonful of this Anodyne >nhb«A lover the Beat of paiu affords immediate ralxaf, c®a few repeated applications (see directions) tho oo4a Sill & entirely dissipated. In Bottles, 2s o&oh. 1 BAXTER’S j FLUID BLISTER FOB HORSES, , k' AcfesiowMgad by all judges to be tho bcstfiUstn (agfcjSi, Sposfly in its actios, and occasioning sa TESTIMONIAL. “II thebe - - liaises the blister within fonr hours, r •• Lewis Oboassuu 1 “Oct. 80,1888.’* “Ihave used your Blister, end proved It toka Ithe best I have tried. It occasions no pain, and BAXTER’S LUNG PRESERVER (FOB COUGHS. COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ABTHMAj WHOOPING COUGH, BOSE THROAT, IOBOUP, AND CONSUMPTION^ IMMEDIATE BELIEF | SPEEDY CUBBI pronounced by all who have used it to be ths Best Specific for / CHEST AND THROAT COMPLAINTS. 1 iElshly recommended by members of the MediosU Legal and Clerical Professions. j |m A 0 A COUGH MEDICINE FOB ALL AGES IT IS EXCELLENT.’*—Dn Hwa**. (Sold by all Patent Medicine Vendors in Bottles At le fid, 2s fid, 4s fid and 8s eaoh. NO CURE, NO PAT. WE guarantee to Cure ANYONE suffering from Nervous Debility, Weak Vitality, 4c., or receive NO PAY. f-eud for our FKhE rocket Manual, which is futi of proof, aid be convinced. Address Medical Electrician, F.U, Box 463, Sydney, X 415 HEALTH FOB ALL. OINTMENT toil dli w —" vag ovuwauuf Aiuugyß anti bOWfliS md are invainacla in ail oompiaiata iaoidentai to te2XUUOB« The Ointment i a the only reliable remedy for bad legs, oid wonnes, sores and nicara, Zor broaohicis. diphtheria, oougua, ooido, gout, rhaumatism and til skin diseases it has no equal. Sold by the Proprietor, Txomab Hollowav, 73, New Oxford street, London, and by ail Mediohu Vendors toroturnout tna World. Import ants invalids. CEooke’e Elixir. 6s and 10s fid par bottle Booke's Pills. Is Sd per box [Professor Brown's Aoaoian Balsam, Bs, 6s, 12s 64 per bottle (Professor Brown's Liver Invigozator, Bs, 6s, 19s 6d| per bottle (Professor Brown’s Blood Purifier. Ss, Ss and 12sfid per bottle Professor Brown’s Restorative -Assimilaut, Ss, 6a and 19s fid per bottle Professor Brown’s Herbal Ointment, Is Sd and- 8a Ipto&mot Brown’s Herbal Pills, Is Sd and Ss per i box Xane’s Catarrh Cure, 6s per bottle She Complete Herbalist. 5s Also on Hand, |& LARGE SUPPLY of the Following Goods tH Enemas, Elastic Stockings and*) Knee Caps, Abdominal Delta, ( Which will be “ " Sponaeo--east BeInvallde’ Onpa, Puff Boxes, Perfumery, : gomba and Brushes, Mineral Waters. Gasogenos. Ac., 40. Hold at the Lowest Current. J. BAXTER, ' I .JlßtScj Ozsmei, fISOTOBU STREET. COBNEB OF BUBSAMj ! BT3E3T, CHBI3TOHUBOH, / ' V Orders by Post promptly attenfie to, X

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9494, 17 August 1891, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9494, 17 August 1891, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9494, 17 August 1891, Page 7


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