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Football —A march was played yesterday between the East Christchurch aiad Normal Schools ; which resulted in a win, after a ti game, for the East Christchurch by four points to two. New Zealand Produce. We observe an agency for the sale of New Zealand produ :e has been started in Sydney, under the management of Mr G. B. Hales, late manager of the Canterbury Building Society. Japanese Village.— The “Mikado's own troupe" of Japanese artistes and Fryer’s Circus open to-night in the paddock opposite the Theatre Royal. They have just concluded a very successful season in Timaru, and doubtless will soon get into public favour in Christchurch. The Weather. Our Okain'e Bay correspondent writes : Showers are few and far between, nevertheless there is a very fair amount of grass for cattle ; the last gentle, warm rain greatly conducing to the green fields an. uad. Rain is shortly expected for the weather is cloee and tut try. North westers prevailing and a heavy sea rolling, prevent the departure of craft. The Harvest— Our Eyreton correspondent writes.-—With two exceptions, all the farmers in this district bare threshed last season’s crop of grain. The yield has quite reached the ordinary average, and in one instance, as much as 55 bushels of oats to the acre have bfeen secured- The continuance of dry weather has also enabled the grain to be bagged in excellent condition. Rain is now much needed for the pastures, and the want of it is delaying ploughing operations. Fever in Lyttelton. The fever, which was reported in these columns the other day as existing in Lyttelton, is rapidly increasing. The typhoid feverpatient is in a most dangerous condition. The Sanitary Committee of the Borough Council, with the Inspector of- Nuisances, made sn inspection of the various sewers and drains in the borough, and it is understood that they report most favourably on the conditions of the town generally. The Adelaide Jubilee. Chess Congress.—The time limit regulation of 20 moves per hour, which had been objected to, having been changed to one of 15 moves per hour, Mr Hookham has intimated his intention of taking part in the principal competition of the Congress, the tourney for the championship of Australasia. The Congress is expected to meet early in July, and will probably last a fortnight or more. Several of the leading players of Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide have already announced their intention of competing. False Alarm. Shortly after eight o’clock last night the fire alarm sounded, and the rumour was at once circulated that the Christchurch Club, situated in. Latimer square, was in flames. It appears that the alarm was given by a man on horseback at the Chester street station,, and was promptly answered to; but on the Brigade arriving at the Club it turned out that there was no fire there, nor had there been any. Police Sergeant Hallet went ail thiough the premises of the Club, and. found no trace ot fire, and the whole affair looks suspiciously like a hoax. Theatre Royal. —The Opera Company wound up their very successful season at the Theatre Royal last evening with tak representation of “ The Pirates oVI Penzance ’’ The performance was marred by the fact that the Pirate King (Mr Albert Brennir) was, early in the evening, noticed to be suffering from a somewhat severe indisposition, if ter the singing of the song, “lama Pirate King,” the rJlf of the King was taken by Mr Fitzgerald, who, considering that he was called on later than the eleventh hour, acquitted himself faiily well. Despite this drawback, the play went fairly, the greatest hie being the policeman’s song, " When the Enterprising Burglar,” which was capitally sung by Mr H. Btuham, and received a • double encore. The Company proceed to Wellington, and open there next week. St John Ambulance Association.— Through the renewed generosity of its honorary medical staff, the above Association is able to announce the commencement, on May 3, of three courses of lectures in the Provincial Council Chamber, to be followed in due course by the examinations. All who wish to attend the lectures are rt quested to give their names to the Secretary, without delay. The dates of each lecture may be seen on reference to an advertisement in to-day’s issue. As it is not proposed by the central medical staff to give any lectures outside Christchurch this year, it is hoped that country members will be able to avail themselves of those, and subsequent examinations, by which some may becorne entitled to hold ih > medallion of the Association. The local branches will probably arrange for cturses of lectures from the local medical men. The Secretary , is prepared to enroll new members in time to join the classes, and to give all information respecting fees, Ac. Fike at Waiau. —About three o'clock yesterday morning a fire broke oat in » house belonging to Mr W. Balfour, and occupied by Mr G. S. Cooke, Sheep Inspector. The fire was first seen by Messrs Hoare and Anderson, who at once gave the alarm to the police. Mr Hoare states that it apparently started in the front partof the building, as that was almost burnt down when be first saw it. The building was totally destroyed within an hour from the time the fire was first seen. It is quite impossible at present to say how the fire originated, as the house has been locked up since Friday last, Mr Cooke being away at th e Hopefleld Station since that time. The house is insured in the New Zealand Insurance Company for .£l5O, but the furniture ar.d a lot of clothing, the property of Mr Cooke, was not insured, and he will therefore be a considerable loser. A small stack of oats, the property of Mr Cooke, was also burnt, the fire having spread from the house to the stack along a quick hedge. Through the exertions of the neighbours the fire was prevented from spreading to other buildings in the same block. The Fi«st Canterbury. —Last night the officers of the Fust Canterbury Battalion held a Smoke concert to celebrate their return from the recant campaign in South Canterbury. Warner's Assembly rooms were the scene of the gathering, to which the officers of other corps in the district were invited. Lieuteuant-Colonel Tosswill, Commander of the Battalion, presided, and was supported by the Hon Colonel Brett, and Lieutenant - Colonel Lean, Commandant of the district. The vice-chairs were occupied by Captains Richards and Francis. The health of the Queen was honoured in proper military fashion, and this toast was the prelude to a thorough evening’s enjoyment. During the evening the Battalion Loving Cup, tilled with a beverage q£a wonderful and seductive character, the composition of which is, doubtless, a regimental secret, was handed round, and duly honoured byall present. The officers of the Battalion, and the other corps also, showed that their musical talents are equal to their military abilities, and entertained the company with songs, which were received with the highest appreciation by all. _ It is to be hoped that the pleasant gathering—of last night will not be the last kind. As the Hon Colonel Brett, in the course of one of the few speeches made during the evening, said, the gathering tended to do more to create good fellowship among the Volunteers than anything that, ctuld he devised..

r ■" ■Cadet Corps. —The number of boys -who have signed the requisition to the Government re the prgß^^J^^ 3 Ca4«t, 4««lKHU»Tl»W k llor “ The Unemployed. —ln reply to a telegram vhicU His Worship the Mayor sent i on Thursday to Sir Julius Vogel drawing j attention to the necessity of providing work j for the unemployed, Mr Balance states | that he will endeav< ur to relieve the unemployed, and will issue instructions to Mr March on the subject. ! The I | ■ k».rr—was concluled Pyesterday, when the jury returned a verdict for defendant, with costs on the lower scale. Mr Wilding, counsel for plaintiff, requested that execution be stayed until he could move in Banco for a new trial, but the application was refused _ Kaiapoi Sailing Club This Club will bold its s'O-ind competition for the Commodore’s prize to-day. The couise will be from the Grain Company’s wharf to the bar and back, winning at the wharf. As there is plenty of water in the river at present, nothing is wanting except a good breeze to make the race enjoyable. The stirt will be effected as soon after 2 p.m. as possible, so that competitors may have the advantage of as much wind as possible. Certificate of Merit. —At toe recent Foal and Koot show held at Kaiapoi, a very handsomely framed certificate of this kind was shown by Mr Thomas Pashby, of Elmwood. Kaiapoi. The certificate was sent to Mr Pashby, accompanied by a bronze medal, by the Commissioners of the Coiindies Exhibition, London, and was given for a beautiiully - dressed longwocled sheepskin taken from one of his stud sheep The length, quality, and weight of this skin attracted much attention and admiration at the Exhibition. Parliament ou r ok Session. —O a Thursday nignt, at Annat, the member for Coleridge, Mr D. M'Millan, addressed his constituents, and received a vote of hearty thanks. In the course of his address he announced that, in consequence of his inability to devote sufficient time to public duties, he would not offer himself for reelection. The announcement was received with manifestations of great regret. —Mr A. P. Q’Callaghan last night addiessed his constituents at Frebbleton, and received a vote of thanks and confidence. A report of the meeting appears on another page. Concert —On Thursday evening a con- ' cert was held in the Wesleyan schoolroom Sydenham, in aid of the trust fund. The large number present seemed to be well pleased with the programme submitted, several of the vocal numbers being encored. During the evening the band played several nice selections. The part song, “Home,” by the choir, was given with good effect. The singing of the National Anthem brought a very enjoyable evening to a close. Mrs Booth kindly acted as accompanist. Great credit is duo to Mr George Dailey, the conductor, for the prompt way in which the programme was gone through. Leeston School — A Committee meeting of the Leeston School took place at the main school on Thursday last; present — Messrs Barnett (< hairman), Scott, Lunn, Johnston, Lewis and Sandrey. The Chairman reported that the furniture for the new class-room at the D>yleston side school had arrived, and had been placed in position. He also reported the prizes having been awarded as arranged. Mr Dunn reported having waited upon Mr Veel, and that a lavatory for the side school had been promised. A long discussion then took place as to the advisability of reorganising the teaching staff, after which several accounts were passed for payment, and the meeting adjourned. P Inquest. —An inquest on the body of Mrs Anne Brown, who died from the effect of injuries received while driving at Bunsandel, was held at the Hospital at 430 p.m. yesterday, before Mr K. Beetham, Coroner, and a jury of which Mr D, Christie was chosen fore man. The evidence of Mrs D dlan and W. T. Brown, the husband of deceased, showed that on Tuesday -evening she was driving out with Mrs Dollan, when the hames became unfastened, causing the trap to tip up, and throwing the occupants out. They were picked up by a Mr Fosse, who saw the accident, and Mrs Brown was taken to the Hospital. Dr Westenra deposed that she had received injuries of which she died at 8 p.m. on Thursday. Mr Fosse had not been summoned to give evidence, an omission which the Coroner commented on, remarking that anyone who witnessed a fatal accident should be summoned to the inquest. The jury returned a verdict of “ Accidental death.” ' Fire. —At ten minutes past twelve last night a second alarm of tire was given. The engines promptly turned out, and were soon hurrying towards a glare which was visible in Hereford street, near Messrs Miles and Co.'s premises. It turned out tbat the stables attached to the Union Bonk, situated at the back of Milesiand Go.’s, were on fire. The chemical engine was taken into Miles and Co.’s yard, and confined the flames to the burning building until the jets from the Extinguisher (at Hereford street Bridge) and the Deluge (at the Cathedral square tank) came into play, when the fire was soon got under. The Stable was reduced to a mere ruin, and it is to be regretted that a horse belonging to Mr Joseph Palmer, which was in one of the stalls, was burned to death. Another horse, however, was released in time to save its life. The east end of the stable adjoined a portion of the Post Office premises, occupied as a dwelling-house by a Mr Tobin, an employee of the Postal Department. The roof of this was somewhat damaged by the fire. At the back of the stable was a corrugated iron shed belonging to Messrs Miles and Co., in which was stored a quantity of salt and castor oil. The former was somewhat damaged by water. The stable was uninsured. The canse of the fire is a mystery, as no one bad been in the stable for a considerable time, and all the gates giving access to it were fastened. Christchurch Amateur Swimming Club —The prizes won by the members of the above Club at their annual competition were presented by the President, Mr <3. P. Hulbert, at Mr C. Clark’s rooms, Hereford street, last evening. The chair was taken by the President, and the vicechairs by Mr T. S. Foster and Dr Hacon (vice-Presidents), and the Captain (Mr Arthur Francis). There was a large attendance of members. The following prizes were presented to the winners : —looyds Handicap.—First prize. President's gold medal, Mr A. Louisson j second prize, silver medal, Mr G. Butts. 50yds Eace.—First prize, silver Maltese cross, Mr E. Evans j second prize, silver medal, Mr W. S. Mitchell. Plunging Competition.—First prize, silver medal, Mr W. Sneddon. Tub Eace.—First prize, silver medal, Mr J. Alexander. 100yds Steeplechase Handicap.—First prize, gold medal, Mr E. T. Scrimshaw 5 second prize, silver medal, Mr J. Alexander. 50yds Steeplechase Handicap.—First prize, silver medal, Mr P. W. Cosbolt; second prize, silver Maltese cross, Mr G. W. Crowe. Hong Diving.—First prize, silver medal, Mr A. Hedley. Learners’ Eace.—-First prize, silver medal, Mr W. Eobinson. 50yds Handicap; on back.—First prize, silver medal. Mr F, E. Merry; Consolation Eace, Ist prize, silver medal, Mr A. Dallas. A Champion silver cup was also presented to Mr E. T. Scrimshaw as the result of bis having scored most points during the season. After the presentation of the prizes a number of toasts were dnly observed. The entertainment took the form of a smoke concert, when some of the musical members of the Club contributed a number of songs very creditably, which added not a little to the enjoyment of the evening, ' Tho manager of tho Industrial School, Burnham, hen to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a quantity ot illustrated hooka, for the use of the children, from a friend through Ur J, T, Smith,

The annual general meeting el members of the St Andrew's Caledonian Society, Kaiapoi, is conyened for 7.30 on Monday evening, t Cabinet photos, in any style, IS? per dozen. ' Slahaish and Kretce, High street.- LAPvr. J

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8151, 23 April 1887, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8151, 23 April 1887, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8151, 23 April 1887, Page 4


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